Yeshua Vil

Night One Hundred And Ninety Four

Age 1989

Somewhere in the Red Nation...

'A hungry Beast that devours everything...'

Jin Nine ran forward running through the ice covered forest. He held his weapon a pair of brass knuckles tight in his hands. A pair of flaming fox ears, and nine flaming fox tails were poking out of him as he ran.

'Nobody knows where it came from or who made it...'

"Damn it..." He cursed a large frown on his face. "What the hell is this thing... It just showed up and started eating my entire team God damn it." The, at the time, Squad Seven Captain came to a sliding stopping finding hundreds of trees had fallen over blocking his path from going any further. He let out a small curse and a tsk sound. "Damn... Dead end... Should have known you weren't going to just let me run away."

'There were rumor's of course...'

The ground behind him shattered as something began to fly out of it. It looked like a massive shark made out of a strange black energy. Like aura that had taken the form of a shark. The shark seemed to actually fly through the air as its mouth opened up showing rows of razor sharp and swirling teeth...

'Some say...'

Jin gave a small smirk flames blasting out of his feet as he exploded high into the air dodging the massive beast as it tore down. He closed his eyes as his flames grew in size. "Level Two." The orange flames around him exploded. His brass knuckles around his arm wrapped around it forming a gauntlet and cover his other arm as well giving him a pair. The orange flames changed becoming bright golden flames and a large circle of flames appeared behind him forming several symbols.

'That this beast...'

"Don't think you'll simply kill me like the rest! I am Jin Nine! Captain of Squad Seven, Heir to the Noble Family of Nine, and one of the Twenty Sacred Branches!" He fell towards the beast his flames growing in size. "I don't expect a monster like you to understand though!" His flames formed a massive fox which brought its arm back. "King Kong Fox!" He announced as it slammed a punch down into the shark and exploded the area in bright golden flames.

'This beast of Gluttony...'

Jin landed on the ground his smile growing. "Still standing huh?" The shark exploded out of the hail flying towards him as its massive mouth opened. "I expected as much. You are indeed strong."

'Was made by God himself...'

Jin brought his hands together the flames forming a ball. "Then take this... Fox Flare!"

'The first Bestia Macht that God made... It's name was...'

The beam flowed over the shark casting it in a pitch golden glow as half the land scape in front of Jin was blown to pieces.



Age 1991

Gladious City...

The Arena...

"Not to bad-"

Shelly was smacked over the top of the head by Hero who punched her knocking the pink haired girl over.

"Ow what the hell!" She yelled grabbing the top of her head.

"I'm sick and tired of every loli being op!" Hero yelled. "First Ken. Then Ava. Now Shelly. I swear to God, if I find out one more small person some how has loads of hidden power I'm gonna lose my mind."

Shelly glared back at Hero rubbing the bump on her head. "It's not my fault you just don't try hard enough."

"I literally train by getting placed near death! What do you mean I don't try hard enough!"

Ken, Kitsune, Light, and Irene, all stood off to the side blank looks on their faces. "So is this what its like when you guys watch me and Shelly fight?" Ken asked as Hero managed to Shelly into a choke hold as she bashed his head into the wall.

"Nah. When you and Shelly do it theirs a lot more tension and perversion..." Kitsune hummed.

"W... We aren't that bad!"

"Yes you are."

Over in the arena Olf let out a sigh as it was slowly placed back together good as new. "Why do I exist... Just to suffer like this..." He said small tears coming out of his eyes. He shook his head wiping his face clean as he got to the center of the arena. "Hello everyone we're back! I guess we're just hopping right into the next match huh! Here's hoping that this one doesn't threaten my life! Please God I'm tired of that! This next match should be a good one... Yeshua Vil from Squad Five Versus Moe Gozaen from Squad Ten!"

"Yeshua Vil?" Hero asked dropping Shelly to the ground. He turned to look at Box five. Yeshua had been the only sibling out of the trio he hadn't spoke to. Yeshua was simply silent all the time his legs crossed and his eyes having been closed. He had no idea what the man was like.

Yeshua's eyes slowly opened though as he stood up. His face held the smallest hint of a smile as he walked forward. Hero's eyes never left the man as he stepped over the wall and made his way up to the arena.

"You look tense..." Irene noted.

Hero frowned staring at the man. "I just... Have a weird feeling is all."

Yeshua made his way up the stairs standing in the arena. He stood there on his side a small smile on his lips. Moe stood across from him. She was a young looking woman. Only around eighteen years or so. She had long green hair tied back into a pony tail and in her hands she held a simple short sword. It reminded Hero of the Wolfs-Bane. Her and Yeshua stared each other down for a moment.

