Hero's Turn

Night One Hundred And Ninety

Age 1991

Gladious City...

Outside The Infirmary...

Hero paced back and forth in front of the door. Next to him Shelly, Ken, Emma, and Lucy, rested.

The match had just ended. They went onto another break to discuss what they should do about it. Rather Ava should be allowed to fight or not in the rest of the games... Sera was rushed to a place where she could be healed by the Squad Twelve Captain. They all waited to see what would happen to their friend.

"I can't believe that match..." Emma hummed.

Hero stared down at his right hand for a moment. "Damn it... That Ava girl is strong... I might have to use my new attack..."

'New attack?'

"New attack?" Ken asked repeating Row's words.

"Yeah... It was something I made after seeing that other me... His black flames... With my Dragon King Abyss... It gave me an idea..."

"Wait what do you mean other you?" Emma asked frowning.

"Oh yeah you guys aren't in the main cast so I didn't tell you did I?" Hero hummed. "So basically there's a guy named Hero Otoko who is a me from another universe. He's a Seraphin and has these weird powers that aren't like ours since he had his worlds powers. Basically he can heal super fast, and create spikes, like Ken does, but he can also expand his body, grow it in size, compress his body, and add on more mass to himself. He can also stretch, and make heat and steam and control his blood and the wind a little. Also he now has an Equation in his left arm he calls Hades which is a busted power that lets him create a black bow made of fire. He also can transform like Seraphins, but I don't know his form yet. Oh and he works for God, who is an asshole, though Ken's in denial about it, and he has my Equation which he can use, also he has a Crest but I don't know what that does yet, a Crest is a thing God made after Master Storm tore his heart out and made the first Equation. I think that's everything..."

"...What?" Emma and Lucy asked blinking.

"Oh also I'm dying, I'm a dream, Orion Vil, existed thousands of years ago, became God, he's an asshole though so Master Storm wanted to get rid of him, tried bringing the dead back to life in project Rebirth which shut down, tried turning people into Seraphins, in project Seraphin, which shut down, then said f##k it, and cloned God, making Row, Row had the D Crest placed in him, which allows him to make dreams come true, then he was kidnapped by Piero who became his dad I guess, Piero died and Row being an emotionally damaged ten year old with a God like weapon used it in the worst way possible going to sleep and making me, I was made and met back up with Okami Otoko who turns out wasn't dead, then I met Yoshi, a Dragon Clan, those guys are supposed to be God's followers and have Crests, as well but most seemed to have ditched God I guess I don't know, she lived with me and Okami, until I tried using my dream crest by ancient and killed Okami, causing Yoshi to leave, turns out though its okay as Okami placed himself into Mary so he's like my dad mom now, I didn't know at the time though so I tried to bring him back with Mr. Hyde, but was saved by Master Aka who took me under his wing till I could join the Enforcers, and now Row is starting to wake up and I fade when he wakes up which means I die."

"...What?" Lucy, and Emma both asked again.

"Yeah we didn't really get it either." Shelly sighed. "Bottom line is we're gonna beat up a kid that has a God complex to save Hero, than we're gonna beat up an old guy with a God complex and save the world."

"Sure." Emma shrugged. "Why not."

"I'll go along with it if it means Hero is safe." Lucy hummed. "Though... Could you maybe write all that down?"

"I would but this chapter despite being short is killing my fingers and I don't want to write anymore and just want to get it over with already! You guys will see why in the next chapter Wrath of the Hydra."

"Hero that's to big of a fourth wall break dial it back..." Shelly sighed.

'No, no. I agree. promote the next chapter more... It took a full week to write and is eighteen thousand words long...'

"Not you to Row." Ken sighed.

"Ken you're talking to yourself again." Shelly frowned smacking Ken over the head.

"Oww! Meanine!"

There was a loud click making everyone suddenly turn to look at the door as it swung open. Athena, the Squad Twelve Captain walked out. They all stared at her and she stared back.

"How is she?" Lucy asked calmly though for once had some emotion to her voice.

