Heat, Fire, Lava! Three Way Mega Attack

Night Two Hundred And Nineteen

Age 1991

Gladious City...

The Snow Covered Fields...

"I don't know how to use a sword!" Hero yelled ripping the sword out of the snow. His arm shifted back into his shield mode. He raised it up and used the golden sword to support himself right as the beast slammed into him. This time possibly from the sword, or possibly from having a stronger metal body, he withstood the attack though his shield became heavily dented and he was pushed back through the snow and ice gritting his teeth. "G... Geez. Each strike is hitting with the force of a planet... And to think she can still evolve a stage. Ken's surpassed Otoko that's for sure-"

The Bestia Macht didn't seem to like that as it opened its mouth up and blasted Hero point blank with a beam of pure blue flames that sent him flying back.

"Father!" Daughter yelled out. Her black aura took form slashing out and forming into the tail of a shark but the Bestia Macht caught it. "Uh oh-"

"Here I am to save the day!" Kitsune announced flipping through the air. He held his hands down as a massive ball of flame formed out and he fired out a wave of fire which took the form of hundreds of foxes that all slammed into the beasts back but didn't seem to really hurt her that badly. Kitsune landed on the ground wrapping his arms around Daughter and jumping away just in time as the beast crashed down.

"Nice attack Kitsune! That didn't do shit!" Hero yelled.

"It's called a distraction!" Kitsune yelled.


All of a sudden all the recruits blasted out of the arena as they all got ready to hit the Bestia Macht with everything they had. Kitsune whirled around bringing his arms together as a ball of flames formed in them. "Alright Ken! This is for leaving all my Manga out and getting it stained you slob! Fox Flare!" The massive beam exploded out but Ken's tails came out slapping it away and sending it high into the air.

"I'll say it again. That didn't do shit!"

"Shut the hell up!"

Draco flipped through the air breathing out a wave of hot flames that made the beast growl. It jumped up high into the air and slashed out with its claws in an attack that would have split him in half but at the last second Abigale Case held her hands out large tendrils of tentacles coming forth and wrapping around Draco as they tugged him down causing the attack to miss. Shino Li flipped in slamming her hand down onto the head of the beast but nothing happened.

"Oh great! She's a Virgin! My power doesn't work."

"You are so useless." Hero said flatly.

"I'd like to see you try!"

"I did. I'm half the man I used to be."


"Comedy helps me cope."

Everyone all threw everything that they had at the Duke Level Beast but it didn't seem to do much. What little damage they did do was just healed over putting them all back at square one.

Rose Blume, came sliding in riding Norm Pink who was using his swim powers as a sled. Rose flipped their hair back several flowers blooming out that sprayed a powder onto the beast in hopes of putting it to sleep, but that only made the beast madder. Next came Irene Glacious, Schutz Xeon, Rilla, and in her new human form Thorn. Irene slammed her foot into the ground a wave of ice blasting out and slamming into the beast. Schutz smashed his axe arm down shaking its skull, while Thorn made a large tree which Rilla ripped out of the ground swinging out and smashing it into the beast.

It roared as its body lit up blasting out a wave of blue energy that slammed into everyone around it and throwing them all back as well as knocking several of them out.

Shuncong Paints took a deep breath as he sliced his paint brush out sending out a wave of wind which sliced into the beast and cut off two of her tails. "Hey I healed it-" He was yanked down by Hella as the tails grew back and fired beams at where he had been.

Hella Goryo took a deep breath as her ball glowed. "I don't have much power left I'm afraid."

"That's okay." Hero said slowly stumbling back up. "Leave it to us M- Hella."

Ghazel, ran forward swinging Wave Long who was all beat up. "Yo beast this is the guy that did this right? You want him don't you?" She called out getting Ken to turn to her. She curved her body and threw Wave up. Ken growled and jumped towards the man to swallow him as he screamed in fear. "Alright you shape shifter. You're up!"

Before Ken could reach her prey, Versa More, who was in her Ken form, being the Ken that was transformed into her basic cat form came slamming in smashing her leg into the jaws of the beast and slamming it into the ground. She spun her body around putting her hands together and firing out a barrage of red beams which all rained down and exploded into the Bestia Macht.

"Huh... Becoming Ken to beat Ken..." Kitsune said. "That didn't work out so well last time so-" The Bestia Macht fired out of the dust cloud smashing its head into Versa and sending her flying. "Man... I hope someone picks up that phone..."

