Irene Glacious

Night Two Hundred And Thirty Six

Age 1991

Gladiolus City...

Irene stared down the railing towards the box eyeing the sixth Squad up.

"I looked away for a second and my prey is already gone..." She said biting her lower lip. Hero was no longer down in the Squad Six Box.


Irene spun around slamming her hand out and sending out a wave of ice at whoever stood behind her.

A blue fist smashed through the ice blasting it apart as Davi came crashing out. He clasped his hands in front of her giving a smirk as he fired out a massive wave of blue energy towards the woman. Irene slammed her foot down a massive wave of ice forming into a wall in front of her that blocked the blue beam.

She slid back on her bare feet as the ice formed behind her allowing her to get some distance. As the smoke cleared this finally allowed her and Davi to see each other. Davi's eyes instantly went wide and his face became red as he began to ogle her up.

"Y... You're not wearing any clothes!" He said in a stutter.



"Because while you're distracted I can do this." Irene smirked kicking her leg up as a wave of ice formed underneath Davi and rose up throwing him high into the air. Davi spun around landing back on the ground and had time to look up just in time as Irene smashed her bare foot on the top of his head smashing him down into the ground. She slammed her foot down again sending him stumbling back into the railing.

"P... Point taken." Davi hissed flipping over the railing and landing on it. He raised his hand up pointing his palm at her. "Reekgo." He announced a ball of blue energy blasting out. Irene spun around and ducked down the blast flying over the top of her head. "Who the hell are you?"

"Do you really care?" Irene asked.

"Meh... A bit. Honestly I'm just doing this so I get a date."

"How... Heroic."

"Not really interested in playing the role of the main character or the strongest." Davi admitted giving a half smirk as he shrugged his shoulders. "I was born strong. I never had to train or even work out a day in my life. And when I became a Seraphin that only got bigger. Honestly. I'm likely stronger than even most high ranking Enforcers."

"Is that so." Irene said her black mask giving a grin. "Then I suppose you'll do..."

"I'll... Do..."

"Tell me. Have you ever heard of the corruption."


"I didn't think so. Honestly I doubt it exists in this world. In mine though there was a gem. One of great power. You see the Master Storm of my world wanted a weapon. So he funded a man named Mr. Hyde to make it. Unlike in this one he never resorted to cloning. Instead they worked on inserting God's power into normal humans. But... It failed. God's blood or the Corruption as it was named was made. A yellow gem that could infect someone. Most people were turned into Bestia Macht like forms. Not unlike Seraphins actually. Some like Zero though... They took it head on. My world was betrayed by a monster. A monster named Hero Otoko. A selfish brat that allowed the world to be devoured while he ran and hid in this universe. So... So many of us were broken down into nothing. I didn't want to die. I wanted to kill him more than anything. Kitsune's body had been reduced to 0% while Light and Ken lost nearly 65% of their bodies. Luckily while in the void Light managed to rebuild himself using the space of nothing replacing his parts and Ken was given the parts of some angelic figure. Me though. I never had a chance to rebuild because I never broke. In the face of doom I tried to save us all. I consumed every gem that existed all in the hopes it would improve me and make me stronger. It did. But... It wasn't enough. I couldn't stop it. No one could."

"How tragic." A voice said from behind Irene. She turned around staring into a black hole which began to light up with a green energy. "Allow me to put you out of your misery." Hero Law announced firing his beam point blank range and wiping her out in a single attack as he blew her upper half off.

Her smoldering legs fell towards the floor...

"Hero." Davi said with wide eyes. "Wow. You murdered her instantly."

"Of course I did." Hero said flatly. "She was... In so much pain." He said his right arm reverting back.

"How do you know."

Hero was silent as he rubbed his right eye. "I just do." He said flatly covering it up. "I could see how much she was hurting. Her soul was begging to be wiped out. I can't imagine the things she did when she became this... Thing. It might have looked human but she was a Bestia Macht. Or. Close enough."

"So you're okay with murdering her but not Ken?"

"Two totally separate things. Ken didn't kill anyone and could be changed back."

"Assuming she killed people?"

"I... Have reasons to believe so."

'Is it cause she has ties to Otoko?' Row asked but Hero ignored him.

Davi gave a half smirk. "So why are you here."

"Easy." Hero said flatly. "If I took her out than Sera doesn't have to go on a date with you."

"W... What!" Davi said with wide eyes. "You mean I don't get to date a sister to the empress-" Davi flashed forward slamming his arm out and smashing his fist into Hero's face. The punch threw Hero back and caused him to avoid the hundreds of ice spikes which exploded out of Irene's waist all of which stabbed into Davi's chest making blood pour out of Davi's mouth. Hero crashed down rolling back to his feet his eyes wide as he watched the pair of legs begin to get back up. Davi ripped the ice out of him as his chest began to heal steam rising from it. "Guess I'm not the only one who can heal though... I doubt a Seraphin could recover from being blasted in fucking half like that. What the hell is she? Her healing is absurd."

A new Irene formed out of the set of legs which glowed as a dress of snow and ice formed over her finally giving her clothes. She no longer had her mouth showing her lower face was twisted into a smirk filled with rows of razor sharp teeth which gave a large grin.

"~That wasn't very nice Hero.~" She said slurring her words. "I'll have to teach you a lesson!" She fired towards him at high speeds slapping out. Hero raised his arms up but he was to slow her hand going past his arms as she slapped him across the face. She sent out a barrage of blows not using her powers as Hero stumbled back.

'Fight back! You haven't even let your arm change and you're just blocking! It's like you're letting yourself get hit.'

"I... I'm trying but..."

