
Night One Hundred And Ninety Five

Age 1985

Somewhere Near Gladious

Yoshi set at the edge of a cabin a small smile on her face as she stared out at a cliff side and down towards the black ocean below.

"Yoshi?" The dragon clan member turned finding Okami Otoko standing behind her. He gave her a small smile. "It's not like you to simply be sitting out here."

"I'm... I'm just thinking about the kid." Yoshi said letting out a sigh.

"Row? Or... I guess he goes by Hero now." Okami hummed slowly taking a seat and letting out a gasp as he clutched his side. His injury had made him have to drop out of the Enforcers due to his side that had been torn out when he saved Row all those years ago.

"Yeah." Yoshi let out a hum and stretched before slowly falling back into the snow. She stared up at the roof a small frown on her face. "That Crest he has... He's the third to have it. Nightmare, and Yume both came before him... They were both... Something else. It makes me wonder just how far he'll go. I wonder if..."


"I wonder if he'll ever make something."

"Hmm." Okami let out a sigh. "Those Crests... I don't really get them still... But from what you told me Hero's lets him turn Dreams into a reality right..."


"Then I got nothing to worry about." Okami smiled. "Because... Because that little boy. He's a Dreamer alright... If anyone can make their dreams real. It's him. I look forward to that day... Hero Law. He'll be a great Hero alright!"

"Mom! Dad!" Both Okami and Yoshi turned to see Hero running towards them a large smile on his face. He was holding something in his hands. He stopped in front of them his smile growing. "My scar lit up! I used my Crest finally!"

"You made something?" Yoshi asked sitting up with wide eyes.

"Yeah!" Hero slowly held his hands out and moved his hands... "Look at what Life I made..." Resting in his hands was a small black ball of darkness... Several ruby red eyes were all along it and what looked like a mouth with rows of jagged and fanged teeth could be seen making Okami and Yoshi step back.

"A... A Bestia Macht..."

"Isn't she cool!" Hero asked with stars in his eyes. "I can feed her and make her grow to! I think... I think it's what I'm like to you two!"

"What you're like?" Yoshi frowned.

"Yeah." Hero stared down at the black ball in his hand giving a small smile. "It's like... My child..."


Age 1991

Gladious City...

The Arena...

"What... What was that..." Kitsune asked slowly.

The games were back on hold... Several people were missing. Namely the Master, the Empress, Hero, several Captains, as well as a few others... Kitsune, Light, Ken, Shelly, and Irene, were all back in their box. Shelly was holding a still distraught Ken hugging the girl.

"I... I don't know..." Light said his frown growing.

"That girl was..." Irene shook her head. "I don't get it..."

"I... I didn't feel any killer intent coming from her." Shelly said slowly rubbing Ken's back. "Even when Yeshua ripped off that poor girls arm... I didn't feel killer intent... They seemed happy when they saw Hero... And yet Hero..." Her face became a little green. "I've seen Bestia Macht up close. Earl's and worse... They're like oceans of hate... I've always had a knack for sensing emotions... And with them its horrible... They're even worse than the emotions Ken has in her cat form... Hero though... He was more than an ocean of hate. It was like a bottomless void. He was going to kill her. He didn't even need a way to do it like with North. He was just going to slaughter her. It was intense... I'm not shocked it made Ken break down... She's connected to the Void due to her being a Seraphin and Hero's emotions... They pierced the Void... That's for sure..."

"For a second there... I thought he was going to unlock a new weapon." Kitsune sighed. "I felt so much power coming off of his. He's powered by emotions... There was so much blood lust. Poor Ken. It's gotta suck being connected to the Void after that huh... Your connection would have made you be on the receiving end of all that right?"

Ken was silent as she shook her head. "R... Row... Who... Who was that girl..." She asked slowly.

'I don't know...' Row said sounding worried. 'She must have existed during a time in which I'm blank... I doubt even the real me knows...'

"I see." Ken's frown grew as she thought back to Hero almost killing that girl... "Hero..."


