A Duo

Night Two Hundred And Thirty Seven

Age 1991

Gladiolus City...

The Arena...

Both girls stared at one another. Lucy had her suitcase which was her Equip type able to pull out powerful eldritch monsters from another world, a place called the realm of Nothing, and Emma had her chainsaw, her Equip type which could send out rippling waves of vibration that she could use to rip her enemies to shreds.

Both girls were quiet dangerous.

Both girls wanted to win.

Only one could though...

Both girls knew this...


"Don't." Lucy said bluntly. "Trying to reach out to me in a fight like this is to put it simply not advised. We are both trying to win these games and to do that each of us will need to give 100% and win this match no matter what. We both have to step up. Trying to connect to me is a dumb move that could lead to you going soft and losing the fight. Therefore it is best if you were to come at me head on and throw your all into every attack that you can in order to try and best me before I can come up with a means of attack that would allow me to over power you and grant the win to myself. At least this is the plan that someone smart would use." She said speaking in her normally blank and emotionless way that Emma had grown used to.

Emma couldn't help the giggle that escaped her lips which made Lucy cock her head to the side when staring at the girl with the chainsaw.

"I do not recall telling a joke?"

"S... Sorry." Emma nodded. "It's just... I was scared. Scared you really did hate me. Scared you wanted me dead. Scared that I lost one of my friends. But that speech just now. It shows me that you don't even care about fighting me at your best. Otherwise you'd have let me try and connect with you. If you really wanted to beat me you'd allow me to make myself weaker but you didn't. You still care. No person who actually cared to win would speak about their plans like that to the one they're trying to beat. And that... That makes me happy." She smiled.


"Know that I am right?"

Lucy was silent as she stared at Emma. "I'm going to do my best to beat you." She finished.

Emma nodded her head. "I understand. Come at me with everything Lucy!"

And the arena was filled with the roars of a chainsaw and the clicks of a suitcase...

Meanwhile at top of the Arena...

The yellow gem glowed as all the blood, and gore lifted up off the ground and swirled around the gem reforming into her body and growing back whatever was lost as she reformed completely a new snow dress forming around her. She stood back up and cocked her head to the side staring at a stunned Hero and Davi.

"Uh... You uh... You got a way to kill people like this?" Davi asked.

"Nope. You?"


"Oh... Well shit."


Irene held her hands out sprouting a pair of ice blades out. She charged at the downed Hero, and shocked Davi, stabbing out-

A wave of blue flames slammed into her as ice grew across her body.

Seconds later Kitsune landed behind her. "Hey. Mind if I get in on this? Sera's agreed to go out with me if I take this chick down."

"God damn it!"

"Wait." Irene said causally stepping out of the blue fire seemingly not harmed by the attack. She frowned as she folded her arms. "Are all three of you just doing this to get with this Sera girl?" She asked raising her eyebrow and giving them a judgmental look.

"Says the pervert who was walking around in her underwear." Davi said flatly.

"He's got you there. And to answer your question. I'm not." Hero shrugged. "I'm not in it for Sera." He said flatly. "I'm honestly just here to screw over Davi and make sure he doesn't go on a date with Sera."

"You little shit."

Kitsune gave a smirk as she placed her hands on her hips. "I however am doing this to go on a date with Sera!" She announced. "Not only is she a Noble of the Twenty Sacred Branches, she's also the younger sister to the Empress, who is about to marry into the Storm family, and in nine months she'll be the Aunt to a very powerful baby. I'd be crazy not to make her my mate."

"Hmm." Irene frowned. "I had no idea this worlds version of me was into girls. And you have flame based powers as well?"

"Uh... Yeah I'm not a girl. Also I'm Kitsune. I fused with Irene..."

"...What? What the hell is up with Kitsune's and getting stuck in female bodies." Irene muttered.

"I know right." Hero said. "Also. Why are you here?"

"Oh. Nothing to be worried about." Irene smiled. "I didn't come to cause trouble." She stared at Hero as she licked her lips. "I just wanted to see you."

"I am uncomfortable."

Kitsune let out a sigh flipping her hair in much the same way Ken would do. "You know what. Who cares why she's here. I don't. I'm sick and tired of this. It's happening over and over again. It's not fun anymore. I'm ending it."

"Ending it?" Irene asked.

"Yeah. I'm fused. I'm the strongest one here." Kitsune stated in a flat tone. "And you. You are on fire."

"What? No I'm not-"

Kitsune appeared behind Irene in a loud crack moving far faster than Hero, or Davi, the two boys not even able to follow what just happened. A fused warrior held so much power. More than most people could use on their own. Kitsune's hand was out as the icy blue flames streaked after her washing over Irene and lighting the girl ablaze. "Yeah." Kitsune said giving a smirk. "You are." She slammed her hands together forming a massive flaming hammer made out of what looked like ice which she then used to spin on the balls of her feet smashing the massive flaming ice hammer into Irene and sending the woman flying back. "Hero! Let's do that cool baseball combo-"

Hero ducked down not even trying to hit Irene as she went flying over him and crashed down into the stone wall they were on flipping over.

"Hero what the hell? You didn't even try to- Oh that's right... That weakness. Shit."

