Strings, Level Up, Fusions, and Daughters!

Night Two Hundred And Twenty One

Age 1991

Gladious City...

The Snow Covered Fields...

The Bestia Macht slammed into the ground so hard Hero, Max, and Kitsune were all blasted back their green aura vanishing as they all slammed into the ground rolling through the snow and ice.

"Damn it..." Light hissed. His gun reverted back to normal as he dropped out of his level. "You've got to be kidding me. Was that luck, or did she actually dodge it?" He hissed.

"I'm a bit worried." Brave admitted letting out a nervous chuckle.

"W... Well I waste that shot." Hero hissed out slowly sitting up as Daughter ran to his side to help him back up.

"That cannon might be strong but it's useless if it's a one time use." Max sighed.

"Uh guys the Bestia Macht is coming!" Irene yelled.

Light twirled his gun around as the barrel glowed. "Alright... Let's hope this works!" He announced charging forward. A beam came out of the barrel of his gun. Only it wasn't a long beam and it didn't vanish. The beam was a pure yellow and came out at four feet in total. An energy saber using his gun as the handle for the blade. He twirled it around. "Alright! That worked! Check it out big brother! I don't have an issue with close combat anymore, I can create a cool laser sword."

"I'm gonna rip that off and use it." Hero said bluntly.

Max jumped back up lava dripping off of his body. "Alright then. Jump this bitch!"

"Language!" Brave yelled.

Arthur stood shaking as he raised his sword. "O... Okay... I know it'll be hard but you guys have to get her chest exposed then knock her down long enough for me to banish it. A... And keep me alive."

"That's gonna be hard." Max sighed.

"You guys..." A voice said making everyone turn. The snow rumbled as Curro Dwight pulled himself out of the ground. He cracked his bones and muscles back into place as a black muscle covered over his body like armor. "You guys focus on her... I'll guard Pendragon."

"Nice!" Hero gave a thumbs up.

The Bestia Macht let out a loud roar as the group all jumped her. Hero slammed his clawed hand out but she dodged it. Her tails flew out blocking Light's sword just in time. Max kicked out sending a stream of lava but Ken fired a beam through it sending the lava away. Irene created a large ice disk which she stepped forward throwing it as hard as she could but it shattered against Ken's skin. Kitsune flipped down forming a ball of flame which rolled down like a bowling ball and exploded into her. And lastly yellow strings came out of Brave covering her arm as lightning crackled out of it and she slammed a punch into Ken's face sending the beast back.

"Whoa." Hero said with wide eyes. "That arm hits harder than mine!"

Brave gave a half smirk. "I'm pretty badass." She announced. The strings wrapped around her other arm though this one was red as flames poured out. "My Cursed Life Power is a caster Type Equation. I can create threads made out of solid Life Force making them strong. And these threads all have a color. Each color effects their element. Red strings allow me to make fire. Yellow lightning. Blue is water. And so on. They're all pretty powerful."

"So you have every element?" Light asked.

"Pretty much-"

Ken roared rocketing forward. Light took a deep breath before he stepped forward twirling his gun sword as the blade of light grew longer. He slashed it out dancing on his feet as he dodged all her strikes. "Seems like some things never change huh?" Light asked stabbed his sword forward and into Ken's gut. He raised it up slicing her gut open and splitting her chest apart reviling the gem. "Okay I-" Ken punched down but Light raised his gun up twirling it around and using it as a shield to block-

Her fist shattered his gun in half as his eyes went wide. The entire gun broke away into a strong powder and a small white gem rolled out.

"Well... I'm in trouble." Light said fear filling him as he stumbled back now no longer having a power since his Equip type was gone.

Ken took a powerful punch towards him clawing at him but a barrier of ice stopped it at the last moment. Irene jumped forward a block of ice coming underneath her and throwing her into the air. She brought her sword up as the ice formed together and became a large sword of ice. She dropped down towards the beast slicing it out but it shattered on Ken's hide. She twirled around forming a spear as her hands glowed and the spear turned from ice into solid shinning metal as she brought forth the power of North heat rolling off of it as she jammed it up into the Bestia Macht's shoulder. Ken roared in pain and stood on her legs and thrashed around sending Irene flying.

