Cute Daughter

Night One Hundred And Ninety Seven

Age 1991

Gladious City...

The Arena...

"I've just received word from Master Storm that I am to keep the games going!" Olf announced. "So with that said we'll be starting again! First up after... Whatever the hell that last match was... "Spacer No Last Name Versus Luke Stars! Their Squad are-"

"Hero's still gone..." Ken sighed tuning the wolf man out once she heard the two names as it was just two nobodies.

"I know..." Shelly frowned. "I hope he's okay."

"Me to." Kitsune sighed. "But don't worry. Hero's not going to do something stupid. I got him back to his old self. He's the old softy we all know and love!"

"I don't know..." Light said frowning. "That killer intent was... Something else... And didn't his arm looked cracked..."

Irene folded her arms for a moment as she leaned back. "I believe in Hero."

"Your friend better not have harmed out Brother." Davi hissed from the Squad Five Box.

"Oh please." Ken grinned. "Hero took that sucker out in like one punch. You guys don't scare me-"


"..." Ken slowly pulled Shelly in front of her. "You don't scare me." She announced now having an adorable meat shield. Shelly just sighed shaking her head.

"What was that power?" She asked. "That Shark."

"...Even I don't know." Davi hissed looking away. "My brother... His Equation is a luck based power... Not good for combat but great for other things... He's never shown that damn shark before... I was just as shocked as you all when I saw it... More so at the fact that bastard knew what it was... And... He ripped that girl out of my brother..."

"Was your brother possessed or something?" Ken asked frowning.

"Not that I know of." Davi said frowning. "He was in control that's for sure... He only began acting weird when Hero confronted him..."

"So your brother was the one who bit that girls arm off and not that girl." Kitsune noted.

"I err... Well..." Davi folded his arms. "Who cares. I wasn't interested in you guys but now... That damn Hero... I'm gonna beat his skull in... I'll show that bastard up. I won't let him get away with that-"

"Cute!" A female voice announced making several people stop. They all turned and saw a red faced Hero. He had his blood cleaned off but his outfit was still torn slightly. He was in long black pants and wore a white buttoned up shirt which had a hand sized hold in the stomach area from where he had been stabbed, by Hope, who was back in her Drone form on his head. The thing that people were calling cute though was the little girl who's hand he was holding. She was now in his over sized Enforcer Jacket and hugging a green teddy bear Master Storm had given her tightly a soft smile on her face. Hero looked... Annoyed... Many girls though seemed to find this style very, very cute.

Kitsune, Max, Light, Davi, and pretty much every other guy blinked a few times as they stared at all the thirsty girls who stared at Hero.

"Damn Hero makes a good single dad..." Shelly noted.

"Shelly I'm right here." Ken said bonking Shelly over the head. "Don't thirst after Hero in front of me."

Hero reached the sixth box and let out a sigh. He bent down picking up Daughter and slowly lifting her up which made several people squeal as he placed her into the box. Then he climbed back in and almost instantly Daughter clung to his leg.

"Light." Hero said in a flat tone.

"Uh... Yeah?"

"Shoot me with your gun."


"Did I stutter?"

Ken eyed the Daughter up a large frown on her face. She was the only girl was unaffected by the cute charm. "So uh... Hero... Can't help but notice the eight year old girl clinging to your leg."

"Hmm." Hero said his face blank. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Hello." Shelly said crouching down to meet Daughter at eye level. Daughter ducked behind Hero's leg making Shelly and Irene let out loud squeals. "W... What's your name?"

Daughter slowly peaked out. "D... Daughter... It's the name daddy gave me."

Kitsune looked Hero dead in the eyes. "Daughter..."


"You f##king named them Daughter."




"Daughter? Yeah it's Hero's kid alright. Only this guy would be lazy enough to name his child Daughter."

Irene let out a sigh folding her arms her eyes never leaving Daughter. "So Hero... I think you have some explaining to do."

"Right." Hero patted the head of Daughter. "So when a man and a woman love each other they-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!" Shelly yelled covering Ken's ears. "Okay... Now. All details. Leave nothing out!"

"You guys are perverts." Hero said flatly.

Kitsune eyed the girl up. "Hero's she's like... Eight... Your sixteen... Now I'm not the sharpest crayon in the knife box but you'd have to be like... Six years old-"


"Eight years old when you had her!"

"I was ten when I made her." Hero nodded.

"No way! You got some when you were ten!"

"How was she really made?" Irene frowned.