"I got this." Davi said giving a smirk as a massive blue aura swirled around him and he clasped his arms together. They began to form and swirl around his arms. "Hey Law." He said in a blunt tone stepping past Hero. "I saw you do something like this. It gave the idea for this move. I really dislike you, you know. But I'll admit you got style. So I'm dedicating this move to you. So watch. Because if we end up coming to blows you can bet your sorry ass this is the move I'm going to use to take you down." He screamed jumping towards Irene who was still getting back up. The aura exploded around him into what looked like a massive snake. The snake split apart into eight forms all swirling around him as they smashed into the girl and he unleashed a powerful uppercut that smashed into the woman. "Heroic Orochi Strike!" He yelled.


Part of the arena shook and the giant eight headed energy snake that was flying into the air and exploding was enough to make everyone notice the fact that there was a battle happening on the walls.

"What the hell is that?" Sif asked with wide eyes.

Katrina stared up at the wall spotting Hero, and Kitsune. "That's two recruits that are about to get their asses beat." Katrina said standing up and letting out a growl. "God damn it I swear to God-"

Back on the wall the dust settled showing Irene was back up. Either she didn't take any damage, or she had just healed from it they didn't know. They also didn't really care.

"That didn't do shit." Hero yelled.

"Oh piss off Mr. Can't fight women." Davi yelled smacking Hero over the head.

"Yeah I'm gonna be honest I don't really know what we're doing here." Kitsune said flatly. "I thought Ken's bs healing was enough to drive me mad but this is just... Unfair. I really hope we never see anyone else who has been corrupted." She sighed.

"You guys are screwed." Irene smirked.

"I 100% believe you." Hero said.

Irene fired forward on a sled of ice using it to slide towards the two guys, and one fused woman, she slammed into all three smashed her left arm into Hero, and Davi, while her right arm, slammed across Kitsune. The force of them threw them flying back. As they slammed back she smashed her hands together than opened them as several large ice shards all appeared around her. She threw her arms forward causing the ice drills to go flying out towards the three who all had to defend themselves in their own ways.

Davi simply slammed his foot out kicking it through the ice. Hero shifted his arm into his large clawed form holding it out and blocking the strikes. Kitsune simply washed herself in flames melting the ice before it could actually harm her.

Irene formed a large ice halberd in her arms giving a wicked smirk. "Come at me! I want to see everything you all got." She cackled.

Hero managed to slam his clawed arm into the ground ripping a chunk of it out. He closed his eyes taking a deep breath and ignoring the voice of Row as he slammed his arm forward throwing the large boulder he had. He used his heat and sound blasting it setting the stone rock on fire and using the sound as a beam of energy that forced the large rock forward at a fast speed spinning towards the crazed and insane monstrous woman that they were all fighting. He did this all without looking at her and doing his best to tune his mind down though he couldn't help but think of the voice that entered his mind...

'So... You think that just because I had a use for you... What? You could come up here and boss me around? I have half a mind to just get my uses with you over with, than slaughter you and everyone of your friends. Oh? You're sorry? Oh... You're not. Not yet. But don't worry. You will be. Stop crying. My whip hardly hurts that much. We haven't even started yet. Stop talking. We've already seen your words are useless. Just shut up and let me finish. Almost...~'

He couldn't help the shudder that went through him...

Irene slammed her halberd through the massive flaming stone block. As she crashed out of it she spun her body and slammed her weapon across Hero's head sending him flying back causing him to slam over the stone wall.

Davi jumped into the air bringing his arms up as he crashed down towards the woman. The blue energy wrapped around his body forming what looked like the image of a large snake head around his body. He kicked out using his legs to kick off of the air launching himself towards the woman. As he did he stabbed his arm towards the girl his black spike stabbing through his arm and launching through the womans chest as he smashed himself through her. "Ha! Take that you damn bitc-"

Irene grabbed the spike that was in her, as well as Davi's arm and simply ripped it off splitting herself open as she dragged it out. Her mouth opened wide as she formed her teeth and bit down onto Davi's neck curving her body and sending the Seraphin flying back where he crashed into Hero who was getting back up. The two tumbled over the wall but Hero caught himself right his left arm and grabbed onto Davi's leg with his right. Davi wasn't moving and seemingly knocked out likely having died from having his body ripped open meaning he'd need to heal around it.

"Last one?" Irene asked turning to look up as Kitsune dropped down towards her. Kitsune gave a smirk as she brought her arm back her icy blue flames spilling out wrapping around her arm and forming a set of icy knuckle dusters. The flames blasted out of her legs as she slammed her arm out as fast as she could only for Irene to dodge the strike jumping back. "You know..." Irene said letting out a giggle. "You really are amazing. You have both my powers and even those of Kitsune. They flow together. Flames so cold they freeze."

"It's pretty cool right?" Kitsune asked. "We can do so much. But just wait until you see what I can really do." She launched herself towards Irene. "Take this!" She announced the blue flames forming a frozen version of Hero's clawed arm. "My old heroic strike-" Kitsune's body glowed as she suddenly separated into Kitsune Nine, and Irene Glacious. The two Enforcers slammed past a stunned Irene who stood there with wide eyes.

"Uh... What?" Crazed Irene asked.

"Oh." Kitsune said staring down at his hands as Irene began to sit up next to him. "Yay! We're unfused-" Crazed Irene slammed her arm forward grabbing Kitsune by the throat. "Oh no! We're unfused-"

"Kinetic Blast!" The pissed off voice of Katrina screamed as she slammed down into Irene smashing her arm forward and through the woman as hard as she could. "HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I SAID STAY PUT!"

"AHHHH!" All three of the Squad Recruits yelled.