Wrath Of The Hydra (A Side Story)

RainyLiquid2020 Presents...

Wrath Of The Hydra A Side Story

'The following is a side story what if on a non canon tie in story. This should be treated as non canon, and a side adventure that was made simply for fun. This story is for saints patrick day, which at the time of this chapter will be in only one hour. Please enjoy Wrath Of The Hydra as a simple fun super long chapter... I likely won't do another one of these for a while... This has nothing to do with Saints Patricks day I just thought it would be fun so I made it...'


Age 0

Earth before the Bestia Macht, and when it still had a bright blue sky...

Before God existed...

Before the war...

Before the Squid came to this world...

"Well." Row Storm said giving a small smirk as he ran his hands through his silver hair. Small sparks of lightning seemed to crackle off of his body. "Looks like we managed to beat that thing aye old pal?"

"Somehow we won..." Orion Vil announced also smiling.

The two twenty year old men stood in front of what looked like a massive metal statue... The statue was of some kind of strange demonic looking beast... It was like a weird centaur monster... It's lower half looked like a large lion that was bigger than a house... Instead of a normal tail it had what looked like a long snake like tail that had a strange opening at the tip of it, and what looked like a wolf like head coming out of the tail. Where the lions head would be was the large body of a man. However the mans body lacked arms simply having flesh where they would be. On the mans chest was a split where a massive mouth could be seen rows of razor sharp fangs in it... Where the head of the man would be was instead two long and twisting snake like bodies coming out, with snake like heads on it.

"What do you want to call this weird beast..." Row asked turning to look at his friend.

Orion allowed a hum to come out of his lips. He reached out placing his hand on the chest of the statue. "I don't know..." He said. He reached out a black glow coming out of his hands as a massive metal great sword formed in it. The great sword was large and made out of a solid black metal. The Blade Of God... Though this was before he took up that title... "What do you two think?" He asked. "Yiro, Benlo?" He asked turning to look into the darkness behind him and his friend. Four bright blue eyes could be seen in the shadows...

"...Hydra..." A young voice said. "We'll call it... Hydra."

"Hydra huh..." Orion frowned turning away. His sword came out as he sliced the metal beast in half its upper half sliding off and slamming into the ground next to him. "I suppose that isn't a bad name..."


Age 1989...

The Green Nation...

"S... Stay back! I won't lose to you! I'm Yiro Kage's younger brother! Like hell I'm going to die in a place like this!"

We start at a strange sight...

A young thirteen year old boy stands before us... He has messy raven black hair, and light blue eyes. He's in a simple black jacket and black pants. The only thing of note is a straight sword that is on his back. His hands on it as he eyes up the area around him...

He seems to be standing in what looks like a strange black cave... Its large and covered in many walls...

Everywhere he turns he sees something... Something big... Something old... Something lost to time...

Laughter seemed to echo around in the cave as the boy slowly stepped back drawing his sword. It felt heavy in his hands as he raised it up. His eyes were filled with fear.

"What's wrong Benlo?" The laughing voice announced. "You're scared? You were one of the two people who got to fight alongside God, and Storm, in their prime! You helped take down the old Hydra and seal it away... The First Bestia Macht... And yet... Facing only half of it your scared huh!" The voice laughed. "Does my pet Beast scare you that much! Hahahaha!"

"S... Shut up!" The apparently named Benlo announced his sword beginning to glow. "I... I'm not gonna give up! I'm a... I'm a Hero of Justice!"

"Then you won't mind seeing my Bestia Macht up close! Say hello... To Hydra!" The voice laughed.

The wall next to the young boy exploded in a hail of debris raining rocks down onto the poor boy. His sword flew out of his hands crashing down a few feet away as he slammed into the stone floor. He turned his body and tried to crawl towards his sword reaching out. However before he could grab it a long tendril seemed to wrap around his leg. He let out a loud scream as he pulled into what looked like a razor sharp mouth filled with rows of teeth... They closed down around him his blood soaked screams filling the large cave...

"Good Hydra..." A hand slowly came out rubbing the side of the creature which was cloaked in darkness. "Very good... Next stop though... We're going to the Red Nation... I need to have a word with a boy there... A boy named..."


Age 1991

Rafflesia City...

Outside Of Squad Six Base...

"I'm Linda!"

"And I'm Zank!"

"And we're your newscrew!"

Down below in the streets of Rafflesia City, home to the Squad Six base, two girls could seen standing in front of a camera. Linda gave a smile holding the microphone up to her lips.

"Welcome to Rafflesia City viewers. This city is considered by many to be one of the worst places to liver outside of Dandelion, and Daffodil. Here is the home of Squad Six." She waved her hand back showing off what looked like a massive castle. The Squad Six base. "A few months ago people began to turn into Bestia Macht. It was horrible and many had to be put down. Things however have only gotten worse in this hell hole! Recently with the Games going on, Squad Six's main leaders, Captain Katrina, Vice Captain Jackson, Reserve Member Dawson Blight, Gold Rank Hannah, and Black Smith, Santa, have all left the city... And who did they leave to guard this place... Six kids."

"Six kids?" Zank asked faking shock.

"That's right. Six kids..."

"Oh my!"

"You're right to be shocked Zank. Who knows how badly this might end up! In other news I would like to remind everyone that in just a few days it will be Saints Worship Day! The day where we all come together and worship our Lord's most trusted allies his Angels! It's truly a great day to be alive, and I'd imagine even in a dump like this there will be many-"

"Look out!" Zank suddenly screamed grabbing her friend and yanking them out of the road just in time as a massive metal car flew by.

Seconds later loud sirens could be heard as several police vehicles ran down the street at a high speed chasing the speeding vehicle. "This is officer Ace, of the Black Coats, I say again, this is officer Ace, of the black coats... I am in pursuit of our target... They appear to have somehow stolen the Squad Six Enforcer Car... We are currently in a high speed chase."

Up front the insanely massive metal car could be seen. Two men were in it both with smug smirks on their faces as they turned the wheels of the car using the side of it to slash a building next to them in half. The building fell over stopping the many cops, and Black Coats, that were behind them.

"Looks like we lost them." The driver laughed turning to his buddy.

"Looks like it! I can't wait to get this back to our boss! This car will go for so much- kid in the road!"

"What!?" The driver turned just in time to see someone was in the road. He didn't even have time to hit the breaks as they crashed into the person... Only... Something weird happened. As the car approached the person held their foot out and the car crashed into it. And with the power of their foot alone they somehow forced the car to come to a halt, only sliding back a little on the road. The two men came crashing out of the car and stared at the person who had stopped their car... A young sixteen year old boy with messy snow white hair, and bright ruby red eyes.

"Hey." Hero smirked. "Sorry but with the Captain gone, it's up to me, to beat the snot out of punks like you." He announced.

"I... It's just a kid! F##king shoot him!"

"R... Right!" One of the two goons announced pulling out a handgun and firing out several rounds of bullets.

Hero didn't even bother changing his hand as it came out lightning fast catching the metal bullets mid air and making both men stare at him with a mix of horror and shock. His grin grew as he dropped them all. "Had enough?"

"You can either fight him or me..." A sly voice said making the two men turned. Irene Glacious stood behind them now. "Actually. Scratch that... You two don't even deserve an option." She snapped her fingers as ice covered their legs freezing them in place.

"W... Who the hell are you two!" The men asked their teeth clattering either from the cold or from fear it was hard to tell.

"Who are we?" Hero asked giving a smirk. "Hero's of justice! Superheroes!"

"...We're Enforcers." Irene said flatly.

"You couldn't let me have one thing could you..." Hero asked sighing.


"How were we ever in love?"

"Not a clue."

"Really? Cause I can actually think of a few reasons why-"

"Not. A. Clue."


Hero and Irene, turned back to the two idiots in front of them... Neither of them noticed what looked like a hooded man who watched them in the distance... The man seemed to let out a small giggle before holding up his finger which had a small ring, with a black marble on it...

The ring glowed and he vanished.

"This is Hero reporting in Ace." Hero said pressing a phone up to his ear. He rested against a metal wall as Irene shoved the two men into the ground and began to hand cuff them both. "Just dealt with two idiots. Or I guess thugs but really what's the difference right?" He chuckled.

"Hero!" Ace said on the other line. "I'm glad you're there... We got an issue I think we need you for."

"Really?" Hero asked raising his eyebrow.

"That's right... We got somebody who made their way up to the top of a building... They said they'd jump unless they can talk to Hero of Squad Six... Going out on a limb here but I think they want to talk to you..."

"I see... I'll make my way there after this is over..."

"I think you should come now..."


"Well... The two Enforcers that made it here ahead of you are Kitsune and Ken..."

"Say no more. I'm on my way... Hey Irene mind handling the rest for me! I gotta go play superhero!" He called out.


At the very top of a building an old man in a dirty brown cloak could be seen. The man was short standing under four feet and had long gray hair and a massive grey beard that was so long it wrapped around his cloak being the thing that held it up. He stood at the very top of a building near the ledge as if he was about to step off.

