His Level Her Help

Night Two Hundred And Seven

Age 1991

"F##k this! I'm out!" Kitsune screamed jumping from building to building.

This was before she had ran off to get Vil.

Currently she was fighting someone she didn't ever want to meet.

Row... Law...

"Where are you going!" A loud cackling voice called out as a massive black shell slammed down next to Kitsune the shock wave blasting her back. Row's entire right arm was pitch black and coming out of his shoulder was a massive dragon like creature which spewed forth black flames from its mouth. His face was masked by a pitch black shell like mask. "I'll admit I'm not really in the best state of things! That bastard Hero went and threw all his issues onto me you see! But other than that Row Law is back hahahahaha!"

"Oh will you shut up!" Kitsune screamed stumbling back and slamming her arm out. A ball of her flames blasted out but Row slammed his left arm into it somehow punching through the flame and sending out a mass of air that slammed into Kitsune's stomach making her spit up a mass of blood as she was thrown back. "W... What the hell was that? T... That wasn't even from your Equation. Your left arm is so strong it can punch through my attacks and send out air waves... How strong are you!"

"The funny thing is that I'm actually in a weaker state." She couldn't see it but Kitsune knew this Row was smiling from under his mask. "I can't access my Dreamer Crest. When Hero went to sleep I didn't actually wake up. This is sort of like sleep walking. I'm on the verge though. Every second we fight I come closer. Than I can wipe out that crazy bastard! He's really gone and lost it now."

"What do you mean?"

"He's sleeping. And talking to other versions of himself. They try to claim that they're all Hero. Crazy nut has been jumping from dream to dream. Even thought he was talking to me. His other selves are trying to tell him they came before him and made him. I don't believe that though."

"You don't?"

"No. I doubt any Hero would have enough power to make a clone of his self to replace him. It's all a trick his crazy coocoo mind is playing. A side effect from pushing his body to far with this level and also all that built up stress. As far as I know there was only ever one Hero. He might want to say there are others to pass on that blame but it's been him and only him. Of course I could be wrong in the end? But I mean... I'm me."

"Yeah... You are... Damn that Hero. He threw his insanity onto Row. What the hell am I supposed to do to a batshit crazy Row? I hope Vil is having a way better time then me... You know who Vil is right?"

"Of course I do."

"Why don't you tell me about him then?"

"Oh I get it! I know what you're doing." Row leaned forward and his right arm began to twitch rapidly the strange snake beast rising up and slamming down onto the roof of the building they stood on. "You're trying to stall me aren't you! You think that if you can get me to talk then Hero will snap back won't he!"

"W... Well. He's always done it before so it was worth a try." Kitsune admitted backing up.

Row let out a laughed and grabbed the white buttoned up shirt he was wearing with his left arm. He pulled down on it ripping it open causing all the buttons to snap off. The shirt unbuttoned and showed off his honed body. Hero had trained the body well. A six pack and smooth skin and only three scars. One in his gut from where he had been stabbed by Hope, three slice mark scars across his chest from Kitsune, and lastly the 'D' Shaped Scar that was over his heart. The Crest. The mark was glowing a mass of green energy pouring out.

"Stalling me for time wasn't a good idea girl!" He said in a mocking tone. Some of his crazy way of speaking seemed to slow down. "I'm slowly regaining my mind. It's only a matter of time before I actually get full control of this body! And when that happens I'll have this Equation, this body honed to superhuman limits, and the third strongest Crest! I'll take that girl... Daughter was her name. With her power combined with my self I'll kill him! I'm gonna kill God! They say it took him six days to make the world! I'll kill him in a day, tear down this world in the same day, then the day after that I'll fix it. A perfect world with no Bestia Macht, no fear of that Squid, no wars, or fighting. Perfection itself. So what do you say?"

"I say you're back shit crazy."

"Well... Sorry to tell you but... That was the wrong answer!" Row screamed jumping into the air. His dragon head slammed down as its maw opened and the black flames poured out once more. They exploded out as a mass taking the shape of what looked like a thick black flame which sliced out and split the floor, or roof, of the building in half.

Kitsune let out a loud curse and jumped off the side of the building. She fell towards the snow covered street landing on the roof of a car which was speeding down the road. The car seemed to swivel and turn for a moment and she could hear the screams of the driver inside. She looked up just in time to see Row was slamming down into the road in front of the car. His dragon head flew out and spat out its black beam. Kitsune jumped off the car slamming her leg into it and throwing it out of the way of the beam. As she did that she curved her body the beam flying past her.

