The Over Part 1

Night Two Hundred And Twenty Eight

There are a great many universes each with their own stories and plots. However it would seem in a strange twist of Fate, the battle between Row Storm, and Orion Vil, always seems to happen.

Age 1991

Gladious City...


Ken rested in her chair her eyes slowly looking up as the metal wall unfolded.

Ms. Aka, the Empress of the Red Nation slowly walked in a small smirk on her lips.

"How's Shelly?" Ken asked instantly.

Aka's smile faded for a moment. "The pink haired one? She's alive. In the hospital recovering. Hero, and Kitsune, have just been sent to go see her. And... I got good news for you. You're going free."


"What?" Aka asked frowning.

"I... I don't... I don't think..." Ken stared down at her hands. They were clean but... She still saw all that blood. All of Shelly's blood and guts coating them. "I don't know if I should be free..."

Aka let out a sigh. "Let's just cut to the chase... What happened when you transformed."

"Ken stared down at her hands which were still shaking. "I... I was dreaming... And... I saw it..."

"Saw what..."



"And it was... Sad... And perfect... And... So much."

Aka let out another sigh folding her arms as she pressed her back to the wall. "Okay. Start explaining. The sooner you're done. The sooner you can see your girlfriend."

"R... Right... It all started with me waking up... I saw another me... And they said..." Ken was silent for a moment as her eyes slowly casted down and her mind began to play over everything that had happened in that place. Everything she had seen when she was a Bestia Macht at that time.

In a strange realm with pure white liquid, and pitch black sky, Ken Red rested laying submerged as she stared up at the sky. The lake was made out of that strange liquid and the sky was a pure pitch black. It was almost like the pitch red Void that existed. The realm where all dreams rested. The place God was said to go when he died, and where Seraphins were connected. The place the Dream Crest would draw its power. The Void rested at the bottom of all the Multiverses, and just bellow the Void Nothing rested. The place where the Squid would swim. Whatever this place was wasn't the void but it was like it...

Something only a Seraphin could do.

The Void was where dreams would lay at the end of all...

This was the Over...

A place where memories remained...

If the Void was at the end of all that it was only fair to say the Over rested above the Multiverse and was at the beginning of all...

"I think..." A voice said as someone hovered over Ken. It was a girl with long black hair, with a red stripe, and red eyes. Ken Lancelot. Daughter of Lancelot. The first Ken. "We need to talk."

Ken let out a small sigh as her silver eyes looked around the Over, the thing that was at the beginning of all things. The place where memories would lay. The place below nothing.

"Yeah." Ken said slowly sitting up. "I know. I've run away for a long time haven't I. Let's talk."

Her old self held her hand out pulling the Seraphin to her feet. Kens eyes slowly looked around the Ever for a moment a frown on her lips. All around her for as far back as the eye could see she saw that strange white liquid and that black sky above. Through the black sky what looked like a large squids tentacle could be seen. Large enough to go across the entire sky. She didn't see the Squid itself but the sight of its limb was more than enough for Ken making her body shake.

The Old her gripped her hand tightly giving it a squeeze as they began to walk. Far off ahead of them they could see it... What looked like a large temple. That was their destination. She knew it.

The walk was mostly in silence.


It wasn't until they were nearing the temple that something finally happened.

"K... Ken... But you're... I... Killed... You shouldn't be... Wait... Two of you? What the hell is going on?"

A familiar voice asked. The two Kens turned and found a cloaked figure staring at them. He wore a pure red cloak. That said. Ken knew who he was.


The boy stood a little taller now. He was nineteen after all. His body was even more heavily scared now having several cuts, and slices across his arms, legs, and a few on his face. He pulled the hood of his cloak down fully showing off his face as he gave a sad smile to Ken. His hair was stained Black. Raven black with a single silver streak in it. A trait he had gotten when he devoured the Ken of his world. His eyes were a strange color all being a rainbow styled mix of colors and all the people he had eaten. And his teeth. They were all razor sharp and jagged and had a metallic look to them.