"W... We aren't doing to well and I can just go invisible." Alice said in a loud squeaking voice as her body went invisible.

"Well... Maybe you'll make it out of this alive then?" Hero shrugged.

Kale Springs, followed by Light, followed by a wave of Grim Dark clones all dropped down towards the beast. Kale spun his body around his arms firing out like a spring as he smashed them into the head of the beast. All the clone smashed down into it blowing up into a hail of red mist that made the real Grim glad he didn't follow them. Light meanwhile jumped to his level 2.5 mode and fired his beam down actually harming the Bestia Macht by quiet a bit. However before he could get the final shot in his gun jammed.

"Sh-" He didn't even have time to finish his sentence as one of the Grim clones pushed him and Kale down as a blue beam sliced it in half.

after them was a barrage attack from Emma Vibes, Miles Speed, Lucy Case, Inu Fur, Mimi Bun, Zard, Shiki Gold, Stalk No Last Name. Inu went first using her transformation based power to shift her left arm into a black fur covered wolf arm with large metal scissors for fingers that allowed her to slash up. Zard was an Anima so he didn't have an Equation but he did have a massive metal buster sword which he slammed down onto the beasts head only for it to snap off and go flying. Mimi went up next and used her caster based power to create a large green bunny made of aura that smashed into the beast while Lucy opened her case up sending out waves of monsters that were all gunned down by Ken who killed them, and the green aura bunny all in one attack. Miles grabbed Emma using his superspeed to run around the beast while Emma slashed out with her weapon but this made Ken made who once again erupted into a ball of blue flames that blasted them all back.

Fate Williams, Flew, Clue Bon, Yuzawa Sin, Sera Aka, and Ava Vil were up next. Fate closed her eyes placing her hands together. A black box seemed to morph around Ken. "Box to a New World-"

The box exploded and Fate would have had her head sliced off but Flew used her caster power to generate hundreds of feathers that formed wings on her back. She wrapped her arms around Fate lifting her up off the ground and causing the attack to miss them. Sera jumped up creating a blood whip but Ken caught it in her teeth and yanked Sera down smashing the girl into the ground with a loud smack. Yuzawa and Clue decided to make a run for it but Ken blasted them down sending them flying as blue flames over took them making them both scream.

Lastly Ava.

"Hmm. She's a raging beast." Ava noted. "I like it."

"You like it?" Hero asked as him and a few of the recruits dodged the many spikes. Many of them were either down, or quit the fight...

"No time to think about her being a creep pretty boy!" Tsun Cloth announced jumping Hero. "You're pretty strong right?"

"I guess?"

"Good enough. Wear me."


"I turn into clothing. Put me on and I'll boost your power, and speed, and everything else." Hero sighed. "Sure... Why not."

"T... Then use me to father-"

Daughter tried to begin but a beam hit the ground blowing her back. Tsun jumped at Hero as her body morphed into a long red cloth that wrapped around Hero's right arm mixing with his red flames. He felt a wave of power enter him as he grabbed his sword with his right arm and shifted to his clawed mode. "Alright... This power is..." He jumped high into the air and dropped down towards Ken. "Here goes nothing!" He yelled slashing down and sending out a massive red blast that slammed into Ken. The beam hit her knocking her back and actually managed to injure her by quite a bit. "Great. Now I just need to slice the... Wait... If I slice the head off she dies. Shit. What do I do then?"

'Idiot...' The voice of Row said in his head. 'Remove the-'

'Who the hell is that!' The voice of Tsun said alarmed as she was also in his head.

'Man there's a lot of people in here.' Hope noted.

'Hero what the hell? How many people are in your head?" Tsun asked.

'Well.' The voice of Labby said. 'There's me, little Labby, Ava, but not the Ava you know, Row, other Row, you, and now Hope. Also maybe more Hero's but we're unsure about that.'

'How the hell do you think like this?' Tsun asked.

Hero was a little to distracted what with all the talking and by the time he got back to his senses Ken already rammed her body into him throwing him back as he flipped across the snow. "G... God damn it." He grunted slowly pushing himself back up. "I hate all of you." He said ripping Tsun off and throwing Hope away. "Much better." He said tuning Row and gang out.

While Hero was dealing with that Ken was beating Kidd Gatling, Dan Taker, Mizu Blue, Yeshua Vil, Moe Gozaen, Spacer No Last Name, Luke Stars, Cal Sion, Good Valentine, Dale Blower, Wolf Top, Jack Strongs, Harvey Bell, Gaia Mutter, Luna Lover, Bridget Shop, Rider, Mori Brown, Robert Plot, and Tomoe Gozen into the ground pretty badly...