Shelly had a small frown on her face as well as she took a seat next to Hero sitting on the wall. "So this is the guy I'll be fighting next huh?"

"You already assume he's going to win?" Ken asked stumbling.

Kitsune frowned now. "That's a little mean Shelly... I mean that Moe girl stands a chance. And she's totally cute! My type for sure."

Irene smacked Kitsune over the head slamming him into the ground...

Yeshua gave a small smile to Moe. "Hello." He said grinning. "I think we should have a nice and clean fight-"

Moe fired forward as he was speaking slashing her sword out and slamming a wave of wind out from her blade. It slammed into Yeshua and he was launched back. As he flew she stabbed her sword forward and it was as if an unseen force was pulling her as she was dragged forward at a high speed. She came to a sliding stop where Yeshua was going to land. She spun her body around the wind covered her sword as she sliced it out and slammed it into Yeshua's back as hard as she could. The force was so great Yeshua was sent flying to the other this time.

She didn't stop there though as once again that unseen force seemed to forcefully drag her over to where Yeshua was going to land. She once again slammed her weapon into his back and for the second time Yeshua was sent flying to the other side of the arena. This happened again, and again, as she seemingly sent him from side to side as hard as she could bouncing him around faster, and faster, growing in speed and power with each strike.

It got to the point where the girl became a blur and Yeshua was being smacked around every nano second by a force so hard he was sent to the other side in less than a nano second where he was then smacked by the same force and sent to the other side. It was just blurs moving from one corner to the next as he went north, east, south, west, north east, south west, north west, south east, this force just hitting him around.

It was almost like a game of ping pong...

"She's turned it into a game." Irene said a frown crossing her face.

"What?" Ken asked not getting it.

"She's smacking him around faster and faster... With the speed he's going at if she misses he's going to go flying out of the arena. She's going until she slips up and misses him in which case Yeshua will be sent flying out and be knocked out of bounds..." Irene said nodding her head. "A clever way of fighting using her speed... After all the faster something is the more power that object has and with every strike she seemed to actually be getting faster which then means she hits harder, which then makes her faster, which makes that next hit, even harder... This isn't a fight. It's a game."

"So what? This Yeshua guy just fails? Talk about lame." Ken said rolling her eyes. "That's a boring battle."

"No." Shelly shook her head as she brought her hair back and began to tie it back up to its twin tail state she usually had it as. She also now had a new Enforcer jacket since her old one was blown to bits. "This isn't a battle... You guys are right about that. But it isn't that Moe girl who has the one sided win?"

"What do you mean?" Hero asked.

As he said this Moe flashed towards Yeshua slicing her sword out. There was a flash of black light so fast it was nearly impossible to see. For a brief moment though a massive black aura seemed to spill out of Yeshua's body. This aura was massive and grew in size and seemed to form into what looked like a massive shark like monster made of the energy. The beasts massive maws opened and then in a flash clamped shut. It was fast. Faster than anyone could react but in an instant the aura vanished.

Yeshua came to a sliding stop no longer flying a small smile on his face. He was a little bruised but didn't seem all that hurt. "That was a little rude earlier." He noted. "After all I had been talking."

Moe wasn't listening to him though. Instead she was staring down with wide eyes at the spot where her left arm had used to be. From the shoulder down it was just gone... Only a hunk of rapidly bleeding flesh that shocked and silenced the entire crowd as blood poured out of her open wound. The short sword in her right arm slipped out of her hand falling towards the ground and getting stuck as he fell to her knees and grabbed at the wound a loud yell of pain and fear escaping her lips.

Olf lost his sight at the amount of blood and fell over vomiting up his food.

Loud yelling could be heard as everyone seemed to panic and several of the recruits were in shock. This was almost as bad as Ava's fight had been with Sera.

"W... What the hell is wrong with all those Vil people..." Irene whispered her body shaking.

Hero gritted his teeth his ruby red eyes seemingly igniting with a bit of power.

Yeshua let out a small sigh raising his arm up. "It wasn't nice of you earlier to go and start hitting on me when I wasn't ready. I had been focused on so much other stuff you know. It was just rude. Rude, rude, rude..." The black aura came back and the shark formed out of it this time allowing every to see it. It's mouth was closed as it fired forward and slammed into Moe's back as hard as it could slamming her across the arena and making her scream in pain some more. "I can't believe anyone would ever be that rude?"

Moe gasped out her head hitting the arena as more blood flowed from her missing arm and the shark rose up above her its mouth opening up even wider. The sight of it sending a thought through Hero's mind as he remembered it... The blood. So much blood. Everywhere...

Blood, blood, blood, all the blood as he stared at Okami's corpse. Okami was dead, dead, because it killed him-

'Hero... What did you make?'