"Your foolish words mean nothing to someone like me!" He announced.

"Dude I've been at it for an hour please don't jump!" Down below Kitsune Nine could be seen holding a microphone up as he yelled towards the man up above.

"I've already told you my demands!" The man announced. "I'll jump unless I can talk to Hero of quad Six!" He announced.

"Why do you want to talk to Hero so badly."

The old man let out a yelp when he heard the voice. He turned around finding a short fourteen year old girl with black hair, with a silver streak in it, and a pair of bright silver eyes. Her back was to the wall a few feet away and she had a frown on her face as her arms were crossed.

"W... When did you get here?" The old man asked going to step back but stopping where he was once he remembered that he was next to the ledge...

"I'm pretty cool like that." Ken shrugged. "Why do you want to talk to Hero so badly?" She asked again a little more bluntly this time.

"I... I need him to help me stop it!"

"Stop it?"

"That's right you fools! None of you understand. But I do. I read the work of God. The Bible. A book God created of tales of future events. The end is near. It comes. Hydra! And only the Hero can help stop it."

"The Hero..." Ken said rolling her eyes. "I think you got the wrong guy. But... Just so you know. I happen to be friends with Hero of Squad Six."

"Y... You are? That's right. I am." She smirked. "He's like my older- Err. He's like my younger brother. Also I'm taller than him. He's short... Really short. We make fun of him for it. I know him though... I'd be willing to let you talk to him..."

"You would."

"I don't really believe all that crap you were going on about." Ken explained flipping her hair. "But if you have a bible written from our lord than I must hear you out. I am a Red Sister after all. I'll let you see Hero if..."


"If you can show me you have the resolve to speak to my friend!"

"R... Resolve?"

"That's right! Show me what you got!"

"I... I'll show you fools just how important it is I meet him!" The elder man announced. Than shocking everyone he stepped back off the ledge falling towards the ground at a high speed as he let out a scream of terror. "I... I did it! Now somebody please for the love of God! Catch me-"

He felt a pair of arms wrap around him and looked up to see he was in the arms of Kitsune Nine. Kitsune's arms were covered in fur, same with his legs, and an orange pair of fox ears, as well as nine fox tails, were poking out of him. Flame seemed to also be coming out of his eyes and all nine of his tails spun as his feet produced fire keeping him in the air.

"You actually jumped?" Kitsune asked with wide eyes.

"W... What ever! Just take me to see the one named Hero of Squad Six!" The old man cried out wrapping his arms around Kitsune as if his life depended on it.

"Why do you want to speak to my idiot rival so bad anyways?" Kitsune asked holding the old man. "Hey what's your name by the way?"

"Trait is my name, and I need to speak to the one named Hero of Squad Six so he can open this!" He announced reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small silver treasure chest that was covered in locks and chains. "I must have this open! The planet itself is in danger... Only Yiro Kage can stop 'it' now..."


Squad Six Base...

"Yiro Kage?" Hero Law asked frowning. "Who's that. And what's the deal with this box..."

The seven of them, Hero Law, Ken Red, Kitsune Nine, Irene Glacious, Light no last name, Shelly Kaen, and the new one Trait, all stood in the Squad Six base all resting in a simple room. On a table rested the simple treasure chest Trait had brought.

"You don't know the story of the great Yiro Kage!" Trait asked in shocked. "He's only one of the greatest heroes that ever lived."

"Thems fighting words..." Hero said flatly. "I bet I'm a way better hero than this Yiro guy... I mean his name only sounds like hero, my name is Hero so checkmate."

"What did this Yiro guy do?" Irene asked ignoring Hero's antics.

"He along with another old hero fought alongside our Lord God!" Trait announced. He reached into his dirty old cloak pulling out a faded and black book. "Behold the Bible! A book said to hold the words of God himself! He wrote the laws of the world in here! It for told me of this day! A day in which the terror known as Hydra would rise up once more!"

"Hydra?" Shelly asked raising an eyebrow.

"Give me that book!" Ken dove grabbing the book out of the mans hands.

'Wow... You really care about a book this much? I'm shocked Ken.'

"Shut up Row! If this book is really the holy bible than I must read it-" Ken stopped when she opened it up and stared at it. "I don't know how to read this." She said flatly tossing the book into the air.

Shelly caught it and stared down at it raising an eyebrow as she looked at the words. "What language is this?" She asked.

"A rare and lost one." Trait explained. "It was called... English. It existed long ago before the world had a God... I was told the secrets of how to read it though... It for tells of a great disaster that is to come... The Hydra will rise and the only one who can stop it is the hero Yiro!"

"Hero Yiro... That's fun to say." Kitsune hummed.

Shelly sighed closing the book and tossing it back to Trait who caught it. "Let's say we believe you old man. Why were you so interested in meeting Hero?"

"Yeah! Why do you want to meet big brother!" Light asked. "And whats with that box!"

"You see... Thousands of years ago... A threat known as the Hydra plagued the world... The first Bestia Macht... His power was... So strong even our lord God needed help. Yiro was one of the people who helped... And yet now... Somehow Yiro is still alive. You see his soul and body have been compressed inside of this box. God put him in here so that should the Hydra ever rise up again, Yiro could be set free and fight it sometime in the future. However the time has come to when the Hydra has returned. We need the great power of Yiro once more! But the box wont open!"

"Really?" Kitsune asked frowning. He grabbed it and began to tug on it trying to get it to open but nothing happened. He frowned for a moment and seconds later entered is Fusion form gaining his fox traits as he powered up a white aura covering him. He tugged on the box but nothing happened. "Huh... Yeah it won't budge." He frowned his form wearing off as he set it back down.

"See! I told you! However thankfully for us... The great book tells of a way to free Yiro... Hero! I believe you are the one who can do it! You must be the one to open it up! It's your destiny!"

Everyone stared in shock save for Hero who had a smug grin on his face. "So an ancient prophecy needed a powerful badass like me to save the world huh? Okay then. I'll open this box!"

"Are you sure about this Hero?" Irene asked raising an eyebrow.

"This could be a trap." Shelly noted.

"I want Hero to open the box!" Ken announced. "If what the old dude says is true then this Hydra is bad! I wanna fight it! And this Yiro guy knew God! I want to talk to him, and also fight him cause he sounds strong!"

"Well if Ken wants the box open then go ahead and open it Hero." Shelly sighed.

"Roger that!" Hero cracked his knuckles and popped all the joints in his body. "Watch and learn Kitsune. This is how you open a chest!" Hero announced grabbing the lid and pulling up. "...I said... This is how you open a chest!" He pulled up a second time but the lid didn't budge. "Open... A chest..." He pulled a third time... "Uh... Ha... I'll use both hands. Open!" Nothing happened...

"Don't worry Hero." Shelly said patting his back. "Lot's of guys have trouble performing-"

"F##k off Shelly I'm the chosen one!" Hero's right arm burst with a green flame as he shifted into shield arm going full power. "Open up ya little bastard!" A massive green wave of energy seemed to explode off of him as he gritted his teeth. "G... God damn it!" He hissed as his arm reverted back to normal. "It's not opening!"

"I don't understand!" Trait said with wide eyes. "The book told me that a Seraphin of Squad Six could open it!"

"Wait what."

"It said a Seraphin could open the box! So I came to find Hero Otoko!"

"Son of a bitch it was for the other Hero!" Hero cursed throwing the box at a wall. "God damn it! Why can't I be in the prophecy!"

"Uh... What's happening?" Trait asked as he noticed everyone but Hero was laughing now.

"That's not Hero Otoko. He's Hero Law." Kitsune snickered. "Otoko is some else. This Hero is just a devil not a Seraphin."


"Hero Otoko's from another universe." Hero sighed crossing his arms. "He was a Seraphin, and a member of Squad Six... He's the one you're looking for. Good luck finding him though..."

"Y... You mean you don't know where he is."


"T... Than how am I supposed to open the box!"

"Hey old dude." Ken hummed. "Does it say Hero Otoko has to be the one to open the box... Or does it say a Seraphin of Squad Six and you just assumed it was Otoko?"

"The book told of Hero Otoko lots of time and how he's the key to God's final plan, but the page about Yiro listed a Seraphin of Squad Six... I assume it was speaking of Otoko..."

"Well looks like you're in luck." Ken announced. "I happen to be a Seraphin, and a member of Squad Six!"

"You are!"

"That's right!" Ken ripped her own finger off shocking the old man. Seconds later steam flowed out of the wound as a new finger grew back. "I got the healing to prove it!"

'Will this work though... Hero Otoko my be a Seraphin but unless I'm mistaken his kind of Seraphins are vastly different form you.' Row hummed.

"It's worth a shot at least." Ken said walking towards the box. "Besides... I really want to talk to this Yiro man..." She picked it up slowly. The room seemed to grow colder as she held it in her hands. Then slowly... She placed her hands on it and pulled back... There was a small click as the chest began to open...

