Goodbye Hero

Night Two Hundred And Sixteen

Age 1991

Dianthus City...

The Castle...

"I said..." Hero Otoko said quietly. He reached up pulling down his cloak and showing the B shaped scar over his heart which began to glow. "B is for Balance."

There was an implosion of light and-

Vlad slammed his hand down splitting Otoko's head in half the corpse of Otoko splatting onto the ground. "I don't care how good your healing is. If you're anything like a Bestia Macht then wiping your brain out will be enough to put you down" He said ripping part of Otoko's brains out and crushing them.

"Mr. Hero!" Rio screamed in horror running past Vlad.

The Count dropped to his knees letting out a hiss of pain as he grabbed at his stomach where he now had a large hole. "Damn... I took some damage..."

"Y... You bastard!" Rio cried out drawing his broken sword and slashing out at Vlad but the count was to fast catching the blade.

"I promised the man I would not kill you and I am a man of my word." Vlad said his hand coming out as he flicked Rio on the head. The force of the flick was so strong Rio was blown back slamming into a wall. "Now leave this place mortal. Least you make me a liar-" Vlad went silent as he stared down at the blade a frown on his face. "This sword is an Equip type... And yet the Equation inside of it is... Old... Older than me. No... Older than this world. This is the Equation of O-"


A massive force slammed into Vlad sending him flying back as his sword went flying high into the air. Vlad spun around catching himself as his feet grinder into the floor. Blood splattered down his face as his lower jaw snapped off from the punch and he made a grab for his head as blood and teeth sprayed out. His eyes were wide as he stared at Hero Otoko who was still standing.

Hero's body was fully healed. More than that he was in a new outfit. He now wore a fancy black business suit. The same one he wore when he was speaking with God. The Enforcer of God was awake now. There wasn't a scar on him.

His hand slowly came out as he caught the sword which Vlad had dropped during the punch. "Rio. Are you okay?" Hero asked.

"I... I'm fine..." Rio groaned slowly pulling himself out of the wall. A small trail of blood trickled down his head as he stood back up. "M... Mr. Hero? How are you alive?"

Hero let out a chuckle as he flipped the sword around and placed it into his belt to hold onto it. "I'll admit I'd be dead if I was my old self. Even with the power God gave me this guy is strong. I'd have to rely on 'that' transformation to win, and I refuse to use that until I meet Law. When Law and I next fight this caterpillar will break out of his shell. Until then though I'll make due with what I have. And it just so happens I have the strongest Crest second only to the one God himself owns. B is for Balance. This Crest allows me to tip the Balance and flow of the world. You killed me Vlad. But what if the balance of all that damage was tipped? I sent my death to somewhere else. Somewhere out there in the cosmos of Hero's, one just had his skull split open. In return for his death I am now standing here. The Balance has been tipped to allow me to remain standing. All my wounds have been healed as well. The Balance of the world was tipped and it gave me its power healing me back to health. It's as if this fight just began. Well for me anyways. For you-"

Vlad fired forward slashing out with his claws but Hero side stepped all of the blows a smirk on his face as he did so.

"I'll admit I'm new to this whole Crest thing so I'm limited in how I can use it but B for Balance just breaks the rules. Everything is a scale to me and I can tip that scale so things go into my favor. As long as a Hero exists within this cosmos I can tip the balance of my death towards him. As long as Earth remains I can tip the balance of its love into my favor allowing it to heal me far more than my own healing powers. And... As long as I'm near someone I can tip the balance of our luck. B for Balance. I can break the scales of Destiny. With this power. It doesn't matter if even Row gets control of his Dream Crest. I'll beat him all the same."

Vlad seemed to spit something out blood flowing down his chest as he spun around and sliced out with his claws severing everything around him as rows of razor sharp wind seemed to blast out.

"Oh... And I guess I should also mention. I still have my own powers still." Hero smirked crouching down and dodging the strike. He kicked up with his leg as the entire limb grew to massive size and several large bone pipes jutted out of it. "Big-Leg-Strike!" He announced slamming his leg down as hard as he could towards Vlad. Vlad's body erupted into mist as he phased through the attack appearing behind Hero, but Hero was expecting it this time as he slammed his left arm up, the limb stretching out at a high speed and slamming a hit towards Vlad's arm ripping it off.

Vlad slammed into the ground using the fall to break into a roll. He got back up catching his arm with his still attached arm as he fired forward and threw the limb at Hero.

"The tips of Balance have been altered once more. Crushing Waves." Hero announced slamming his hand down as the balance of gravity was altered and a crushing force slammed into Vlad's body so hard the ground under him exploded. Hero slowly walked towards the ground finding a massive drop underneath where Vlad was still falling. He turned back to Rio. "I'll be heading down to settle this. You stay up here-"

A hand stabbed into Hero's neck making him gurgle on his own blood as he slipped and fell into the hole. Stabbing through his shoulder and neck was the severed arm of Vlad, the Count having thrown in while he was falling. Hero reached up ripping the hand out of his neck as a green glow covered the wound and it healed, the Balance of Earth shifting so that she could heal him and fix his body.

