A Sword Of Gold

Night Two Hundred And Eighteen

Age 1991

Gladious City...

The Arena floor...

Loud screams echoed around the stadium as Hero stumbled back with wide eyes. "Well so much for the power of love! Shelly didn't do s##t!"

The Bestia Macht turned its gaze to Hero who took another step back.

"Now hang on don't think you can just eat me whole! For one I taste terrible! Eat... I don't know... Kitsune?"

"Hey!" The voice of Kitsune yelled out.

The Bestia Macht let out a growl jumping towards Hero as its mouth opened wide. His eyes also went wide as he saw the many rows of fanged teeth-

In a burst of lava Max blasted down grabbing Hero and moving them out of the way both boys rolling through the dirt as the lion beast slammed into box one shattering it. Shiki thankfully already seemed to have left it.

"Okay what the f##k is up with your team." Max yelled.

"I. Do not know." Hero said calmly.

Over in the Enforcer box Katrina stood up letting out a growl. "This is madness." She cursed out going to leave but stopped when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

She turned finding Ward there. "Master Storm wishes to observe how the recruits handle this. If any of them are about to die then he'll step in himself and save them."

"It swallowed my recruit whole!"

"Shelly Kaen is still alive." Master Storm hummed. "The Bestia Macht isn't eating people... It's storing them away in its body."

"Gramps... 'That' Bestia Macht has a name." Jackson said standing up lightning crackling off of his body. "And you're actually mental if you think we're going to just sit down and watch this."

"Y... Yeah." Alexander said standing up. "All our recruits are in danger and you have us trapped in a green box doing nothing."

Mary sighed. "Master Storm. I've put up with your antics in my last life to. You've been walking on a line for a while now. Think carefully about your next move."

"We. Will. Watch." Master Storm said calmly.

Kong Blight let out a sigh as he set up. The Squad Two Captain. The second strongest Captain. "Looks like I'm getting involved then." He grunted cracking his knuckles.

"I want to see something." Master Storm shrugged. "I felt it... When young Nine managed to reach 'that' goal. I want to see it."

"I don't care if this is the most important thing in the world to you or not." Katrina hissed blue energy crackling off of her. "I'm going to say this once. Ward. Release the barrier."

"...I will not."

"Okay." Katrina slammed her hand forward an explosion of kinetic energy exploding off of her. Her attack never landed though as a green barrier formed around Ward's body catching the punch. Despite that though several large cracks began to appear on it and he was pushed back. Ward looked up finding the army he'd be fighting... Kong of Squad Two, and his Vice Captain Mary, also known as the Slayer Squad. Soap of Squad Three, and his Vice Captain Lave, also known as the Raider Squad. Ela of Squad Four, and her Vice Captain and Brother, Feng, also known as the Elemental Squad. Neil of Squad Five, and her Vice Captain Miyamoto Mushai, also known as the Artillery Squad. Katrina of Squad Six, and her Vice Captain Jackson, also known as the Special Task Force Squad. Sif of Squad Seven, and her Vice Captain Nick, also known as the Back Up Squad. Alexander of Squad Eight, and his Vice Captain Nicholas, also known as the Explorer Squad. Newt Hyde of Squad Nine, and his Vice Captain Automata, also known as the Science Squad. Leoh of Squad Ten, and his Vice Captain Zaha, also known as the Construction Squad. Solomon of Squad Eleven, and his Vice Captain, Kodama, also known as the Perimeter Guard Squad. Athena of Squad Twelve, and her Vice Captain Gregor, the Clean Up Squad. And lastly Tomoe the Vice Captain of Squad One her Captain not here.

Ward let out a sigh. "Are we really about to do this?"

Dawson who was also here but not as hyped up as the others cracked his knuckles. His red demon armor morphed around his body as he jumped right into level two. "I think we are."

Ward let out a sigh. "So be it..." He said as three people joined him.

The Captains and their Vice Captains, as well as Dawson stared down their four enemies.

Four Sacred Beasts! The Body Guards of the Master. They aren't Enforcers, and are loyal to only Master Storm. Ward, the Shield of the Master, also known as the Turtle. Angel, the Wings of the Master, also known as the Bird. Zane, the Claws of the Master, also known as the Tiger. And Alpha second only to the Squad One Captain, the Sword of the Master, and his loyal Dragon! The one who is most loyal to the Master. The one who will take over once the old man is gone.

Alpha let out a sigh. "I don't want to do this." He said shaking his legs. "Can we let the barrier down and save those recruits?"

"I agree with the pretty boy." Sif sighed.

Alpha nodded his head. "We need to kill that Bestia Macht before it hurts-"

"No." Karina shook her head. "We're not killing it."


