The Four Beasts Of The Master

Night Two Hundred And Twenty

Age 1

Row Storm stood at the edge of a large white marble building. "So..." He said slowly. "You're Mother?"

She was a tall woman. Nearly ten feet tall. She had long pink hair and she was well endowed. Her eyes were a bright yellow and she had a small smile on her lips. She wore a long white dress and stood next to the man.

They were in a marble building high above the world looking at the bright blue sky. "It's almost time..." The woman named Mother said. "Just a little bit longer until the Human Race will come back." She patted her belly which was plump and looked pregnant. "Almost..."


Age 1991

Gladious City...

The Arena...

"Oh my. So you're approaching me?" Master Storm asked.

"I can't kick your ass unless I get closer." Aka sighed as her and her grandfather dropped down in front of the old man. Aka folded her arms staring at the man. "So what are you doing."

"Oh? I wanted to see Kitsune Nine preform a fusion and see the power of it." Kitsune nodded. "Also. I feel like Hero will evolve into his level two state. And... More importantly... He'll bond with his Daughter. Killing her when they merge but gaining new found power. At least that's what I hope will happen."

Aka unfolded her arms and let out a snort as a small trail of blood dropped from her finger forming a red whip with large blades on it. "You're wrong old man."


"You're wrong." She said bluntly. "Hero Law. The man I've come to watch. He won't evolve in this fight. And he won't bond with his Daughter. He's not going to change. He's going to make up his mind though."

"You claim you know him."

"Well." Aka cocked her head to the side. "I'll admit I've been watching him. After all. He's going to help me produce the future heir."

That caused Master Storm to stumble. "So... That's why you're doing this? You wish to keep the brat alive so he can give you a child?"

"Normally I don't care about that stuff. But his genetics. He was made from four people. Do you know who they all are?"

"...Do you?" The old man asked stepping forward. He was being played. Cornered. For once he wasn't in control.

"Four strands of DNA. Three of them were small. One was large. The large one was Hero Law. The girl who was the previous Squad One Captain. She was one of two, of the DNA injected into him, that was his mother, and was used as the mothers stable strand. The three others were men. Orion Law the man who became God. Row Storm you. And our course the last strand."

"No... You can't know it..."

"Oh but I do." Aka announced a smirk on her lips. Master Storm brought his hands up as a wave of Lightning fired out but before it could reach her The Master stepped forward forming a blood barrier and saving his granddaughter. "The fourth strand of DNA that was placed inside of him belong to Mother! The woman who God hated! The woman who created the human race! You went and mixed God, father of the Bestia Macht, and Mother, the woman who made us, together than threw in a crazy psycho bitch, and your own DNA just for the hell of it!"

Master Storm's teeth gritted together. He grabbed his robes and pulled them off showing off a honed muscled body layered with scars and wounds. An arm made of blood reached down as Master Aka pulled his own robes off. He still wore a simple white mask that covered his face. Much like Storm his body was covered in scars and muscles. However unlike Master Storm he only had a single limb both his arms, and one leg gone. Instead he had sets of blood limbs which he had formed. Large red claws stabbed out of the finger nails as lightning crackled around Master Storm and both men charged each other.

Meanwhile on the other side of the arena trapped in their green barrier a battle between the Captains, Vice Captains, and four sacred beasts ragged on...

Athena of Squad Twelve rested in the back as she didn't have a fighting based power. Instead she used her healing Equation powers to support her Squad. Her Vice Captain however was fighting on the front lines. Next to her was Newt who also couldn't fight. A small frown on his face as he watched all the fights that happened as his Vice Captain fought with Gregor.

The Four Sacred Beasts were all in various fights taking on many people at once and yet seemed to be doing well. Maybe even winning...

Angel fought the most but also the weakest. She fought all but Squad One's Vice Captains, and Dawson. Dawson Blight, and Jackson Storm, of Squad Six, Mary Law of Squad Two, Lave of Squad Three, Feng of Squad Four, Miyamoto Mushai of Squad Five, Nick of Squad Seven, Nicholas of Squad Eight, Automata of Squad Nine, Zaha of Squad Ten, Kodama of Squad Eleven, and Gregor of Squad Twelve. She still seemed to have the easiest fight though...

Zane fought two Captains at once. Something most wouldn't be able to do and yet he seemed to hold his ground. Solomon of Squad Eleven, and Leoh of Squad Ten. Despite the fact these were some of the strongest people in the Nation Zane had a large smirk on his face as he fought them both.

Ward fought four Captains though two were weak and not really fighting. Newt of Squad Nine, and Athena of Squad Twelve who were in the back watching. He also fought Alexander Gates of Squad Eight, and Sif, of Squad Seven.

And lastly...

Alpha fought five Captains, and the strongest Vice Captain all at once. Kong of Squad Two, Soap of Squad Three, Ela of Squad Four, Neil of Squad Five, Katrina of Squad Six, and Tomoe the Vice Captain of Squad One and the strongest Vice Captain being as strong as most Captains.

It was an epic battle going back and forth...

