Back At Zero (Part Two)

Night Two Hundred

Age 1991

Dandelion City...

"Give me the ring!"

The Golems began to slowly swarm the boy in front of them getting ready to attack the boy head on...

Hero simply smiled as he brought his arms up going into a heavily flawed fighting stance. "Not a chance!" He announced. "If you think having the power of metal men is cool you clearly haven't seen any of mine!" Hero began to inhale the air around him as he brought his right arm up. The arm began to rapidly inflate as it got bigger, and bigger growing like a balloon as it bloated. "Take this!" Hero announced out. He threw a punch out as his massive arm slammed into the golem causing two things to happen.

The first is that the golem was sent flying back crashing into another golem. The second was Hero's arm actually bounced back heading towards the left. As it bounced his arm began to get smaller. Now it seemed to actually flex out as the muscles in it bulged slightly. His fist came out slamming straight into another golem. A loud bang echoed out as the golem remained standing seemingly unfazed.

"Oww!" Hero yelled pulling his hand back. "That guy's really hard!" He complained as he held his bruised hand. "Normal punches do nothing... Guess I'll just keep using my bouncey launching attacks to throw them around?"

"Bounce what?"

Hero inhaled again as his leg grew. Several small bone pipes suddenly stabbed through the back of his hills becoming small organic engines. A wave of pressurized air suddenly spat out from them as his limb was propelled forward. "Take this!" He announced once more. He brought the massive leg down on the head of a golem causing it to crash down. The force slammed it straight into the ground as Hero's leg hit it then bounced up straight into the air. He tried to bring his leg down but before he could react he was tackled straight into the ground by one of the other many Golems.

"F##k him up," Ben called out as his golems charged forward towards the downed boy. They all jumped up as they crashed down on the boy in a dog pile. The boy grunted as he tried to pull himself out. He began to suck in air as his gut rapidly grew becoming a massive fleshy ball, lifting several of the golems off of him. "You're starting to look like a balloon..." Ben said chuckling slightly. "You have a really crappy Attribute? But it seems weird? What are those white pipes that come out of your body? And are they firing out wind? Oh well, golems do the thing..."

One of the golems brought their leg up bringing it down on the boy's stomach. He coughed out in pain as his stomach began to shrink seemingly deflating, and all the wind fired out of his mouth slamming into a building. Hero was kicked around the battlefield by several of the golems as they threw him around using him as a ball as he got smaller and smaller. He was kicked, punched, and tossed several times as he slammed into the concrete. One of the golems picked Hero up by the leg as they yanked him up and slammed him down.

"Give me my ring!"

"No!" Hero gasped out. A golem picked up bringing him up above its body. "On second thought! I magically seemed to have changed my mind..." Hero reached into his pocket pulling the ring out.

"Good..." Ben announced as the golem set Hero down gently. "Was that so hard. Believe it or not, I don't like beating up kids." He held his hand out as he smirked. "Now toss it over here."

Hero looked down at the ring for a moment. He frowned as he stared at it. "You're stronger than me alright. So if I can't win I'll just become a version of me that can!"

"What does that even mean?"

"It means! Screw it. Doing good!" Then shocking everyone he swallowed the ring. There was an audible gulp as the ring slipped down his throat disappearing into his stomach. "God that burns! Oww! Oh God! What's it gonna be like coming out? Oh God, I take it back!" He tried to shove his arm down his throat as it went in deeper and deeper.

No one said a word as the golems set there, Ben set there, and Hero set there frowning as he rubbed his stomach finally pulling his arm out. "You son of a!" Ben seemed to rocket forward as he grabbed Hero by the throat throttling the teen. "Why would you do that! What kind of idiot are you! Seriously who eats a solid ruby ring you dumbass!" He shook the teen over and over again as he tried to squeeze the life out of him. "My boss is going to make me search through your crap for that ring you bastard! Why the hell did you eat it! God this night has been the worst! Now I have to take you back to our base and explain what happens! Knowing Mr. Snow he'll just gut you to get to the ring you dumbass! Damn it why the hell did you do that? You didn't have to die you, idiot! Now I got to drag you back to the base and-"

"And where is your base?" A voice questioned.

"It's in the-" Ben stopped as he did a quick double-take. Hero, fell to the floor with stars in his eyes as he gasped for breath. "Who said that?" Ben questioned as he looked around.

