
Night One Hundred And Eighty Nine

Age 1991

A Week Before The Games...

"Who are you..."

The words made Ava slowly look up from the spot on the ground she had been resting in. All around her was a mile of that strange white liquid melting all that got to close. And yet... He stood in it...

Black messy hair with a silver streak in it, and silver eyes filled with hope. A green tracksuit was his outfit and a small smile on his lips. Hero Otoko... Hero of a lost world.

"Who are you?" He asked again. His hand slowly coming out towards her. "Tell me your name-"


The white liquid slashed out coming down like a wave of acid which slammed into Hero. However he walked through the blast of liquid no sign of damage on him making Ava's eyes widen.

"Please. I just need to hear your name. After all. I was in love with the you from my world."

"W... Who are you?" Ava asked this time.

Hero Otoko stared at her for a moment. Than slowly his hand came out. "My name is..."


Age 1991

Present Day...

Gladious City...

Squad Six Box...

"Looks like things are starting to get racked up..." Hero hummed nodding his head.

'This Ava girl is strong isn't she...' Row hummed.

"Do you have to comment all the time." Ken sighed.

'Sorry. I'm used to responding to Hero so when I heard him speak I commented without thinking... Still... What do you think of Ava... After all she is a Seraphin like you.'

"I wouldn't really call her a Seraphin." Ken said shaking her head. "She might be called one, but her healing, strength, and body are far, far, weirder than most Seraphins... We might be made out of a portion of her, but that portion is so small we might as well be something else... I think it would be better to call her a Seraphim rather than a Seraphin..."

'Is there a difference?'

"You'd be surprised."

'I see... I wonder just how far this power of hers will go though. I am interested in seeing where that may end up going...'

Meanwhile in the Arena...

"I... I don't care if you're going to come at me or not!" Sera announced several red tendrils of blood flowing out of the tips of her fingers. "I'm Sera Aka! A member of Squad Seven, the in line after my sister to the Aka family, a proud Noble family, and one of the Twenty Sacred Branches, and I'm going to be the next Empress!" She announced. "So I don't care how scary you are! I was asked to win and that's what I'm gonna do."

Ava gave a small giggle. "It's amazing that you can get hit by such a strong attack then get back up and announce how it doesn't scare you in the least. How you'll win for sure. Humans really are the best."

"That makes it sound like you aren't human..."

"That's because I'm not. I mean... Would you call a Seraphin a human? No... I was the first Seraphin. I was born like this. I don't have an Equation. Rather my body is made up of trillions of cells that hate you humans. They burn and break down all living things. Well... All but one. There is one man. One who I love like no other which these cells did not harm."

"I don't recall asking..."

"Ow... And after I listened to your speech and all..." Ava's smile never left. She never raised her voice either. Nor did any real emotion enter it. Not joy. Hatred. Sadness. Nothing. Like when Lucy spoke yet quieter and even weirder... She never spoke up and yet her words could be heard by all. As if the world carried her words with the wind...

Sera gave a small shrug. "I guess you can call it rude... But get ready... Earlier you claimed you were coming at me but it'll be me who attacks first!" She announced firing forward at a high speed.

"Oh?" Ava cocked her head to the side as Sera made her way towards the strange girl. She sliced her hands out the red blood tendrils slashing out at everything in front of her. They shredded the ground around Ava making large jagged spikes that rose out of the ground. Her red tendrils wrapped around Ava's legs which she slashed up the tendrils ripping Ava up off the ground and spinning her around. Slamming her hands down as hard as she could Sera dragged Ava right into the ground where those many spikes were splitting the entire arena in half and shattering the sound barrier.

"I've seen, and fought, alongside Ken a few times." Sera announced. "I know how Seraphins work you know. Or at least how that healing does. Enough hits and it'll slow down right?"

"My... So you're planning on brute forcing your way past me?" Ava asked slowly pulling herself up off the ground. Her body was once again fully healed... "I guess that might work. Truth is I've never been hurt to the point where my healing stopped. It makes me wonder if it could happen... Well whatever. Even if you do, don't think that I am going to hold back. After all you told me to. I'll come at you right now." She said giving cocking her head to the side by a small amount. "After all it is only fair that I to get a chance to attack right?"

"I'd rather you not..."

"To bad." Ava smiled. A large white tendril grew out of her body forming what looked like a massive white tendril. Several spikes grew out of it as the thing began to spin at a high speed. It launched off towards the Aka Heir so fast a massive boom explode around it. The weapon seemed to bend and twist around the arena so fast it had a full after image behind it. Sera's eyes were wide as she sliced out and formed a massive red shield just in time right as the attack slammed into her. The red tendrils formed her mini shield allowing her to block the attack but it was still strong enough to blast them back.

Ava's smile seemed to grow as Sera was thrown back. The tendril whipped around Sera's body as the girl was falling. It stabbed up slamming towards Sera at a high speed. Sera raised her left arm just in time as the tendril stabbed forward but she didn't have enough time to block. The attack slammed into her left arm the blade on the tendril slicing right through her left arm from her finger all the way up to her elbow splitting the arm in half and making everyone watching stare in horror and shock.