Ken felt her eyes narrow at the energy he was giving off. It was a mix of so many peoples. Even hers. "Who the hell are you..."

"You got it in one. My name 'was' Hero. Hero Law." He sighed. He looked around the Ever where they stood. "I guess I ended up here after Max burned away my body. I'm in the land of memories. Not even the Void would allow someone like me to step foot in it. Where did I go wrong." He sighed covering his face.

"Do you know him?" The second Ken asked.

"W... Well I know his body. He's Hero Law. One of my friends. This one is someone else though... I'm guessing he's from another world since he claims to know me."

"Another World... I guess Otoko wasn't full of it." Hero mused a smirk on his face. "So he was telling the truth when he told me about the Multiverse."

"W... Why are you here?" Ken asked.

"I'm unsure. Though... I think I know now... So where are you heading to?" He asked giving a smile and showing his fanged and jagged teeth.

Ken eyed the man up with a weary look. "To... Speak to someone."

"Really. Then lets go."

"Oh... You're coming?" The Old Ken asked also frowning. Both girls looked pretty cute frowns on their faces as they stared at the man. They looked the same to though one had a red streak through her black hair and red eyes while the other had a silver streak and silver eyes. Seraphin Ken also wore a cross.

"I suppose it'll be fine. He can't do much here."

"Whys that?" Hero asked giving a smug smirk.

Ken slowly pointed up. "Because if you start throwing attacks around 'it' will take notice of us." Hero slowly looked up and his eyes filled with fear when he saw the many tentacles that were slowly going across the sky. "I mean if you want to... It's fine but just so you know we'd all die. But be my guess if you want to try it."

"R... Right. I'll behave." He laughed.

The group of now trio slowly turned towards the temple and once again began to march towards it. The temple was old and worn down as they walked up the steps. It didn't look that big on the outside but as they got ready to enter it they found a large stone hallway ahead of them. The hall way seemed to stretch out going further and further down so far the back of the temple couldn't even be seen.

Lining up the walls of the temple were hundreds of murals and paintings.

All of them seemed to be of events that happened in Ken's short fourteen year life span.

She saw one of her own birth but sadly was unable to see her mother as the upper part of the mural was torn down covering the womans face, whoever it was. She saw others which were of her father Lancelot, still in his full armor, holding her as a baby. Then his testing on her to create his weapon... Than him getting Mr. Hyde to begin testing on her. Than her meeting her fist love Viper. Viper and her... Getting saved from the lab and joining the Red Church and becoming a Sister of Blood. Viper trying to get her to leave... Their first fight. The one that made her refuse to ever accept Viper. Her doing her best to get rid of her old self so she wouldn't have to think about all the pain. Her saving these idiots from a Bestia Macht and getting her letter. Her meeting Hero, and Kitsune at the train station. Her meeting Shelly. Her meeting Emma, Irene, and Light. Her taking the tests and getting into Squad Six. Her and her Squad fighting Dawson. Their first mission and the death of the doll. Their second mission and her becoming a monsters. Their third mission and the brave hero she looked up to dying. Shelly joining Squad Six. Shelly holding her hand. Shelly speaking to her. Shelly- A lot of them were of Shelly. The start of the games. Her becoming a Bestia Macht. And... Her stabbing Shelly.

"Wow. So is Ken X Shelly real or?" Hero said blankly getting dirty looks from the two Kens.

"Come on." The Old Ken said tugging on the arm of Ken. "Let's go."

Ken didn't say anything at first her eyes locked on the image of the last mural in which she stabbed her hand through Shelly's stomach. "R... Right." Ken nodded. Her and the old Ken as well as Hero took a step into the temple-

The wall instantly closed behind them making them all turn as the room filled with darkness. Before any of them could even react all the murals lit up with pink flames and began to burn up as a small laughter filled the Ever space around them.

"So... We may be in a trap..." Otoko said taking a few steps back.

"Shit..." Ken hissed.

"This... This isn't going to be good." The Old Ken said backing up.