"With my Crest." Hero reached up rubbing it for a moment. "I made her... She's... My Daughter." He frowned. "I didn't expect Master Storm to throw her onto me though... He seemed... Eager to just leave her to me... No tests or anything... Honestly it made me think he had a few other things planned... Now I don't know what to do with her?"

"You seemed... Like mega eager to kill her... Now you're... I wanna say calm but you kind of seem to be dead inside?" Ken said cocking her head to the side.

"I've been a father for a day and I'm already tired of it." Hero hummed.

"I... I'm sorry dad..." Daughter said bowing her head.

Those looks Hero had been getting quickly turned to ones of hate as all the girls glared daggers at him. "I sense I have made an error in my words." Hero hummed once more.

Over in box Seven Lucy was staring at the girl her head cocked to the side. "Something wrong Lucy?" Kitsune asked when he noticed Lucy was staring.

"Oh. It's nothing. It's just I sense that this girl has the same energy as my creations." She said tapping her case. "She is also quiet cute and I wish to protect her no matter what." She nodded still speaking in her emotionless tone.

Hero snickered a little. "Trust me. I'm worried for you guys then her-"


"Okay wait I know that sounded bad but... Like... I mean... She's like super op okay?" Hero shrugged. "I can just keep her in check because of my powers and-"

"Keep her in check!"

"Okay I feel like I'm saying more of the wrong words I'm just gonna not say anything because every girl in this arena looks like they're about to jump me."

"And that's game!" Olf announced as one of the randos, the Spacer guy won. "Next up is-"

It was just more random matches. None of the good ones. That said Daughter seemed focused on the matches watching the fights up in the arena as she hugged her bear. It didn't take long before they were nearing the end of the first round matches... Once at this point Olf announced another break allowing everyone to move towards the lunch room. They only had two matches left before the end of the day. Round two would be starting tomorrow. Hero walked towards the Food court holding Daughter's hand being followed by several people.

Up in the stands a stunned Vil stood. "S##t I'm really an Uncle?"

"Congrats. I hate your Hero." The female Kitsune hummed. "I could have gotten girls to chase after me if I had a child to." She sighed.

"You know once you have a child you'll already have a girl so it doesn't matter." Vil noted.

"Nah. I'm going for the Harem route. I want all the girls." Kitsune announced.

"Good luck in that body... Maybe you'll get Ken or Shelly but I think that's it..." Vil shrugged. "Still... That child is... I want them."

"What? That power they had... I want it... Change of plans... We're taking my niece..."


Kitsune was glaring daggers at Hero. "I need to get a child that everyone will think is super cute God damn it..." He cursed.

"You know once you have a child you'll already have a girl so it doesn't matter." Light noted.

"D... Damn... Your right..."

"Really? I thought you were gonna say something like 'I'm going for the harem route' or something like that."

"Nah. I'm a faithful fox." Kitsune shrugged. "How about you though... You seem... Calm..."

"Oh. I'm just in shock at the fact Big Brother has an adorable daughter, who I am now Big Uncle to." Light said. He then walked into a pole...

Over with Ken she let out a sigh as she undid lid to her bottled drink. "I don't know why everyone seems to care so much that Hero has a kid." She sighed taking a sip from her drink.

Shelly let out a hum nodding her head. "I want a baby Ken-"

Ken spat out the drink all over Irene... Irene slowly made an ice hammer as her eyes narrowed at Ken.

"S... Sorry..."

Hero finally set down glaring daggers at everyone who was following him. Finally he got a table alone with himself and Daughter. Two trays of food were in front of them. "I don't know what kids eat so... Food?" Hero said blankly. Daughter's tray was filled with one of everything on the menu. Hero just had a simple salad and a glass of water. At least Daughter thought it was water but Hero swayed when he drank it.

"Thank... You..." Daughter said bowing her head and slowly reaching out to grab some of the food. She let out a yelp and pulled her hand away as it burned her.

Hero sighed. "Here." He handed her a fork and a knife. "The foods hot so you eat it with this. You use this to hold it for you."

"O... Oh..."

He eyed her up for a bit. "So if you were made when Jin cut you off that means you were made less than five years ago... So how do you not know some things but know how to thank me for giving you food?"

"I... I learned some things..." She said slowly. "F... From being in Yeshua... I was inside of his body... I learned some things... Not all... And while in him I didn't need to eat... But... It was lonely... I... I like being with papa better-"

Hero gagged on his Vo- Water. Hero gagged on his water not expecting her words. "Why the hell do you care? I tried to kill you twice. You should hate me... I know I'd hate my dad if he tried to kill me."

