Back At The Start

Night One Hundred And Ninety Eight

Age 1991

Gladious City...

The Arena...

"The second to last round is about to begin!" He called out. "This match is Davi Vil of Squad Five, Versus Curro Dwight of Squad Two!" Olf announced getting the loud cheers to go off.

"Guess that means I'm fighting last." Max announced.

"Uh why are you in our box?" Ken asked flatly.

Everyone was currently back at the arena save for Hero. Max, and Hella, were both in Squad Six's box, with Daughter, instead of their own. Max just gave a half shrug.

"Hero asked us to watch Daughter than ran off with the disguised person." Hella noted.

"Disguised person?"

"Yes. My scanners have shown the Drone, as well as the Bear, Hero has are actually Equations that belong to people that are somehow making them into those forms for them to stay hidden. I had assumed Hero was aware of the fact so I didn't think it was important to bring up." Hella said shrugging.

"Hmm. Neat." Kitsune said blinking a few times. "I'll have to ask him about that and what the plans for Daughter are later. Also... Are we giving her a new name or are we just leaving her as Daughter?"

Shelly turned to look at the arena. "This Curro guy is in your Squad right Ms. Hella? Is he strong."

"Oh yes... Curro has beaten me every time we've trained. The only one on my Squad that can match him is Brave."

Max gave a large grin. "Then this oughta be a good match. I've been wanting to see what that Davi guy can do."

"D... Davi..." Daughter said slowly. "H... He's the younger brother of the guy I was in?"

"Yeah. Hero kind of doesn't like Davi." Irene shrugged.

"Hero is wise." Ken announced. "I also hate Davi."

"Speaking of Big Brother here he is." Light said his ears twitching.

They all turned to see Hero, who had several new bruises on him, walking towards them the bear back in his arms which he tossed over to Daughter who caught it. Droney flew out of her hair and landed back in Hero's as he climbed the box. "Sorry about that... I had to... Check on something..."

"You got your ass kicked by that bear didn't you." Kitsune said crossing his arms.

"Didn't even get a hit in." Hero sighed. "What did I miss?"

"Next round is starting." Ken shrugged throwing her arms behind her head. "Should be a good one. Davi is fighting Curro. I'm all pumped up."

'Yes...' Row agreed. 'This should be a good match... And the day is almost over... Good thing as this entire first round felt like it's been going on forever...'

"Got it." Hero said turning to look back at the arena. Daughter grabbed his arm but he didn't look at her being to focused on the match that was about to start. "Davi Vil... Show me what you can really do. Same goes for you Curro."

Meanwhile up in the stands Vil rested, Kitsune sitting next to him. "So who do you think will win." He asked.

"Oh? Getting into the matches are we?"

"Don't be stupid." Vil said rolling his eyes.

"Then why do you care?"

"Cause I'm bored. My sword craves blood."

"You're an adorable weeb."

"I hate you."

"Aw. Big Sis woves you though." Kitsune said rubbing his head and making him growl as he reached for his blade. "Ha. Okay I'll stop." She leaned back folding her arms as she closed her eyes. "If I had to pick a winner... I would go with..."

In the arena the two men stood. A powerful aura coming off of both of them. Curron had a sneer on his face Davi had a small sly grin. "You can do this Curro!" Mary yelled from up in the Enforcers box next to the Squad Two Captain. "Kick his ass! Win!"

"Hey kid." Davi said giving a half grin and cocking his head to the side. "Don't worry. I ain't like my siblings. I won't go melting you, or ripping your body parts off. That said." He held his arms out as a massive explosion of aura came off of igniting the area in blue. His grin grew larger. "I'm far stronger."

"This is..." Hero said feeling his body shake. Ken, Max, and Kitsune were both the same.

"H... He's strong." Ken said letting out a nervous laugh.

"I... I don't think I've felt power like this before..." Kitsune said letting out a gulp.

Davi's power was something else. Not only was it far higher than anything else they were shown so far during these games, it was on the verge of actual high Enforcers. Like he had the power nearing Captain level. So much energy being let loose in a wild manner. It was insane how powerful this guy was and yet he was only on Squad Five... Even Max in his level two state was weaker... It made Hero wonder what the Old Man was thinking when he put the trio in Squad Five... Had it been for the sole purpose of having Box Five placed next to Box Six... Or something else...

Curro didn't seem impressed by the power as seconds later a black aura exploded around him and it was even bigger and stronger making them all freak out a little more. The sight of his power actually made Davi's smile fade for a moment.

"Oh?" Davi said his grin coming back. "So you are in fact strong... Good. I guess this won't be a boring match then right? What do you say. Let's put on a good show..."