Max jumped into the air bringing his arm up as he slammed it down and fired out hundreds of waves of lava arms that slammed a barrage of punches down into the beast making it roar. "Level Two!" He announced a massive burst of lava coming off of him and forming a sword of lava. He sliced it up as hard as he could sending the Bestia Macht into the air. Then he slammed his leg down firing himself up towards the girl forming a solid rock spike as he spun his body around as he turned himself into a drill and rammed up into the beast. Ken growled as the drill began to slice into her but she slammed her arms into him smashing him down as her chest began to heal. Max crashed down and the Bestia Macht crashed down landing on him making him yell out.

"T... They aren't doing to well are they..."

"Have hope..." Curro grunted. "Brave's still standing..."

Kitsune ran forward forming a katana made out of flame as his tails stabbed out and he used them as a weapon stabbing them into the girls body. He used his tails to pull himself up walking with his tails and not using his feet as his tails dragged him around drilling into the beasts body. He twirled his sword around slashing out and leaving hot burn marks on the flesh of the beast. To counter it the beasts smashed her tails into his head slamming him into the ground. Then it blasted him with a blue beam of flame throwing him back.

"Well..." Hero said eyeing up everyone who was on the ground. "Just us two left huh?"

"Looks like it." Brave nodded. Three colored strings, red, yellow, and green, wrapped around her left arm as flames, lightning, and wind, all roared around it. "Well. Luckily I figured out a good solution."

"You did?"

"Yeah. Follow my lead and hit her stomach with your strongest attack."

"Uh... Sure-"

Brave flashed forward with super speed slashing out with her flames, wind, and lightning, as her threads slashed out and she slammed a punch into the head of the beast pushing Ken back. The Bestia Macht roared and made a strike at Brave but seconds later Hero came slamming down with his drill into the arm of the beast. Brave smashed her arm up into the head of the beast making it stumble up and fall back as it stood on two legs.

"Alright! Hit the stomach!" Brave announced standing on the right side of Hero as she brought her left arm back. "Tri Elemental!" She yelled.

Hero nodded as his clawed arm changed into his demonic shield arm. Red flames poured out of it and the roar of a dragon could be heard. "Black Hydra!" He screamed.

Both of the Recruits, Hero Law, and Brave Larison, slammed their arms forward, right, and left, using their strongest attack the Tri Elemental an attack using the combination of three elements combined together, and Black Hydra, a stronger version of the Dragon Kings Abyss. Both their arms seemed to mold together as they slammed their fists so hard into Ken's gut the entire area around them exploded as the many dragon heads were covered in flame, wind, and lightning. A loud boom went off as their attack slowly faded.

The Bestia Macht's eyes were wide as it slowly stumbled back and a liquid began to pour out of it. It's mouth began to open as the liquid poured out and it collapsed throwing up and spitting Shelly out.

Shelly hit the ground crashing down into the snow coated in a thick heavy layer of clearing, greenish, liquid that coated her entire body like snow. Her eyes were closed and she seemed to be knocked out.

The beast roared out as it began to shrink down and its fur changed to black and its eyes became red as it dropped down.

"Alright!" Hero said with wide eyes. "You knocked the form out of her-"

"Father look out!" Daughter screamed out.

Hero and Brave turned just in time as the Bestia Machts chest split open and a gigantic red beam exploded out of it. The smoke slowly cleared showing Hero, holding the body of Shelly, with a badly burned Brave standing in front of him. Brave's arms were up as if she was about to block an attack and her flesh was a dark red and black. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she collapsed forward.

"S... She jumped in front of me and took the brunt of the attack to save me." Hero said slowly.

Ken roared slamming her arm down but before she could reach Hero Max blasted through, now awake once more grabbing Hero and knocking him out of the way. He was to slow though as Ken's paw slammed into his back smashing the nameless boy into the ground. Hero crashed into the snow cradling Shelly after Max pushed him away.

The Bestia Macht roared once more as it crouched down and jumped at Hero intending to swallow them both.

'T... This is absurd.' Hero thought as he flew back and stared at the many rows of fanged teeth in the mouth of the beast. 'We can't even fight an Earl... Why did we think we could take this thing down... It's wiped the floor with all of us and everyone keeps sacrificing themselves to save me... Why... Why me-'

"Leave my Father alone!" Daughter yelled her black aura smashing down into the Bestia Macht. Daughter stood in front of Hero holding her arms out at her side as her aura grew larger. "Stop it Ken!" She yelled out. "Daughter wants you to stop! Why are you doing this! You saved Father! You love Father! You love your friends! So why are you hurting them! Ken is supposed to be strong! Daughter liked Ken because of how strong and brave she was! Stop it!"

"Daughter..." Hero said staring at the back of the little girl who was keeping him safe. For a moment flashes of wanting to kill her went through his head. All the horrible things he tried to do...


