Moving On...

Night One Hundred And Ninety One

Age 1991

Gladious City...

The Arena...

"Alright ladies and gentlemen!" Olf the dog man announced standing back at the arena. "It's time for the next match to begin! This match is Hero Law Of Squad Six!" He announced shocking Ken, Shelly, Irene, Light, and Kitsune, as that meant Hero would be facing Ava next. "Versus Tsun Cloth, of Squad Four!"

"Hero..." Ken began.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine."

Hero stepped out of the box and made his way to the arena. As he walked his mind went over everything that happened so far. And... There was still so much that was to come... So, so, so much... He thought of all the fights that had happened. Not just he legal ones but the illegal ones like his fight with Hella, and Kitsune. He stared down at his right hand balling it up into a fist coming up with all manner of strategies in how he would win. No matter what... He had to win...

Finally Hero stood at his side of the arena and saw Tsun. His mind went to her for a moment. He spoke to her twice. Both times was when they all came together to throw a party after finishing a big mission. He didn't know her power or her fighting style... She gave him a small smirk and he felt nervous. How many people had hacks that would allow them to win even if he was stronger than them...

He shook his head.

He couldn't worry about that.

His right arm glowed changing into his clawed form the green flames pouring out of his sharp claws. Up in the stands Mary, as well as Katrina, and Hannah were all cheering. His two moms, and his older sister...

Hero took a deep breath. "Here I come!" He yelled firing forward as he sliced out at Tsun.

"I give up."

Hero flew past her landing flat on his face as the words left her mouth.

"...What?" Hero crashed into the floor sliding across it. He jumped up back to his feet turning to look at the girl his ruby red eyes wide. "Why? Why the hell did you instantly give up!"

Tsun threw her arms behind her head letting out a small chuckle. "Well. My Cursed Life Powers aren't really that good for combat. I showed them off before. I turn into armor. And unlike that Devil man in your Squad, Dawson Blight, I can't move while in that mode, or even attack. I kind of knew I wasn't passing the moment I saw these were all fighting Games! I thought it was kind of funny though lol."

"Did you just say lol... I think I might attack you just for that."

"Gg. Still though. You have to admit that was a good prank. You were all serious looking about to fight for your life and put on an epic show. To bad I'm freaking useless though haha!"

Hero's eyes twitched as his arm reverted from its demonic clawed form back into his flesh human arm. "Are you kidding me... I'm like the only member of my Squad people cared about the fight."

"Hey!" Ken, and Kitsune yelled.

Down in the boxes Ken folded her arms. "Why does Hero get such an easy win... Light, and Kitsune beat their guys in one hit, Hero didn't even have to fight for his. But for me I get my butt kicked and beat into the ground, and Irene goes and loses her game. I think these might be a little sexist!"

"Oh God what's gonna happen when it's my turn!" Shelly asked with wide eyes.

"At least big brother passed." Light hummed.

"I suppose." Irene sighed. "He'll be getting a badge no matter what... Only hard thing for him now is just not dying to Ava in their fight which... That will be a little harder than everyone else."

"Well. As long as Hero keeps his plot armor up he should be good." Kitsune shrugged.

In the next box Emma let out a sigh of relief. "Well it looks like Hero got lucky and passed on to the next round." She smiled.

"Indeed he did." Lucy said in her typical bland way a blank look still on her face. "Though I suspect his next match will be... Interesting..." Her eyes slowly eying up Ava in box five.

Ava simply set there resting back in her normal sitting way as she let out a small giggle. "I am a little sad. I was really hoping for a good match to see what he can do. But I guess I won't get to see anything until it's my turn. Sad... Oh well. It will just make my excitement for him grow. Will he be able to become Hero Otoko for me I wonder..."

Up in the stands Vil, and Kitsune, and Or Serenity, and or William, rested up in their seat. "My. I didn't even get to see him fight." Kitsune sighed.

"Do you really care about my brother fighting." Vil sighed.

"I suppose I do." Kitsune said letting out a small hum as she scratched her chin. "From my world there was also a Hero... A brave and foolish idiot named Hero Otoko. He was strong. And the type to not give up. His powers were weird. That said he was my friend. One of my only friends in fact... This one... Hero Law... Or should I call him Row? I suppose it doesn't matter though? His powers are something else. Something I haven't seen yet. It makes me wonder just who he is compared to the Hero I got to know."

"That's what your interested in?" Vil asked raising an eyebrow.