"That Bestia Macht is my recruit! One of my Kids! We aren't killing it."

Alpha let out a sigh. "This is why I hate Seraphins. I guess we're on different sides then. I'm going to kill that Bestia Macht."

"Man." Angel sighed. "I really like you guys to..."

"Oh who gives a f##k!" Zane yelled energy claws bursting out of his hands as he gave a wide grin showing his many fangs. "Let's kill them!"

"No." Alpha said. "No killing. On either side. If I find out anyone killed one of us here you'll be answering to me and Hope!" He announced as a burst of purple aura coming off of him. "That said. Let the games begin."

And like that...

The fight between the Captains of the Enforcers, and the Beasts of the Master began...

Higher above in the stands Lillian Aka leaned on her throne a smirk on her face. "My... It's become an Enforcer civil war hasn't it." She grinned. She slowly stood up her smile fading. "Still. I can't let this happened. Gramps. I trust you're on my side."

"Hmm." The Old man, Master of Kitsune, and Hero grunted as he stood up.

"E... Empress?" The HR, Men asked shaking in their boots.

"You fools stay here." Aka sighed "I need to have a word with the dead Master of the Enforcers... He's about to ruin my future investment."

Far above, above even them Jester, also known as Hero Law rested. "My, my. Things are turning out better than I had hoped. And we haven't even began our plan yet." She eyed the box up filled with all the fighting. It was impossible to see inside as all the Captains attacks lit it up like a hot box. "Still... I'd hate to be in that position."

"So what's the plan?" Max hissed out.

"Plan?" Hero asked.

"There are thirty two Enforcers down here. Me and you, and thirty others." Max said.

"Sixty four actually." The two boys turned finding Irene, with thirty one other recruits, all the recruits that had lost the matches last round. "Sixty Four Recruits. One Ken... I still don't like our odds." By now everyone was out of the boxes.

They all stood around Ken... Squad One Recruits, all the way to Squad Twelve. Kitsune Nine, Draco Flamel, Shino Li, Abigale Case, Rose Blume, Norm Pink, Irene Glacious, Schutz Xeon, Rilla, Thorn, who was in her human form, Shuncong Paints, Hella Goryo, who was still mostly out of power right now, Ghazel, Wave Long, who managed to crawl back to the arena, but was so badly beaten and bruised he wasn't going to be putting up much of a fight... Versa More, who had turned into Ken Red once more, Kale Springsm Alice Wonder, Light No Last Name, Grimval Dark, Emma Vibes, Miles Seed, Lucy Case, Inu Fur, Mimi Bun, Zard, Shiki Gold, Stalk No Last Name, Fate Williams, Flew No Last Name, Clue Bon, Yuzawa Sin, Sera Aka, Ava Vil, Hero Law, Tsun Cloth, Kidd Gatling, Dan Taker, Mizu Blue, Yeshua Vil, Moe Gozaen, Spacer No Last Name, Luke Stars, Cal Sion, Good Valentine, Dale Blower, Wolf Top, Jack Strongs, Robert Plot, Brave Larison, Harvey Bell, Gaia Mutter, Luna Lover, Bridget Shop, Reine Antoinette, Rider, Mori Brown, Will Sharp, Tomoe Gozen, Davi Vil, Curro Dwight, Max, and lastly Arthur Pendragon! All the recruits were here.

"Don't for get you have us three also." Leo announced. Standing next to him was a shaking looking Olf, and Daughter who ran over to Hero's side.

The Bestia Macht let out a loud roar large blue spikes glowing all along its body. It's eyes darting between everyone before finally landing on Daughter.

"Now hang on a second why is it looking at Daughter?" Hero asked actually showing some concern for his kid.

"Well it ate Shelly..." Irene frowned. "It's possible it's storing people who have a lot of power so it can evolve again... And Daughter is a Bestia Macht made from the Dream Crest."

"What the hell is a Dream crest?" Half the recruits asked.

"Daughter's a Bestia Macht!" The other half said.

"Well shit that cats out of the bag." Hero said blankly.

"That doesn't matter right now." Kitsune said sounding a little smart for once. "If Irene is right and it's eating people who have power to evolve then we have to find a way to revert this thing back to normal now... She's already a Duke level threat. If she becomes a Prince then..."

"Are you sure we can revert her." Will Sharp of Squad Three asked twirling his scissor blade around. "I'd rather just kill her and get it over with-"

A burst of red aura came out of Hero. "If anyone. And I mean anyone. Kills Ken. I will absolutely without a doubt, wipe you off the face of this Earth just like I did to North."