"That would be me..." Everyone turned finding a woman watching them. Her arms held her head up as she set down on the roof of the destroyed building watching them. She flashed a smile as she waved to the gang. "That was pretty rad when you swallowed that ring..."

"Who the hell are you?" Ben yelled out in annoyance. "I'm kind of busy here."

The twenty-year-old woman simply gave a shrug as she reached into her pocket. "I'm just someone who heard a commotion, and came to stop it?" She stated as she pulled out a gold badge. The badge was gold with one star on it near the bottom. Two words could be seen on it. 'Enforcer' and 'Hannah Doors' were both written on it.

"An Enforcer!" Ben said panicking as he stared at the golden badge in horror. "You bastard you just got me killed!" Ben yelled out kicking the teen while he was down.

"Yay I'm saved!" Hero coughed out as he was rapidly kicked.

Ben frowned as he stared at the woman. "Well even if you are an Enforcer you're still outmatched. I have twelve golems here all made out of solid iron. What could you possibly have?"

"I have an Earl..." Hannah said smiling slightly. Black wings burst from her back as something seemed to pull itself out of her body. It didn't rip it's way out though? It was like it just pulled itself out. Like she wasn't there and something was just being created. The head of a creature appeared out of her back as the thing finally pulled itself out. A loud kaw echoed out as the monsters beak opened up.

A Bestia Macht... Also often referred to as vicious monsters. The thing had long black feathers, as well as black scales on its, body, with what appeared to be a reptilian tail coming out of its back. Its head was crow-like except for a few scales that were placed around it. Oh. The thing was also almost the size of a large teenager, and it happened to have a very powerful, and long wingspan.

The things beak opened as a powerful tornado fired out of its mouth ripping through the air tearing the sky up.

"Okay, that's just unfair..." Ben said sniffling slightly as realized just how screwed he was.

The girl simply smiled an innocent smile as the bird peered down at the men.

Exactly One Minute, and forty-six point one second later...

The girl hummed a tune as she placed her heel on Ben's head. Across the battlefield laid the bodies of all the destroyed golems. The girl hummed her tune as the Bestia Macht circled the area kawing out.

"That... Was... Cool..." Hero said as he watched the woman. "Will you be my new teacher? I need a new one after ditching my Grandpa!"

"What? No. I'm to busy being a badass Enforcer to train some random brat."

"What's an Enforcer?"

"Have you been living under a rock?"

"No. I've been living in a giant mansion with my grandpa, but he never told me anything so now that I've run away I have no idea how the real world works? I mean I ran away a year ago and was just planning on finding some way to survive... You're pretty cool."


"You think you're so great..." Ben gasped out as he glared at the woman. "You Enforcers aren't anything special... None of you are strong. If not for you I would have easily handled that boy."

"So you don't like this child?" The girl questioned tilting her head to the side.

"No. I despise him. That bastard stopped me from robbing the store..."

"Oh. So you hate the Enforcers and this kid?" The girl said nodding slightly. "I have the best idea ever." She reached into her pocket pulling out a blue envelope. "Hey, kid. Wanna be a badass Enforcer like me?"


Earth Fifty Two

Age 1991

"It isn't like you to be spacing out like this human." A sly voice commented making Hero Otoko look up.

"Oh? Human?" The Seraphin asked letting out an amused chuckle.

"To my kind you Seraphins aren't that different from a human."

"I suppose." Hero rested at a metal table somewhere on the moon. In the distance he saw the planet. Earth. He took a slow sip of his cup of tea. "I was just... Deep in thought I suppose... I'm going to save it... This world. No matter what. Even if I have to become a Devil to do it." He reached out as if to grasp the planet.

"Really... You think you can save it?" The amused voice asked. Sitting next to him was one of the members of the Dragon Clan... Like all members she had reddish gray skin, long liquid like silver hair and a pair of bright mirror like eyes. She was dressed in a black dress and a hat as well as an umbrella on her head and hand. Part of her dress was cut off showing the 'Z' shaped Scar to be seen. This was Zonbi, the holder of the Zombie Crest.

"I don't think... I know..." Hero said shaking his head.

"Hmm. What was it God told you?"

"He wanted me to keep his Daughter safe. One of his kids..." Hero mused. "I'll be setting out sometime today."