Yeshua slammed his arm down. "I hate rude people-"

He stopped suddenly when he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned around just in time to receive a punch right to the face that threw him back and busted his nose and lip. Davi, and Ava, both stared in shock at the fact that their brother was now bleeding, and Kitsune, Ken, Shelly, Irene, and Light, all stared in shock at the fact that Hero Law was now standing in the arena his right arm having been changed into its clawed form which he had just used to slam a punch into Yeshua's face.

Yeshua stumbled back grabbing at his nose as he stared up. "Hero?" He asked. "Oh hey! It's been a while? How are you?"

Hero's ruby red eyes seemed to be lighting up brighter. "That power was... You're..." Hero gritted his teeth as his green flames poured out of his clawed hand. "I can't believe you're still alive!"

"Oh come on." Yeshua said giving a small grin as he leaned forward. "Don't be that way Father."

"F... Father!" Kitsune said with wide eyes. "What the hell! Since when is Hero a dad!"

"Hero has a kid!" Shelly said.

"What the f##k I'm an uncle?" Vil yelled from up in the crowd.

"I have no clue." The girl Kitsune said shrugging.

"I... If Hero has a kid that means he..." Ken said her face going red. "H... He kissed a girl!"

"You don't know where babies come from do you Ken." Shelly said flatly.

"I do... I think? It involves kissing?"

"You're precious and adorable and I'm going to keep you safe."

"Don't call me that." Hero glared at Yesuha his arm changing to its Shield form.

"Oh s##t Hero ain't holding back." Both Kitsune's said with wide eyes.

"Oh? Come on dad? Aren't you happy to see your daughter?" Yeshua asked.

"Die." Hero fired forward slamming his arm out as a massive wave of green flames exploded out. "Dragon King's Abyss!" He screamed the flames forming the massive head of a dragon. Yeshua's smirk grew as his black aura exploded around his body forming what looked like a massive shark which opened its mouth as wide as it could rows of razor teeth shredding out. It wasn't even a battle. For the first time since he fought North, Hero stopped holding back. He hit with so much force everything exploded around him as the dragon ripped its way through the massive shark and the area around him was blasted apart.

The explosion died down and the body of Yeshua hit the floor. His eyes were rolled to the back of his head. "Big brother!" Davi and Ava jumped to the arena staring at him. He was still breathing.

Hero's back was to him and he was holding something. His arms had reverted back to normal and in his hands he was gripping the throat of what looked like an eight year old girl. His eyes were filled with so much rage, so much hate, as he gripped the throat of this girl who was gasping. She had pitch hair, and bright ruby red eyes and seemed to be thrashing around but Hero didn't care. That just made him squeeze down harder. Hero slammed the girl into the ground raising his right arm up as it shifted into his drill mode. The drill roared to life as he stabbed it down.

"Hero no!"

Hero felt a pair of arms wrap around him stopping his arm from lowering. Ken stood behind him her arms wrapped around him and stopping his arm from lowering. She stared at him in fear and horror. Not just her... Everyone. They were all staring at the sixteen year old boy who was about to run a young girl through as if he was a monster.

"Get off of me Ken!" Hero yelled trying to bring his arm down. "I have to kill her!"

"Hero think for one moment!" Several people were now standing in the arena all trying to stop whatever it was that was happening. Katrina, Jackson, Kitsune, Mary. They all stared at Hero as if he was a monster or as if they were scared for him.

"Hero just take a calm breath and turn your arm back to normal." Jackson said holding his arm out.

"W... Why the hell are you all stopping me!" Hero yelled.

"Hero just listen!" Katrina said holding her arms up. "Look at this from our point of view... You jumped into a fight in the middle of the games... Then attacked Yeshua... When the dust settled you're holding a young and crying girl threatening to kill her..."

"C... Crying..." Hero felt his heart beat slowing down and he could hear the sobs of the young girl he had been choking out. It sounded how'd you expect an eight year old girl who was about to die would sound. She was sobbing and breathing heavily. Ken was crying to now holding onto him and keeping his arm from lowering into the girls chest. "Y... You guys don't understand-"

"I do." Mary said slowly stepping forward. "I have his memories. Okami's... I was shocked to when I saw the shark Hero... But this is... You need to calm down. It's okay. I'm here." She said reaching out and grabbing his face. "I'm still here. Remember. I still live. So please... Just calm down Hero. You don't have to do anything... It's all okay. You're okay."

There was a faint aura of energy as everyone turned to find Master Storm had entered the arena. His normal joyful look gone as he stared at Hero. "That child is... Made from the Dream Crest isn't it."

"Yeah..." Hero said slowly his arm reverting back to normal. "I guess you can say... She's my daughter."