The temple began to rumble and before any of them could do or say anything else the floor beneath them cracked and shattered as they all found themselves falling into a pitch black void all letting out loud screams.

"Why the hell did I agree to come!" Hero yelled as the darkness seemed to swallow him up like a river.

"D... Don't give up Ken." The Old Ken begged. "P... Please. Keep marching forward. Save the world!" She yelled as she to was swallowed up.

"How-" Ken felt herself spinning as she was overtaken by pure black. It was like she was floating in space. No light. Just total darkness. She couldn't even tell if she was upside down, facing forward, left or right. Nothing. She still could feel her body but that was it. It was a scary feeling. "W... What the hell am I supposed to do?" She asked feeling herself spinning around as the black inky darkness seemed to move around her again and again swirling in and out...


She saw it...

What looked like a faint green light.

And she felt the smallest bit of 'his' energy.

'Ken. You're strong. Stronger than me. So please. For both our sakes. Kill Hero Otoko!'

"W... What?"

Than in a flash Ken began to see hundreds of lights which all exploded around her and she heard them. So many voices. Some she knew and some she didn't.

'What did you do!'

'I'm glad... I got to see you all.'

'N... Not you to. Please... Please don't leave me!'


'By all the power that I have as Master of the Enforcers I swear to you fake I will beat you!'

'Rio... Don't tell me you're...'

'Because I love you Maudite! So don't die!'

'Well. I tried. Alright Hero. Don't fuck up. I'm going now. Remember these words. Live happily. And save the world. That's why I made you. My son.'

'Hear these words Hero, Kitsune, Ken, Irene! No matter what! Fight On! Final Blight! Last Strike!'

'Hero what the hell did you do!'

'This child has far to much energy for even an Orion. The power it has is to much. By my command as Lucifer the strongest Angel I will kill it, the mother, and the father. Hero Law. Lillian Aka. I sentenced you both to death for creating a threat to the Multiverse.'

'So what... So what if I became a Devil. So what if I got rid of my morals... Fuck my morals! You don't even get it! I lost them all! I don't care if it makes me evil! I don't care if I'll burn in hell! I swear! I'll save this world and I'll save you! So please! For the love of God stop me Hero Law!'

'It's not much. Not for someone like you. But I represent all of the Earth. Every man, woman, and child. So please. Accept my thanks Hero Law!'

'Hey... Ken... I think I... Love you?'

'Yoshi...' The black void seemed to change for a moment and Ken found herself standing... Somewhere. It was an arena unlike anything she had seen. A stone platform that seemed to be in space. Ken found herself staring at the back of... Hero Law. He looked older. A lot older. His right arm was its typical grey arm but covered in dents and cracks the flames of it gone. In front of him a girl could be seen crouched down. She had long silver hair that flowed like water and silver eyes as well as reddish skin. A Dragon Clan. Hero slowly raised his arm up as it began to glow and reverted back into his normal arm. 'I just wanted to say. Thanks.' He said holding it out to the woman. 'Thanks for raising me. Thank you.'

Yoshi stared at the hand as she slowly reached up taking it. She gave a sad smile staring up at him. 'You know... The battles not over right.'

'Yeah.' Hero looked up towards the many stars above him a sad smile also on his lips. 'We still have to deal with the Squid... Okay. Let's save the Multiverse.'

The image once again changed and Ken found herself staring at one more thing... Something that took her off guard. A sight she didn't expect to see.

"Oh..." Ken said a smile coming onto her lips as she felt a few tears fall out of her eyes. "It... Looks nice."

And with that the image she had wanted to see faded away.

"So. How was it?" A voice asked.

Ken now found herself standing on the stone floor of a temple. Behind her the Old Ken, and Hero stood looking around with wide eyes shocked that they were back in the temple.

Ken slowly reached up wiping a few of her tears away as she gave her sly grin. "It was pretty nice actually. Dad." She slowly turned around and saw him. Lancelot... Her father. "We need to talk."