Back At Zero (Part One)

Night One Hundred And Ninety Nine

"Enforcers... Warriors said to be chosen by God himself... They exist for a single purpose... To slay the beasts that hunt mankind... The creatures with frozen souls... The Bestia Macht... They really are a pain, always messing up my plans..."


Age 0000

'Once upon a time there used to be a world... A pretty world with blue seas, a bright sky, and a yellow ball of flames that heated the planet giving it life. We called this pretty planet... Earth.'

Two men stood at the edge of what looked like a massive metal ship. Both of them were covered by a dark shadow keeping their appearance hidden.

"Well..." One of them said calmly. A golden aura seemed to shine around his body taking the shape of a giant transparent dragon. "Let's finish this..."

"Sure... About time I suppose..." The second man said. Blue electricity began to crackle off of his own body lighting the area up in a bathing blue light. "Let's settle this for good. Old Friend."

'This planet that the humans used to live on once was so beautiful... Far better than Ava the current place the humans reside...'

"It's time the Enforcers make their first, and their last stand!" The man with the lightning yelled as it began to roll off of his body.

"You really are a fool Storm!" The man with the Golden Dragon yelled as the beast pulled back its arms and began to glow. "I'll blast you apart!"

"I may be a fool but at least I'm not a traitor Orion!"

"Enough talk!"

"You're right." The lightning began to form changing into a large crow made of electricity. "It's time to end this..."

"Row Storm!"

"Orion Vil!"

And in a massive clash the battle that determined how the story would play out began anew... Good versus Evil, Right versus Wrong, Enforcer, versus the Order... The dance that would go until the end of time.

Man Versus God...

God Versus the Devil.

The fight that created God...


Earth fifty One

Age 1991

The City of Dandelion...

Snow fell hitting the path slowly as a man walked down the road. He hummed a simple tune as he marched forward confidently. A cane twirled in his hand as he strolled towards his destination. He walked like he owned the city. To be fair he practically did... Or at least he knew the owner of the city. And in this world. Sometimes that's all you need.

"What a beautiful world this is... A world filled with ice." The man said giving a small. "A frozen world... A world waiting to be purified!"

Behind the man, several other men followed all of them wearing very large coats that covered their bodies from head to toe. They all seemed to be wearing masks as well as hats, and gloves. This caused their bodies to be completely unseen but made them stand out instantly. A mere glance was all that was required to simply tell that these guys were up to no good...

The man who seemed to be leading the group stopped as he slid a hand back through his pocket. "So..." The man said as he came to a stop in front of a simple antique store. "Who thinks they actually have what we're looking for?" He questioned his group as he turned to look at his followers.

The covered-up men simply stared at their boss. None of them moved or said a word at all. They simply stared at their boss as they tilted their heads to the side as if waiting for him to keep going. Their silence made the man let out a sigh as he shook his head.

"Right, right... Forgot I didn't give you the ability to talk..." The man simply shrugged as his smile grew wider. "Oh well... More for me then. ~la da de, la da di~" The man sang out as he twirled his cane. His hand reached out for the doorknob as he prepared to enter.

"Hey, buddy!" A voice called out from behind the group. The man turned around surprised to see a sixteen-year-old boy eyeing him up and down. The teen had a slight smile on his face. "You guys are bad guys aren't you?" The boy said as he nodded his head slightly. He had a curious look about him. One purple eye, and one gold eye. His hair was a improper black with white highlights running through it. He also wore a very dirty green tracksuit. "Alright! I knew I would find something to do if I stayed in this city long enough!"

"Ha... Of course, we aren't bad guys kid." The man said laughing off the comment. "Me and my buddies just want to go into that store and collect a certain ring." He stated simply. "For my boss."

"You guys just scream evil though... I mean all you're missing is the cat..."

The man let out a sigh as his eye twitched. "Judging a book by its cover..." The man reached into his pocket grabbing something. "Here kid-" He said as he tossed a candy bar over. "Now run along. It's pretty late. I'm sure your mommy is worried for you."

"Are you trying to bribe me with chocolate?"

"Is it working?"


The man smirked slightly as he turned his back to the kid. "Why don't you run along buddy... We wouldn't want you getting into any trouble now would we? After all... Kids are the next generation..." He marched in confidently as his smile somehow grew even larger. "So stay out of trouble kid."

"But I like trouble..." The kid managed to say before the man pushed the door open entering the store. His goons followed after him none of them paying the kid any mind. The kid stood there for a moment as he looked left, then right. "I really wanna beat those guys up..."

The store clerk looked up from what he was doing when the door opened. He began to say his usual speech when he finally noticed the large crowd of people who now stood in his shop. "Umm... Good evening sir... What can- What can I help you with..." The man behind the desk gulped slightly as he stepped back. He eyed up all the people who stood in his store in a slightly worried manner. This was clearly a robbery... All thirteen of the people stared at him as the leader walked up twirling a fancy cane.

"Ahh hello, my good store clerk!" The man said as he twirled his cane... "The names Ben Eleazar..." The man said holding his hand out. He grabbed the other man's hand shaking it viciously nearly pulling the store owner's arm out of his socket. "My..." He glanced over to his followers as he tried to figure out what he should call them. "Associates? Friends? Slaves? Minions? My minions and I are looking for a piece of jewelry. We heard you came across?" He said in an innocent manner that sent a chill down the store owner's spine.