'Well... Is something supposed to happen-'

Before Row could finish Ken was blasted back as a mass of bright lights all the color of the rainbow poured out of the box throwing them all back save for Hero who was strong enough to tank the impact. Everyone stared in shock as a golden aura began to seep out... A black aura also began to slowly rise up and all the hairs on Hero's body stood on their end. Only he was close enough to make out what looked like a the body of a lion in the mist of black... Seconds later the force began to swirl around.

When it ended someone now stood in front of them. A young girl only seventeen or eighteen years old. She had long black hair, and bright blue eyes, that were brighter than anything Hero had ever seen. She wore what looked like the Enforcers uniform but it was older, and black rather than white. On her back a long sword rested... For a moment there was a blank look on her face... The look soon turned to something else though as she began to look around...

"My, my... Even I'm shocked." Trait said a wide grin covering his face as he stared at the girl. "The mighty hero of old Yiro Kage. She was a woman all along!"

"What! This is the Yiro you were talking about?" Hero asked. He frowned walking up to the woman. Her eyes slowly moved towards him following his movements but she didn't speak nor did she say anything. She simply stared at him. Hero frowned as he eyed her up and down placing his hand on his chin. "Well she doesn't look all that-"

Yiro's hand came out grabbing Hero's jacket and pulling him towards her. Everyone was shocked when her lips connected with Hero's as she pulled the boy in for a kiss.

"God damn it I wish I decided to walk towards her!" Kitsune cursed.

Yiro pulled back letting go of a stunned Hero. "H... Hero Law." She frowned.

"Yes?" There was a loud slap as her hand smacked him across the face and Hero stumbled back grabbing his face. "Ow! What the hell! Why the hell did you kiss me then slap me! Am I that bad of a kisser?"

Yiro glared at him now.

"I think I can give a mild explanation." Trait laughed walking forward. "You see Yiro was said to have a power. One that allowed her to view the memories of others learning all that they know. Being from the old days she doesn't know our language meaning she had to borrow your memories to learn how to understand you. She also viewed everything about you. Everything."

'No wonder she slapped him...' Row noted.

"Well Ms. Kage how does it feel to be able to walk again-"

Yiro didn't slap Trait. Instead she drew her sword slicing it down towards him at a high speed. Trait's eyes went wide but before the blade could reach him it was stopped when Ken jumped forward blocking the sword with her body. The blade sliced into her a bit but she gave a grin.

"That won't work on me."

Yiro growled pressing down on the blade but it was unable to sink any deeper into Ken's flesh. "What the hell are you!" She hissed. "Whatever you are I'll kill you all for the horrors you all caused."

"Geez Hero what did she see in your mind that pissed her off so much."

"It isn't anything you fools have done in the past. It's the present that makes me hate you." Yiro hissed. "You never should have freed me you fools! I'll fix it all myself if I have to, you fools."

"Well good luck with that. I doubt you can find a way to beat me-"

Yiro grabbed Ken and this time pulled her in for a kiss.

"Hell yeah!" Kitsune, and Hero yelled out in the back ground, along with the sounds of them high fiving.

Yiro dropped Ken, now viewing all of the girls memories and learning what a Seraphin was as well as more on the nature of what happened to her old friend Orion. Ken's face was red and her eyes were spinning as steam seemed to come off of her and she collapsed back.

"You fools don't know what you did! Send me back."

"Not possible." Trait grinned.

Yiro let out another growl and raised her sword but stopped when she saw Shelly, Irene, Light, and Kitsune, were all still ready to fight her. She eyed them all up knowing a lot about them thanks to Hero, and Ken. Letting out one last growl she spun slicing her blade out. It glowed firing out a beam of blue energy at the wall which was blasted down allowing her to escape.

"What the hell just happened!" Kitsune yelled throwing his hands in the air. "Also I want to be kissed... Why just Ken, and Hero?"

"Fan service." Hero shrugged.

Trait had a large grin on his face but it soon faded when he felt a cold blade of ice at his neck. Irene now stood behind him. "You want to tell us what the hell just happened? Or should I just slice your head off."

Trait let out a loud laugh. "I've done my part... Though I'd rather avoid death so for now..." The ring on his finger glowed and in a flash of black light he vanished shocking them all.

Silence filled the one as they all stood there. "So I guess we go after that girl and try and find Trait-"

"No." It was Ken who spoke. She set up now rubbing her lips as if she could wipe the kiss off. "Trait... I think we should look for him but I don't sense to much power from him... He's mostly harmless... That Yiro girl though... I could sense power from her but nothing like what Trait described... I'd say she's weaker than we were when we first joined the Enforcers... Hard to believe she's some uber powerful hero of old time... Plus... I didn't since any hostility coming from her."

"Ken she sliced you nearly in half." Shelly frowned.

"Only because I jumped in the way... Plus she had all of Hero's memories and knew I wouldn't die..." Ken frowned. "The feeling I was getting off of her was more like..."

"Like a wounded animal that had been cornered." Hero noted nodding his head. "I had that feeling to... I'm pretty sure any of us could take her if it came down to it."

"You two aren't just showing her favoritism because you gave you both a little tongue action right..." Kitsune asked.

"I don't know about Ken but I'm not." Hero laughed throwing his arms behind his head. "Though I'll admit she's a good kisser. Right Ken."

"Yeah. She was."

"Still..." Hero frowned for a moment. "I still feel like something is off... Irene... Do you mind staying up with me? I have the feeling we may get a call about some trouble and I'd like for us to check it out."

"Of course." Irene nodded. "I'll be ready to head out with you at a moments notice.

"Good." Hero turned staring out the window. "I don't want to believe anything wrong could happen but I think its best to be ready for if it does..."


Age 0


"Yiro... Yiro wake up..."

"Ben... Benlo?" Yiro asked her eyes slowly opening. She saw him standing above her. Her younger brother Benlo. He stared down at her from where she rested underneath her tree. The bright blue sky casting a light down on them both.

"Rise and shine you sleepy head." He smiled at her. His smile was filled with joy and... Something else.

She slowly set up her blue eyes shinning as she stared past him. Of in the distance she saw a boy with silver hair, and lightning blue eyes, Row Storm. Next to him a black haired boy, with bright green eyes rested. Orion Vil... Her two friends.

"It's about time to set out again." Benlo said holding his hand out to his sister. She took it as he pulled her up. "We've finally spotted it."

"We have?" They walked over to Orion, and Row. Orion was laid back in the grass his eyes closed while Row had a telescope and stared dead ahead.

"I see it." Row announced.


He handed the scope to Yiro who took it placing it up to her eye. She stared ahead and saw what looked like a massive beast in the distance... It had the lower half of a Lion and a snake tail. Its upper body was a human torso without arms, and a mouth on its stomach. A long snake head came out of the neck of the beast as it let out a loud roar shaking the landscape.

"Are we gonna be able to beat it?" Yiro asked taking the scope down and grabbing her sword.

"I hope so." Benlo frowned grabbing his own sword.

"We have to." Row announced lightning crackling around his body and forming the same of a long slender blade made out of his energy.

Orion slowly opened his eyes as he set up. "We will." He held his hand out as it glowed and the Blade Of Gods appeared in it. "No matter what. We will kill this beast. We will save the world!"

They were silent for a moment but slowly Benlo held his hand out gripping his sisters. "We'll be together forever? Right sis?"

She stared down at him for a moment. "Yeah... We will-"

The landscape around her went dark as her eyes opened...

Yiro found herself back in the real world the dream ending. Above her the metal roof of the building she was in could be seen... She was in what looked like a waste dump of broken metal and dented cars. Like a indoors garbage heap. Her ears twitched as she heard what woke her up. A sigh escaping her lips when she heard the voices.

"Not them again..." She sighed.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" One of the voices asked from outside the building.

"Of course it is! I keep telling you Shelly! I want to talk to this Yiro girl! If she knows something about God! And I'd like to learn more about that Hydra thing that old dude talked about."

"This isn't just because she kissed you right Ken?"

"Of course not!"

"Really? Because if it is I'd be more than willing to give you a real kiss. One that you'll actually like."

"Shelly... Are you jealous she kissed me?"

"L... Like hell I am! I was just offering... Open the door!"

Yiro sighed as the memories of Ken, and Hero, came to her mind. She shook her head for a moment. "A lot happened to this world in 1991 years..." She slowly set up. "I'll need to find someone who can help... It seems like Row is no longer an option and Orion isn't on Earth anymore... Damn it... If I'm out is... Is Benlo-" Her eyes suddenly went wide and she dropped to her knees letting out a pained gasp as she grabbed at her chest.

A black circle appeared on it and she gritted her teeth.

"K... Keep your emotions about Benlo down..." She hissed slapping herself in the face. "I... I got to stay... Calm."

There was a loud creak as the metal doors opened and she looked up finding Ken poking her head in.

"Leave!" She yelled drawing her sword and gritting her teeth as the circle vanished on her chest.

"S... Sorry!" Ken stumbled back from the warehouse slamming the door shut as she fell on her back. She looked up seeing Shelly standing above her who had a small frown on her face, her arms crossed. "Haha... I don't think Ms. Kage is filling very well... Maybe we should come back another time."