Inside of the Hospital room several people could be seen. Sera was in a bed asleep. Most of her body was back. Moe was also in a bed her arm unable to be saved sadly... Yeshua was in bed asleep as well. Athena the Captain of Squad Twelve, and the one who could heal, stood over the forth bed where the little girl rested. Katrina, Jackson, and Mary were there as well.

"What was any of that?" Katrina asked.

"Well..." Athena frowned rubbing her chin. "This girl is... She's not human..."

"She's not?" Katrina asked frowning.

"Her body isn't at least." Athena sighed. "I scanned it. She's made out of energy... Energy that is like the things found in Equations... Her entire body is like one big Equation... From what I've gathered she was inside of that boy Yeshua... She had been absorbed into him like when a person absorbs a Caster Type... She seemed to be in semi control but it wasn't until seeing Hero that she gained full control... And somehow Hero ripped her out of Yeshua... Her body seems to be healthy though..."

Katrina frowned for a moment. She stared at the little girl. She was staring at the wall with a dead look on her face. Like she had given up on life. She had shortish black hair that was messy and fell down her back and a pair of ruby red eyes that were just like Hero's own pair of eyes. She was short and young looking seven, or eight tops. Her skin was as pale as Hero's and she wore only a brown cloak over her body that barely covered her. She seemed to be shaking and small tears were coming out of her eyes but she was no longer sobbing.

"What's... What's your name kid?" Katrina asked softly. Jackson looked at her for a moment but she just shrugged at her Vice Captain.

"...My..." The girl said slowly her voice cracking a little. "My daddy calls me Daughter."

Katrina gave a small frown. "And your dad is..."

"Hero... His name is Hero Law... I'm Daughter Law..." She said slowly pulling herself into a ball as she stared down at the floor.

"Well... Hero is bad at coming up with names..." Jackson hummed. "If anyone would name their child Daughter..."

"That isn't funny." Katrina frowned. She let out a sigh. "I'll ask the Master what we should do with this girl... And... What will be done with Hero."

"Speaking of Hero..." Jackson bit his lip. "I hope he's okay... He freaked out big time..."

"That's my fault..." They all turned to look at Mary as she sighed. "He freaked out because... Because that's the Bestia Macht that killed me."

"What?" Athena asked with wide eyes.

Mary hummed. "For those that don't know. I used to be Okami Otoko. The First Captain. I was taking care of Hero when Piero died... During that time... We met Yoshi... She helped me take care of Hero... And she taught him a bit about how to use the Dream Crest... Hero is... Well that Crest in his hands is strong... So strong it's scary... He can do a lot with it but he's been holding it back... Because the one time he used it... He made something... At first he made a body... But he's a child so his mind raced and he threw in several things... Then he made a soul for that body... Than a will... A power... And a desire... A desire to protect the world much like him. Only this... Thing... It grew wild... He figured out he could keep it down with his Crest by feeding it but that wasn't enough. It wanted more... It got hungry... It wanted so much more food it went mad." As she spoke Daughter flinched slowly pulling herself into a tighter and tighter ball. "And... It became a monster... I'm sure you heard the rumor's about a beast of gluttony that eats all right? They said God made it. Well its wrong. Hero made it. And I was one of the people it ate..."

"Beast of Gluttony is a Threat Level Duke Bestia Macht!!" Jackson said in shock. "Only thing stronger than it is that damn Dragon, the Prince Gramps locked away a few thousand Ages ago... You're saying this little girl is that monster and Hero made it. That was the monster that attack that city Jin Nine was at... We all thought it's what killed the previous Seventh Squad Captain..."

"I... I'm not the monster." Daughter cried out moving into her ball again. "N... Not anymore... Monster ate... Monster was starving... Monster wanted food. Monster ate till she got big. And Monster was so big part of her broke off... Part of Monster loved daddy. Part of Monster wanted to be with father and be his child. Part of Monster broke off. Part didn't feel hungry anymore. Part just wanted dad. So part found someone to carry her. Part just wants to see father. But... But... But father hates me!" She sobbed out her tears flowing. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry for what I did daddy! I'm sorry!" She sobbed. "Fox man made Part..."