"So you'd attack me even at a cost of innocent people?"

"I think you're mistaken. You're fighting Row, not that coward Hero." The glowing on his heart got brighter. "Yes... Yes... I'm close. A little more. Soon... I'll have my body and my power!"

"Bad news for you then... I was even with the Hero Otoko from my world. Plus this body is far stronger and I can use that William mans Equation as well as my Fire Fox Attribute!" She jumped into the air flipping her body over and held her hand out. Her blood morphed out forming a long red blood bow. A blood arrow formed and her flames washed over the arrow lighting it ablaze. "Now take this! Blood Nova!" She announced firing the arrow forward.

"Ha. You think being on Otoko's level is a thing to brag about!" He slammed his right arm up and caught the flaming blood arrow. The force of it threw him back his feet grinding into the road as he slammed through several buildings but he eventually caught himself. He twirled his arm around and stomped forward as hard as he could. "Hey... You can have this back!" He yelled throwing the arrow towards Kitsune.

"Shit-" Kitsune sliced her arm out deflecting the arrow high into the air. It exploded in a massive red and orange explosion and blood rained down from the sky mixing in with the white snow. As soon as she had time to turn back it was to late as Row's dragon head slammed into her full force smashing her into the ground the mouth wrapping around her body and biting into her side as she was slammed into the ground hard enough to shake the street. She let out a scream of pain as the teeth stabbed deeper and her blood began to spill out. She raised her free arm up and formed a blood spear throwing it at Row. It was enough to make him lean back as the spear flew past him and that proved to be just what Kitsune needed as her flaming tails wrapped around a pole and dragged her out of the maws her sides being ripped out due to the teeth. As soon as she was out she was back on her feet and slammed a powerful flaming punch into Row's mask.

His mask began to crack and slowly shattered off so she threw another punch this time hitting his face. His head recoiled back but he didn't move back. Slowly he turned back to her giving her a wide grin his ruby red eyes glowing brighter as the scar began to spill out its green energy. A small drop of blood ran down his lip but he wiped it away. His black arm, as well as the black snake head began to slowly crack... "Is that how hard you can hit? Why was I even bothering to dodge these attacks if that's your best? I can't even feel it. Tell you what. I'll give you a free shot. Hit me hard enough so I can feel it."

Kitsune growled grabbing at her two bleeding sides. She gritted her teeth and jumped back holding her hands out. "Give me a few moments and I'll have you feeling the warm embrace of a painful death!" She yelled out. A mass of her blood formed onto her hands which she cupped out holding them out towards him. The blood formed around her body into what looked like the head of a massive fox which then ignited with her flames. "Take this! Blood Fox Flare!" She screamed firing out a massive flaming blood beam.

"Isn't Fox Flare Kitsune's attack- Oh shit this might hurt!" Row had time to say realizing to late how powerful this attack was as Kitsune put her all into it. The attack was far to fast for him to dodge out of the way of. He'd have no way of moving out in time. However right before it could reach him his eyes glanced down at his right arm which was now covered in cracks the entire arm shattering off of him and causing him to grin. "It's time."

The beam washed over Row and in a massive blast he was over taken.


Within the Void...

A small boy with snow white hair, in a simple bed opened one of his ruby red eyes...

Kitsune breathed heavily as her attack faded a mass of dust blowing out in front of her. "I... If that didn't work... I didn't stand a chance then."

"Of course you didn't stand a chance you worm."

Kitsune felt her eyes go wide when she heard the voice. Quiet footsteps could be heard in front of her and she looked up fear shining on her face. Row walked out of the smoke his crazed look gone. He was still in Hero's black pants, and unbuttoned white shirt, but he had that smug 'I'm better than you' look on his face. His left arm was in his pocket and all the lights from the street lamps seemed to bend a twist down on him. But what really stood out was his right arm. He finally had his real Level Two. His full power. The arm had reached its true form. For Row Law that was. It was... Something... It was the size of his normal human arm though a little more bulky and longer. It was a dark red and black covered in various scales. The fingers were long and jagged with metal claws. It was like the arm of a dragon. Very simple in design and yet Kitsune knew just from looking at him this arm was something else...

"I wonder." Row smirked. "What exactly can this arm do?" He gave a shrug and turned back to her. "Whatever the case. The arm is strong. But my Crest..." It lit up and suddenly floating behind him was hundreds of swords, knives, axes, and basically any other bladed weapon as he gave a grin. "Now this is the real deal!" All the weapons blasted forward, spinning through the air, or simply launching at the woman at high speeds and Making Kitsune stare at them all with wide eyes.

