A Weapon And A Hero

Night One Hundred And Ninety Six

Age 1985

"What did you do..."

"I... I..." Hero felt his throat go dry. "I didn't mean to..."

"You didn't mean to! You didn't mean to cause this! You did this all by accident!" Yoshi screamed. All around them was destruction. The house was gone reduced to rubbles. The landscape was torn and covered in jagged holes. There was so much blood around them... So... So... So much... In her arms. She held what was left of Okami tears streaming out of her eyes. "Look at what you did Hero."

"I... It wasn't me." Hero cried.

"...Y... You're right... It was that damn beast you made." Yoshi said. The corpse of Okami slowly slipped out of the Dragon Clan members arms. She held her arm out a large pointed staff forming in it as she slowly walked to where something rested. What looked like a large black ball made of hundreds of black tendrils with many red eyes and mouths all on it... The beast after it had devoured most of Okami during their fight... They didn't know why it had gone berserk like that... "This thing has to... This thing has to die-"


The spear stopped just in time as Hero threw himself in front of the monster holding his arms out and stopping Yoshi.

"...Hero... Move out of the way."

Hero shook his head. "N... No..."


"I... I made it. It's mine. I did it. I'm sorry. I didn't know... I didn't know." The ten year old boy sobbed.

"Hero... You're right... You made it." Yoshi held her hand out forming a small pointed metal needle which she handed to Hero. "You kill it."

"W... What?"

"You kill it."

"Y... You want me to do it."

"You made it. Your just as equally held guilty. Just like those men were held guilty for the crimes Row committed you are also held guilty... You killed Okami. He's dead because of you. You... Promise me you'll kill the monster that you made."

"I... I promise... I promise, I promise, I promise so please don't be mad..."

"You kill it." She said darkly. She turned away from him grabbing a tarp and scooping up whatever was left of Okami's corpse. A pair of dragon like wings slowly formed out of her back as she turned away. "I left the clan for a prophecy you know. I always enjoyed fighting... I was told I would have a battle with one of you God Killers... It was said either I would die or kill one of you... I never really believe in it though. Until now. Next time we meet Hero Law..." She turned back to him her eyes filled with so much hate. "I will... Kill you." Her wings flapped out as she slowly took off holding the corpse of the man she had loved.

Hero slowly turned back around staring down at the small injured beast. The spear felt heavy in his hands. He knew... He knew he had lost control of this thing... It wasn't his any longer. Much like how he had gained free will from Row this thing became its own... It became a Bestia Macht that had so much hunger...

Beast of Hunger...

A Gentle boy... One who disliked killing even Bestia Macht. One who wanted to bring peace to the world. One who wanted to save everyone in front of him, had created a monster of chaos...

'It's like... My child...'

"I'm... I'm sorry." Hero said raising the blade up more tears coming out of his eyes. "I'm so sorry."


Age 1991

"Hero." Master Storm said a frown on his face as he let go of Hero's broken finger. Lightning seemed to crackle off of his body. "I've put a great amount of trust in you. And now... I find out you created the second strongest Bestia Macht... Worse yet... That aura I felt from it..."

Hero breathed heavily his head hitting the table. "Hey old man..."


"Don't take this personally but... Dodge." The chains exploded around Hero as his right arm shifted into its canon and he pointed it at Master Storm. It lit up but before he could fire Hope shot forward raising his arm up right as the energy poured up splitting through the roof. Hero ripped his arm out of her as it glowed and shifted into his drill but she somehow stopped it in-between her fingers.

"Don't take this personally Hero but... Don't die from this." Her hand stabbed through his stomach ripping out his back side as Hero's eyes went wide and blood poured out of his mouth flowing down his chin. She threw him against the wall as he fell to the floor blood pouring out of his massive wound as he gasped.

"Lady Aka." Storm began.

"Yeah, yeah." Aka bent down next to Hero and placed her hand on his gut wound. "Blood mend." His blood rose up and formed what looked like threads as she sowed the gaping stomach wound close. It glowed and the flesh on it seemed to heal only leaving a hand sized scar. "I got you kid. You're alright." She said slowly pulling Hero back to his feet. "That was pretty ballsy attack the Master like that." She said patting his back.

Master Storm let out a sigh. "This is... Bad Hero... I entrusted a lot of my cards in you... And now I find out I may need to get rid of you..."

"Get... Rid of me..."