Shelly's frown grew as she stared at the door for a moment.

"Something wrong Shelly?"

"N... No... It's nothing... It's just... For a moment I swore I could sense something... How did you know she'd be here anyways?"

"I tracked her scent!"

"What are you a dog?"

"No I'm a kitty!"


"I'm Linda!"

"And I'm Zank!"

"And we're your newscrew!"

The same two girls as before could be seen standing in front of a road which was packed with hundreds of cars. They stood in front of their camera as snow rained down and they smiled.

"As you can see Zank." Linda announced. "The city is starting to get packed with people from the nearby villages who are all coming in. In only a few days Saints Worship Day will begin! The entire city is getting a make over showing off its lights and spirit. This happens to be one of the five biggest cities in the Red Nation, so what you viewers are seeing is only a small portion of the events."

"I for one am really looking forward to it." Zank said. "On days like this stores sell an amazing mint milk shake, and children get to play games trying to find the pot of gold that belongs to the saint. They say if you follow the rainbow you'll find it."

"Well let's hope things go smoothly what with only a few recruits being here... I for one hope that nothing bad will-"

"Look out!"

"Oh God damn it not again!"

Linda was yanked out of the way just in time as a massive metal truck slammed down onto the spot where she had been. It crashed down and all the cars stopped suddenly. Everyone stared in shock as in the distance a massive explosion suddenly went off and buildings began to fall. Loud screaming echoed out.

"W... What's happening!" Zank yelled.

"Don't look at me babe, this ain't scripted?" Linda yelled shrugging her shoulders.

"Look out!" The camera man yelled. They had time to look up spotting a massive chunk of a building which began to fall towards them at a high speed no time to move-

"Take this!" A massive metal arm slammed into the chunk of rock as Hero crashed down landing in front of the news crew his gray arm on full display as the boulder he punched shattered. "Are you guys all right?"

"Hero." Irene yelled landing down next to Hero. "Something's coming."

"Yeah I have ears..."

They could hear what sounded like stomping as something seemed to be crashing its way over to them. Many people were running in terror and several cars were crashing. The building next to them all exploded as something came crashing out shocking Irene, and Hero when they saw it.

"The hell kind of Bestia Macht is that?" Hero asked.

It was a torso. A literal torso. No legs or arms. It had a large mouth on its stomach area, and two snake like heads that stabbed out of it. The thing was also massive. The size of a large building. One of the biggest Bestia Macht's he'd seen so far. It let out a loud roar so loud several of the buildings around it exploded and its snake like heads opened up firing out duel beams of energy high into the sky splitting the clouds apart.

"You three get back!" Irene yelled shoving the camera crew back as her and Hero turned to stare at this monster.

"Like hell we are! We're getting a shot of this thing right Tom!" Linda announced turning to her camera man only to see he dropped the camera and had taken off running. She sighed picking it up herself. "Fine! I'll do it myself!" She announced as she began to film Hero, and Irene, as well as the Bestia Macht.

"How long until the others arrive?" Hero asked.

"I don't know? We weren't expecting something like this to just randomly pop up so none of them were ready... Plus the Black Coats haven't even arrived meaning they haven't even got the signal yet... And even then we're far away from the base, and they don't got a car... It's lucky that we were walking around and spotted this thing." Irene hissed. "And to make it worse... This asshole took out the communication towers... That means we can't even call another city for help... We're stuck in a massive city with no way to call for help... The closest city being five days away which is Oleander..."

"Than I guess it's up to us!" Hero announced. "Let's take this beast down!" Hero jumped high into the air spinning around as his massive metal arm began to get bigger and bigger and began to spin. The wind and flames twisted around it forming a massive flaming tornado as he dropped down towards the beast as fast as he could stabbing his arm out. "Take this! Hellish! Cyclone!" Hero screamed out as loud as he could stabbing his arm into the beast. Only for his arm, and the rest of him to go through it. The beasts body seemed to shimmer and it was as if it turned into water as Hero sunk into its body like the thing was a liquid. He came crashing out on the other side covered in flesh covered liquid as he crashed down. "What the hell-"

One of the heads of the beast came crashing down ripping apart the ground and the many buildings as it rammed itself into Hero's body as hard as it could. Hero let out a scream of pain as he was thrown back and slammed through several buildings the head carrying him across the ground and flinging him high into the air. As he began to fall both heads opened their mouths and fired out a massive beam of energy at Hero. Hero though managed to spin his body around dodging the attack at the last second as his eyes went wide. He could feel so much heat and power coming off of the beams of energy.

"Don't forget about me!" Irene yelled slamming a massive ice hammer down onto the head of one of the beasts. It roared in pain as she gave a smirk. "Looks like I got a hit in." The beast pulled its body back, as its heads came crashing down but Irene dodged them all holding her arms out. "North give me strength." She announced forming a shield of ice, as well as a sword of ice. She blocked one of the heads and fired up towards the beast letting out a battle cry as she stabbed her sword out. Only just like with Hero she went through it crashing out on the other side. "What? My hits didn't work-"

The beasts entire body slammed down onto Irene smashing her into the ground so hard, every car near by exploded into a ball of flames from the force and several buildings collapsed. Irene gritted her teeth getting back up and spitting out a glob of blood and a broken tooth. The beasts stomach mouth opened up forming a massive blue beam far bigger than the other two which blasted out with so much force it vaporized the ground as it flew towards Irene.

"Ice... Age!" She announced punching the air as hard as she could and firing out a mountain size block of ice which blocked the attack just in time as it exploded and threw her flying back. She crashed into the arms of Hero who caught her.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Y... Yeah..." She gasped out. She looked to be in a pretty bad shape.

Hero's ruby red eyes lit up with power as he set her down. "I'll handle this. Rest up." He fired forward before she could protest as he jumped high into the air. He spun his body around firing out rows of iron feathers which all phased right through the beast coming out soaking wet. "So you can convert into a liquid state to dodge attacks." Hero gritted. "This is like Hannah all over again." He hissed out.

The beasts head sliced out slamming into Hero's metal arm which he used to block the attack. It was still strong enough to slam him down into the ground however. His legs pressed into the stone floor as he held himself up stopping himself from being pushed back any further and somehow holding the massive beast back. His claws came out stabbing into the beasts head making it roar in pain. Hero didn't let go though pulling back and ripping the head out.

"Ha! Take that! One down-"

Two head bursted out of the neck hole giving the beast three heads now.

"...The fuck?"

The three heads all slammed into Hero as hard as they could smashing him into the ground over and over again and shaking the entire block they stood on.

"L... Lot's Salt!" A green beam exploded out of the ground severing two more heads both of which regrew along with a new one giving the beast five heads now. "Shit! Not even converting them to salt stops that... Though I did hit it this time!" A beat up Hero hissed out crashing out of the ground. "Why that time... And the last one..." He frowned as he jumped up and punched out. "David's Trumpet!" A burst of sound exploded from his fist slamming into the beast and phasing through it. "God damn it!"

The beasts five heads fired up towards Hero who was still high in the air. One of the heads managed to slam into Hero who managed to block it with his arm. The others came crashing down slamming into him from up above and throwing him down towards the ground. As all the heads stabbed towards him Hero punched out slamming a powerful fist into the torso of the beast not hitting its heads. The punch landed and threw the beast back sending it crashing through a building...

Hero landed on the ground his arm glowing as a smirk came onto his face. "I think I just found your weakness." He announced. His arm shifted into his drill form was he fired towards the beast his drill roaring alive. "If I'm right... This should be a miss!" He announced dropping towards the beast as he stabbed out with his drill. He phased right through it crashing out on the other side and came to sliding halt on the pavement his smirk growing. "The next blow will land. Mark my words."

The beast roared spinning its torso body around as its five heads flew up all the mouths opening. They all fired out several beams of energy down towards Hero who dodged them all each beam exploding the ground he stood on as he managed to somehow move out of the way just in time. This seemed to really piss the monster off as its mouth opened and it fired out a huge blue beam that vaporized everything around it!

"Now!" Hero fired forward his drill roaring to life as he went towards the beam firing through it and fighting through the heat and energy. He was cloaked in a dome of green flame energy but it only did so much. If not for his sheer will he would have been vaporized to less than dust in a single second. However he was Hero Law, A hero of Justice, a Superhero, and with a loud cry Hero came stabbing out of the beam flying into the beasts mouth his drill spinning so fast he ripped his way through the beast blood spraying out as he crashed out on the other side. Hero spun his body around his arm glowing and forming into a massive gun which he raised up. "Rage Canon!" He screamed firing off a massive beam of his own which slammed into the back of the beast.

The force of the powerful attack was so strong the entire beast was raised off the ground and blasted down the street being carried by the beam. He slammed into a massive building and exploded in a hail of flames as all the stone collapsed onto him. Hero's arm glowed and reverted back to normal. His serious look didn't fade though as he stared at the burning building waiting for something to happen.

"Is it over..." Irene asked.

"I don't think so..." Hero said shaking his head. "Bestia Macht can heal unless you destroy their head..."

"But when we do that this thing grows a new one back!"

