Sera Versus Ava

Night One Hundred And Eighty Eight

Age 1991

Gladious City...

The Arena...

Up on the arena Olf, the dog man stood. A small smirk on his snout as he raised the microphone up to his mouth. By now everyone was back in their seats, or back in their box.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" Olf announced loudly. "Welcome back to the second half of the games! We are half way done with the very first round, and yet there are still many matches to go! That being said we're starting with one I know many of you have been waiting for. Sera Aka, younger sister of the Empress of our Nation, and a member of Squad Seven, will be facing off against a really, really creepy girl from Squad Five, one of the Seraphins, Ava Vil!" Loud cheers could be heard as the crowd went wild.

Hero bit his lip for a moment. "Ava's about to fight huh... I hope Sera will be okay..."

"I don't know... Look at that Ava girl..." Irene frowned staring into the Squad Five box at the girl who was cross legged.

Ava gave a small smile slowly standing up. She walked slowly towards the arena. Unlike everyone else she was just in a simple white cloak. No shoes, or anything from the looks of it. It seemed like she was even naked under that cloak.

Sera let out a gulp as she squeezed her hands into a tight fist. She turned to look at Lucy, and Emma, for a moment. "Wish me luck."

"Hmm." Lucy hummed in her usual flat tone. "Wishing you luck would do nothing. Instead I will inform you to do your best, give it everything you got, and study your enemy avoiding her attacks."

"T... Thanks Lucy." Sera sighed.

"Be careful Sera..." Emma said slowly. "Bring home a win so Squad Seven has three in a row."

"R... Right..."

Silence passed over the squad six box as they all waited for something to happen. They all watched as Sera slowly made her way up the steps. It was as if they had all ran out of words to say. Just a pure silence among them.

Sera reached the top staring Ava down who stood on the other end of the arena. Olf gave a small gulp and quickly jumped down.

Silence seemed to cover everyone up as they all waited for something to happen. For someone to make a move. For someone to say anything.

And yet nothing happened.


'Oh God! Who's body am I in now? Well whoever they are, they're short... What even is this line of sight.'

Ken nearly stumbled at the voice her eyes going wide. "H... Hero?" She asked hearing the familiar voice in her head.

'That voice... Oh... You're Ken Red right...'

"You say something Ken?" Hero asked turning to look back at her.

Ken's eyes went wide as she watched Hero speak. Whoever was in her head sounded like him exactly but spoke... Almost in a new way. One she hadn't heard before. "Uh... You're in my head?"

Hero's eyes went wide as did everyone else in the box. "Otoko?" Hero asked slowly.

'Nope. Though it's good to see you again. Friend. Thank you for saving me from those flames... You absorb me into your Equation... That... Other me... I guess the real me... He somehow pulled me out... I was slowly breaking down... I needed to be bonded with someone again or I'd die. But since he doesn't want you to be happy he decided to put me in this girls head. I guess I'll need to get used to this.'

"You get any of that Hero?" Ken asked.


'Oh... I guess he can't hear me can he...' Row hummed.

Ken gave an annoyed sigh as she folded her arms. "I'm pretty sure this is that fake Row you told me about... I guess he's in my head now to... God damn it why me? Why do I have to be the one with all the voices now? It was so much better when it was Hero..." She sighed.

"So you have an Ava from another world, and Row..." Hero frowned.

"Poor Row, and Ava..." Shelly sighed. "I can't imagine the horror of dealing with Ken..."

"Shelly what the hell! You're supposed to be on my side!"

'I don't know who this 'Ava' is, but I am the only one who is in here... If there were others they are gone now...'

"Wait really? Yes!" Ken announced. "No more Labby, mini Labby, or Ava. I just have to find out how to get this Row asshole to shut up and it'll be peace at last for me!"

'Don't get to cocky... I'm not going anywhere any time soon kid. I'll be here until that... Childish version of me decides to pull me out... Until then you're stuck with me... Though I must admit... It brings me some joy to see Hero is doing well now... He seems to have... Well... I'm glad my brother is okay.'

"Guys." Kitsune said getting them all to turn to him. He pointed up towards the arena. "It's starting."

Up in the arena Sera slowly inched forward.

"I'm Sera Aka... And I'm going to beat you." Sera announced.

Ava gave a small giggle cocking her head to the side. "Really..." Ava asked raising her eyebrow. "Because I find that a little hard to believe. After all... I'm stronger than anyone here." She smiled. "I'm so strong father had to get rid of me. Because he called my Cells cursed. I'm so strong I shouldn't exist. I'm so strong they used me to make Seraphins. Copying how my body works and using Bestia Macht DNA, they placed it into people making them into monstrous weapons. I'm so strong-"

"Red Lance!" Sera fired forward while Ava was talking to herself. The younger sister of the Empress thrusted her arm forward using her Equation, much like her grandfathers, it was a blood manipulation based Cursed Power. Her arm stabbed out a large red lance formed from her own blood forming around the limb which she stabbed out as hard as she could thrusting the dangerous weapon into the chest of Ava who stood there.

Everyone's eyes went wide as the weapon stabbed a hole right through Ava and came out of her back.

Sera's eyes were also wide and she gained a look of horror for a moment. "I... I'm so sorry! I thought you were gonna dodge and-"

White blood splattered out of Ava's mouth. Slowly her lips managed to form into a grin. "I've been sliced open you know. They needed to use my body in a lot of ways. It happened so many times, and in some many ways I don't even feel pain anymore." She giggled. Her hands came out grabbing Sera's arm and squeezing down. There were several loud cracks and Sera let out a scream of pain ripping her arm out of Ava.

Sera jumped back grabbing her arm which looked badly busted up. It wasn't broken but the flesh on it actually looked twisted and melted as if acid had splashed onto it. Sera's eyes were wide with fear and pain as she stared at her arm.