"That power could very quickly get unstable." Master Storm frowned. "Her... Dark Energy... I'd rather kill you than risk it."

"Why me?" Hero asked frowning. "Just kill her."

Master Storms frown grew. "It's true I could kill her but from what I can tell that's just a piece of that foul beast. Killing her might make the beast become aware and then it would head here... However if I kill you there is a chance that beast, as well as that girl would cease to exist due to the loss of the Dreamer Crest."

"Before we go killing a cutie like Hero." Hope said cutting in. "You forget that I'm his drone and live on his head. I saw better than you old man."


"When Hero grabbed the girl. He almost seemed to force her power back under control... Hero was able to keep her energy in check somehow. I'm guessing his Crest let him do it." Hope said throwing her arms behind her head. "Killing Hero might not even get rid of that girl... It's only a chance. So if he dies we lose Hero, Row, and we might make that girl mad..."

"...If what you said was true and Hero could keep that power in check this might be perfect." Aka said giving a small grin. "That damn Bestia Macht had been nearly impossible to kill for Ages... It's a bother to all Nations... If Hero can weaken it though than he must stay alive till we discover where it is so we can send him at it to kill it... Also... That little girl... I didn't feel killing intent from her. She's like... An untrained weapon."

"She's a monster." Hero said shaking his head.

"Oh?" Aka's smirk grew. "Like you?"

Hero glared daggers at the girl his right arm glowed for a moment but he suddenly let out a hiss of pain and collapsed to his legs grabbing his arm.

"Easy Hero." Master Storm hummed. "Transformation Types are based around Emotions and Evolve with the users feelings... You're feeling a lot of dark thoughts right now... On top of that... Your Equation is getting ready to evolve..."

"E... Evolve..."

"Yes... It will go through one more change... Than after that you'll have the true arm. Not the Jester's Equation, but your own... When that happens it'll finally be time for you to Level Up... These next few stages are bad though... Your arm will evolve based around your emotions and that evolution will have the power to level up... One wrong slip up and you might get the wrong Level Up... If I were you I would think carefully on who you are... Who do you want to be... How do you want to be seen... This hate... It could bring power... But is that the path you want to walk."

Hero gritted his teeth letting out a sigh. He turned his head away not meeting the mans eyes.

Master Storm let out a small hum of his own. "I'd like to see Hero interact with this girl... If he can truly pull all that chaos power of hers in... We might be able to use that power."

"What." Hero said with wide eyes.

"I don't know much about those powers... She seemed like a smaller Bestia Macht though." The old man hummed. "If we could find a way to weaponize that weapon with your Crest... And she seems to crave your attention." Hero snarled slightly as the old man let out a laugh. "Relax Hero... I won't make you keep her. I do want to test it for the real thing though..."


"You're very much needed for my plans." Master Storm said turning towards the door. "I'd rather not have to end you yet... If Hope was right, then Aka is onto something... If you can draw in that girls power I'll let you live... You can even kill her."

"You're going to let him kill that girl?" Hope frown.

"I'm not going to force Hero to work with her." Master Storm stated. "I just want to see him draw in that power and show me he can do it... If he can he can live and we'll get to work to finding the Beast so we can weaken and kill it... After all it caused me great pain when it killed Jin Nine the previous Squad Seven Captain."

"J... Jin..." Hero said with wide eyes. "That monster killed Kitsune's brother..."

"That's right Hero... So here's what we'll do... I want you to interact with that girl... Show me you can manage her power... Afterwards... You can kill her."

"Or you could keep her." Aka frowned. "A weapon like that on our side... We'd need to do heavy testing but as long as she's with you she won't be much of a threat. You know as long as you can hold that power in..."

"I'll do the test but don't expect me to let her live." Hero frowned.

"In that case." Hope's body glowed as she pulled Hero in for a hug. She suddenly shrunk down forming around his ear and becoming an ear piece. "I'll stay with you incase something goes wrong."

"She can turn into that to..." Hero frowned.

"I'll be in the other room." Aka said quickly leaving... There was a one way mirror on the wall so someone could look in during the integration. She quickly moved to that. Master Storm clicked a button on his remote.

"Katrina will be bringing her now..."

"The way you said that makes it sound like you were always planning to bring her here..." Hero noted. "Old man... Were you expecting me to have a way out of you killing me..."