"Good." Hero said staring up at the mass of black shadow. "I've failed so much. Again, and again, I've been on this damn quest to find who I am, who I want to be, do I crawl forward, or stay the same, are there other Hero's, how do I beat God, and Row, and what do I do, but for now I don't care about any of that. The only thing I want to know God... Should I kill Daughter."

"Hero!" Ken said in shock staring at Hero.

Row snorted. "I don't really get what's going on here but that question is obvious I think... The answer is a big yes. Yes a hundred times. Kill her. Kill that monster. She's dangerous. Far to dangerous to be kept alive. She has to die. She's made from the Squid... And if he ever learns that a piece of him is in this world... If he learns he's already here... Do you know what that could do... That could expand. Your damn creation could create a second Squid..."

"So." Hero stared up at God. "What do you think..."

God was silent as it stared down at the boy. "Before I answer that... Hero Otoko..." He said slowly. "Who is he."

Hero shrugged. Row sighed and waved his hand as an image of Hero Otoko appeared. "A sad story indeed. A young boy who learned the horrors of being a hero. He lost so much. Family, love, friends, morals, and even his world. It was devoured by that damn Squid... He gave up the title of Hero. He became a Devil. Someone who will follow a dark path if it means he save them all. He truly is. A heroic and pure spirit."

Ken's eyes were wide as she stared at the image. "Whoa. He's hot."


"What? Shelly's not here. Still. If you were this good looking I don't think I'd have gotten my crush over you-"

"We look the God damn same!"

"Nah?" Ken shook her head. "You might have the same face and hair style but that black hair with that silver strike. And those silver eyes. He's working it... Plus. He has... A look about him. Something that says he's seen stuff. Not bad. I'll admit when I'm wrong. Otoko's pretty cool."

"I hate you."

"No you don't."

"You're right. You're my little sister."



God let out a hum shaking the void. "I see... I will have to check on this Hero Otoko myself then... I wonder... Hmm... Oh and your question... You want to know if you should kill Daughter?"

"Yeah." Hero nodded. "I do. People are telling me to keep her alive because she can be useful to the war. A powerful and strong weapon. But Row, and my promise to Yoshi is telling me to kill her."

"You're not asking which one you should follow though are you?" God asked.

Hero shook his head. "I'm not. I've thought it over. I don't mind breaking my promise to Yoshi and Row. But... I don't know if Daughter should live still. Not because she's a monster. But because of the reason they want her alive. They don't want Daughter. They want the weapon that she can be. Daughter wants love though. Love I doubt I can provide at least not now... And her life... Her life won't be happy. Everyone will want to use her power. They already have plans for it. And people who stay near me get hurt. So I'm asking you here and now God. Should I mercy kill Daughter before she suffers."

"H... Hero..." Ken said slowly.

God hummed. "So... You wish to know if you should slay your Daughter to keep her safe from the hardship of the world. Because you know that she is going to face hardship. But... Isn't it a parents job to help a child through moments like those. The fact is we will all suffer. I was made. I was never born. I was never human. I was made to be God. Since the day I was born I never had a chance to feel fear, love, hate, or want. I existed. And I only existed. That was all I was allowed to do. I simply existed. Tell me Hero Law... You ask if you should kill Daughter because you are scared of her getting hurt? If that's the case. Then become stronger. Strong enough to where she won't be used as a weapon. Strong enough to where she can live in a world in which she is loved."

"It's not that simple-"

"And why not. Many people claim a Hero is someone tragic. A Hero is a robot. With a metal heart. A hero lives for other people. Someone who gives up everything to follow through the dreams of others. It drives them mad much like that ice man you put down. You don't have a metal heart though. A Heart of glass. Blood of iron. Hero. You aren't a hero. You were a tool. No hero. You were made by that brat over there to save this world but you were given love... Row over there... He made you with love. Believe it or not he does love you-"

"I do not!"

"-like a child to its kid, he spent hours making you. If he truly wanted a hero you wouldn't have conflict. You would save the world and that would be that. The fact that you're able to feel conflict proves Otoko loves you-"

"I do not!"

-free will, power. You are a sword of justice. Your whole body isn't a machine. Even when you rebuild yourself with DNA of others, or scraps of metal. You are Hero Law. You claim you don't think you can feel love for that girl. I ask you. Are you scared."

"S... Scared?"

"Scared of loving the girl, or are you scared that you wont love the girl. Do you feel like you'll do something, say something, hurt her. Do you feel like you can't love her."