"L... Like you did to North?" Brave frowned. "...Wait! You killed North!"

"Uh Hero-" Kitsune began.

"That's right. North Glacious was killed by me. In one attack I rammed my hand right through his chest crushing his Heart. Max can tell if someones lying so he can vouch for what I'm saying."

Max stepped back his eyes wide. "H... Hero's not lying..."

"So unless any of you think you're strong enough to have killed North, a high ranking Gold Enforcer then I suggest you not make me mad."


"Or else."

"Hero!" Kitsune yelled.


"Bestia Macht is coming at us." Sixty four heads all turned just in time...

The Beast let out a massive roar as it crouched down to all fours and blasted forward. As it did hundreds of waves of wind, ice, and fire, all blasted out but she just didn't care. She crashed through it all her tails exploding out and slamming into several people sending them all flying back. Hero's right arm shifted into his clawed arm and he wrapped his hand around Daughter just in time pulling her back as Ken's mouth slammed shut around empty air.

Hero threw Daughter up catching her with his left arm and throwing her over his shoulder. His right arm glowed and changed into his shield arm as he raised it up at the last moment as Ken's arm slammed into it. It was strong. Stronger than anything he had blocked before. It was like a planet had slammed into him as a massive force blasted Hero back. He slammed through the stone walls of the arena crashing back and slamming across the snow landing on his back.

A fountain of blood gushed force from his mouth. The force of the punch had been so strong it snapped the metal shield on his arm off, and the force had been more than enough the shatter all of his ribs and crush almost all his organs in his stomach area. There was a large dent in his gut and so much blood was coming out of him. Daughter had landed in the snow a few feet away and stared down at her father in horror.

"F... Father!" She yelled running over to Hero's side. She reached out to grab his arm but let out a yelp of pain when it burned. "F... Father you need to get up. It's-"

Part of the arena exploded as Ken came crashing out. The beast let out a loud roar and jumped towards them blue flame and ice rushing off of its body and forming around her.

"S... Stay away!" Daughter said letting out a loud yell as a mass of black aura exploded off of her forming into a massive shark which slammed into the Bestia Macht smashing it into the ground.

"Idiot boy, and idiot girl." A voice sighed out. The drone on Hero's head changed becoming Hope. "Now I have to save you."

"Y... You can heal Father?"

Hope frowned. "His organs have been crushed to a pulp. I doubt even Ms. Athena can heal that."


"Relax. If he's even half as good as his mother he'll pull through with this." She said pulling out a block of solid steel. "Eat up brat." Hero shakily took it and bit into it. He began to swallow it as his arm began to fix. "That's it. Rebuild."

"B... But his organs are still-"

"Yeah." Hope nodded. "Those organs are gone. But you forget one of your daddy's powers." Hero rested up spitting out some more blood but his stomach evened out. "He can rebuild an entire arm out of metal. Flesh, blood, bones, all with some metal. So he just rebuilt his organs out of that block of metal. Hurt like hell and the crushed ones are still floating around in him slowly being dissolved by his body now that they aren't needed."

Hero slowly stood up but fell landing on his knees trying to suck in air. It was hard... Daughter couldn't see it but Hope could. His body broke down many of his organs that were to damaged. Most were things like his kidneys, or his gallbladder. A few were more important though. Like his small intestines, large intestines. Most of his stomach. Some muscle. All of his ribs. His spine. And a lung. All of these were replaced with metal working replicas. They still all looked the same and they would work the same but they were stronger. Hero didn't heal. He replaced.

This wasn't like a machine though. It was still working like how a humans lung would but a solid metal version. All of his damaged parts his body simply replaced.

So the question became.

How many times could he do this before he replaced everything.

How many times before he stopped being Hero Law.

Hero managed to get to his feet his body getting used to the changes. "Daughter. Stay back." He said his ruby red eyes lighting up as he stared at Ken who pulled herself out of the crater Daughter smashed her into. "Me and Hope will handle this."

"Speak for yourself. I just saved your life. I'm not fighting." Hope said flatly.


"Master Storm doesn't want me to so I won't. Neither will my twin Despair so don't bother asking. I only saved you because I'm good friends with Lillian and she'd hate for you to die before she can finish her plan."

"Then I'm supposed to fight this thing on my own!" Hero yelled with wide eyes.

The ground exploded as Ken charged at him.

"You got to be kidding me!" He yelled converting his arm into its clawed hand.

Hope sighed. "Well. I guess I can help a little." She grinned as her body glowed.

She changed...

Not into her drone form though.


She turned into a sword. A golden long sword with silver flames coming off of it!

Hero stared at the sword. "...Seriously..."