Flames Of Rosé

Night One Hundred And Ninety Three

Age 1991

Gladious City...

The Arena...

Back up in the arena Shelly let out a sigh. "So can we finish this already or what?" She asked. A ball of pink flames forming in her hands which began to spin around faster, and faster, and faster. "Or do you really want me to finish you off and blast you off the side? Cause I will do that." She smiled.

The arena went silent however when a mechanical sound suddenly echoed out. A sound of metal on metal. It took everyone a moment to figure out it was Kidd... He was... Laughing... The laughter was dark though. So much more broken and busted. He was slowly snapping his back up into place as the barrel of his gun lit up and flames started to pour out.

Shelly let out a tisk her tongue clicking. "Damn it... I guess he cooled off huh..."

The laughter didn't stop as Kidd raised his hand up to his chest. "This pain... Will make me stronger." He announced.

"W... What?" Shelly asked frowning.

Kidds body began to glow as more and more flames began to form out of his barrel. His veins seemed to suddenly light up as if fire was running through his very veins. The bright glow was intense and so much fire seemed to be boiling inside of him as if the sun itself ran through his blood. The ground below him began to melt and from the barrel so much masses of flames started to come out. He reached out undoing the knuckle dusters and dropping them. There was so much heat that they began to melt and Shelly started to have an intense sweat. The molten stone began to drip from under him as his bodys glow got brighter. The gun on his head grew in size getting bigger as the barrel on it grew out getting longer.

"I'm not just a gun you know..." Kidd laughter got louder... "I'm the whole damn arsenal." His left arm from the elbow down turned into a mass of metal forming a large jagged blade covered in razor sharp edges. His right arm sprouted out several barrels which all began to glow. His lower half seemed to sprout out large wheels and razor blades. A massive metal tail stabbing out of his rear. Large guns and knives began to form out of his chest as armor molded over his flesh. From his back several shot guns seemed to form pointing left and right as if they were wings made of guns? More flames began to pour off of him and he raised up off of the ground. Finally his head changed from the barrel of a gun to a massive missile launcher...

Shelly stared up staring with wide eyes. "Uh... What?"

"Hellish Rain!" Kidd screamed trillions of bullets, fire, knives, and missiles all blasting out of him...

It was time for the real fight to begin...

"I take back what I said earlier!" The voice of Hero could be heard in the back ground as Shelly stared down the metal man that was now covered in knives and guns. "Now he's packing heat!"

Shelly let out a loud curse as hundreds of bullets, and missiles rained down blasting most of the arena apart and sending large shards of debris everywhere. Flames and heat rolled out covering most of the small battle field and everything around it shook. The stage actually stopped and for a moment and began to slowly slide down crashing into the snow floor below and firing out a massive shock wave out. Dust, fire, and explosions, covered the stone platform masking it from sight.

Olf was face down on the snow, his ass in the air, as his tail wagged, and he covered his snout with both hands. "I wanna new job!" He sobbed out tears flowing out of his eyes as more blasts went off.

In the box Hero's arms were folded as he let out a hum. "That guys blast is crazy strong. His one weakness was looking at you, so if you stayed out of sight you were safe. Now though he blasts the entire area all around him."

"H... How did he get so much stronger?" Ken asked. "Did he level up?"

"No." Light shook his head. "He did what I do."

"...What do you do?" Kitsune asked.

Light's eye twitched as Hero, Ken, Kitsune, and Irene, all stared on him waiting for him to explain. "That guys a Second Gen like me... Like all Second Gen's are bodies have nano bots in them powering us up and keeping our bodies together as well as giving us a healing factor. Shelly damaged him an insane amount with that punch... His healing kicked in though and thanks to the fact we can get stronger when near death or beat up, his power sky rocketed. Our healing and power isn't near as high as a Seraphin, but it's enough to get by... Shelly will have to really beat him down to keep him from getting stronger."

"So does Shelly though..." Ken said biting her lip. "Shelly has already healed herself twice... Doing that requires a lot of her energy to... She's like a Glass Chariot. A lot of attack, and she can take a beating, but low energy and stamina... She can't keep up for long..."

