The Power Of Fusion

Night Two Hundred And Six

Age 1991

Hero breathed out as he stared up at the shocked Kitsune...


"No!" The fire ball launched out as Hero's ruby red eyes ignited.


A massive explosion of black energy exploded out as a wave of black aura seemed to spill and morph out slowly breaking everything around them. Kitsune flew back her fox tails shooting out and stabbing into the many buildings all around her. She used them to break her fall as she let out a small hiss.

"W... What the hell was that- What the hell is that?" She asked as she stared ahead with even wider eyes.

In front of her was a mass of black energy forming an outline much like Daughter. Only... This wasn't the black outline of a shark... This was an outline of what looked like a large Squid...

"But... That's..." For a moment she saw past it. And she recalled the last time she met this thing. When it came to her world. When it ripped it apart and devoured it. When Kitsune Nine lost their entire body becoming nothing more than a soul that was found by that man. The Mystery.

A small buzzing could be heard as everything around them went out the power shutting off.

Then slowly the aura faded as Hero stepped out. His body was turned hiding his right arm but he looked around for a moment.


"What the hell?" Kitsune hissed out.

"Oh. Sorry." Hero said bringing his left arm up and moving it through his head. "It's just been a while since I've been in control."


"I guess you don't know me do you?" He asked. "You can call me Row."

"Oh s##t." Kitsune said her eyes going wide. The smoke cleared as something seemed to be moving from behind Hero. It was large and covered in a hard shell. It looked like a large black worm covered in bladed knife like legs and the head of a dragon. Small puffs of black smoke began to blow out of the creatures lips. "Oh... Sh-"

Row slowly took another step forward a grin forming onto his face. He brought his right arm up which looked almost normal but was a pitch black. The massive worm jutted out of his shoulder seemingly attached to him more flames pouring out. He brought the hand up to his face as he glowed and something began to form on his face. Hard shell like formations of a strange black mask.

Row's level two...

Something only he could do.

Not Hero's power.


Kitsune blinked a few times as the head of the beast slowly opened up. "I'm screwed aren't I?"


Gladious City...


"I guess Kitsune wasn't insane after all." Vil said letting out a sigh as he recalled her words.

"What?" Kitsune asked frowning.

"Not you." Vil shook his head raising his sword up. "What a drag... Guess I have to fight you."

Kitsune entered the same boxer stance Irene always did as the ice flames covered his arms forming ice gloves on them. "I don't know how long this form is going to last." Kitsune said. "I can already feel my body beginning to come undone... Maybe in a few moments we'll unfuse... So until then I'll use Irene and Kitsune's fused powers to beat you into the ground!" He announced firing forward.

Vil gave a small smirk as he suddenly stepped to the side dodging the punch as a wave of ice like flames exploded off freezing the wall behind Vil shattering it and blowing a wave of wind through the room. Kitsune? Irene? Kitene was fast but Vil was literally abusing time itself slowing others down and speeding himself up. His blade glowed as those time runes covered it and everything around him seemed to almost slow down.

"It makes me wonder how Kitsune is doing... She wanted to see my brother. She should be coming back any moment now. I guess what I'm saying is this power you have doesn't matter."

"Oh really." Kitsune asked cocking his head to the side.

"That's right-"

Half of Vil's blade snapped off as his eyes went wide. He stared down at it in shock finding ice clinging to it.

"W... When the hell did you?"

"I'm a bit sad I'll admit." Kitsune smirked cracking his knuckles.

"...W... What do you mean..."

"You're Hero's younger brother right? I expected more-" Vil fired forward slamming his head into Kitsune's face and shattering the sound barrier as Kitsune slammed back crashing into the wall his nose and broken teeth gushing blood as a few teeth popped out and blood gushed from his broken nose. "Oh..." He asked letting out a laugh and spitting out a few shards of teeth and blood. "I guess I hit a nerve didn't I Mero."

"M... Mero?"

"You're basically a Mini Hero."

"I'll f##king kill you! Besides! Row's my brother!"

"Okay Mow."


Off to the side Light groaned slowly sitting up. "God Damn it... Irene's sass combined with Kitsune's cocky nature... They're to much now..."

Kitsune pulled himself out of the wall. "Okay Mero. I'm serious now. Stop."

"I'm not a child!"

"I'm not joking. One chance. Put your weapon down. Turn yourself in. And I'll stop it. I won't beat the crap out of you."

Vil's teeth slowly clenched together. "I hate it. Everyone... Those men... In that damn lab. Always going on and on and on. 'You're not as good as Row! Row is better than you! You have to be better! He's perfect! What went on with you! You have to be ready to die for him!' Row, Row, Row, I'm sick and tired of Row always being the one people care about. And if it isn't Row it's his failures. Hero, this Hero that! Who cares about Hero, or Row! I hate it... But she saved me... She came to get me! She didn't go for Row! She saved Vil. The younger brother. The one who always was behind. She saved me. Me. Vil Law! And yet... Still... I'm always on the sidelines. And even when I'm not... She gives me that damn woman to baby sit me... I'm doing this because I want to! So stop treating me like a kid! I'm Vil!"

Kitsune sighed. "What the hell is wrong with everyone in Hero's family..." He raised his hands up as a pair of spinning ice disks formed on it. "Well kid... I warned you."

"Then come at me..."

Silence passed over them both as neither of them said a word.