"Yeah... I don't know if we can beat this thing honestly..."

A loud roar broke out as the beast came crashing out charging towards them.

"Shit! Here it comes-"

From up above a sword slammed into the ground halting the beast. It stopped as they all stared at the blade. It looked just like the one Yiro had...

"You win this round Yiro..." An annoyed voice announced. It sounded just like Trait... "But I've already killed your younger brother... We'll win next time for sure... Hahahahaha!" A black glow covered the beast suddenly and in a flash of light it vanished. The dust slowly settled and for a moment Hero saw the outline of a girl where the monster had been...

"Yiro?" He asked stepping forward but the figure turned running off.

"Hero look!" Irene said pointing up.

On one of the nearby buildings high above they saw a small man wearing a long cloak... The figure wore a ring which glowed with a black light as they suddenly vanished...

"That was that old man..." Hero frowned. "What the hell is going on."

"I don't know but look." Irene walked forward picking the sword up that was in the ground. "This is the sword..."

"Yeah... That was Yiro alright..." Hero hummed. "She... Saved us I think." He looked up to the destroyed city.


The two turned finding Linda, who was holding a camera and Zank who was hiding behind her.

"That was great! This footage is so good! And wow! Great work fighting that beast! Taking it to an area that was evacuated already, so you could fight it without harming anybody! Truly amazing."

"This area was evacuated?" Hero asked his eyes wide. "Oh yeah... I totally forgot we're in a city. Holy shit how much damage did I cause?"

"It's best not to think about it..." Irene sighed as a massive building collapsed down next to them. "We should leave..."


Squad Six Base...

"This is a really cool sword." Kitsune noted holding Yiro's sword up as he inspected it. "Really sharp... Not as cool as my katana but still."

"I suppose we got off lucky." Shelly sighed. "The attack only took out a total of one hundred blocks out of the twelve million we have in this city... It's hard to believe that back in the day cities were so tiny."

"I wish I got the call!" Ken whined throwing her head back. "I wanted to fight this cool monster."

"I don't know if you could have beaten it." Irene said shaking her head. "Not only did it heal whenever we hit it, it'd grow more heads if we sliced them off, and attacking it didn't seem to work half the time. You can only hit it when it's in a solid state which was hard..."

"That sounds like it'd be a dope ass fight!" Ken said with stars in her eyes.

'Is that all you care about?'

"No... I care about Shelly also."

"Ken you're talking to yourself again." Shelly said bonking Ken on the head.


"So what are we gonna do about the obviously cursed magic sword which for some reason big brother brought back?" Light asked hiding behind Irene.

"Bring it back to her obviously." Ken said throwing her arms behind her head.


"What do y'all mean what? Hero said she saved them? That means she's good."

"I said I 'think' she saved us first of all." Hero sighed. "Secondly I don't like the idea of giving the enemy a weapon."

"You think she's an enemy?" Shelly asked.

"Maybe..." Hero folded his arms a frown on his face. He had become a lot more serious after the killer monster showed up. "I'd rather not risk it..."

"If she turns out to be an enemy I'm sure we can beat her." Kitsune hummed. "I mean that monster sounds way worse than her..."

"Trust me it is..." Irene nodded.

Ken let out a small whistle as she picked the sword up. "Well I'm giving this back. Maybe she'll answer some questions if I do." She said moving to the door way and stepping out.

Shelly followed her. "I'll come with you-"

"No." Ken said shaking her head.

"What? Why not?" Shelly asked.

"Because there could be another attack. I'd rather you be here so you can go out and handle it. Your healing, and flames, could come in handy for it." Ken nodded.

"I guess that makes sense..." Shelly sighed. "Still..."

"I'll be alright." Ken smirked. "If you're really worried give me a good luck kiss so I-'

"Bye." Shelly said slamming the door to the room in Ken's face.


Age 0


"Wake up Yiro..."

Yiro's eyes slowly opened as she stared up at her little brother. He gave her a small smile as he stared down at her. Up above she saw the black sky of the present day...

"Is it true..." Yiro asked.

"Is what true?" Benlo questioned her.

"Ben..." All around them was flames. Destruction. Death. She slowly turned to look at her brother. "Are you dead-"

"Aw having a nightmare?"

Yiro set up suddenly out of the dream world and resting back in her metal home she made in the garbage heap. In front of her she saw him. Her scowl growing as she reached for her sword only to find it missing since she had used it to save those two Enforcers...

"Trait..." She said eyeing the man in the cloak.

"Hello brave hero Yiro." Trait announced. He gave a sinister smirk. "Are we ready to play again-"

Yiro spun around grabbing a large metal shard which she sliced out with. It would have hit but Trait's body glowed black and he vanished teleporting away. "How are you doing that!" She hissed turning around only to receive a powerful punch to the gut that was so hard it made her spit up a glob of blood. The punch blasted her back and she rolled across the ground and came to a sliding stop.

"Oh sweet hero. There are many things you don't know... I'm sure you saw them with your power though. Equations. They didn't exist when you were around but they do now. Back in the day you humans had to devour parts of the Squid to gain powers, now though nearly anyone can find one of these white marbles and bond with it gaining a superpower." He smirked. "Pretty cool right."

"Things really have changed since I last lived on this planet..." Yiro sighed.

"Speaking of changes... I need it... The thing in you. So if you don't mind." Trait pressed his hands together a large smirk forming on his face as a black aura covered him. "Mantra Bond. Bestia Macht Bond Variant!" He announced. A black mist seeped out of him and the torso of the Bestia Macht appeared.

"You've bonded yourself to the upper half of he Hydra haven't you..." Yiro said. "That means my brother is..."

"He cried like a little bitch when I had Hydra devour him!" Trait laughed. "And when I break your bond with the beast and free the lower half I'll be able to bond them back together! Than I'll control a weapon so strong not even God and Storm could stop me!" He laughed.

"Who told you about this... Who taught you how to read English old fool? Humans don't know that speak anymore? Not in this Age..."

"It was a young girl... She called herself Nightmare." He laughed. "Visited me when I went to the Void. Taught me about it all."


"Do you know her?"

"I do not." Yiro pressed her hands together for a moment. "But if its a fight you want... It's a fight I'll give you." She announced a black aura covering her body.

"I wonder how long you can control the beast without your focus!" Trait smirked holding up a short sword. The same one Benlo had used...

"Bastard..." From behind Yiro a beast appeared. It looked like a lion but had no leg, and a snake like tail with a mouth on the end of it. The lower half of Hydra... "I'll kill you-"

"Hello?" Trait, and Yiro, both stopped when they saw Ken was now standing in the doorway Yiro's sword in her arms. "Uh... What's going on?" There was a loud crack as most of the building began to fall down due to the two massive building sized monsters that stood in it.

"Ken! Give me the sword!" Both Yiro, and Trait, shouted.

"Wait what?"

"Ken! She's insane! She isn't the Hero we thought she was! She has Hydra!" Trait shouted.

"Ken. Give me back my sword." Yiro yelled holding her hand out.

"But..." Ken eyed them both up for a moment. "Ima be honest kind of hard to trust either of you when there's two MASSIVE monsters behind you both..."

"That... Is a valid point." Yiro hummed.

"Still... Yiro did kiss me so I'm leaning towards her." Ken hummed.

"But bros before hoes?" Trait yelled.

"We ain't bros." Ken said flatly tossing the sword towards Yiro who caught it.

Trait scowled but it soon turned to a smirk. "To hell with these games. Kill them all Hydra!" He screamed.

Hydra's upper half let out a loud roar firing forward.

"Hydra. Save." Yiro announced squeezing down on her sword.

The two halves slammed into one another in a brutal display of combat creating a massive shock wave the exploded out.

"Guess we're doing this!"

'Guess so! Alright Ken. Show me what you can do.'

"If you insist." Ken smirked jumping high into the air and bringing her arms back. "Red Beam Barrage!" She announced thrusting them forward and firing out several beams of red energy which all phased through the upper half of the beast. "Whoa. Hero wasn't kidding. This thing is like trying to fight the ocean..." She hissed slicing through the beast with a black spike but only managed to get herself covered in the fleshy liquid...

'How the hell do you fight this thing...' Row hummed.

"Ken you need to-" Yiro yelled but was stopped when Trait suddenly appeared next to her stabbing his sword right through her gut making blood flow down her chin.

"Now then! I'll unseal that beast from you and form them back together again! Unseal-"

"No!" Yiro slammed her head into Trait knocking him back. He hissed out and sliced out with his sword stabbing into her blade. There were several cracks all along it as both swords began to shake and pieces of them started to break off.

"My focus!" Trait yelled his eyes wide with fear. He growled closing his eyes as his aura faded and the upper half vanished. "Fine... We'll call this one a draw." He growled his ring glowing as he vanished.

Yiro hit the ground her own aura fading away as she let out a loud gasp of pain. Her eyes slowly closing as she stared at her cracked blade.

"Yiro!" Ken yelled running over to the girl. Yiro's eyes closed fully.

"S... Sorry."