"Worried?" Hero asked raising an eyebrow.

"Of course I am! After all I want to be the one to beat her!" Ken announced.

Irene folded her arms a frown on her face. "That'll be easier said then done though... She stops moving and she's gonna get blown sky high..."

"Even moving doesn't look like it'll help?" Kitsune hissed out wincing slightly.

In the arena Shelly slipped on some of the cracked floor slowing her down for a single second. The blasts washed over in seconds as she let out a loud yell. Kidd seemed to be really going all out this time though as he sent out even more blasts of heat and power.

Just like the first time... Several of the jagged rocks blasted down towards many of the Enforcers. Each Box had their own way to keep themselves safe. Though this time it took a lot more than just one person. In box One Max created a wave of lava to block them, but the bullets still came through now far stronger, his eyes went wide but before they could hit him Shiki's leg shifted and he jumped forward kicking out blocking the bullets, Box Two Thorn cocked her head to the side hundreds of vines and whips flying out and slashing the bullets out, and Hella brought her hands together creating a clone of Hero Law, who used his claw arm to block the bullets, Hero would need to ask her how she had that later, Squad Three Reine brought her hands together a blue aura covering her body and what looked like a glass horse exploded out galloping out and blocking her and her team, and her body guard changed into his axe arm blocking them for her, in Squad Four Tsun used her power to turn into armor which wrapped around a team mate who flashed forward and used their body to block the bullets protected by Tsun, they also used their own power sending out beams of red energy, in Squad Five the rocks and bullets simply bent around them and didn't hit any of them same as before, in Box Six Hero changed his arm into its clawed form and jumped forward slashing his arm out and using it to block the bullets, and Kitsune shifted into his new fox form shocking Irene, Ken, and Light, since they hadn't seen it yet, his flames coming out and blocking the bullets along side Hero, Box Seven Lucy's case opened up as a beast flew out which worked as a meat shield, and Emma twirled her chainsaw out slicing them up, Box Eight had a blonde girl blocked all the bullets and rocks, her entire head igniting and becoming a massive flaming skull that spat out flames and burned the bullets, and another girl who grew large metal wings firing out shards of metal, the sight of which made Hero decide to keep an eye on their Squad, Squad Nine had Rilla who ripped a boulder out of the ground and raised it up as a shield, and Ghazel twirled her knife out, Squad Ten, a boy with a sword of light deflected all the bullets, as well as Norm Pink who hid in the ground, Squad Eleven, a mass of shadows raised up covering their box up forming a dome, and Squad Twelve Arthur Pendragon fired forward using his sword to block the bullets, and the girl who could shape shift turned into Ken once more using her barriers.

High up in the stands Master Storm let out a small laugh.

"It seems to be kicking up now doesn't it..."

"Are you not worried about your recruits who might be getting blasted?" The Empress asked.


"...Fair enough I guess?"

Finally after, who knows how long, of these blasts going off, Shelly went flying out crashing into the ground and coming to a rolling stop. She let out a loud gasp and took this time to ease her breathing as she tried to push herself up. Her clothing was mostly torn leaving her in just a torn tank top, and her skirt, her Enforcer jacket snapping off her shoulder and falling. Her hair pins had also fallen out leaving her pink hair falling down her back. Her skin was slightly bruised and battered, and burned a little, but she looked far, far, far, more pissed than hurt.

"Are you done?" Shelly asked her eye twitching as she stumbled back up to her feet a small aura of pink flame slowly coming out of her body.

"Hmm. For now I am. Though now this. In Full Metal Mode, the name of the form I am, I am far stronger, and able to cool off more. I can also heal and grow several times. Good luck beating me with those silly flames. After all I'm so heated up in this state, I might as well be immune to your flames."

"Immune to my flames?" Shelly punched her hand out a flaming tornado slamming into him. The fires quickly died out showing that Kidd was still standing. "Tsch... I guess you are fire proof now huh?"

"That's correct. I am not fire proof. And I might have to cool down but with this sword based arm I can attack you close up and you won't be blocking it." He announced pointing his sword arm forward. The jagged edges on it grew longer as the blade got wider...