She was already pretty banged up from her combat with his weaker form and now he was spamming blades. "Who the hell fires swords like they're a projectile!" She yelled flames covering her fist as she threw out several punches and kicks knocking many of the blades away and sending them all flying around her. She jumped into the air and spun her body around her tails coming out and forming a fast moving flame dome around her body that easily stopped everything from reaching her. All the blades suddenly vanished and her eyes went wide when she felt a hand on her leg.

Kitsune looked down just in time to see Yume was standing below grabbing her leg. He gave her a grin and yanked her down slamming her into the ground. "Good luck fighting me." Row said in his smug tone as he grin got larger. "I'm a one man army." Kitsune spun her body around kicking Yume so hard her entire leg sliced through his arm ripping it off. He didn't react though since he was a dream and instead took his free arm up and slammed it into her face.

She recoiled back from the punch and slammed her own arm forward punching through his head and ripping it off its shoulders. "T... That all you got?"

"Good to know all Kitsune's never know when to give up."

"Don't get me mixed up with the Hero's."

"Hmm. But if you really wanna see what I can do." His Crest got brighter. "I'll show you."

Kitsune turned and saw that mass of black aura spilling out of him forming not in a shark, nor a Squid, but rather the outline of a black dragon. And she saw them... His creations. Hundreds of blades exploded out and just like before she began to slam her fist out blocking them. Many guns some large, some small, all seemed to appear around her floating into the air all firing out a rapid wave of bullets her tails flying through the air and blocking them all. A horde of Bestia Macht, every single one Hero, or Row, had ever killed poured out. Some changed how their body worked, some fired lasers, some were big, some were small, but the main point being how many there was. Soon the entire block was stuck in a viscous cycle of being frozen over by the mini Bestia Macht, than being melted down to steam as her flames slammed out. It wasn't just beasts Row threw at her. People to. She was slammed into by copies of this worlds Enforcers. Fake Ken's, fake Kitsune's, fake Max's, fake everything fire, lava, sound, vibrations, lasers, ice, all launched at her. Kitsune was slammed down by this world's Kitsune who stabbed her through the stomach with a flaming sword, than she was slammed into by this world's Ken, than thrown into the air by a mass of ice from the fake Irene, as she spun a massive black gorilla looking Bestia Macht slammed into her throwing her up higher. And finally just because he could create it, an entire sky scrapper appeared above Kitsune and slammed into her smashing into the city and no doubt alerting many, many, many people at this point. The rubble of the building exploded as Kitsune blasted out of it forming her flaming Katana which was wrapped in blood and she blasted towards Row slicing right through him.


Her sword phased through him making her eyes go wide.

"What the hell!" She turned around as Row's right arm wrapped around her face and began to squeeze down.

"Now." He grinned as it lit up. "Let's see what this arm can do-"

"Super Best Friend Saving Kick Attack!"

From up above Ken slammed down her entire leg smashing it into the head of Row who's eyes went wide as he slammed into the ground face first shattering through it.

Ken landed in front of the stunned Kitsune as she pointed at Hero. "No being evil."

'Ken what the hell I said do something to get his attention!' The fake Row screamed in her mind.

"Trust me. That got his attention." She grinned.

"What the actual hell is wrong with the people of this world." Kitsune asked spitting up a glob of blood. "F##k this. I'm getting Vil. It's bailing time."

Ken let the girl go as she folded her arms and stared down at the boy who was face first in the ground.

"Did you..." Row asked slowly sitting up and dusting himself off. "Just drop kick future God? You know I could kill you and every person on this planet for that-"

Ken karate chopped him over the head. "Bad. Go away Row."

Row's eye twitched. "Now listen here you useless yuri bait-"



"God damn it stop doing that-"



Ken narrowed her eyes at him but slowly lowered her arm. "Give Hero back."

"What? No. I just got my body. That loser is being erased. One of my eyes opened. I'm so close to getting the second. When that happens-"

"Yeah, yeah, Hero already told me." Ken rolled her eyes. "Now I'm saying. Give Hero back."