Light and Daughter stood off to the side with wide eyes.

They waited for one of them to react and fight...


"Hero!" The wall exploded as Ken went flying out of the hole. "I'm coming to save you!"

And with that the fight began as Kitsune took a powerful step forward as hard as he could throwing his arms forward the spinning disks flew off spinning through the air the jagged blades on them ripping through the floor, walls, and roof, the top part of the building shattering off. Vil jumped into the air flipping his body over it one of them flashing past beneath him. The second one spun up as he stepped forward slashing his sword out the shattered blade glowing. The ice blade began to slowly break through his shattered blade making him grit his teeth.

He ducked down just in time dropping his arm as the shattered sword blade flew off and the ice blade slammed over his head. Both disks slammed into the wall and exploded sending several large ice shards all around them. Vil spun around and raised his broken sword handle up as it glowed for a moment and it suddenly was washed over with the time and the entire blade seemed to rewind and fixed his katana healing it over and allowing him to slice it out as he deflected the ice shards sending them all away.

Vil turned his body just in time to raise his sword up. Kitsune came crashing down now holding a blade made out of ice in the shape of his katana. The two swords clashed together in a wave of sparks and ice. They both pressed down on them each one trying to out power the other one. Kitsune's sword was beginning to slowly melt, while Vil's sword began to slowly crack each blade shaking. Kitsune gritted his teeth pulling back on his blade and swinging it out. It formed suddenly into a massive ice great sword which smashed into Vil's sword. The sword suddenly morphed though into a giant whip wrapping around Vil's arm.

Vil was raised up and slammed into the roof above them shattering Vil through it. Vil crashed down onto the other side of the room. He came to a rolling stop. He looked up finding Shelly was here.

"Oh that's right I blasted you up here-"

Shelly slammed a pink flame fist into the top of Vil's head throwing him back down.

As he crashed down he sliced his katana out and severed the ice whip. He rolled across the floor and reached into his cloak throwing out several knives which all spun through the air stabbing into Kitsune's shoulders, and arms. Kitsune fought through the pain though jumping at Vil as his ice whip morphed into a massive ice hammer which he slammed out smashing into the body of Vil and slamming Vil into the wall and shattering it. Vil flew out his eyes going wide as he began to fall towards the ground below but was suddenly stopped when one of Kitsune's tails flew out grabbing his leg.

"You're not falling little Mero-"

"Stop calling me that!" Vil screamed pulling himself back up and stabbing his sword into the arm of Kitsune.

The ice on Kitsune's body morphed over the blade freezing it over. He twisted his arm shattering it and breaking the blade in his arm. He then twirled it around and slammed his arm into Vil's shoulder stabbing the blade into Vil. Vil screamed and ran his hand over the broken blade as it regrew and the blade fixed itself once more. He slammed it out but Kitsune's tail wrapped around it as he raised it and he threw it out of Vil's hand. The sword was stabbed into the wall next to Daughter and Light who let out yelps.

The glowing around Vil roared back to life though as he slammed a punch out into Kitsune's face. "If you think getting rid of my sword will end my powers you're dead wrong. I'm a Caster meaning my Equation is inside of me. That sword is something my mother gave. And this martial arts is something I was taught to use from Mystery." He twirled around slamming a kick into Kitsune's side but Kitsune took the attack and reached out grabbing Vil's leg.

"Sorry kid. But it really doesn't matter. You're so small most of that power isn't much." Kitsune raised the kid up and slammed him into the ground and tore him across the ground. He threw his arm out and slammed him into the wall. He broke past the wall as he spun his body around ripping him through the wall. Vil kicked out but Kitsune's other hand came out allowing him to grab that arm. Vil pushed himself up and slammed both his arms towards Kitsune but both of Kitsune's tails wrapped around the arms as he smashed Vil back across the room.

As Vil stumbled back up he let out a loud hiss. He raised his arm up the time rune glowing as the sword was ripped out of the wall and landed back in his hands. "I'll kill you!"

"Then I'll just end this with this next move." Kitsune announced firing forward. "Snow Trickstar Blizzard!" He slammed his arm forward and-

In a burst of life Kitsune and Irene crashed into the ground the fusion ending...

"Oh crap." Kitsune said. "The fusion ended on us!" He looked around as Vil gave a wide grin.

"Then it's time to die-"

Light slammed the barrel of his gun into the back of Vil's head sending him stumbling across the floor. He tripped and looked up as Daughter slammed her arms down a massive black shark of aura body slamming him into the ground. Before he could get back up Shelly dropped down and landed on the ground. Shelly snapped her fingers a large ball of pink flame blasting out and smashing into Vil's body and throwing him out the room.

"Shelly what the hell!" Irene yelled running towards the large hole in the wall. She looked down watching Vil fall. "Crap he's gonna hit the ground-"

Orange flames blasted down below as a heavily beat up and injured female Kitsune flew up grabbing Vil and catching him in her arms. She crashed back down stumbling as her eyes stared up at Irene.

"Guess I'm not the only one gender bent eh North..." She shook her head and turned away. "We got to go. Don't worry Vil. Big Sis is here."

"Screw you!" Vil yelled.

Kitsune gave a wide smile. "Looks like we really blew it... So let's head out." She took a running start and jumped towards another building soon leaving and heading away from Irene's line of sight.

Irene stared out with wide eyes. "Was that f##king Serenity???"