Shelly frowned as she stared at the man. "So... You think I can just fight with flames?"

"Oh? Planning on going martial arts on me?" Kidd asked.

"Nah." Shelly shook her head and reached out pressing her hands to the ground. "Your metal flesh is to hard... My hands would break if I punched you. I'll just fight you with the ground."

"The ground-"

The entire ground exploded up bending and twisted slamming into Kidd's gut making him gasp out and blood sprayed from his barrel as he was sent high into the air. The ground was covered in pink flames and the very floor bubbled up as if it was a liquid. The stone arena formed up turning into what looked like a massive stone fist which slammed into Kidd. The hand grabbed onto him as he slammed into it from above, it wrapped around his body, and twisted down slamming him into the ground.

Kidd exploded out of it stumbling and letting out loud growls. "W... What the hell was that!" He yelled as Shelly simply smirked at him. "What did that have to do with flames?" He growled out firing forward and stabbing towards her. Shelly's hands glowed as a pink energy covered the floor as it suddenly froze over turning into ice causing him to slip past her on the pink ice making his eyes go wide. He slipped falling back and a large stone slab of the arena rose up floating in the air. It was covered in a thin layer of pink flames and grew thinner and jagged the flames wrapping around it as it fired out and sliced into Kidd's shoulder splitting it open and spraying more blood out.

Kidd gave a roar of anger and jumped into the air and came crashing down towards Shelly as he stabbed out again. He seemed to figure out being on the ground was bad since she was somehow controlling it and freezing it so he attacked from above. Shelly instead pointed her open palm at him as it glowed with a pink light and a mass of pink flames fired out. The flames washed over him but didn't burn him. Instead they wrapped around his body as if they were a solid. She twisted her arms around as the whip like flames slammed him into the ground at a fast speed grinding him across the floor.

Over in the box Hero had a small look of shock on his face. "So... What the hell is she doing?"

"No clue..." Kitsune hummed.

"Ice... But that's my thing!" Irene frowned.

"Man I wish I had sight..." Light sighed.

Ken gave a small smirk. "Oh yeah. You guys don't know."

"Know what?"

"Well when Hero was being mega emo and threw himself in jail for training just cause he could, me and Shelly spent that entire time doing non-stop training. That's how I got stronger and stuff. During that time I also learned about Shelly's fighting... See she wanted to practice hand to hand, and I wanted to practice dodging range attacks, and stuff. During that time I learned about her power. It's not flames she's throwing around... Its more like Hero's flames where its heat itself..."

"So she's not creating flames... She's doing something that creates heat..." Hero frowned.

"That's right." Ken announced pointing towards the arena where Shelly was. "Shelly's real power allows her to move and shift Atoms, and Molecules, and those flames are just her bringing millions of atoms together and igniting all of them! Every hit of hers is like a mini big bang! On top of that she can mold her flames over non living objects, and break them down, then she can move those molecules around and solidify them again. And since she's able to heat molecules, she can cool them down as well. She has ice, though it's nowhere near as good as my freezing aura, or Irene's ice control. She'd much rather just spam her OP Rose Flames and blast you with heated Atoms!"

"Totally busted powers..." Hero, and Kitsune, both said with flat tones.

Kidd let out a loud curse as he slammed into the ground at a fast speed. Metal covered his body and shattered falling off of him as his heat went out. His head even turned back to a normal head showing a handsome face underneath.

"S... Shit. She beat me so hard my powers can't keep up-"

"You're finished." Shelly announced the pink ball of flames glowing. "Begone with my strongest attack! Rosé Flame Burst!" She yelled out the flames exploding out and forming a massive rose flower which blasted Kidd high into the air.

He went, up, and up, and up till he flew right out of the entire arena and was blasted far into the distance.

Shelly gave a small smirk flipping her hair. "I doubt even he remains conscious he'll be able to get back here in ten seconds. Start counting doggy!"

"Is he gonna be alright?" Olf asked.

"I said start counting!"

"Y... Yes ma'am!"