Letting Loose

Night Two Hundred And Seventeen


Violet City...

The Church...

"Forgive me Great One for I have sinned once more..." A sad voice could be heard saying her usual prayer.

"Ken..." In a small dark room two people could be seen. The first was a much younger girl named Ken Red. The second one was Mother Friday. The woman who ran the Church in Violet City.

"It happened again..." Was all Ken slowly rolling up into a ball as she hugged her legs and covered her face with her knees. "...Again. Again. Again. It happened again."

Mother Friday let out a small sigh as she took a seat in her chair. She held a small brown book as she slowly flipped through it. "Ken. You're always so hard on yourself." Ken didn't say anything. "You're scared right... Scared of that power. Scared of reverting back to that old form."

"...Y... Yeah." Ken nodded.

Mother Friday flipped through her book for a moment before stopping on a page. She ran her hand over it for a moment. "They say 'he' was scared once to."

"W... What? Who was?"

Mother Friday closed the book. "It was said that God became a new giving up his humanity and his self. Sacrificing the concept of his humanity and giving up his emotions. He is neither Good nor Bad. He was just God. And for only a single time God felt fear for only a moment. But then he knew. He didn't need to be afraid anymore."

Ken was silent for a moment a frown on her face. She looked at her hand for a moment as a small black needle stabbed out of her hand for a moment. "But... What if I hurt someone."

Mother Friday reached out patting Ken on the top of her head. "I don't think that will happen."


Age 1991

Gladious City...

The Arena...

Wave stumbled back letting out a growl. "You... Bitch!"

"Now you're just being rude." Ken frowned. She held her hand up as it glowed. "I don't like rude people." A beam of red energy fired out slamming into the man.

Wave gritted his teeth as the water wrapped around his body. He fired through the beam catching Ken off guard as his water formed a layer of armor around him. A sword of water also formed which he rammed into the girls gut. "I dislike more than your attitude damn brat. You didn't think I'd recognize the sight of a Lancelot." He growled as he pulled the girl closer to him and whispered into her ear so only she could hear. "Ken Lancelot is who you are right. Your the child of one of the most hated men in the Nation."

For a moment flashes of a man in armor went through Ken's mind as her eyes filled with fear. "Y... You know my father?"

"I didn't want to have to use this damn thing... That woman gave it to me but..." He gave a grin as he held up a small blue gem which began to glow. "How about we show everyone the kind of monster you're hiding deep within yourself?"

Ken stumbled back for a moment but Wave twirled the gem around and stabbed it forward into Ken's chest twisting it and pushing it inside of her.

Up in the Enforcers box Master Storm let out a hum. "Ward."

"Yes Master Storm?"

"Do me a favor."


"Place the strongest barrier you can around all the civilians. We're going to need it."



"R... Right." Ward stood up as he held his hands out. There was a powerful green flash that washed out covering the many on lookers in a thick green heavy aura that would hopefully be enough.

"Sir?" Alpha asked. "It's not like you to be worried. What's... Gonna happen."

"...Danger... I've only seen God's Blood twice... That was all I needed." Master Storm's hum grew. "None of you interfere." He said eyeing the Captains up. "I want to see how all the Recruits handle what is about to happen. Only jump in if there is no other way."

"What?" Katrina asked turning to look back at the old man.

"Just watch."

In the arena Ken stumbled back staring down at her chest as the gem sunk into her flesh which healed over it. "What did you?" Her eyes went wide as pain began to over take her for a moment causing her to drop to her knees. She let out a loud yell of pain as her body burned. It felt like she was on fire. Like her blood was lava and her heart was about to burst as it pumped faster, and faster the blood going through her veins. For a second she saw it... The mass of those black shadows that formed the body of God. Her Great Old One.

"Why are you scared..." His voice asked booming around her head.

"Because... That's not me..."


"That other me... She isn't me... Not this me. I'm... I'm not that scared little girl anymore... I'm not that person who has to love Viper. I'm not an animal. I'm Ken Red. Adopted into the Church of Red. A Proud Red Sister. That me isn't me. It's just like Hero."

"Hmm. And that my young Seraphin is why you will never reach my side. Not until you can learn what it is you want and reach that goal. You claim you're like Hero... That is false. Not true in the slightest. Hero is someone who is fighting against someone else. Hero is someone who faces an impossible goal. He's going to be erased when Row wakes up but he tries to stay calm. He tries to fight on. His friend knocked sense into him. Hero fights so that Kitsune's time isn't wasted. Hero fights to stay Hero Law. You are... You are a naive girl running away from yourself."

"...I do... Like hurting people. And fighting... I like it a lot. And I like getting hurt. Pain. But... I still want to be a good person. I'll admit it... I used to love her... Viper. She was the only person who showed me love. And pain. Pain that felt good. Not like my father. Her love though was... Cruel. She was greedy. I'm not human. I'm not a good person. I was adopted into the Red Church. At first I tried. I tried to not be bad. I tried to not use my power. I tried to not sin or hurt people. But you know... It felt pretty good. I'll say it. I liked it. The rush of battle. The way my body would heat up when I was hurt. I liked it. But... I'm still not that foolish little girl who was in love with that beast of a woman. So I changed. You can call it running. I'll call it that to. I ran. Ran towards that goal. I'm going to use my power. I'm going to hurt people. And I'm going to enjoy being hurt. But... I'm also going to help people."

"You want to be a Hero?"