"Is it weird? After all from where I'm from Hero's powers were... Let's say weird..."

"Row's arm turns into a demonic limb that changes into weapons, and he also has the power to make dreams into reality... You don't think that's weird."

"Otoko was a balloon."

"The hell?"

"I told you he was weird."

"That's not just weird that just doesn't make any sense."

"Maybe you'd have to see it for yourself."

Vil's frown grew as he crossed his arms. "Still..." Shaking his head his eyes slowly stared down at everyone in the stands. All the normal humans without powers. "Ash went around infecting everyone with his Crest... Now that you have the Crest I assume your ready to start the plan aren't you?"

"Yes... I have figured out some of how his M Crest works. M for Mine after all... I think we should be good to go in a few days... Do you think your skills are up."

"Of course they are! Don't insult me like that! Who do you think I am!"

Kitsune let out a giggle reaching out and petting the top of his head.

"What was that for!" Vil asked slapping the hand away as he shot her a look.

"Oh. I'm sorry. Was that weird?"

"Yes! Crazy woman..."

"In my world I had an older brother. Jin Nine. He went missing though. I always did want a little brother. You can just call me Big Sis Kit."

"I refuse to call you big sis Kit." Vil said flatly in the same tone Hero uses when he's annoyed.

"Aw..." Kitsune turned away her eyes staring down at the arena. For a moment it turned to look at the Squad Six Box. She stared at the Kitsune Nine of this world, and Ken Red. They were the only two she knew. The other was Shelly which he had met once though she wasn't an Enforcer in his world. Then there was a girl who looked kind of like North Glacious but a girl, and a blind kid that looked like Cloud. The Hero of this world did look a bit like Otoko, but his hair and eye color were wrong. In fact everyone from this world seemed to look a little different. Not just in looks but in the way they acted. Light seemed to care about this version of Hero a lot more, than Cloud did, Irene was much more in touch with her Squad than the North of her world was, her alternate version Kitsune Nine of this world, seemed to be a Nerd and kind of dumb, the Hero of this world she was still learning about slowly discovering just who he was, and the Ken, and Shelly of this world were both a lot more Gay than she remembered. "I can't wait till we begin." Kitsune smiled.

"Do you care that much."

"Do you not..."

Vil was silent for a moment. "I guess you have a point... My blade is hungry for their blood..."

"Aw. You little weeb." Kitsune said patting Vil's head making his frown grow.

Down below Hero's arms were folded as he stared at Tsun who had an amused look on her face. He was still debating attacking her for her constant puns but managed to holding himself back.

Olf climbed back onto the board and raised his microphone up. "Alright ladies and gentle men! It seems like the winner is Hero Law of Squad Six!" He announced.

Hero turned away and began to walk back towards his box. He jumped over the wall folding his arms again. "I'm a little mad."

"Really?" Kitsune asked raising an eyebrow.

"I wanted a cool fight..."

"You fought Hella, and me..." Kitsune said blankly. "And you won both fights."

"Wait Hero won in his fight with you?" Ken asked stumbling.

"Oh whoops... I wasn't supposed to say I lost." Kitsune laughed throwing his arms behind his head. "We had a final clash but Hero proved to just be that little bit stronger than me. It was close though."

"No it wasn't." Hero said bonking Kitsune on the head.

Olf cleared his throat pulling the microphone back up. "It's time to begin the next match!" He announced loudly.

"Already? Who's next." Ken wondered.

"We got another Squad Six Member! The last in fact! Shelly Kaen of Squad Six!"

"Damn it Ken you jinxed me!"

"Sorry babe..."

"And her opponent! Kidd Gatling from Squad Four!" He announced loudly.

"Squad Four? And Squad Six again?" Hero wondered.

Shelly let out a sigh as she slowly set off towards the arena. She walked up and stood on her end letting out a heavy sigh as a small pink flame seemed to slowly flow down her arms. She looked up when she heard the foot steps.

"I guess you're the one I'm going to beat- What the hell..." Shelly asked frowning when she saw her enemy.

He was tall standing at nearly seven feet and had massive muscles. He wore the official Enforcer uniform and had one two pairs of thick heavy metal brass knuckles. But he wasn't an Equip Type. He was a Transformation. Shelly could tell...

Because his entire head was a massive gun...

"I hope you're ready!" Kidd announced loudly the barrel of his gun head coming out. "Heavy Rain!" He announced as the barrel began to spin...