Angels wings flapped out as she dodged the many strikes that were thrown at her. She threw out a wave of metal feathers which stabbed through the red tendrils of Dawson, and the blue lightning of Jackson. Mary slammed her hands together forming several large golden flame wolves which launched towards the girl but her wings slashed out splitting them apart. Lave raised his left arm up which glowed and transformed becoming a large tube which fired out jets of water so fast it sliced through metal but Angel moved through the air dodging the attacks. She blasted down and slammed her hand into his head throwing him down. As soo as she was on the ground though Feng sliced his hands down sending out a wave of wind that sliced through the ground and blew her back. Her wings caught her and she looked up finding Miyamoto Mushai who stood in front of her. He raised his minigun up as it glowed and fired out a hell of bullets, but all the feathers on her back popped up forming a barrier around her body keeping her safe. Nick jumped down slicing down and slashing his katana out with his one arm but Angel caught his strike twisting him and throwing him back. Nicholas threw out green bottles of acid that all splashed down but Angel took flight into the air once more. Before she could get up higher Automata slammed her hand down dragging Angel back down with her Masters gravity power. Zaha stepped forward a rumble coming off of him as he slammed his arm forward firing out a rippling wave of rumble that blasted her back. Kodama flipped into the air firing out waves of arrows but Angel formed a set of two smaller wings spinning around blocking them. Finally Gregor ripped a stone pillar out and slammed it forward but it exploded as her wings slashed up breaking it.

Over with Zane he was fighting both of his Captains at once going back and forth with them. Zane's arms had large energy finger claws coming out of them which he sliced out ripping the air around him up and slicing through space dragging the others towards him.

Solomon dropped down as various trapping runes appeared on the ground and ropes formed out of them whipping out and wrapping around Zane but he flexed snapping them off of him. More runes appeared each sending out more ropes, and chains but Zane's claws sliced out severing them all.

Leoh Ming, tapped the side of a wall causing it to bend and twist as various spikes stabbed out and he used his powers to transform the battle field launching stone bullets, spikes, and blades. He reached down forming a massive boulder which he rolled towards the Tiger Beast but Zane stepped forward slashing it in half.

"Come on!" Zane laughed his claws getting large. "You guys can do better can't you!" He announced his claws getting larger. He fired forward at a high speed slicing through the stones and ropes. He slammed his leg out into Leoh smashing it into the man and sending him slamming into the wall. He then spun his body around grabbing Solomon by the face and began to rapidly smash the mans head into the stone wall next to him a pool of blood oozing out as the wall began to crack.

Leoh got back to his feet and slammed his arm up as the massive stone pillar rose up slamming into Zane's gut and smashing him up which caused him to let goo of Solomon. Solomon groaned getting back up and slammed his arm into the wall next to him a much bigger rune appeared as the barrels of several hunting rifles formed out and unleashed a wave of gun fire into Zane. Zane clawed out blocking several of the bullets but a few got past his fingers stabbing into him and making him hiss out in pain. Solomon then made several runes which fired out ropes and chains wrapping around Zane, and Leoh kicked up as a stone hand rose up smashing down into Zane slamming him down.

Seconds later though the stone arm exploded up as he stood up. Rage was in the tigers eyes as the energy claws grew so long they were light energy sabers on each of his fingers. They were so hot the stone around him began to melt and the ropes caught fire as he snapped them off of him. He stared down Solomon and Leoh who both stepped back. "You two are so fucking dead!" He growled out.

Over with Ward he spun around creating a barrier and blocking several dark shadow arrows with his green barrier. "You know you can't beat me right." Ward asked. Next to him a portal opened up and Alexander came crashing out slamming out a kick but Ward ducked down causing the kick to go over his head. Newt pulled out his knife charging the man and stabbing but Ward's barrier easily snapped it off. In the back Athena spat on Sif her pink goop healing the young girls wounds.

Sif sighed and slammed her hands together as the darkness swirled around her wrists forming a sharp blade of darkness. "Block this." She said calmly stepping forward as she raised it up and split the roof above her. She slammed it down as Ward raised his hand up in an attempt to block the strike but his barrier began to crack. He gritted his teeth pushing against it as the aura of his barriers got larger. At the last second though he jumped out of the way as the shadow blade sliced the ground apart.

Ward landed back on his feet and slammed his arm back smashing an elbow in Newt's face and shattering his nose. He then reached out catching the arm of Alexander who came crashing down. He smashed Alex into the ground and slammed his foot into his face. He then twisted on his feet and threw Alexander into Sif slamming him into her. Before Athena could heal them he jumped forward and smashed his fist into her face as hard as he could slamming her head into the wall so hard it shattered.

"I told you." Ward said calmly as all the Captains began to slowly get back up. "You can't win..."

And lastly over with Alpha.

"I really don't want to have to do this you know." Alpha said letting out a sigh.

"Neither do we." Katrina said stepping forward. "But I'm going to."

Alpha nodded his head as a purple aura began to form around him. "I understand. Then please. All of you. Don't hold back. I don't wish to accidently kill any of you."