"W-What kind..." The store owner questioned attempting to stay calm in this tense situation. "I-If you don't mind me asking?" The store clerk looked like every 'human' on planet Ava. A big head. Buldging eyes. Long arms and long legs. Bits of fur covered his body. He looked nothing like Ben. Then again Ben was a Super-Human. Something far better then what any normal human on this rock could be. Yes the owner almost looked like a frog.

"I'm looking for a certain... Ring."

"Y-You'll need to be a little bit more specific sir." The store owner said. "I have a lot of rings here..."

"Right. It's a little ruby ring made from actual solid rubies. It should be extremely warm. Like it should be burning you but somehow isn't. Oh. And it also should have the phrase 'The Second Key' written on it? Is this ringing any bells for you? Or do I need to be even more specific?" Ben questioned as he leaned over the counter for a second his eyes shining as he peered over at the man.

"No... No... I know the ring you're talking about... But the thing is sir... It's already been ordered. Okane Genkin ordered it, sir... And... Well, he's a Noble... I can't just give it away..."

"Okane ordered the ring? Oh, that is definitely interesting? I'll need to tell Mr. Snow about this piece of trivia." Ben said humming slightly. "Mr. Green is getting into some trouble... Oh also-" He snapped his fingers as his friends seemed to spring to life. They marched forward as they began to smash at the counter breaking the metal counter easily. "I suggest giving me the ring..." He said calmly. One of the men bent down grabbing the counter and ripping it out of the ground as they turned throwing it out the window. The window exploded in a shower of grass.

"Okay! Fine! You can deal with the pissed off Noble then..." The store clerk yelled out as he brought his arms up in a panic. "Just tell your guys to stop... Its gonna cost a hell of a lot of Bells to fix all of this damage..." Ben snapped his finger once more which caused the men to stop. The store clerk walked towards the back where a metallic shelf stood. Pulling out a key he unlocked it and began to rummage through it. "Here!" The clerk announced as he pulled a red ring out of the draw. "This is the ring... Just take it and- Hero?"

"Do I look like a hero to you-"

"I'll be taking that!" A loud voice announced as a blur shot past Ben. A hand-fired out grabbing the ring, and a body turned landing softly on the wooden table, then instantly the figure jumped back passing Ben, and landing next to the exit of the building. A wave of air came off of the figure as they landed back on the ground, and what looked like white pipes seemed to pull themselves into the figures body vanishing under the skin?

Ben stared wide-eyed not expecting any of that. "What the hell?" He turned around in shock finding the boy from earlier now holding the ruby ring. "You!" He said in rage and confusion. "I gave you a candy bar! Why are you still here?"

"Otoko!" The store clerk yelled out in surprise and relief. "Quick run!"

Hero ignored the man as he pocketed the ring. "Ha! I knew you guys were evil!" Hero stated smugly. His multi-colored eyes shined slightly as he ran a hand through his black hair with small white highlights. "Man... I'm good at spotting the obvious!" He bragged to himself. "Wait..."

"You're quick... I didn't even know what was happening... So. Like me you are a SuperHuman right? Although I sense something more from you? What... What are you?" Ben smirked slightly as he looked down on the sixteen-year-old boy. "Your body also bent easily twisting and back flipping... You're kind of interesting."

"I sure- Wait what do you mean by 'kind of'?" Hero questioned just a little bit annoyed by that. "I'll have you know that I am one of a kind! Besides the other experiments..." He muttered out.

"I'll cut to the chase boy. Give me the ring. I gave you an opportunity to go home, and I'll give you another one. No one has to get hurt tonight." Ben announced. He turned to the shop owner as he gave a slight smirk. "You might wanna leave the area quickly. I have a feeling this will get messy..."

"And I told you I like trouble!" Hero announced. "My name is Hero Otoko. I'm the student to Okami Otoko, the strongest man alive. I myself am the second strongest human alive!" Hero announced right as the shopkeep bolted out the door. "Mr. Shopkeep I'm getting payed for this right?"

"No!" The man yelled leaving.

"Second strongest..." Ben said raising an eyebrow. "Oh dear... It seems I may need to take you seriously then. Break every bone in his body." Ben snapped his fingers causing the goons to react. In an instant, they all jumped at the young boy intending to follow the order given to them.

Hero let out a yelp as he jumped back barely avoiding several hands thrown his way. He slid on the wooden floor as he spun his body flying out the window. "You'll have to catch me first asshole!"

Ben's eye twitched as he watched his men all stand around. "Well? Go get him!" He yelled out.

Hero smirked slightly as he watched the men march towards him... Then all at once, they grabbed the large coats they wore and tore it off of them. "Whoa! Metal Men?" Hero said in shock when he saw the people. "I wish I was made out of metal..."

They looked humanoid in shape but lacked a nose, eyes, mouth, hair, or ears. They had shiny metallic skin rather than flesh and all of them had a red dot in the center of their chest.

"Impressive right!" Ben announced as he walked out of the store. "My Attribute allows me to create Golems. Their strength, speed, and durability is all determined by whatever I made them out of. These particular ones are made out of solid Iron and as such have the durability of iron. Oh! They can also do this-" Ben snapped his finger causing one of the Golems to turn and punch the building.

There was a massive crack that echoed out in the night as the entire building began to fall apart crumbling beneath the pressure created from that single punch. "That looks like it will be painful!" Hero said gulping slightly as he stepped back.

"Aren't you observant... Now... Give me the ring!"