Squad Seven VS Squad Seven

Night Two Hundred And Thirty Five

Age 1991

Gladiolus City...

At the top of the stadium off to the side where no one could see her a very reviling woman stood. She was dressed only in a black mask that covered the lower half of her face, as well as pitch white undergarments that barley covered her... Her skin was paler than snow and she had long blonde hair as well as pitch black eyes with a yellow iris in it.

Her mask was pulled tightly around her lower face allowing her smirk to be seen even with the tight leather that covered her face.

"So... That woman was telling the truth... There are other versions of us here..." Irene Glacious of Earth Fifty One mused to herself.

Her yellow eyes glanced down at the many people. She saw a Max, a version of her with flame powers and red hair, an Emma, a Lucy, a Sera, a Katrina, a Jackson, a guy like Cloud but with a gun instead of a cane, a Dawson, and a Hannah, and even a Shelly that was an Enforcer. But what really caught her eyes were a Ken, with a silver streak and silver eyes, who was holding the hand of said Shelly, and...


The one who got her smile to grow even more.

A boy with snow white hair and ruby red eyes.

Her tongue came out just a bit as she licked her lips.

"So... There really was another version of you here..." She giggled to herself hugging her stomach tightly. "Oh... I can play with you so much more than... My... Hero." She closed her eyes as a faint pale white aura seemed to slowly seep out. "Please take notice of me. I want you all to myself after all."

Mean while down in the Arena...

"And the winner is Light of Squad Six!" Olf announced as Alice from Squad Eight hit the grass floor of the planet.

The matches had finally started and Light No Last Name of Squad Six went up against Alice Wonder from Squad Eight. She was the shy girl who could turn invisible. Normally it'd be a useful power but Light was blind so sight was never something he had to worry about.

It was still a hard fight though.

"Damn it... I didn't look cool in front of Big Brother." Light sighed his hand rubbing the barrel of the gun. "This new gun is all clunky and heavy... I missed so many shots... Still. You weren't to bad." He announced holding his hand out to Alice.

"T... Thank you." Alice said shyly taking the hand as Light pulled her back up to her feet.

The Two Enforcers gave a bow to the crowd before they jumped off of the large planet arena that they had fought on. Once they were done Olf couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"So that match went well." He said. "How long till we get the next messed up one?"

"Who knows." Leo said throwing his arms behind his head. "All I know is that these matches have been going on for so long. I'm ready for these games to end already."

"They have been going on for a while now." Olf nodded. "But I don't think that is a bad thing really... We've gotten to see a lot of people both in the ring and outside the ring. I'll be the first to admit that some parts have scared me but... I do enjoy these kids doing their best. All of them. Even if I am scared of the fact that something far worse is going to happen any time now. Seriously let's just have nice simple games. None of this God stuff."

"I guess." Leo hummed. "But it wouldn't be the Enforcers without being over the top and explosive now would it?"

Olf let out a snort as he twirled his microphone around and brought it up to his lips. "Good evening everyone! The next match of the games is about to begin! This one is sure to be an exciting one as it's going to pit two members from the same Squad together! This is Emma Vibes from Squad Seven going up against Lucy Case from the same Squad! Squad Seven VS Squad Seven!"

Down below Squad Six's recruits turned to look at the two girls.

"I... I don't know who to vote for!" Sera said shrinking down as she eyed the two girls up.

"Lucy vs Emma huh?" Hero said letting out a hum. "So a Nun vs a girl who summons monsters from Hell? Yeah this is a fitting match up. Who do you think's gonna win?" He asked patting Daughter on the head.

"Um... Uh... Well..." Daughter tapped her fingers together. "Daughter does not know..." She said in an adorable tone getting several of the girls to sway, and swoon. Daughter currently had Droney, as well as the teddy bear, who Hero had named Beary, in her hair and arms. It was quiet weird for the others who knew who they were at this point and yet Hero and Daughter were pretending still that they were just a stuffed animal and a drone...

Light let out a hum. "I'd say Lucy has this one."

"Nah. Emma's got this." Kitsune announced loudly as she pointed to the sky. "She's the cuter one."

"P... Please don't say that while in that form." Emma sighed.

"Damn this female body!" Kitsune announced. She let out a sigh folding her arms up. "How about you. Shelly, Ken?"

Ken let out a hum. "I'm giving it to Emma only because she's a Red Sister."

"I'm also giving it to Emma because she's my friend." Shelly nodded.

"Hey can I get in on this?" Davi asked peering over the wall.

"No." Everyone yelled.

"Fine. Screw you guys. My vote was for Lucy just so you know."

Hero counter on his fingers. "So that's one, I don't know, that's one for Lucy, and three for Emma, and one, I can't vote. Wow. Who would have thought that Emma was the more popular one? My vote was for Lucy."

"Thank you." Lucy said giving a bow. "A kiss for good luck?"

"Nah, I'm good."

"Darn. I tried." Lucy turned away and jumped onto the wall. She spun around so she could stare at Emma. "Emma. I don't want you to hold back." She said speaking in her normally blank and emotionless tone. "I want you to try your best to beat me. No matter what."