'Damn it... Now that she's up in front of us you can't do crap... Damn that Aka. It's still affecting you this much. Alright then. Do you trust me?'


'Well. You're gonna hate this plan.'

Davi stood off to the side giving a smirk as he watched Hero get slapped around. Literally. "Serves him right... But... It's odd that he can't fight back. I hate to say it but he's near my level. How can he just be thrown around like this. It's like something is mentally stopping him from fighting back. Like he's focused to much on something. He's never going to be able to lay a hand on her like this-"

Hero slammed his clawed arm smashing it into the gut of Irene and throwing her back.

"I... Stand corrected..."

Irene let out a gasp and stood back up staring at Hero with wide eyes. Hero's left eye was closed but his right eye was still open. A strange rune seemed to have formed over it. Whenever he looked at Irene he could see many colors and auras coming off of her. But what stood out most was some kind of looming black shadow which seemed to be seeping out of her forming the shape of God. Although... It wasn't really fair to say Hero was seeing this. He was seeing darkness.

'It happened a while ago.' Row explained. 'I began to wake up and one of my eyes opened. I basically have control over your right eye. Right now you can't see out of it and your left eye is closed. You're going to have to trust me and let me guide you in order to deal strikes out. If it's so bad you can't even look at a girl trying to harm you I'll just have to use you as my weapon! This plan won't fail-'

Irene slammed an ice hammer down on Hero's head shoving him into the ground with a loud smack. Her foot flew out and she smashed a kick into his stomach.

'Shit! Uh punch le- Right- Dodge- Move back- Switch to gun- I mean-'

Hero tried to follow the directions but Row wasn't fast enough and Irene was doing her best to stand near Hero's left side as not only was his left arm normal his left eye was closed allowing her to send out barrages of punches. Add to the fact Hero really didn't trust Row all that much and this wasn't turning out to be the best plan. It might have seemed smart and on paper could work but unless both boys put trust in one another it wouldn't be the trump card Row was making it out to be...

Irene formed a large ice sword and stabbed it towards Hero's gut but all she managed to do was stab through the hand of Davi who was now in front of Hero. His hand gripped the ice blade that had stabbed him crushing it into a powder.

"Don't get me wrong. I don't mind watching Hero over there get his ass beat but even I can tell he's not at his 100% in this fight and at this point it's just becoming cruel." Davi sneered. "Besides. Unless I stop you I won't get to go on a date with a total hottie so you got to go. And if the all goody two shoes Hero back there says its okay to kill ya then." Davi gave a large grin as a smirk cross onto his face. "I ain't gotta hold back!" He announced slamming his fist forward. The attack slammed through Irene literally as he punched a hole through her making her gasp out. She gave a wide grin though as ice froze Davi's arm and she shattered it jumping back as her wound healed. Her smirk faded when Davi simply recreated a new arm. "Yeah. I'm a Seraphin. Healing is kind of our thing."

The rune around Hero's eye vanished as he opened his left eye back up now able to see again. "That was a terrible plan Row..."

'Come on it was cool! I just... Need too work on it.'

Hero let out a sigh as he watched the two. "Well... I guess it's up to Davi then. Sorry Sera I tried."

Irene gave a wide grin showing off her fanged teeth. "Fine then. I'll just have to play with you first."

"You are one creepy bitch you know that?" Davi said. "Totally hot though. We go on a date I'll over look this whole thing-"

Irene created a large ice great sword jumping at the teen and slamming it down towards him. Davi smirked creating a large black spike out of his wrist which was attached to him. He raised it up blocking the ice sword but Irene brought her other arm back forming an ice spear and stabbing it forward blasting a hole through his chest. She twisted the spear a few times getting blood to pour out of Davi's mouth and down his chin. In retaliation to this Davi stepped forward and slammed his head into her's as hard as he could. Irene however didn't seem to care and instead opened her mouth as wide as she could. Her jaw seemed to actually snap and unhinge getting super wide as she bit down and forcefully tore off his entire right arm.

"Ow shit!" Davi slammed his left arm into her gut blasting her with a wave of blue energy as he tripped back a new arm sprouting out of his shoulder. "What the actual hell!"

Irene merrily giggled and began to eat his arm bones and all. "I bet when I eat 'him' he'll taste even better!" She laughed jumping at him.

"Okay. Crazy has to die." Davi announced stabbing her through her skull with a black spike. He twisted the skull ripping a chunk of her head off and kicking her body back. He didn't stop there though as he slammed a spike through her heart and raised her up on it. "Let's see you grow back from this." He announced throwing her into the air. "Susanoo!" He roared a blue ring of energy forming around him as he held up his hands which formed into a thick energy blade the size of a great sword. As Irene's body fell he sliced out with speeds beyond light sending out trillions of slashes all in the span of a second. There was a bright flash as Irene's headless body exploded into a hail of gore having been sliced up with insane speeds and blood raining down. A small yellow gem also landed on the ground. "And that. It how you-"

The yellow gem glowed as all the blood, and gore lifted up off the ground and swirled around the gem reforming into her body and growing back whatever was lost as she reformed completely a new snow dress forming around her. She stood back up and cocked her head to the side staring at a stunned Hero and Davi.

"Uh... You uh... You got a way to kill people like this?" Davi asked.

"Nope. You?"


"Oh... Well shit."


Irene held her hands out sprouting a pair of ice blades out. She charged at the downed Hero, and shocked Davi, stabbing out-

A wave of blue flames slammed into her as ice grew across her body.

Seconds later Kitsune landed behind her. "Hey. Mind if I get in on this? Sera's agreed to go out with me if I take this chick down."

"God damn it!"