"Looks like I have to do everything." Will Sharp sighed raising his massive scissors up. "Oh well. Not like I care. I'll slice this bitches head off then that bastard that killed North will die to during all the chaos." He grinned firing forward. "Level Two!" His Scissors exploded into a golden light as he flashed past Ken and nearly sliced her neck off but small strands of hair kept it tight. "Hmm. So the kitty wants to play some more?" Will asked turning to look back as Ken's body healed. "I suppose we can play some more!" He laughed.

"Wait." Will felt something tug at his arm. He looked down finding several strings had wrapped around it. Brave stood in front of him strings coming out of her finger tips.

"What?" He growled.

"Don't kill her."

"Ha. Why not."

"...I'll go on a date with you if you won't?"

"...Make it Fate. She's cuter."

"...I'm gonna beat your ass." Brave said simply. She sliced out with her strings as flames and wind erupted off of them blasting Will back who blocked them with his scissors.

"Ha. You call that an attack. You're pretty weak-"

A hand smashed into his head as his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he slummed forward.

"Idiot." Davi sighed after knocking him out.

By now mostly everyone was down. Only people who were still up were Ava, Davi, Arthur, Max, and Brave, who hadn't taken any hits, but also haven't hit the monster. Hero, Irene, Light, and Kitsune were all also still standing as was Daughter, and a few random recruits, but each of them were badly injured other than Daughter who also hadn't been hit yet.

"You're up." Max said patting Arthur on the back.

"R... Right?"

"What's he doing?" Brave asked frowning.

"He says he can seal powers with his sword." Max shrugged.

"That's right." Hero said with realization. He flashed back to the time Max did that to him. "Listen this is going to sound crazy but we need to cut her chest open. A crystal will be in it. Arthur can seal that away!"

"Great. So now we have to get Ken to sit still for a few moments and protect Arthur while we do it..." Brave sighed.

"Good luck with that." Davi called as he and Ava began to walk away.

"Y... You're leaving?" Hero asked shocked.

"Yeah. Don't really do the whole team thing. Hope you guys win." He called out as him and Ava entered the arena...

"Great. Down two of the strongest." Light sighed.

"Not really. After all I'm here." Max announced. The ground shook as Ken pulled herself back together and was ready for round two.

"What the hell do we hit her with to knock her down?" Light hissed. "My guns jammed so that's out?"

"Max you know Mantra right?" Hero asked quickly.


"Alright! Kitsune come on!" Kitsune nodded knowing what Hero was planning. The three boys all grabbed hands and closed their eyes.

"Ha. Yaoi bait." Brave snickered taking pictures of the three of them holding hands.

A green aura swarmed all three of their bodies as they preformed a three way rival bond using Hero as the link in the middle since Max, and Kitsune, didn't really get one another. Hero's arm shifted into it's cannon form. Red heat, orange flames, and white lava, began to roll off of Hero, Kitsune, and Max mixing with the green aura.

"We'll only have one shot." Hero said.

"Why?" Max asked frowning.

"Because when I fire I release all my energy."


"That... Is a good question."

"Wait. Hero are you saying you've never tried to use the Rage Cannon without blowing through all your energy?" Kitsune asked. "Dude it's your strongest attack, and you never bothered to learn how to practice with it!"

"Bite me!" Hero yelled as a mass of energy began to spill out of the black rail gun which lit up. The energy was a four way mix of white, red, green, and orange, as the colors swirled and it began to convert into a pitch black ball of energy which began to spill out of his cannon. Max, and Kitsune, stood behind Hero both boys having a hand on either of his shoulder as they kept him steady and fed him as much power as they could the three way fusion flaring up even higher. Ken jumped towards them letting out a massive roar as she sliced out with everything she had. "Mega Heat Buster!" Hero screamed.

"That name is dumb!" Max and Kitsune both also screamed as the ball exploded into a giant beam slicing towards Ken!

Light speed is able to travel the entire planet 7 times in over a second. Light itself moves at a speed of around 600,000,000 MPH. The Mega Heat Buster was nearly 1 billion MPH. Enough speed to travel the Earth nearly 14 times in a single second.


Rather it was...

Good luck.

Or great instincets.

Or rather a duke was just that much faster than Light Hero didn't know.

What he did know.

Was that Ken dodged the attack.

"Oh shit. We're dead-"