Master Storm didn't say anything as the door opened. Katrina slowly walked in. She held the hand of Daughter who was meekly peaking behind Katrina's leg. It was like they were mother and daughter. The little girls eyes seemed to light up with joy when she saw Hero, but then worry when she saw his chest and mouth was covered in blood from the gut wound he received.

"Follow me Katrina..." Master Storm said as Katrina entered the room. Before Katrina could ask anything Master Storm grabbed her yanking her out of the room and leaving Hero, and Daughter behind. They entered the room Aka was in staring through the one way mirror at Hero. Jackson, and Mary were both in there. Master Storm pressed a small button on the wall. "Okay Hero. You can start." He said.

His words came through the ear piece in Hero's ear. Hero let out a sigh as he stared at Daughter. She stared back not moving. They both just kind of stood there. Neither one moving. Neither one doing anything. They simply stood still.

"What are we waiting for?" Jackson asked.

"I was hoping she would go berserk and attack." Master Storm frowned.

"You're both viewing her as a weapon." Aka sighed. "That's not the case though. She's a little girl after all."

Katrina frowned as she eyed Hero and Daughter up. "Was it wise to put them in the same room... Hero could kill her."

"Are you worried about the Bestia Macht." Mary hummed.

"I uh-"

"It's okay. That's good." Mary smiled. "Your first instinct isn't to view her as a monster... Your viewing her as she is now... What she is in this moment. A scared little girl. Now... I wonder if Hero will view her the same.... That's what your wondering to why Master Storm. Because this throws a wrench in your plans. Hero doing this messed you up right... A Hero who slaughters an innocent girl wouldn't work for you... So the moment he kills her you're going to kill him aren't you."

"What?" Jackson and Katrina both said in shock turning to look at Master Storm. "Y... You're gonna kill Hero?" Jackson asked. He shook his head. "No gramps. I won't let you."

"Me either." Katrina said. "We'll-"

A massive aura seemed to feel the room as everyone went silent. Master Storm let out a small hum as the aura seemed to roll off of him. "I would suggest choosing your next words carefully Grandson, and Captain. After all... I'd hate to lose three Enforcers today."



Katrina and Jackson were both shaking as they felt the intense aura.

"If Hero passes my test. He can live."

In the room with Hero he had no idea any of this was happening as he stared at the little girl. Small flashes of memories slowly coming to him. He shook his head as his arm glowed and shifted into his clawed form. Only there were several cracks along the metal. It was throbbing the cracks getting larger and rust and dents covered his arm... Despite that though he fired forward slicing his clawed arm out. It stopped inches away from Daughter's face as she remained standing not even flinching.

Hero let out a small growl jumping away as if expecting an attack but it never came. "W... Why... Why aren't you scared of me hitting you..."

"...Because? Because you didn't hurt me last time either?" She said.

Hero felt himself freeze up as his mind was blasted back to that damn day... He hadn't been able to do it. He had been so much of a coward... He was so scared... He couldn't bring himself to kill it. It was his fault it ended up like that after all... He made it. He made it... He... Killed Okami Otoko.

Hero's eyes filled with wrath as he fired forward and this time he didn't stop as his entire hand wrapped around the girls body and he began to squeeze making her yell out in pain. He kept squeezing more and more. "Use that power already." Hero demanded. "I have to show them I can absorb it. So hurry up Monster."

"I... I can't." Daughter cried out.

"Why not?"

"Because if I use that power again you'll hate me!"

"You don't have to worry about that."

"I... I don't?" Hope seemed to feel her voice.

"No. I hate you even if you don't use it."

Daughter felt what was left her heart shatter. "O... Oh... I'm sorry." She said tears dripping down her face as Hero held her up and squeezed down harder. "I... If you want me to use that power I will okay?" She closed her eyes as her body seemed to light up with a black aura. It crackled around getting larger and larger. Then it began to slowly form into what looked like the large body of shark. Her body seemed to change as well becoming a weird black liquid like object of mouths and teeth. "S... Sorry I attacked you earlier... I... It was hard to think straight being in Yeshua's body..."

Hero ignored her as he dropped the slime like monster and held his clawed hand out. More cracks and rust appeared along it and on the inside of it what looked like flesh could be seen as if the limb was actually armor hiding something darker... The flesh began to seep out of the cracks and Hero gritted his teeth as the Crest over his heart lit up. But this wasn't that green energy he usually used... This was something else... This was a weird black energy... A black portal began to slowly open up on his palm and it was almost like a black hole sucking in that black shark aura. Blood began to drip down Hero's eyes and nose but he gritted his teeth closing his palm around it as the aura faded. Instantly Daughter turned back to her human like form and Hero collapsed to his knees his arm reverting to normal as well as he gasped out.