Row eyed her up for a moment. "You know. You're strong. I'll admit it. All Seraphins are. I mean... You guys are humans put through insane testing, than you have an Equation placed in you, than DNA from Ava, and finally DNA from a Bestia Macht giving you those weird powers. But even you can't stand up to my max power-"


"F##k it! Killing you." Row said holding his arm out as it glowed and hundreds of golden chains exploded out wrapping around Ken. They began to squeeze. "These are the same chains I use my Crest to make. A little trick God has for dealing with Dragon Clan Members that go astray. Not sure how but the Labby of that Otoko's world knew how to use them. Of course mine are way stronger and unbreakable-"

The chains exploded off of Ken who shattered them off of her body a mass of red energy covering her.

"...What the hell just happened?"

"You don't get it." Ken sighed. "Hero's my friend. My best friend. I love him like a brother. He's someone dear to me. And I'm not about to lose him. Besides I still have to kick his ass for everything he did."

"How did you do that."

"That's why."

"Answer me woman."

"I'll tell you this here and now 'Row' Law. I don't care who you are. If you're a Clone of God or whatever. If this is your rightful body. I don't care about any of that. All I care about is Hero Law. So listen here..." For a moment her silver eyes seemed to turn yellow. "I've always had to hold back so much. So, so, so much... But if you make me. I won't hesitate to use 'that' power. I don't like it. I'd even rather die before I use it. That blasted stuff my father gave me. But if you're going to hurt my friends..."

Row stepped back as he glared at Ken. "You're... What the hell are you... This aura is... The Bestia Macht they used to make you... It's that damn pet isn't it. The one that Master Storm keeps close... It used to belong to Orion back in the day. Don't tell me the Bestia Macht cells within you are... The First Prince."

"Honestly I don't know." Ken said shrugging. "All I know is that last time I used that power... Well it didn't go to well." She grinned.

"I'm still stronger than you." Row sighed. "I'm calling your bluff. Prince Cells or not."

"Maybe. But I bet I could hold you off long enough for Master Storm to get here. I wonder if you can beat him."

"I haven't even began to try woman!" Row growled.

"More time..."


Ken held up her hand pointing at him. "Give Hero some more time. And I promise you. He'll become way stronger than any of your secret powers. Either that or he'll do what he does best. He'll get you to side with him."

"Why the hell would I ever take a bet like that?"

"You need soldiers for your army right." Ken asked flipping her hair back. "So here's the deal. You give Hero back his body right now and go back to your normal state of slowly waking up. If Hero can't stop you before you fully wake up I'll join your side. I'll even get Shelly to join as well. I can convince her."

"You and Shelly would work for me..." Row hummed. "You alone would be worth the deal..." He seemed to think it over for a moment. "You know... At my current power, and at his current lack of power, he'll have to reach out to me right. He'll need more power. And when he pushes him to far I'll be there to take over."

"Then I guess I'll punch you in your stupid dumb face and send you packing." Ken said simply.

Row let out a sigh. "I'll play this game for now but... In return you should know something." He gave a grin as he leaned forward. His right arm reverted back to normal as he grabbed her and bent down. "Let's call this my insurance Ken. Because you'll want to join me to keep it safe."


"The location of the Heart is..." Ken felt her eyes go wide as her face went pale and she heard the words Row spoke to her. He puled away giving a smile as she dropped to her knees. "So I assume you'll join my side next time I wake up." She smiled.

"I... Is that true Row..."

"Of course it is."

"N... Not you... I'm speaking to the other Row."

"Oh him. Don't bother. He's not in your mind anymore." Row smirked. "I figured if I'm placing Hero back in the driver seat I might as well play nice so I'm giving his other half back. God knows you weren't using that Row anyways. Now. Play nice okay."

Row closed his eyes and the glowing around him stopped. His right arm glowed... It was back in its human state but it looked... Odd now. Even in its human state the arm was now had a reddish brown skin, and the nails on it were black... It looked like the arm of a Dragon Clan had been placed on his body.

The eyes of the body slowly opened as Hero woke up...

He slammed into the ground face first as his mind took control of his body making Hero hiss out.

He opened his eyes finding an annoyed Ken standing above him.

"Finally." Ken sighed crossing her arms. "Geez if I hadn't stepped in you'd have killed that woman... Who was she anyways... And what was that power."

Hero let out a groan as he stared at her. Then slowly he turned to look at the bag of clothes before cracking a smile. "You know." Hero said slowly sitting up. "I don't really get it either."

'Good to be back partner.'

"R... Row?" Hero asked in shock.

'God I've missed this head!'

Ken hummed for a moment. "Hero?"


Her foot came out as she kicked him upside the head. "NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!"