"No... You and Hero are both fools sometimes. A Hero lives a life of a machine. Someone who lives for others and has to try and save the world. Someone who isn't allowed to be human. A Hero is God. I want to help people but I don't want to save the world. I want to be Ken. I want to have fun. I want to love. I want to be love. I want to see my friends smile. And I want to be with her. Now that I know she's-"

"You can say what you want again, and again. But it won't matter. Not unless you have the power to chase after that goal. It doesn't matter what you want in the end. Not unless you have the power to chase after that goal. Your love doesn't matter. You will never control my power. Not until you can stop saying what it is you want, and actually reach your goals. Stop holding back. Let loose. Sure. You'll snap but if you trust your friends they'll save you won't they. Right? Or do you not trust them."

Ken looked away from the man for a moment. "I get it... I know. I know-"

Ken felt a kick slam into her as Wave kicked her while she was down. "I don't really get who you're talking with. Seems you're going crazy. Oh well I'm not gonna complain. It makes it easy for me to-" Wave went silent as he raised his leg up but stopped at the last moment as he stared down at Ken in silence. Her iris was yellow once more.

"Uh oh..." Leo said slowly getting up. He placed his arm on Olf. "We're leaving."


"I said we're leaving!" He grabbed Olf and jumped out of the arena down towards the floor below.

A strange aura seemed to come off of Ken as a red and black aura swirled around her. She stared at the young man for a moment as he stepped back fear filling him. "Hey. Please don't okay?" She asked giving a smile.

In the boxes Hero jumped to his feet feeling a surge of power coming from Ken. "God? No wait- Oh shit!"

"What?" Shelly asked in a panic but Hero ignored her as he jumped up onto the wall and fired up towards the planet.

"Ken! No!"

"Father wait-"

"I have to stop her before she-"


It was always the same wasn't it.

He was always to late.

The Seraphin dropped down as her body began to change and she glared at North. Her eyes became more cat like, and went from silver to yellow. Black fur covered her arms and legs, like clothing, and large metal black claws morphed out of her fingers. A black tail, and two black cat ears formed from her rear, and head, the tail waggling back and forth, much like when a lion saw its pray. Her teeth grew sharper becoming razor fangs, curved and jagged, much like a sharks. She seemed to get slightly taller, by an inch or two, now about one inch taller than Shelly, and her small muscles also seemed to grow.

But it didn't stop there. She went past that form.

A Seraphin had the power to evolve into a mix of a human and Bestia Macht hybrid gaining animal like powers. However if they push that power to much they evolve past the hybrid like stage and become a Bestia Macht... In this stage they have no control. They are just a beast. A mad beast.

And... Of course...

That power can be pushed further.

Ken dropped to all fours a growl escaping her as the red aura exploded out of her and she began to get bigger, and bigger. Her muscles growing as the fur covered her body. Her tail grew even larger as did her claws and fangs. She took on the form of what looked like a lion with pitch black fur, and a pair of blood red razor sharp claws that vibrated like a chainsaw ripping the space around her apart. Literally. They were ripping space apart leaving tears in the air. Her eyes became a blood red and her tail was long and covered in thick black fur and ripping muscles. Glowing red spikes grew around her body and a set of thick horns grew out of her head as a mane formed around her body. She let out a loud howl more like a wolf than a lion.

The howl shook the planet and so much aura came off of her the entire planet exploded around them.

"W... What the hell-" Wave didn't even have time to finish as a tail slashed out slamming into his face and sending him blasting high into the air as he flew out of sight.

Ken slammed into the ground now as a threat level Marquees...

The lion roared as it looked around everyone staring at it in shock and horror.

"Ken." The lion snapped its head to look at Hero who stood in the rubble of the arena. "You're kidding me right. You went and turned into a Bestia Macht. And here I thought you were strong-"

The Bestia Macht opened its mouth firing out a beam of red energy.

"Shit I was joking!" Hero yelled raising his arm up as it turned into his black clawed metal arm. The palm opened as he blocked the attack and Hero was pushed back as he gritted his teeth. "S... Shit this is strong!" Hero gritted his teeth as the beam grew larger and larger and began to cover his hand. His metal arm began to crack as his eyes went wide. "Are you kidding me! I just got this arm and it's already cracking what the hell-"

"Ken!" A pink ball of fire slammed into the ground next to the Bestia Macht. The beam ended as her growl grew. The aura around her suddenly stopped as she cocked her head to the side and stared at Shelly... The girl stood behind it her fists squeezed into a ball. "Yeah... You see me right?" Shelly asked giving a small smile. "Come on. What are you doing. You promised you'd not make me sad. So why are you in this form. Last time it broke my heart."

"Oh... Good. You calmed down right?" Hero sighed. Slumpping down. "That's-"

There was a burst of blue flames as cracks began to appear around the Bestia Macht's body and the entire area was burned to ash blowing several recruits back.

She didn't stop because she gained control.

She stopped so she could evolve again.

The lion's muscles grew larger, as it go bigger. Its blood red eyes shifted into a pair of bright blue eyes. A second tail formed out of her and her red claws changed to blue as a sapphire flame began to pour out of them. Her horns grew larger and her pitch red flame began to slowly morph into a silver cover. Ice began to covered the ground and expand out as she gained control over flames and ice. Large shards of energy spikes began to form out of her body. The tails seemed to form out spikes which fired out a pair of sapphire blue beams that ripped the arena apart and bounced off of all the barriers that Ward put up...

Threat level...


"Ken no-" Shelly yelled stepping forward. The beast let out a loud roar as it jumped forward and it opened its mouth as wide as it could. "What?" Shelly had time to say before it swallowed her whole...


High above the Jester stood a small smile on her face. "Don't worry Row... Momma's watching over you..."