"My Cursed Equation is one of the best healing powers in the world." Athena hummed. "I can't bring the dead back as if the soul fades away then it's over, but I can heal most damages... I healed 55% of her body... She's still in a terrible shape but it seems like she should pull through... She will have to go into heavy surgery though."

"S... She's gonna be okay though right?" Ken asked slowly.

"I hope so." Athena nodded. "However..." She eyed Hero, and Shelly up. "The two of you haven't had your matches yet... Get back to your boxes. I heard they'll be starting soon."

"R... Right..." Hero and Shelly said both letting out sighs.

"Same goes for you three." Athena said glancing at Emma, Lucy, and Ken. "Hurry up and get. I don't want anyone bothering her. She needs rest."

"Understood." Lucy nodded jumping up and grabbing Emma and Ken. "I will keep them far away." She said dragging the two girls behind her.

They were about to leave but Hero was stopped when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up finding Athena staring at him. "Good luck... You'll need it..."


"Hero come on!" Shelly yelled.

The group turned and followed her back reaching the main hall. When they exited they all went back to their boxes. "How was she?" Irene asked.

"Not to good." Ken frowned shaking her head.

"Only 55% of her was able to be healed... And that's with the best healer..." Shelly frowned.

"Only 55% was possible..." Light said a little shocked. "That's so little when you consider the state her body was in..."

"And you guys won't be happy when you hear what the judges said..." Kitsune said slowly pointing his thumb behind him. There Ava rested along with Davi, and their other brother. "They said she can keep going."

"What!" Hero, Ken, and Shelly, all said in shock.

"I know." Kitsune hissed. "I feel sorry for the asshole that goes next... Poor bastards gonna fight Ava in the next round..."

"Oh God please don't let it be me!" Shelly said her eyes wide with fear as she jumped into Ken's arms and stared at Ava. "I'm way to pretty to die."

Hero stared at Ava and for a second she turned to look back at him. He moved towards the wall so he could peer down at her his frown growing. "Wow... You look just like him. Having you look at me like that is gonna make me blush." She said slowly.



Hero's eyes went wide as he stared at her. "You know Hero Otoko?"

"We've talked for a bit. He's amazing." She smiled again. That same emotionless smile. Like someone who was simply faking it... "I truly do love him you know. Maybe I even love you almost as much as him."

"Because I look like him..."

"That's right..."

Hero frowned as he stared at her. "I'm gonna beat you. I know what's going to happen."

"Do you?"

"Yeah... The next round is me."

"How do you know?"

"Call it a gut feeling, also I read the chapter title... This means next round... Round two I'm your enemy. I'm going to win. No matter what."

"Will you... I look forward to watching you melt."

"I look forward to watching you fail."

"Alright ladies and gentlemen!" Olf the dog man announced standing back at the arena. "It's time for the next match to begin! This match is Hero Law Of Squad Six!" He announced shocking Ken, Shelly, Irene, Light, and Kitsune, as that meant Hero would be facing Ava next. "Versus Tsun Cloth, of Squad Four!"

"Hero..." Ken began.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine."

Hero stepped out of the box and made his way to the arena. As he walked his mind went over everything that happened so far. And... There was still so much that was to come... So, so, so much... He thought of all the fights that had happened. Not just he legal ones but the illegal ones like his fight with Hella, and Kitsune. He stared down at his right hand balling it up into a fist coming up with all manner of strategies in how he would win. No matter what... He had to win...

Finally Hero stood at his side of the arena and saw Tsun. His mind went to her for a moment. He spoke to her twice. Both times was when they all came together to throw a party after finishing a big mission. He didn't know her power or her fighting style... She gave him a small smirk and he felt nervous. How many people had hacks that would allow them to win even if he was stronger than them...

He shook his head.

He couldn't worry about that.

His right arm glowed changing into his clawed form the green flames pouring out of his sharp claws. Up in the stands Mary, as well as Katrina, and Hannah were all cheering. His two moms, and his older sister...

Hero took a deep breath. "Here I come!" He yelled firing forward as he sliced out at Tsun.

"I give up."

Hero flew past her landing flat on his face as the words left her mouth.