"A... Are you okay dad?" Daughter asked using her small frame to prop him up.

"S... See Old Man... I held her power back." Hero sighed wiping the blood away from his eyes and nose.

"Indeed you have." Master Storm said over the speakers. "Well... What comes next my boy..."

Hero slowly wrapped his arms around Daughter using her to hold him up. Her eyes were wide and tears fell down though these ones were of joy as she thought he was hugging her. Hero's arms though began to move towards her throat...

'How many people died...' Hero thought getting ready to strangle the girl. 'How many people did she kill... I promised I'd handle it... I promised Yoshi... I broke my promise to Piero, I didn't become a Hero that could save the world, I broke my promise to Okami, I didn't become an Enforcer he'd be proud of, I broke my promise to the Master, I didn't reach strength the way I wanted to, I broke my promise to Leena, I didn't stay pure, I broke my promise to the doll I couldn't keep her safe, I broke my promise to Row, I couldn't save him... But... I can keep this one... I can keep it... I can... Finally keep my word and help... Kitsune showed me I can be myself... And... And Hero Law keeps his word... I want to be that Hero. And this is... What I want... Right?'

"Hero..." Mary's voice entered the speaker on his head. "It's hard right... Now that the adrenalin has worn off you're finding it hard to move your arms towards her neck... It's no longer easy. It never is. Killing... Harder when its a child... But then... This isn't a child right? It's a monster... So why view it like that? That's what you're thinking right? It should be easy. You kill Bestia Macht all the time. You've even killed Humans Turned Bestia Macht. So why does this feel so weird..." Quiet... "You know... There was a thing once. A weapon. A weapon, built by good guys. The Weapon that brought forth chaos. This weapon was made for one goal. A Noble goal. But this weapon had emotions. This weapon did things. Terrible things. Things that it shouldn't. It hurt so many people. And it left so many behind. Because with emotions something can do bad. But... This weapon was shown love one day. And with that... It slowly changed... But life if never fair... And this weapon gave up... And in its place it created a new weapon... One that still had the form and powers of the old one... One that carried the sins of the old one. Row did a lot of bad things Hero. But you've done so much good. Would it have been right of me to kill Hero Law for the things Row did. Believe it or not when I was Okami those were thoughts that went through my mind. When I learned what Row had done. The thing with the sun. The people he left behind to die. All that power a spoiled brat like him had... I thought maybe... Maybe I should kill this boy going by Hero. Sins of the past. Because Row did so much wrong... And they could turn back to them one day. But I saw that little boys goofy smile. And I couldn't bring myself to do it you know. I just thought... Wow... And at that moment I didn't think about what they did. Or what they could become. I just saw a child."

"I love you dad.. I promise, I promise, I promise, so please don't be mad."

Hero felt the tight in his heart get tighter. He slowly pulled away from the 'hug' staring at Daughter. She had what looked like a small smile on her face. Hero's right arm shook.

'I want to save everyone in front of me. Because I'm Hero Law... I have to do this... Kitsune fought so hard to get me to this point. I'm Hero Law. I'm not going to give up. Not ever. Because my friends fought so hard... I have to.' Hero slowly looked up raising his arm up as he brought it towards the girl. 'I have to... I have to...'






'...I'm sorry...' Hero hand came down and Daughter squeezed her eyes waiting for it.






It never came though. Instead she felt the hand slowly land on the top of her head.

"Yoshi." Daughter opened her eyes finding the smallest hint of a smile on Hero's lips as tears streamed down his face. For the first time in six years he was crying... "I'm sorry but... I'm breaking another promise. Because I'm Hero Law. That's just what I do." He broke yet another promise. But that was okay... He was Hero Law. That's who'd he be. He'd just have to make sure when he evolved he could finally become someone worth being called a Hero. "I even promised Kitsune I wouldn't give up yet here I am." Hero said a nervous laugh escaping him. "Something tells me though... He'd be glad with the choice I made..."

Master Storm allowed a small sigh to escape his lips as he turned away. "For now I can still use him... I even gained a new pawn... Daughter huh... She'll work with my plans... Still... Hope... Keep an eye on them both. Should it come to it... Finish them."