Sera hit the ground hard sliding across it, the flesh on her left arm slowly bubbling up and dripping off as she stared at her limb in shock.

"Oh my..." Ava hummed cocking her head to the side. "And here I thought you were going to make an effort to dodge." The tone was in a mocking way. As if this was her getting back at Sera for running her through with that red lance. "Oh well. I'm far from done. Do your best to not break okay?" Her tendril sliced back down slamming into Sera from above but Sera managed to throw her right arm up creating a large barrier and blocking the attack just in time.

Tears of pain were pouring from her eyes but her determined look didn't fade. Small thread like blood tendrils pulled out of the arm sowing the two halfs together and forcing them back in place forming a cast of blood around it.

Her blood barrier remained standing having blocked the powerful tendril attack from up above. "I... I'm not done yet..."

"I'm actually impressed you could block that strike..." The dust began to slowly settle showing off some of Ava's body... "You must be pretty strong to block one of them. It makes me wonder how you'll deal with the other seven?" She asked.

"S... Seven?"

The dust fully cleared showing Ava. Eight massive white tendrils now out of her body filling Sera's look with fear. Ava's smile seemed to grow as her tendrils bent and twisted the spikes and blades forming out of all of them. "Please do me a favor and don't die. After all I'd hate to be kicked out of the games because the foe I went up against was so weak she couldn't handle my love taps. So do your best to live after this attack okay?"

All eight tendrils fired forward. Sera was only able to block one using all her power so the moment two at once attacked her, it became clear this stopped being a battle. It was simply a slaughter feast. Her red tendril exploded from the force of all eight tendrils which blasted into her. Several of them wrapped around her legs, arms, and waist, making her scream in pain as the liquid poured over her flesh causing it to slowly melt. Ava wasn't holding back. She was hitting as if to kill.


Not kill...


Sera screamed in pure pain as the tendrils smashed her into the ground all of them slamming down onto her again, and again, and again, pushing her further, and further in. Her screams got louder, and louder, and louder... But what was truly sickening was the moment her screams simply stopped...

Up in the Enforcer stands blood poured out of Sif's lip from how hard she was biting it as she stared down at the arena.

"Y... You should call this fight off." Katrina said with some worry. She looked at the Squad Fifth Captain, the girl in the knights outfit. "I... Isn't this a little much?"

"Hmm..." The Knight hummed. "I could care less if Ava kills her and gets kicked out or not."

"W... What..."

More blood came from Sif's lips. "Nick... Tell them to call off the match."


"It's not done yet... Sera hasn't... And if this keeps going..."

A red tendril sliced out of the ground splitting Ava's check open and stopping the attack. Sera could be seen slowly pulling herself from the crater. Her limbs were twisted and bent at an odd angle and most of her flesh was dripping off of her body. How was she even still alive?

Several people vomited at the sight at her.

"T... They're going to stop this right?" Ken asked letting out a small gulp as she hid behind Hero.

"They should..." He frowned. He flashed back to the last fight with Emma. He was certain she had died then... 'What's that old man thinking...' He thought as he glared up to where Master Storm was.

'This is getting a little out of hand...' Row noted.

"D... Damn... Why is Sera even trying to still go." Irene hissed shaking her head. "If she doesn't quit now..."

"Man I really hate having enhanced hearing... I can hear so many people throwing up..." Light sighed his face a little green.

"Shelly do you think you can heal Sera..." Kitsune questioned the pink haired girl.

"I... I doubt I can heal that much..." Shelly gulped. "B... But the Squad Twelve Captain is considered to be the best healer... She can even bring someone dead back as long as they haven't been dead for longer than 60 seconds... So I'm sure if me and her team up we can save Sera... Also Hero can heal to so with the three of us it should be all right?"

"Oh wow?" Ava said with wide eyes. "You can still fight even with most of your bones having been shattered into a dust and your flesh dripping off of you! You really are amazing you know that. I am glad I got to fight you. Maybe I'll stop holding back and really use my powers on you now."

Several gasps, and gurgles seemed to come out of Sera's throat as she seemed to try and say something. However there was a loud snap as her lower jar simply fell off...

More people threw up.

"Oh my! How precious." A light blush seemed to cover Ava's face. "Okay! I've decided. I'll hit you hard now! This will kill you for sure! I'll melt you." Ava said giving that kind and sweet smile. All eight tendrils formed together into a massive version covered in rows of spikes, and blades... It began to spin so fast it caught on fire forming a flaming tornado like Hero's clawed arm attack. She began to stab it forward but stopped at the last second. "Oh..."

Everyone stopped and tared their eyes going wide when they saw it to.

"You're already unconscious?"

Sera who was still standing, wasn't moving an inch her eyes staring ahead blankly. She had fallen unconscious after the last attack...