"I don't know." Hero said. "Love... Love, love, love, love, love... I don't get it."

"What's not to get."

"I just... Don't get it." Hero bowed his head. "I guess you were right. Hero's live for peoples dreams but... I've been selfish. I give up peoples dreams to help myself out and then call myself a hero of justice. But you all claim Hero's are sad and have steel hearts. But you said I'll never be a hero because I have a glass heart. I admit it. I do have a heart of glass. It breaks. Over and over... Over and over again, and again... I was... I loved her... Leena. She took my hand. Squeezed down on it. Looked me in the eyes as we laid. And she told me... No... She begged me. Please... Don't ever leave. And the next morning I left. She rested in that carriage. Packed my bags and stared me in the eyes as she smiled. Was that love. If so what the hell did I do to her... Irene... She loved me... Right. So why... Why... Why did I kill North. I knew there were other ways to bring him in. I made excuse but I killed him. My reasons were all excuses though. If I really loved her I wouldn't have killed him. If I really loved her I would have chased after her. So why... Why the hell does this glass heart crack each time I see her with Kitsune. Every time she looks happy... And why does she care about me even after all I did... You claim Row loved me. He made me with love but why does he seem to hate me." Hero shouted making Row hiss and look away. "I don't get it. Love doesn't work. I knew Ken loved me to but I pushed her away into someone elses arms and I felt jealous. Was that love? Did I love her?"

"H... Hero?" Ken said with wide eyes.

"And Light. He was like another parent to me. Again and again he took care of me. And yet now that he's someone else I push him away but refuse to let him leave. Is that love? And what of Kitsune? Max? Hella? Do I love Hella? If I truly loved her wouldn't I heal her. She said not to and yet... Someone who held love would wouldn't they?"

"What is it you're asking." God asked.

"...Can... Can a Glass Heart feel love."

"I see. That's what you want to know. Then in that case. As a man who thinks he's a hero, as a fake, a dream created, someone who doesn't exist, and never will, as a Hero, someone who doesn't know love, I think he should kill Daughter. That is my answer."

"Well there you go." Row grinned. "I was right. Oh and he was wrong about that other stuff! I... I don't love you... You aren't a child to me... You're just a failure to me..."

Hero gave a small smile. "I see. Thank you God."

End Flashback...

Hero stared at the back of Daughter.

"Father. Daughter can make you stronger. Daughter can bond with you. Daughter can break away and vanish to make you stronger."

Hero stared at her for a moment. "Would that kill you..."

"Y... Yes but Daughter doesn't mind." Daughter was quiet for a moment as her eyes went downward. "Daughter... Daughter knows she has caused Father much trouble. Daughter doesn't mind dying if it means Father lives though. Daughter loves Father. Daughter is okay with it."

Hero gave a smile as he set Shelly down in the snow. "Wow."


Hero reached out placing his left hand on her head as he gave it a gentle rub. "You're terrible at lying just like your dad." Daughters eyes went wide. Hero shoved her down as he stepped past her his right arm shifting back into its clawed arm. "Alright Ken." Hero announced pointing at her with his left arm.

In the snow Leo, the Anima stood giving a wide grin. "Alright... Just like when you powered through and saved me and my city you can win this. Go Hero!"

Red flames began to seep out of Hero's arms but they began to change. Slowly... They changed into a green as cracks appeared in his black metal. "I've been wondering Ken. Me versus you. Which one of us is stronger." The cracks grew larger. "Let's go! And find out!" His entire right arm shattered as faded gray metal arm ripped its way out and Hero brought out his old arm shattering the black edgy metal. Shattering that heroic boy. Shattering that one that followed after Otoko and crawled forward. Shattering the one God said should kill Daughter. And in a black void three Hero's stood. Before they to shattered. "I'm Hero Law. A Hero of Justice! A Superhero! A Human! A Person! A Sword for Justice!" Hero announced brining his left arm up as Wolfsbane formed into it. "I'm going to get the best ending. And this glass hearts going to force its way into knowing love!"

The Bestia Macht roared as Hero charged at it.

Before either of them could reach each other though a ball of flame slammed into the beast shaking it.

Hero and Ken stopped and looked over finding Kitsune and Irene standing back up.

"H... Hey now. We're not about to let Hero show us up again." Kitsune hissed.

"R... Right..." Irene nodded.

Kitsune grabbed her hand a smirk crossing onto his face. "Hey Hero. Check this out... Fusion!"