"Asshole..." Hero growled as they fell down the massive hole. It must have been a massive fall as he couldn't see the ground. "Alright." He said feeling his back touch the wall as he grinded down it. "Let's see how you deal with this. Eventful Impact!" He yelled kicking off the wall large bone pipes jutting out of his legs and back as they blew him forward and he spun so fast he lit on fire slamming a powerful kick into Vlad. Or at least he would have but Vlad turned into a mist once more dodging the attack. Hero curved his body though and used the other wall to bounce back and ram his head into Vlad's stomach so hard his head stabbed through Vlad and came out his back.

Vlad seemed to grit his teeth and stabbed down with his clawed hand stabbing it into Hero's gut and ripping the Seraphin out of his gut. He curved his body as the fell and he smashed the boys head into the wall as hard as he could as they grinded towards the ground which was still unseen due to how high they were up. Hero managed to raise his elbow up pointing it at Vlad as a large thin bone spike stabbed out and shot directly through the Counts left eye causing his one hand to slip.

Hero instantly spun his body around and breathed in using his inflation powers to inflate like a balloon as he became a massive ball of air. He back hit the wall and that shot him forward as he began to bounce around the massive drop way they found themselves in bouncing back and forth and building up speed as he slammed into Vlad's body over and over again going every which way. As he crashed towards him for what must have been the twentieth time he spun his body around unfolding as he slammed feet first into Vlad. He reached out grabbing the bat like wings and ripped up as hard as he could tearing them off of the Count.

The Vampire like man thrashed around and managed to curve his body just enough to kick off of the wall and slam Hero, who was still on his back, into the other wall as they kept falling. Hero pushed back bouncing back to the first wall but Vlad's body erupted into smoke and he phased through Hero reappeared above the Seraphin and slamming his leg down into Hero's skull and cracking it open and spilling blood everywhere. He then wrapped his legs around Hero and twisted slamming Hero into the wall hard enough to crack it as they fell and grinding the Seraphin down the side of the stone building.

At last, as they fell, the ground below them was finally in sight.

The sight of it seemed to pump Vlad up with more power as he put even more force into his strike, only for him to howl, and moan in pain, an odd sound due to his lack of a jaw, when several large bone spike stabbed out of Hero's body and into the man. Hero spun his body around and fired high into the air as he spun around and kicked back off of the wall in the same manner as his Eventful Impact. His spikes stabbed out from behind him as he began to spin lighting on fire once more. But this time he didn't kick...

Right when Hero was about to reach the count he stopped a large shock wave exploding off of him as all the flames covered his left arm which he pulled back growing it to its massive size. The limb took up the entire hallway they fell into as the flames covered it. Large bone spikes stabbed out of the elbow which began to burst with black flames from his Hades Equation forcing it forward as spiked bone knuckle duster formed in his hand. His Crest then began to glowed as he used the Balance to increase the balance of his own Gravity yanking him down as he punched out with everything he had sending his strongest punch. Flames, gravity, black flames, bones, flesh, muscle, and power, all came together in a single punch.

"Eventful-Big-Arm-Impact!" Hero announced the limb spinning like a drill as he smashed it into the Count before the man could entire his mist form. The entire drop they were in exploded in a massive force as they slammed down into the ground at speeds far faster than anything send before a shock wave of hellish flames coming out of his limb.

When it was all said and done all that was left of the Count was a burnt smoldering skeleton the wind quickly breaking it down to ash.

Hero breathed heavily as he stared at the fist shaped hole in which the ground had been bashed in. "Alright... Now that, that's finally dealt with-"

"You can look for the girls?" A voice asked making Hero's eyes go wide.

He tried to turn around in time but it was to late.

A hand stabbed through his stomach sending blood pouring out as his guts were torn out. He looked up meeting the face of Vlad Bludfeng, the Count of the Castle, who stood without a scratch on him.

"You're pretty strong." Vlad smirked. "You managed to give my clone some issue. Of course the clone is only around 35% of my full power."

"Y... You got to be kidding me..."

"I'm afraid not." Vlad smiled. "But you wanted to see those girls right?" He asked. He brought his arm back. "There's one that's really wanted to see you."


"No. Not her. Someone else."


Vlad smashed his hand into Hero's face sending Hero flying back. The boy slammed into a wall and broke past it slamming down into the ground and rolling back. He breathed heavily as his gut wound healed and he slowly stood up. His eyes were wide when he found a room filled with young girls. Ten in fact. Eight of them he didn't know. One of them though was Musume. The other one he knew was that Veo girl Vlad had saved. They all looked... Well fed? The room he was in was large and had several tables with food, a T.V, games, and much more. It was like they were living here.

"Hero?" A calm voice asked from behind him. There was an eleventh girl.

Hero turned around his eyes going wide when he saw the girl who stood behind him. Long black hair, far longer than it used to be, with a red streak in it. She had dull red eyes, which were filled with so much sorrow. She was in what looked like a mix of a black dress and black armor. Her swords at her side, as well as a new weapon. What seemed like a long black lance. She was older. Older then she had been in his world. Sixteen she looked. She wasn't small anymore. One could hardly call her a loli. She was even taller than him now.

"...Ken?" Hero said softly.

She stared at him for a moment.

"Ken." He took a step towards her reaching out. "You're alive-"

Blood splattered out of Hero's mouth as Ken rammed her lance into his chest and stabbed it all the way through him twisting it a few times as he was pulled onto it.

Slowly she placed a small kiss on his forehead.

"Goodbye Hero."