Yiro's eyes slowly opened as she stared up at the white ceiling that was above her.

"Finally awake huh?"

"W... What?" Yiro slowly turned finding Light in the seat next to her. She knew from Hero and Ken's memories she was currently in the hospital of the Squad Six Base.

"Sup. The others are asleep right now. So you're stuck with me."

"Hmm..." She turned away from him before setting up. "My sword-"

"Right here." Light said tossing it to her. She caught it staring at it.

"You're just giving it to me?"

"That old dude said you can see memories right?"

"Yeah... When I kiss them. Why?"

"So then you've seen my brothers memories. I'm certain you know we're the good guys then." Light grinned. "And Ken seems to think you're good."

"...Believe me... I'm not..."


"I'm not good." She slowly pulled her legs up into a ball glaring down. "I just feel so useless damn it." She hissed before letting out a loud yelp of pain grabbing at her chest as she nearly fell over. "D... Damn it... It's getting... Harder... And with my sword broke..."

"What's wrong?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you..."

"Once again... You have my brothers memories. You know half the s##t we've seen? Just try me."

She let out a sigh before staring back at her sword. She drew it her eyes going wide when she saw even more cracks on it. Shards of metal slowly falling off. "Damn it... I might not have any choice then..."

"What do you mean?"

She looked him dead in the eyes. "I need you to kill me."


"You heard me. Kill me." She said. "Please."

"I'm gonna need an explanation."

"...It's a long story..."

"We got time..."

"We really don't..."

"Well... I'm not killing you till you explain..."

Yiro was silent for a moment. "It... It all started nearly two thousand years ago... Back when this world was called Earth. Back when the man you call God was just a man. Back when the sky was blue... We found it... The Squid... A creature who hops from world, to world... He devours them all... But first... He makes sure the meal he's eating is good. He gifts the planet something... Something... Called the Equation Of Life... A power that gifts supernatural abilities to people. Orion... He studied this thing... As well as the Cells of that beast... Soon... 'It' was made..."


"The first Bestia Macht... Hydra... A monster that can't be killed..."

"I'm guessing this beast that attacked our city, is the same in this story?"

"That's right... It took everything we had but we managed to beat it."

"But you said it can't be killed?"

"It can't."

"So... How'd you beat it?"

She stared down at her hands and for a moment Light saw what looked like a look of shame cross onto her face as she let out a heavy sigh. "Orion's power... He found a way to seal it... I helped him... We turned it into something that our Mantra could bond to. Something that could be broken down and fused to us... Bestia Macht bonding is what Trait called it, though we never gave it a name... You see Hydra's power was so great it was impossible for one man to contain... Even half its power would be nearly impossible... But we had to do something... So my brother and I... We had Orion split it in half. And with that half we both absorbed it. I got the lower... Ben... He got the upper... However it wouldn't be enough. Eventually it would get out... The only way to stop it would be to kill us while the beast is inside of us... But Orion... He refused... He couldn't bring himself to kill me or my brother. So he sealed us away in those chests... But now my brother was somehow unsealed and killed... And I am unsealed as well with no way to get back... Each second I feel it..." She grabbed her chest which formed a black circle once more. "It's trying to get out... No doubt its the same with Trait... Please... Kill me while I still have it in me... And find and kill Trait before the beast can get out!"

Light was silent for a moment. "Let's say... That dying is the only way... Why not just kill yourself? Why does it have to be me?"

"I can't..." She hissed out the circle getting larger. She drew her sword the upper half snapping off. She twirled it around and stabbed it at her self but a black aura covered her up stopping it. "Hydra won't let me... Please... I don't think I can hold him for very long..." She gasped. "With the Focus snapped... It's happening faster... Please Light?"

Light stared at her for a moment. He was a solider in his last life. He killed before. "I don't want you hurting my big brother... But is there really no other way?"

"T... There isn't." She cried out. "Please!"

Light slowly nodded his head lifting the gun and pointing it at her. It glowed as he got ready to fire. "...I'm sorry."

"So am I because I can't let you do that!" A loud voice screamed out. They turned just in time to see the entire wall explode as Hydra came crashing through a crazy looking Trait on one of the heads. "I won't let you kill my weapon!" He laughed loudly.

Light fired out a shot but it sunk through the beasts body as if he was shooting at water. A head flew out slamming him into the back wall and throwing him through. Yiro tried to get up but Trait teleported above her crashing into her from up above and slamming her down making her cry out. He pressed his hand to her stomach the circle on her chest getting larger as he smirked a loud laugh escaping his lips.

The door burst open suddenly as Kitsune, Ken, Shelly, and Irene, all came crashing in.

"Looks like you've arrived just in time!" Trait announced his grin getting larger. "Thanks to her focus breaking I'm strong enough to yank the beast out of her!" He laughed as the glowing got brighter and bright. "Unseal!"

"No-" Yiro tried to scream but was stopped when a massive explosion went off.

The entire building shook and everyone stared in shock when the dust began to clear showing the massive monster now fully put together. It stood taller than any building all its head coming out as it let out a loud roar firing out seven beams. One from each head, one from its tail, and a massive one from the mouth in the center of it. The thing was huge! Down below in the streets several shocked people could be seen all staring up at the beast. Two of which were Linda, and Zank, who were recording the whole thing...

"Yes! Yes!" Trait announced. "My monster is whole! Now I'm the leader! I'll get back at everyone who wrong me for-" His head was suddenly blown clean off his shoulders by Light who stood up his gun smoking.

"Yeah we're like at the half way mark of this chapter, we don't have time for your shitty back story." Light said as the headless corpse fell over. "Also did I win?"

"Y... You idiot." Yiro hissed spitting up some blood. "That thing needed to be in him for that to work... Now the Hydra isn't bonded to anyone!" She yelled. As she spoke the beast turned its body and began to stomp away.

"Then. I guess we better find a way to beat it." Kitsune announced entering his fox form.

"You can't."

"We'll find a way." Irene announced. "Even if we have to fight it a hundred thousand times."

"Let's go!" Shelly announced. Her, Light, Irene, and Kitsune all took off but Ken stayed behind.

"You stay here." Ken said. "We'll handle this."


"Trust us." Ken smiled. "We're strong."

Kitsune was the first to reach it flames exploding out of his feet boosting him forward at a fast speed. He held his left and right arm out forming a pair of flaming katana's in it as he sliced out only going right through the beast. He spun around as he landed on the other side, now flying with his rocket feet as he went up high and began to throw down large orbs of flames. "Trickstar Fire!" He shouted the flames forming several foxes which all went through the beast not actually hurting it. "Damn it! F##king hacker-"

The beasts five heads slammed into Kitsune smashing him into the ground. All five heads fired out a beam of blue energy but he rolled out of the way dodging the massive beams which slashed across the roar exploding in a hellish display of blue flames and scorching part of the landscape. It was so hot even Kitsune began to get burned. The tail of the beast came up its massive mouth biting down around Kitsune's leg making him scream in pain as its head threw him across the street sending him slamming into a building which then collapsed onto him.

"Remember Me!" Irene yelled slamming an even bigger ice hammer down right in the torso and or face, of the beast so hard it was thrown back. It rolled across the street slowly getting back up, but Irene's hammer shifted into a large ice spear which she stabbed forward stabbing a hole right through the beast. Steam rolled off of it though as the monster began to heal. "Damn it... Hitting its head makes more heads... Hurting its body does nothing as it it just heals... Kitsune was right. This thing is a cheater."

The beasts charged forward at a very fast speed thanks to its four legs it now had. It's torso began to bubble up as a pair of massive white arms suddenly exploded out of either side of it giving the beast a new pair of arms and making Irene's eyes go wide. The arms were covered in snow white fur and looked like they belonged to a gorilla. It slapped out ripping a massive chunk of stone out of the ground and threw it at Irene. She formed a large ice battle axe stepping forward and slashing it out splitting the rock in half. As soon as she did though the beasts fist flew out slamming a punch into her and pushing her deep into the ground...

"Level Two!" There was a burst of Golden energy, as Light, who now stood on a speeding bus, drove towards the beast his gun at its full size. "Take this! Mega Hyper Beam!" He announced firing out a massive golden beam which blasted one of the beasts arms off. Two more grew back though. "Oh God damn it! Does everything but the Torso grow more? F##k it! Level Three!" He yelled entering the incomplete form of a level three. His eyes gaining target symbols as he could see. The bust he stood on seemed to get faster as his energy began to affect it making it bigger and seemingly upgrading the bus to the point of several canons growing out of it. "Fine. If you can heal than I'll just blast you to nothingness! Hero beam!" Hundreds of golden lights all blasted out of the barrels.

The beast let out a roar and did a new trick, its entire body suddenly splitting apart as it broke down into a pure liquid turning into hundreds of rain drops which all rained down. The beams missing all the drops. As soo as all the drops hit the ground they swirled back together forming the body of the beast once more. It's tail grew flew out smashing down onto the bus and Light blasting it in a hail of flames as it roared.