Ava let out another giggle holding her hands up. White sludge was dripping off of them. "My cells hate humans." She smiled. "So they burn through flesh and souls alike snapping them apart and shattering the concept of them. I guess you can say it's not just destroying them, but rather deleting them entirely. I dissolved my mother away to dust when I grew in her womb. It made father quite mad so he threw me back down to earth. Then that old man, Master Storm found me. He saw what my body could do... He wanted that power for his group." The hole in her chest began to heal but her massive cloak had a giant hole in it by now showing off some of her back, and her chest which made a lot of the guys very, very happy. Hero found his eyes also staring ignoring the looks Light, Irene, Shelly, and Ken, were giving him as him and Kitsune stared at the girl.

Ava was really pretty. Long silver hair, and light silver eyes. Her skin was pale. She didn't look real. To perfect for a human. Someone so perfect even God himself would think twice before touching her. Hero's red eyes though stopped on something he noticed.

"I... I don't remember asking..." Sera hissed out a red cast made out of blood forming around her arm. She swirled it around on the joint for a moment giving it a few seconds to adjust to the added on weight. It was like her entire right arm was covered in a red liquid like armor. Several claws formed out of the finger tips which she sliced out with severing part of the floor. She nodded a few times seemingly happy with the results. "I'll just have to be a little more careful is all."

"Oh... You aren't quitting? Good. I'm happy." Ava said giving a soft smile.

"Light give me your gun!" Hero announced.

"Uh what?"

"Do it and I'll call you little brother once..."

"Hell yes! Take it! Take it now!" Light announced handing the gun to Hero.

Hero took it and placed the scope up to his eyes as he zoomed in staring at Ava. He let out a curse when he saw it... A small scar over her heart. The only sign of an imperfection... A scar in the shape of a Z...

"Son of a bitch I knew it!" Hero cursed throwing Light's gun back to him.

"What?" Kitsune asked frowning.

"She's like Hero... Girl Hero... She's a Half Dragon Clan... And she has a Crest! God damn it how many of these things are there... One for every letter? That's a lot... They all have a theme though... C, For Clown, D, for Dreamer, S for Silence... Z... Z for..."

"Zombie!" Ken announced.

"Zoo!" Kitsune stated proudly.

'You and Kitsune are both idiots.'


"What?" Hero turned to look at Shelly.

"Z for Zero."

"...How do you?"

"I... I don't know... It just came to my mind." Shelly shruged.

"Zero..." Hero hummed. "That... That sounds right."

Back in the arena Sera fired forward slicing out with her right arm forming a large red blade which easily sliced through Ava's cloak and body, but only seemed to serve in damaging Ava's clothing more, as Ava's body seemed to heal instantly. It wasn't like a Seraphin's healing. She didn't seem to even be made out of flesh and blood. Rather something else. And she didn't give off the energy of a Cursed Power. Sera doubted she even had an Equation. Whatever Ava was it was giving her strange powers.

"My turn." Ava smiled. She raised her right arm up and suddenly the entire limb grew to a massive size becoming this massive pure white hand, that looked like it was forged from that white sludge she was made out of. It seemed to ball up into a fist and Sera's eyes went wide. She recalled what touching Ava did and knew it would be a terrible idea to get hit by that thing. Ava threw a punch so strong it let out a massive sonic boom, and wind from it shattering most of the arena as if a nuclear bomb had gone off from just her punch alone.

"C... Crap!" Sera hissed a blood shield forming out of her arms as the attack slammed into her. It exploded with a powerful boom that sent her flying back. She crashed across the stone arena thankfully mostly unarmed, the shock wave, being the only thing that touched her. "S... So strong."

The dust settled and Ava's arm shrunk back down. She gave another grin and slightly cocked her head to the side. By now most of her out with was gone, and she was in fact not wearing anything underneath... Only a few scraps of white cloth covered her modest areas.

"10 out of 10. Best fight ever!" Hero announced.

"I agree 100%" Kitsune hummed holding a camera as he recorded the fight.

"I can't believe you two." Shelly sighed shaking her head. "You two are massive perverts. At least it's only you two though-"

"Kitsune you better share that footage!" Ken announced.

'I agree...'

"Seriously Ken..." Shelly said in a flat tone.

Irene shook her head, and Light just kind of stood there as he was blind and didn't know why everyone was making a big deal about the fight.

"I don't know how I'm gonna beat this girl..." Sera hissed. "She heals even faster than Ken, and her attacks are stronger than even Hero's... And touching her melts me... What the hell do I do."

"Get ready." Ava announced. "Because here I come-"

"Wait!" A loud voice announced making everyone stop. They all turned to see Arthur Pendragon, of Squad Twelve entering the arena.

"This is a shock folks!" Olf announced loudly. "Another member is entering the arena? Why?"

Arthur walked up to Ava and took his long snow coat off and threw it around her. "You shoulder cover up more. It's cold outside."

"My word! Like a true gentle man he comes in to cover the half naked girl! And from the sounds of it... The others boys aren't to happy."

"Arthur you f##king Simp!"

Arthur's eyes twitched as he slowly made his way out of the arena loud boos following him. "Oh bite me. Like any of you are gonna do anything about it-"

"Rage Canon!"

A beam of energy blasted by Arthur nearly hitting him making his eyes go wide. "Hero what the hell!" he yelled.

"Oh you know what you did you simp!"

"I can't believe him." Ken sighed.

It took longer than it should have but eventually the booing died down.

Ava now wore his jacket and zipped it up covering herself up once again. She turned back to Sera her smile coming back.

"Now that we can get back to it... I think you should get ready... Here I come..."