
Night Two Hundred And Twenty Seven

Age 1991

Gladious City...

The Hospital...

In simple white room in Gladious Hospital there were many, many beds all laid out which had several Captains, Vice Captains, and the many, many recruits, as well as civilians that had been caught in the epic battle. There were so many they no longer had rooms for people so everyone was all staying in a large room in their own beds hooked up to their equipment.

Many nurses and doctors were running around most trying to get Athena to wake up.

She had the strongest healing Cursed Power in all of the Red Nation.

The issue was her head had been dented in by Zane so they weren't able to use her.

The doors to the hospital room slowly opened as Hero, Kitsune, and Daughter entered. Kitsune held some books in her arms, Daughter was holding Despair who was in her bear form, and Hope, was in her drone form riding on her head, and Hero had a bag of... Something. They looked around looking for Shelly but couldn't find her. "Uh excuse me." Hero said grabbing a Nurses shoulder. "Where's Shelly?"

"Shelly." The nurse looked down at her notes flipping through them. "If it is Shelly Kaen than she has been one of the ones who got her own room. She is currently being worked on by the best doctors we have due to massive organ damage."

"I... Is she going to be okay?" Kitsune asked.

"T... They're doing the best they can." The Nurse nodded.

Hero gave a small tilt of his head a frown on his face. "If it is starting to look like she isn't going to make it please contact me, Hero Law, right away. I can fix her."

"Y... You have a healing Equation?"

"Yeah but I can only use it one more time it's complicated." Hero said brushing her off.

The group of three noticed someone behind the woman and began to walk towards one of the beds. They found Brave, Fate. Thorn. and Hella, the four girls all in beds lined up next to one another. They all looked fine other than Brave who's entire body was covered in bandages due to tanking a blast of heated energy in order to shield Hero and Daughter.

"Yo!" Hero said giving a wave of his hand.

"Yo-" Brave said but was smacked over the head by Fate.

"Don't sound so casual." Fate frowned. "You're hurt. No movements."

"Right, right." Brave said rolling her eyes.

"We brought bananas." Hero said reaching into the bag and pulling out dozens of yellow bananas getting a strange look from everyone. He began to peel one and munch down on it as Hella sighed and took one herself and began to unpeel it and eat it. "So how's it hanging?"

"That is. Not... A funny joke." Thorn said blinking a few times. Her stomach growled and she slowly reached out and began to eat one of the bananas as she was in her human form and needed food to live.

"So..." Fate said slowly. "What exactly happened in... That place..."


"The underground." Fate said.

"Oh that." Kitsune hummed. "Well... Master- I guess he's just Storm now was told to stay in a room where he has been chained up and surrounded with a few nukes. Not sure it's gonna stop him if he really wants to get out though... Thankfully he has remained put. We were asked to talk to the Empress... Her Grandfather is taking over. I don't know if things are going to be the same or what will happen there... And... Due to some of the crazy things going on the Empress said she'll be marrying Jackson Storm to get more political power-"

"What!" Everyone in the hospital all flinched when they turned to see Captain Katrina was in her bed, Jackson Storm next to her. Jacksons face was paled as she glared at him. "D... Did you know about this?" She asked.

"W... Well... I... I didn't know but... I mean... It... Happens a lot so I... Figured..."

Katrina let out a growl standing up as she began to head out as Jackson got up and tried to follow. "I'm gonna show that woman a piece of my mind!"

They quickly left leaving the ward in silence. "Maybe shouldn't have said that one out loud." Hero said elbowing Kitsune.

"Maybe." She admitted.

"Let's talk about the big thing." Hella said sitting up. "What's gonna happen with Ken?" She asked.

"Well..." Hero said slowly. "She's going to be pardon and allowed back into the Enforcers."

"Seriously?" Brave asked. "I can see the Old Man doing that. He's crazy enough to allow a Bestia Macht threat like that into our group if it helps his plan... But... If the Empress has really taken charge... I can't see her letting Ken in... I mean Lillian Aka is the biggest person in the Red Nation and everything she has done, every pure action, every cruel action, all of it has been to help out the Red Nations... All the Nations have always been at war ever since they were made. The Red has typically remained on top and Aka has been doing everything she can to make sure it stays that way. Some stuff does come off as cruel but..."

"But..." Hero asked slowly.

"Well I get it." Brave nodded. "It can't be easy running an entire Nation, while Three other Nations want you dead. One slip up on her part and the entire Red Nation could go to war with the three other Nations. She's got a lot on her plate."

"They call her a Devil." Hella said bluntly. "In my experience the best heroes are devils. Sacrificing ones own morals. Going down a path you know will make you hated and doing wrong, all for the Greater Good. A hero can't have emotions or a sense of self. A devil for good though. They do have emotions. Thats what makes it so sad. They know what they're doing is wrong. They know it will make them go to hell. But they do it anyways. Because. In their hearts they wanted to be a hero. But didn't want to give up their emotions. So they do cruel things all to save the world."