"Lucy..." Sera frowned.

"You got it." Emma nodded.

Lucy jumped high into the air spinning around and landing on the planet not seemingly bothered by the insane gravity of the planet. Emma followed seconds later also landing on the planet.

"Lucy... Emma..." Sera frowned staring at the two girls.

"Something wrong?" Hero asked peering over the wall.

Sera was silent for a moment biting her lip. "Lucy has been giving Emma the cold shoulder ever since Emma somehow activated her level two... It made Lucy mad for some reason... Do any of you know what it's like for someone you know to just completely change on the dime seemingly out of nowhere?"

"Yep..." Ken, Shelly, Kitsune, and Light, all said while staring at the back of Hero.

Sera let out a heavy sigh and rubbed her arm. "I'm just... I'm just hoping this fight isn't going to go wrong. I just really want them to be able to work this out finally. This fight will be the best bet for that."

"So you want them to actually finish their fight with no interruptions?" Davi asked making everyone jump as he was now standing in the Squad Six box.

"Yeah." Sera nodded.

"I see." Davi nodded his head. "So... Wouldyougoonadatewithmeifthathappened?"

"What?" Sera asked taken aback.

"I said... Would you go on a date with me if I made that happen? If I insured that both of them were actually able to have their fight would you go on a date with me?"

"U... Uh?" Sera shrunk down.

"What are you trying to pull." Hero sighed.

"Oh? Playing dumb? I hear you're good at that these days. Or maybe you really didn't notice it?" Davi smirked.

"Hero what's he talking about." Kitsune asked flatly. "I thought we got over this secret bs!"

"I... For once am not hiding anything." Hero said frowning as he stared at Davi. "What do you know?"

"Wait. You seriously can't tell. Can any of you tell?"

All the recruits kind of just shrugged.

Shelly eyed Ken up poking her in the side. "Do you feel anything weird?"

"N... No... Maybe... Yes..."


"I wasn't gonna say anything because I didn't care to much about it." Ken said rolling her eyes and folding her arms. "But up on the stadium someones been letting out droplets of their power as if calling for a fight."

"Why didn't you bring it up!" Shelly asked alarmed.

"Well... I didn't want Hero to get to fight them all to himself and I didn't want to leave your side."

"Ken this isn't the time to be a big flirt!"

"Well there you have it." Davi shrugged. "So how about it little lady. I'll deal with whatever that is and in return you go on a date with me. Lucy and Emma get to have their fight and can have whatever their moment is."

Sera bit her lip for a moment. "F... Fine... Only because I want them to be friends again."

"Yay!" Davi jumped onto the wall and began to scale it with ease vanishing from sight.

Kitsune frowned as she watched him go. "Hero-" She went to grab his shoulder but he jumped away. "...Right sorry... I forgot. But Hero... Usually you're good at sensing threats? What's up with you?"

"I don't know." He frowned. "I seriously didn't sense anything... Yet Ken did?"


Hero's frown grew. "Maybe... It could be a woman and my body just subconsciously ignored the signals..." He shook his head. "Whatever the case Sera. Let's make a deal."


Meanwhile on the mini planet that served as the arena both Emma and Lucy landed on it.

Both girls stared at one another. Lucy had her suitcase which was her Equip type able to pull out powerful eldritch monsters from another world, a place called the realm of Nothing, and Emma had her chainsaw, her Equip type which could send out rippling waves of vibration that she could use to rip her enemies to shreds.

Both girls were quiet dangerous.

Both girls wanted to win.

Only one could though...

Both girls knew this...


"Don't." Lucy said bluntly. "Trying to reach out to me in a fight like this is to put it simply not advised. We are both trying to win these games and to do that each of us will need to give 100% and win this match no matter what. We both have to step up. Trying to connect to me is a dumb move that could lead to you going soft and losing the fight. Therefore it is best if you were to come at me head on and throw your all into every attack that you can in order to try and best me before I can come up with a means of attack that would allow me to over power you and grant the win to myself. At least this is the plan that someone smart would use." She said speaking in her normally blank and emotionless way that Emma had grown used to.

Emma couldn't help the giggle that escaped her lips which made Lucy cock her head to the side when staring at the girl with the chainsaw.

"I do not recall telling a joke?"

"S... Sorry." Emma nodded. "It's just... I was scared. Scared you really did hate me. Scared you wanted me dead. Scared that I lost one of my friends. But that speech just now. It shows me that you don't even care about fighting me at your best. Otherwise you'd have let me try and connect with you. If you really wanted to beat me you'd allow me to make myself weaker but you didn't. You still care. No person who actually cared to win would speak about their plans like that to the one they're trying to beat. And that... That makes me happy." She smiled.


"Know that I am right?"

Lucy was silent as she stared at Emma. "I'm going to do my best to beat you." She finished.

Emma nodded her head. "I understand. Come at me with everything Lucy!"

And the arena was filled with the roars of a chainsaw and the clicks of a suitcase...