"Rosé Burst!" A massive ball of pink flame slammed into the beast making it roar in pure pain and thrash around ripping the many buildings around it down. The flames spread at a fast speed and the beast looked down finding Shelly glaring at it. Pink flames rolled off of her in waves and she punched out firing out a building sized ball of flames which slammed into the beast. It tried to claw out at her bust she create a whip of flame and slashed it up ripping the fingers of the beast off but that only made more fingers.

The beast entered its liquid form once more in order to stop the burning. As it reformed it reached up and began ripping heads and arms off of itself growing more back.

"Hey what the hell! That's cheating! You can't force yourself to grow extra limbs!" The beast roared ten arms, and twenty heads coming out at a fast speed. Shelly's eyes went wide as she threw her arms forward a ball of pink flame covering her up as the beast rammed into her so hard she was blasted back crashing across the stone ground and slamming through a building. The beast then picked up a full building, and then threw that onto the building she was on in order to knock her down further...

"Shelly!" Ken yelled being the last to arrive. She let out a small growl red energy covering her arms. The beast glared at her as its many snake heads all opened their mouths several beams forming. Then it fired its blue beams right as Ken fired her red beams out. This created a massive shock wave as the two beams slammed in to each other. However... Ken only had two hands, and this beast had so, so, so, many heads now... Ken let out a loud yell as the beam washed over her and she was blasted back half the street being blown to bits.

The beast roared in victory but was silenced when a ball of flames hit the back of its head.

It turned finding a heavily beat up Kitsune was still standing.

"I... I am Kitsune Nine! Badass, and Sexy Samurai, member of Squad Six, Rival of a Devil Armed Bastard, Best Friend to Hero Law, younger brother of Jin Nine, Heir to the Noble family of Nine, one of the twenty sacred branches, and one of the few people to reach the fourth Equation Type! Like hell I'm loosing to some stupid monster!" He screamed out flames exploding out of his feet as he blasted forward.

Down in the debris a heavily beat up Light, and Irene, rested. "Does his speech get longer every time?" Light asked.

"Better question... Where the f##k is Hero?" Irene yelled.

Kitsune fired through the air with his flaming feet as the fire covered both his arms forming massive flame limbs. "Trickstar Fire Boost Engine!" He screamed firing through the beast. He curved his body and fired through it again, and again, each time missing due to his water power, however he also got faster, and faster... The beast went to take a swipe and that was when Kitsune gave a smirk. "Now!" He fired again ramming into the monster as hard as he could and lifting it up into the air, somehow using his flames to carry this colossal beast. "Whenever you use that power of yours it covers your whole body! You can't select body parts! That means when you're attack you're physical! Also when ever you get hit it takes you a moment to turn it on, so as long as I don't stop hitting you, you can't use your power asshole!" Kitsune announced his arms throwing punch after punch at the beast as he slammed them up higher, and higher, a cloak of white energy and flames around him.

The beast roared its arms coming out as he managed to wrap one of its many hands into Kitsune's body. It squeezed down making Kitsune scream out in pain as the beast started to squish him. Now that he wasn't lifting the beast up gravity did its job and the two began to fall back towards the planet so hard and fast flames covered them. The beast seemed to let out a laugh as it held the hand that held Kitsune down and they slammed into the planet it shoving Kitsune into the ground as hard as it could and creating a large sonic boom that shook the entire city!

It dropped Kitsune and raised its foot up about to drop it when all of a sudden a car slammed into the back of its head, or heads, making it stopped. It turned and found in the distance Hero Law.

"Hey! I was in the bathroom, and I exit, only to find half the city is on fire, and the other half is being stomped out by a King of the Monsters rejects. What the hell!"

The beast roared so Hero also roared back at it.

The two took off at one another as Hero's arm shifted into its clawed hand. He began to dodge the many hands, and heads that all came out with insane speed waiting for his moment to strike... When he saw his chance he took it. All the heads came crashing down and Hero blasted past them all landing behind the beast. His clawed hand came out as he grabbed its tail. Then... He began to spin. He gritted his teeth as his arm grew to a massive size and Hero spun so fast he picked the monster up off the ground and began to spin it around the city slamming it through every building that was nearby.

"Get... The... Hell... Out... Of... My... City!" Hero yelled letting go of the beast and sending it flying high into the air. It spun and began to fall towards the wall but Hero slammed his foot down throwing himself high into the air. His clawed arm growing in size as hundreds of pipes stabbed out of it. "Big Arm Strike!" He yelled smashing a fist into the beast and slamming it back down into the city as hard as he could. His massive arm then fired out building sized feathers and as he dropped he shifted it to the biggest rage canon he ever used. "Be gone!" The beam slammed into the beast as it roared in pain.

As Hero landed his ruby red eyes filled with so much rage the Beast stood back up the mouth in the center forming a massive ball of blue energy which fired out a tremendous beam hotter than the surface of the sun and baking most of the city. Hero brought his clawed hand back and thrusted it forward right as the beam slammed into him. It created a massive explosion more devastating than any nuclear bomb. When the dust settled Hero was still standing his jacket and most of his upper shirt gone.

"That all you got?" Hero said spitting out a glob of blood.


Ken slowly opened her eyes seeing Shelly above her. Shelly's hands were over Ken as she finished healing most of the girls wounds.

"You okay?" Shelly asked.

"I... I'll live." Ken groaned sitting up and shaking her head. "It's not done yet is it..."

"No... Hero's buying me time to heal everyone though... I have no God damn clue what the hell he's made out of but damn. He took those attacks head on..."

"I... I tried to tell you all... You can't win..." Ken, and Shelly turned finding Yiro limping towards them.


"We have to try." Shelly said shaking her head.

"You don't get it..." Yiro shook her head. "There's only one way to stop it... Even then though that might be impossible..."

"What is it?" Shelly asked.

Yiro sighed. "If we can destroy all the heads at the same time it'll be stunned... While stunned we'll be able to seal it again... One of you will have to seal it into me."

"I don't know how to seal a monster..." Shelly said flatly.

"You're in luck. I do." Yiro said grabbing Shelly and pulling her in for a kiss.

"Seriously!" Shelly asked moving away her face pure red.

"I transferred the memories to you... You see it right."

Shelly went quiet as she began to think. She could see memories that weren't her own... "This plan is..."

"The only way... Hurry... Heal the others... Tell them the plan..."

Back at the battle.

Hero slammed his fist into the hand of the beast so hard as massive shock wave broke between them. Both Hero and the beast were evenly matched trading blow, after blow... But Hero couldn't heal... His teeth clenched as the massive hand slammed him down as hard as it could shattering the bridge he was on. He felt himself fall but spun around.

"Hellish Cyclone!" Hero screamed stabbing up with his hand and splitting the beast in half only for it to reform. "Damn it!"

"Hero!" Irene yelled coming crashing in on a slide of ice. "We got a plan! It'll be hard but... We have to hit every head at once and break them!" She grabbed Hero ice skating away. "Shelly healed all of us and told us the plan."

"What?" Hero asked with wide eyes. "But that's... You'd have to hit every head at once... And you only get one shot when it's attacking you..."

"Hard huh... Don't worry... We'll find a way to-"

Hero grabbed Irene throwing her down right as the beast landed right on them smashing Hero into the ground.

"Hero!" Irene screamed. "Bastard!" She fired up creating a bow of ice and firing out several arrows but all of them bounced off of the creatures hide...

"Irene!" Kitsune yelled. Next to him was Ken, and Light. "We're backing you up!"


Off to the side Shelly stood with Yiro...

"As soon as all its heads are gone do the ritual." Yiro said.

"R... Right... Until then we just have to hope they can beat it..." Thankfully the monster isn't to smart... It simply attacks everything in sight."

Off to the side of them Linda, and Zank stood filming the whole thing.

Kitsune fired at the beast bringing his arms up. Even with Shelly's healing, they were all pretty badly banged up and not in that great of a shape. Still... He was an Enforcer... And that meant not giving up. "Take this you ugly bastard! Fox Flare!" He yelled cupping his hands together and forming a massive orange beam of flames which fired towards the beast phasing through it. "Damn it! It didn't attack-" The beasts hand came out slamming down onto Kitsune throwing him out of the fight.

"Now!" Irene announced forming a massive ice great sword. She sliced up but she too phased through its body making her eyes go wide as she gritted her teeth. "Shit! I was off by a single second!" The tail of the monster slashed up firing a blue beam of energy which smashed into Irene's back making her scream in pain as she went slamming down into the ground at a high speed next to Kitsune.

Light flipped down bringing his gun up. All the heads were lined up perfectly and it was still in the middle of an attack. This was his time to shine! He pulled the trigger! And his gun exploded in a hail of flames. "God damn it are you serious! My level three form totally burnt my gun out!" Light yelled with wide eyes. He looked up just in time to see the fist of the beast which slammed down into him smashing him into the ground.