Hero snorted as the image of Aka, and Otoko, came to his mind. "I suppose that sums them both up pretty well. They want to save the world. Both of them. So they gave up their morals. But that isn't my way. Hero's cant have emotions. I guess I'll be a first then."


"The main point." Fate said. "Aka only does things she feel will help out whatever it is she's working on. But I don't see anyway Ken remaining on the Enforcers would help her out at all. You two must have offered her something grand right?"

Daughter took Hero's hand squeezing down gently as he quietly looked down.

"I... Guess..." Kitsune said uncomfortable. They'd rather avoid that talk with that sick woman. It would save Ken. It would save their friend. And it would allow a powerful new warrior to be born that in ten to twenty years would likely be an even stronger hero than anyone in the current Enforcers. In terms of the greater good it was the best option to keep peace, and keep Ken alive. In terms of Hero's morals and struggles... He had thrown up quite a bit before they came to the hospital. "Let's move on." Kitsune said casually.

They all began to eat away at the food and talked for a bit but finally someone seemed to wake up a few feet away from them. There was a low groan as the bed next to them had its curtains pulled down and Max set up. He looked around for a bit before his eyes settled on Hero, Daughter, Kitsune, Brave, Fate, Hella, and Thorn.

"Oh... Hey." He said wiping the pain and sleep from his eyes.

"Yo." Hero said giving a wave. He tossed Max a banana but the man didn't seem to want it as it burst into flames and melted as soon as it got near him.

"What did I miss."

"Enforcers got a new boss."

"Ahh." Max began to slowly pulled the cords from his body as he set up and stretched. Like everyone in the beds he only wore a hospital gown and loose brown pants.

"You're leaving?" Hero asked.

"Yep. Had my first loss. I gotta go train."

"Already!" Kitsune asked in shock.

"Yep. Gonna go talk to that Kitsune boy. With his new power up I could use him to get stronger. By the way. Who's this cutie Hero? Getting more girls for your harem?"

"...She's... Kitsune..."

Max blinked a few times staring at Kitsune who looked uncomfortable now. "And... I'm out." He said turning away. "I'll go... Train with someone else. Looking forward to our badass rematch Hero."


They watched Max leave and it once again went back to silence none of them really doing anything. Daughter played with the drone, and the bear she had, Hero, and Brave, ate more bananas, Kitsune and Hella, began to play some weird children's card game that had wizards and dragons and was to complicated for anyone else to follow the rules of, Thorn set there not saying or doing anything but looking cute none the less, and Fate simply read a book.

Finally though...

Finally Kitsune had something she wanted to ask.

Something she wanted to know since she saw that encounter between Hero, and Hella, after the big battle.

"I've been meaning to ask..." Kitsune said slowly. She slowly looked over at Hella. "Hero... You... You called her... Ken... Why?"

"Oh..." Hero said slowly.

"It's..." Hella went silent. "A long story..."


Meanwhile Underground...

Ken rested in her chair her eyes slowly looking up as the metal wall unfolded.

Ms. Aka, the Empress of the Red Nation slowly walked in a small smirk on her lips.

"How's Shelly?" Ken asked instantly.

Aka's smile faded for a moment. "The pink haired one? She's alive. In the hospital recovering. Hero, and Kitsune, have just been sent to go see her. And... I got good news for you. You're going free."


"What?" Aka asked frowning.

"I... I don't... I don't think..." Ken stared down at her hands. They were clean but... She still saw all that blood. All of Shelly's blood and guts coating them. "I don't know if I should be free..."

Aka let out a sigh. "Let's just cut to the chase... What happened when you transformed."

"Ken stared down at her hands which were still shaking. "I... I was dreaming... And... I saw it..."

"Saw what..."



"And it was... Sad... And perfect... And... So much."

Aka let out another sigh folding her arms as she pressed her back to the wall. "Okay. Start explaining. The sooner you're done. The sooner you can see your girlfriend."

"R... Right... It all started with me waking up... I saw another me... And they said..." Ken was silent for a moment as her eyes slowly casted down and her mind began to play over everything that had happened in that place. Everything she had seen when she was a Bestia Macht at that time.

In a strange realm with pure white liquid, and pitch black sky, Ken Red rested laying submerged as she stared up at the sky. The lake was made out of that strange liquid and the sky was a pure pitch black. It was almost like the pitch red Void that existed. The realm where all dreams rested. The place God was said to go when he died, and where Seraphins were connected. The place the Dream Crest would draw its power. The Void rested at the bottom of all the Multiverses, and just bellow the Void Nothing rested. The place where the Squid would swim. Whatever this place was wasn't the void but it was like it...

Something only a Seraphin could do.

The Void was where dreams would lay at the end of all...

This was the Over...

A place where memories remained...

If the Void was at the end of all that it was only fair to say the Over rested above the Multiverse and was t the beginning of all...

"I think..." A voice said as someone hovered over Ken. It was a girl with long black hair, with a red stripe, and red eyes. Ken Lancelot. Daughter of Lancelot. The first Ken. "We need to talk."