"Pathetic." Curro spat out holding his arms out.

Davi's smirk came back. "Then let's make sure its good." And with that he started the fight making a full charge towards Curro his blue energy covering his body. He jumped into the air spinning around and bringing his arm back as the blue energy covered his right arm. "Blue Burst Rapid Explosive Strike." He said calmly his silver eyes filling with a blank look as he struck as hard as he could. Despite the fact he only threw a single punch though the aura on his limp exploded off of it and formed hundreds of astral looking fists which all exploded out of his limb raining down what looked like hundreds of punches towards Curro.

Curro let out a hiss and slashed his left arm up black tendrils exploding out of it looking almost like muscles and veins which wrapped around his entire arm sharp blades and pipes jutting out of the limb which he raised up. The many blows all slammed into his arm but were unable to hurt it or even make him flinch as his arm somehow blocked them all. The blades jutted out of the limb and moved down covering up his hand and forming a massive metal great sword which he sliced out towards Davi who's eyes went wide. "Sliced In Two." Curro said calmly his sword coming out.

Davi's eyes went wide as the blade soared towards him. He was mid air unable to dodge forced to get cleaved in two by the-

The sword slashed open air as Davi wasn't there making everyone stare in shock. Curro's own eyes went wide for a moment and before he could react he felt a hand on his shoulder. He tried to turn but it was to late, as Davi, who now stood behind him, rammed his fist into Curro's face as hard as he could shattering Curro's lip, nose, and glasses, and throwing Curro back. Curro hit the stone floor rolling across and almost went flying off the arena but slashed out with his arm a black tendril firing out and stabbing into the ground stopping him from falling off as he caught his breath his eyes wide.

"Someone got a little cocky didn't they." Davi laughed as everyone stared at the man all wondering what just happened. "Here. I'll let you in on a little secret." He reached up pulling a black spike out of his shoulder. "I'm a Seraphin. That means I can heal, produce black spikes, and create that energy, think of what that cute Ken girl can do. I can do all that. And then I also have my own Equation of course." He announced walking forward. "The Power of a Bestia Macht and an Equation in One. A Seraphin."

"That... Movement... It was your Equation." Curro sighed slowly sitting back up.


Over with Hero he frowned. "Hey Ken."


"Do you have an Equation?"

"Yeah. All Seraphins do."

"...What is it?"

"Don't know. Never learned how to use it. Always just used my Seraphin powers, the flash freeze, the energy, the spikes, the healing, the transformation, that kind of thing. Never bothered to learn what my Equation is. Figured it would make me to OP and I wouldn't get any good fights."

"You've had another power this entire time!"

"Yeah? I mean you've seen plenty of other Seraphins and they all had Equations. Like Vipers acid spit, or that Ava girls weird melty body, or Davi's super speed. All cool Seraphins got Equations on top of their Beast powers."

"You guys are busted." Kitsune said flatly. "Also... That wasn't super speed."

"What?" Hero asked turning to look at his rival.

"I saw it to." Max sighed. "Doesn't matter how fast you are you can't dodge mid air like that without a few powers..."

"What they're saying Hero." Hella said. "Davi didn't move super fast... He vanished... Some kind of teleportation based power..."

"He can teleport..." Daughter asked cocking her head to the side. "Then why did he make a frontal attack in the first place?"

"That's a good question..." Hero frowned rubbing her head. "I don't think he teleported... Or at least if he did I don't think it's that good... Davi seemed like he was ready to take Curro out with that last punch... There would have been a better time to use that teleportation... Like at the beginning of the fight... Plus if he was just moving from point A to point B, he'd be in the same position, but he wasn't..."

Back over in the arena Curro picked himself up rubbing his bruised face. "Still... Pathetic."

"Oh? You want some more. Fine by me." Davi said placing his hands in his pockets as he began to walk towards Curro. "Watch carefully..." He grinned. "Tell me if you spot me move." He got a few more feet and Curron struck slicing out with his black tendril. Only once more it hit open air, blood suddenly coughing out of Curro's mouth and he looked down finding Davi's fist had been slammed into his stomach making his eyes go wide. "Not quite."

Curro slammed his right arm down but missed once more this time yelling out as Davi's leg was instantly in his side. It was as if the attacks were instant. By the time he noticed he was hit Davi was already attacking again. Curro's eyes filled with rage as he stabbed out only to miss again, this time and elbow slamming into the top of his head smashing him down into the ground with a loud crack. Davi roughly grabbed him by the hair and slammed a punch into Curro's face.