Ken fired forward flipping into the air. "Well... I suppose the others won't mind if this saves their lives." She squeezed her eyes shut as the silver streak in her hair got a little longer. A black cat tail grew out of her rear as did a pair of black cat ears. Her muscles got a little larger and she seemed to gain a small height boost. Razor sharp iron claws formed out of her fingers and her teeth grew into fangs. "I'm gonna devour you!" She yelled red energy wrapping around her as she fired towards the beast faster than it could react in a flash ripping all its arms, and legs off, and most of the heads. However she was just a little to slow, and one managed to pull back. "Shit!" The other heads all grew back giving the beast nearly twenty heads by now, and all its arms and legs reformed.

'Damn it! We weren't fast enough!' Row hissed.

The monster slammed all its arms down on top of Ken smashing her down into the ground but unlike the others she got back up a loud laugh coming out of her.

"I'm not done yet!" She announced. "You're-"

There was a burst of green energy and the monster roared as it began to be raised up off the ground. Down in a massive pit Hero stood back up his ruby red eyes now a bright green, and his right arm, now in its Shield Of Justice mode, the green flames around his fist.

"Hero?" Ken said snapping out of it when she saw him. Her cat like traits vanishing. "You haven't even been healed and yet you're still fighting? This is great! We can double team him and-" Ken fell to her knees spitting out a glob of blood. "O... Oh God... Ow..."

'Shit... Is you body giving out after using that last form? Please don't tell me we're placing all our luck in Hero...'

"I... I think we are." Ken chuckled collapsing forward.

"Hero is..." Yiro said slowly.

"He'll win..." Shelly said shaking her head. "I believe in him."

"His strongest move is Dragon king Abyss though... That can only hit one head..."

Hero turned to face the massive beast as he eyed it up. "Well. I hope you've had your fun. Play times over." The beast roared and charged towards Hero. "Here I come! I'll end you in one attack!" Hero roared firing towards the beast. He leapt high into the air punching out with his fist. He went right through the monster landing on the other side of the street. He gave a smirk as he landed on his feet. "Darn. Looks like I missed. Guess it's your turn to hit me."

The beast whipped around punching out but Hero dodged it. His green eyes staring daggers at all the heads waiting for the perfect time... He'd only have one shot with this... The beast threw out more punches but Hero dodged them all simply to fast for the beast to hit. Each punch no doubt strong enough to knock a normal Enforcer out in one blow. Every time it hit the ground it sent earth quakes through the entire city.

"Hard to believe this is Saints Paticks Day isn't it." Hero smirked. "I guess you can't hit me. Okay. I'll stand still. Go ahead! Punch me!" He announced holding his arms out as he stood there.

"What the hell is he doing!" Shelly asked with wide eyes.

"H... He won't get a chance if the beast misses... He needs it to be exact so... He's gonna use his own body to line it up..."


The beast roared out one of its massive arms coming out and slamming into Hero so hard he was sent sliding across the road but he wrapped his arms around the massive hand holding onto it as he remained standing. He glared up at the beast. "I told you. Throw a punch at me! I'm still waiting for you to damage me!" The beast roared slamming back into him again this time Hero lost his footing flying back as he rolled. He slowly got back up though wobbling. "Come on. What's the matter. You're a big angry monster right? Kill me then! Hit me!" The monster jumped into the air as high as it could and slammed its entire body down onto Hero who this time did let out a yell of pain but it soon turned into one of rage as he quickly masked it. "Hit me with everything you got!" He roared as the beast slapped him away.

It let out a loud growl as it to confirm it was ready to do that. It raised its many tails up, all glowing a bright blue, all its heads opened up also glowing, and the mouth in its chest widened as it became an ocean of blue energy. Last time it did this attack it was at half the heads and tails, and it was hotter than the surface of the sun... Now though... Now it who knew what kind of power this blast had. All the heads lining up.

"Now..." Hero stood up his green eyes changing into a black iris as the green flame around his hand also changed to black. The beams came out but Hero jumped as high as he could all of them missing him as he began to fall towards the beast holding his right arm out. "Black Hydra!" He screamed punching his arm out as hard as he could. A mass of black flames exploded out of his arm forming over one hundred dragon heads which all came slamming out as Hero ripped his way through, not just the head of the beast, but its arms, it legs, its tails, and its torso blowing it into trillions of pieces as he hit it with so much force the planet itself shook! "Shelly now!" Hero yelled crashing down into the ground so hard he created a massive crater as all his black flames died out and his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he fell forward. "I... Did my part... Don't f##k up." He said hitting the ground unconscious.

Shelly clasped her hands together, as did Yiro as they began the chant. They spoke in a language that no longer existed... A bright golden glow covering both girls. The glow swarmed Yiro as all the pieces of the monster reformed and it seemed to turn into a weird mist getting pulled into Yiro.

She fell back landing on her knees as she looked up at Shelly. "N... Now... Please... Finish the plan!"

"R... Right..." Shelly gave a small gulp as she raised her hand up. "...Thank you... For everything you did in the past."

"...No." Yiro smiled. "Thank you. I was worried this future was bleak. But... I see so much hope." Shelly's hands glowed pink as a beam of pink flames blasted through Yiro's heart and she slowly fell back. 'I wonder...' Yiro thought. 'Row... Orion... How are you two... Doing... I'll be going on a little ahead with Benlo... I think it's time the two of you catch up with me and him.' Her eyes closed as she hit the ground...

And with that...

Hydra was no more...

"Hey Yiro... Wake up..."

Yiro slowly opened her eyes finding Benlo standing above her. "B... Ben?"

"Hey Sis... You kept your promise huh."

"My... Promise..."

"You said we'd be together forever."

"Oh yeah..." She slowly reached up towards his hand. "I guess I did... Let's... Go together... Ben..."


"I'm Linda!"

"And I'm Zank!"

"And we're your newscrew!" They both announced.

"Good news Zank!" Linda said happily. "After the attack that happened yesterday was canceled it turned out that Squad Six managed to keep the battle in a most empty part of the city... There were almost no casualties! Those Recruits really kept this place safe huh?"

"I mean... Besides the millions dollars worth of damage... Sure! But I don't think that's why any of us are happy today!"

"That's correct Zank! We're really happy because it's Saints Day!" She announced turning and waving her arms.

It hadn't been that easy to find a part of the city that wasn't wrecked but they did... Millions of people all stood loud music, and food stands. Dancing, a stage with a band on it. It was like a massive party was going on.

"Today is finally a good day!"

Meanwhile over in the crowd.

"Geez." Jackson said rolling his eyes. "We're gone for a week and we come back to seeing the City in ruins." He snorted. Next to him stood Hannah, Katrina, and Dawson, as well as Kitsune, Light, and Irene. It wasn't just Squad Six that was here though. There were many others. Like Squad Nine and Two.

"Still." Kitsune chuckled. He wore an arm cast. Next to him Light, and Irene were both in full body casts. "You gotta admit. We did pretty good right!"

"I wouldn't say good." Dawson hummed. "I heard Hero handled most of it."

"Nah. We bought him time so he could get his bs main character finisher... Seriously what the hell even was that attack." Kitsune hummed.

"Well I'm just glad we finally get a break." Irene smiled. "It looks the others are having fun..."

Off on the dance floor Ken, and Shelly were both dancing, both seeming to have a fun time.

"Spin me Shelly!" Ken announced jumping into Shelly's arms.


"They seem happy." Katrina hummed. "I'm glad a few of our Squad Members can still dance... Though... It makes me wonder... Where's Hero..."

Meanwhile... Sitting on a dock over looking the black sea Hero Law rested. He could hear the loud music in the distance. He stared down at his reflection. He was in a suit rather than his Enforcer outfits as while he did ditch the party he still went... A few bandages covered his wounds but other than that he seemed fine.

"I thought I'd find you here..."

Hero turned looking up and gave a small smile when he saw who stood behind him. A gray haired girl with tired gray eyes, wearing robes, who floated on a small ball.

"Oh hey-"

"Don't oh hey me..." Hella said shushing him before he could say her name. "What's wrong."

"Nothing?" Hero snorted. "I just don't like parties."


"Never been my thing." Hero shrugged.

"Well somethings on your mind..."

"Yeah." Hero slowly stood up throwing his arms behind his head. "Just... Thinking..."


"She was brave... So... So brave... Trapped in a time she didn't belong in... All alone... Only having the memories of a mentally damaged hero, and an insane yuri loving nun." Hero laughed. "It makes me wonder... What did she see in our memories that made he decide to do it... Why did she decide to die for us... She could have easily placed the beast in one of us and have us be the one to die... But she didn't... Was it my memories... Or Ken's that made he decide to die."

Hella was silent. "I don't think it matters. I think... I think she lived her life how she wanted to up till the end... I think no matter who's memories she saw into she'd still do it. Because it was her choice. I think she lived."

"She lived." Hero felt a small smile come onto his face. In the distance he heard the sound of music.

Several people at the party began to slow dance. Katrina and Jackson, Dawson, and Hannah, Kitsune, and Irene, Ken, and Shelly even. Not Light though. Nobody likes Light.

Hero turned to Hella. "Thanks..." He said followed by her name as he smiled.

She looked away for a moment then slowly held her hand out to him.

"Speaking of living... Care for a dance? Hero Law..."