"Fox man?" Jackson asked.

"I'd imagine that's how the piece came off." Mary hummed. "Jin battled the Bestia Macht so his Squad could get away... During the battle he likely sliced a piece of the beast off... That piece became this girl... It was small... All the parts that still loved its creator..."

Katrina folded her arms letting out another sigh. "Well... What do we do with this... Thing... That beast killed many people... It's still killing people... Do we treat her like a Bestia Macht and kill her. She could turn into the monster again one day after all... Or do we just hope she's changed... Even then though do we send her to an orphanage... I doubt Hero would take care of her. Even then he's young..."

"We should wait and see what my gramps thinks." Jackson said staring at Daughter. "Though... If we have to... I... I don't think I can bring myself to... I mean I know she's a monster... And she's killed so many but she looks so young..."

"I understand... If Master Storm gives the word I'll do it." Katrina nodded.

Mary let out a hum and turned away. "I'm going to go check up on Hero." She said.


"I think this is the first time we've talked."


"What? You're not going to say anything Hero?"


"Come on... Don't be that way. After all I went and put on my adult form."



Hero was seated in a metal chair. All around him was an ocean of re... The void... His arms were covered in golden chains leaving him stuck as he was seated. In front of him he stood... Row Law... The real one. The one that was so strong. The one who would be God...

"Come now Hero? Speak."

"What do you want." Hero finally sighed.

"There we go. I thought cat had your jaws for a moment."

"What. Do. You. Want."

"Straight to the point..." Row's smile faded as he stepped forward. His finger tips glowed with a faint pinkish light as he placed them under Hero's chin and stared him in his ruby red eyes. "What. Was that thing." He spat out.


"Answer me!" Row yelled losing his cool for the first time ever as he glared at Hero. "That thing... What the f##k was it? It made me... It made me shake." He laughed. "I think I felt fear. I don't think you understand how big of a deal that is. I've faced down a pissed off God. That girl though. What the hell did you make... And how... You didn't make a doll... You made... You made an entire body out of Equation Of Life Energy... One that could form into a real body... You made something more than a Bestia Macht... You made... That thing... I've been to nothingness you know... It's a horrible place... A blank void... Nothingness... I'm there whenever you're awake... It sucks... And while there... I saw something... Something like a Squid... It lives in the nothingness... That girl... She's like that."


"You know... Before you existed... You were in nothingness as well... Nothing at all."


"Whenever we use our Dream Crest we base it off of something... Hero... Did you... Did you attempt to make the thing that lies in nothingness. The thing that devours all. You tried to make it didn't you. You tried to make the King. The Bestia Macht that even God fears. You tried to make the Squid."

"I have no idea what you're talking about..."

"I'm sure you didn't mean to. But you were there. You didn't always exist. So when you tried to make something from nothing. You reached into Nothingness. And you got your something." Row turned away staring out at the black void. "Kill her."


"Kill that girl. She must not be kept alive."


"Don't you dare try to pull a moral high ground on me you useless f##k. Either give me my body so I can do it, or do it yourself. You seemed perfectly happy to a few hours ago. That monster... It must not live. It's a threat to everything. Congrats 'Hero' you could have ended the world. I'm such a fool. I should have never made you. Now fix. Your. Mess. Do what I do best. Ever since I was in that damn lab... Ever since that bug entered me... Keep. Crawling. Forward. Like that damn worm. Keep it up. Until we..."

"Until we become a Dragon..."

The image slowly changed and Hero found himself chained to a new chair. He was in a small room with three people. Master Storm, Hope, and Aka, the Empress...

"Good." Master Storm hummed. He reached out grabbing Hero's finger. "Now that you're awake. We can began to integration."

The room quickly filled with Hero's screams as the old man snapped Hero's finger...