"I just... Didn't think you'd kill me." She said slowly pulling herself up into a ball as she stared at the ground. "You didn't then..."

Hero hummed taking a bite of his own food. "Would you rather stay with someone else."


"There are some places I could take you. You'd be fed and clothed and loved there. Or even other people here that could take you."

"No! I want to stay with you!"

"But why?"

"Because your my father... I love you..."

"I tried to kill you!"

"You're still my father."

"I don't love you though?"

"I love you though. I just want to be with dad."

Hero was silent as he picked around his food. "It just... Doesn't make sense to me." He said gritting his teeth and bowing his head. "I don't get it... I don't deserve it either... It'd be so much easier if you just hated me... I'd at least have some understanding... But loving someone who wants to kill you... I could never understand that... Still. Master Storm entrusted you to me. I'll follow through with that Old Man's wishes for now."

"W... Why do you follow that old man?" Daughter asked. "You don't seem to like him."

"I don't." Hero said shaking his head. "But he's allowing me to walk the path I need to. I'll defeat Row with the help of all my friends then Kill God. And then the Old Man is next. Of course I'm sure he knows he's on my list."

Daughter was silent as she stared at her father. "What are... Friends..."

"I don't know how to answer that..." Hero shrugged.

Daughter went silent as she began to eat her food now using the fork to pick it up. Her eyes seemed to light up with stars as she ate and drank the food.

"So the rumors were true. You do got a daughter."

Hero looked up finding Max, as well as Hella, standing above him. Well Max was standing. Hella was floating. "Max? Hella?"

"I had to see for myself." Max announced eying the girl up. "Wow... She's young... Eight? You must have been one lucky toddler... Who's the mother... She has your eyes and nose..." He walked around Daughter who stood there not knowing what to do.

Hella pulled out a small scouter like tool. "Scanning... DNA is a mix of Hero Law as well as an unknown Bestia Macht-"

"Hero banged a Bestia Macht!"

"Keep it down Max." Hero said shushing him.

Hella let out a hum. She reached into her bag pulling out some spare clothing. "Hero. I think it is best if you give her a new outfit."

"Right... Actually I'm glad you guys are here." Hero said taking Droney off of his head and placing it in Daughter's hair. Than he grabbed the green teddy bear. "Watch Daughter for me."

"You named her Daughter?"

Hero ignored them seeing this as his best chance as he quickly made a dead line for the door. He jumped the railing landing outside in the snow. "Alright... I've seen you several times before bear... You've popped up a lot... And I'm guessing... You're like Droney!" He announced throwing the bear down. His right arm glowed changing into its heavily dented and rusted cracked form which twitched... It was close... Close to evolving for the last time. Then he'd just need to level it up. "Let's find out who you are-"

"Whoa, whoa, don't attack me..." A calm and slow voice said. The bear glowed and changed becoming a girl that looked almost like Hope, but she had longer hair, which was a bright green instead of gold, and green eyes. She was on her side in a calm relaxed position and had a bored look on her face. "Hey..."

"I f##king knew it! That old bastard didn't leave me alone... He placed another one of his trackers on me!"

"Yep. Names Despair." The girl sighed. "First Captain."

"I thought... Hope was the first Captain."

"We both are."

Hero frowned crossing his arms. "I don't get it." His right arm reverted back to normal. "Still... You're going to be following me aren't you..."

"Your daughter actually... Though you can throw me away if you want... I don't like moving... That's why I become a stilled object where as my sister becomes a Drone.. I could just sleep all day."

Hero frowned. "So you claimed your the First Captain huh... Well someone as lazy as you... But in a high position... I likely wouldn't get another chance... Okay then." His right arm formed into his shield arm though it was covered in rust and cracks as well. "I'll take you out before you become a threat-"

Hero suddenly felt a massive force slam into him from above smashing him deep into the ground.

"That was kind of dumb." Despair yawned. "You should know that both my sister and I are evenly matched... If you can't beat her you can't beat me... Also... We could beat all eleven other Captains in under five seconds... We've done it before to."

"T... That strong huh." Hero gasped slowly sitting back up. "I didn't think a frontal attack would work but I thought I'd try... O... Oh well." He shook his head as his arm reverted back to normal. "Well lets head back... They'll be starting soon-"

Right as he said that he could hear from inside Olf yelling out.

"The second to last round is about to begin!" He called out. "This match is Davi Vil of Squad Five, Versus Curro Dwight of Squad Two!"