"Have you been wondering about your other half..."

"Law? Not really." Otoko sighed. "I've made up my mind already." He reached into his pocket slowly pulling out a small marble. "Next time we met I guess we're enemies. Sad as God hoped he would join our side... Hero seems dead set on remaining who he is though. He's as stubborn as me. But it's because he's me that I'm going to be the one that will stop him. My power will beat his. Or my power will be defeated by his. It could go either way."

"Are you not scared?"

"Oh. I'm terrified. Terrified of losing. Terrified of all the horrible things I had to do to get to this point all being for nothing. Terrified about the sacrifices that were made being rendered pointless. Terrified that in the end it all had no value. I'm terrified. Just not of Hero Law."

"I see... Perhaps this is why... This is why the lord choose you... You're... The balance..."


Gladious City...

The Arena...

"Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic, pathetic, pathetic, pathetic!"

We start at a familiar point...

Davi with his blank look dodged the many attacks from Curro.

"Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic, pathetic, pathetic, pathetic! You're pathetic Seraphin!" The black devil roared hundreds of tendrils exploding out of his back and jamming into the ground as he ripped up chunks of sharp metal with them. The covered his left arm wrapping around it making it much larger and giving it a metal bracer as he fired forward.

Davi finally showed the smallest amount of emotion as a smirk seemed to cross onto his face and he to leapt forward. Both enemies brought their arms out and slammed them into each other blasting apart a massive impact of heat and sound.

Down below Hero and Ken could both be seen staring at the fighting with wide eyes. Massive shock waves were blowing everyone around them back but those two some how managed to stay standing.

"Wow! He really took my advice didn't he!" Hero laughed.

"This is... It's so unreal..." Ken hissed covering her face with her hands as waves of dust was exploding out. "Those two are on another level? No way they're just recruits... They're both even stronger than North... Maybe even our Captain Katrina!"

"This is..." Kitsune stood behind them his sword in the ground as he tried to remain standing. Irene, Light, and Shelly hung off of him. "This is impossible right?"

"How you holding up!" Max yelled to Hero from the Squad One brackets.

"Honestly. I'll admit I'm kinda scared." Hero laughed.

"Yeah... I am to... Those two... Their monsters..."

Up in the stands several people looked frightened. In the box Daughter clung to her fathers leg.

Master Storm let out a small chuckle running his hand through his head. "I knew I shouldn't have let them compete in this game... After all... Those two were both deemed so strong we didn't even bother having them go through the Enforcer try outs and just let them join a Squad... Honestly I had no idea they had this much power though... This will do nicely for defeating our enemies... I hope you're Jester. You're seeing the power of the Enforcers."

High above the Empresses rested a frown on her face. "That old fool... He's been hiding so many of his 'toys' from me... Maybe I should just kill him and have him replaced..." She watched the Black Demon and Blue haired man continue their fight as her eye twitched. "Still... I'll actually admit it old fool... Those two are actually managing to scare me. You really went and pulled all the stops on this Ages soldiers didn't you?"

"Pathetic!" The Black demon roared as he fired into the air. He seemed to ball up into a... Well a ball as a massive amount of energy seemed to suddenly start rolling off of him in massive waves of heat. "Dark Nova!" He screamed firing a beam of heat, energy, and sound out of himself which was massive. Even bigger than anything Hero, Kitsune, or even Jackson fired out.

Down in the arena Davi was now openly smiling. "Seems like I'll need to actually try now... Okay... Since you went ahead and fired off your trump card allow me to do the same." A explosion of blue energy seemed to morph out of his body as what looked like a massive blue energy arm began to rise out of his back. "Susanoo no Mikoto!" He announced as the arm morphed into a massive blue energy blade the size of a small bus which he grabbed with both his arms. "Sky Splitter. Devour the Heavens!"

Finally down in the stands Hero showed a bit of worry. "Oh crap!" He brought his right arm up as it glowed and morphed becoming his new metallic shield. "I was wanting to save this for when I fought Max but screw it! Everyone get behind me!" He yelled right as the two attacks in the arena met and a massive explosion bigger than the entire stadium began to expand out towards everyone. Hero stood his ground though as he punched out as hard as he could with his new arm. "Gates Of Hell!"

And in a single blast...

Everything was covered by a white and blue energy.

But from who it was hard to tell...

The next stage was set...