"I'll make it quick with this one." Davi said the blue energy covering his entire arm as he flashed forward and vanished above Curro coming down punching out with his arm. Curro looked up and struck but that was what Davi was waiting for as he vanished again appearing behind Curro and punching out. "And that's game-" His punched missed as Curro cocked his head to the side making Davi's eyes go wide. Curro leapt back then slamming his head back and smashing the back of his head into Davi's face making Davi stumble back.

Curro spun around stabbing out with his arm but the strike hit open air as Davi's leg stabbed out at his side only for Curro's other arm to grab the leg mid kick. Curro gave a large grin as he lifted Davi up and slammed the man down into the ground as hard as he could shattering the arena and blasting it apart. He grinding Davi across it turning his body and throwing Davi as hard as he could. Davi slammed across it and came to a rolling stop.

"Pathetic! You're not so tough." Curro spat out one of his teeth falling out as he spat a glob of blood out. "I'll admit that teleportation crap caught me off guard cause I was thinking it was teleporting but it's not... When a person teleports that bend space and move themselves through space. Yours is something else. It's like you're actually bending yourself and space is moving you. Not teleporting. Jumping. But it's not so tough. It's got a charge right? After you use it there's a second where you can't again. And all I have to do is just guess what your attack is going to be so I can block it or dodge it which then leaves you open for an attack."

"Y... You make it sound like that's easy." Davi hissed. "But you'd have only nano seconds to figure out where I'm going to strike, than block, dodge, or counter that strike, than only have a single second to attack me... Yet you did it twice in a row? I think I might have been wrong about you." Davi grinned. "You're strong. But... Don't think you've won just because you've figured my power out."


"Yeah." Davi began to walk forward crackling blue aura around his body. "I can do so, so, so, much more you know..." He smirked. "Let's see if you can keep up." He vanished appearing behind Curro who was ready for it. Curro spun around and grabbed Davi's arm mid air stopping it from reaching him. His smirk vanished though when he saw the large grin on Davi's face and point blank range Davi unleashed a massive amount of energy directly into Curro's body!

Curro stumbled back most of his outfit being blasted off and much of his flesh being burned shocking everyone. Davi suddenly appeared next to him now holding a black spike which he jammed into Curro's foot. Curro went to scream but Davi slammed his palm into Curro's mouth and fired off another energy blast directly down Curro's throat. His leg came out and he slammed a powerful kick into Curro's side flash freezing and cracking some of Curro's skin as ice began to cover his body. Curro stabbed forward with his arm and Davi didn't even bother to dodge it the limb stabbing through him. Davi then grabbed the limb inside of him and used it to yank Curro closer to himself his arms wrapping around Curro as his entire body exploded into a mass of blue energy and large black spikes stabbed out of his body all jutting into Curro's body. Davi then vanished taking Curro with him and appeared several hundred meters in the air still holding Curro as they began to fall the blue energy wrapping around him.

"Blue Nova Star!"

They rammed into the arena with a massive blast that shattered it and sent it slamming into the ground below as waves of blue fire exploded out of them and everything was lit ablaze. Seconds later Curro's body was thrown out of the arena several spikes suddenly flying out and stabbing into his body impaling him into the ground where he landed unconscious. Davi slowly walked out of the dust cloud most of his flesh healing as steam rolled off of him.

"I... Is that the true power of a Seraphin..." Ken asked with wide eyes.

"Dog man. Start counting." Davi said a bored look coming onto his face. "I doubt he'll be getting back up though."

"C... Curro..." Hella said her eyes wide.

"R... Right." Olf nodded. "O... One... Two... Three... Four-"

"Curro get up you idiot!" Brave from his Squad yelled out. "You're gonna loose if you stay down!"

"Five... Six..."

"Curro!" Hella yelled out this time. "Come on! You have to get back up!"


"Curro!" This time it was Hero who yelled now standing on the wall Daughter hanging off of his waist. His arm transformed shocking everyone in his box as he formed it into his clawed arm which was covered in so many cracks, dents, rust, and had what looked like flesh leaking out of the cracks. He pointed at Curro with his limb. "Don't be Pathetic. You're always saying that right. And you called me Pathetic. Well I wouldn't have gotten beaten by a lame attack like that, and neither should you. So get the hell up you idiot!"


Black Tendrils exploded out of Curro's body wrapping around him and ripping all the spikes out as black demonic armor formed around him and a massive sonic boom exploded out of his body throwing Davi back.

"What the hell-" Davi looked up just in time to see Curro slam his fist into his face. Davi was thrown back crashing off the side of the arena and slamming into the grounds below. He let out a small hiss of annoyance as his body began to heal and he stood back p. "I guess the real fight starts here..." He smirked.