My Child

Night Two Hundred And Thirty Eight

Age 1991

Gladiolus City...

At top of the Arena...

"Last one?" Irene asked turning to look up as Kitsune dropped down towards her. Kitsune gave a smirk as she brought her arm back her icy blue flames spilling out wrapping around her arm and forming a set of icy knuckle dusters. The flames blasted out of her legs as she slammed her arm out as fast as she could only for Irene to dodge the strike jumping back. "You know..." Irene said letting out a giggle. "You really are amazing. You have both my powers and even those of Kitsune. They flow together. Flames so cold they freeze."

"It's pretty cool right?" Kitsune asked. "We can do so much. But just wait until you see what I can really do." She launched herself towards Irene. "Take this!" She announced the blue flames forming a frozen version of Hero's clawed arm. "My old heroic strike-" Kitsune's body glowed as she suddenly separated into Kitsune Nine, and Irene Glacious. The two Enforcers slammed past a stunned Irene who stood there with wide eyes.

"Uh... What?" Crazed Irene asked.

"Oh." Kitsune said staring down at his hands as Irene began to sit up next to him. "Yay! We're unfused-" Crazed Irene slammed her arm forward grabbing Kitsune by the throat. "Oh no! We're unfused-"

"Kinetic Blast!" The pissed off voice of Katrina screamed as she slammed down into Irene smashing her arm forward and through the woman as hard as she could. "HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I SAID STAY PUT!"

"AHHHH!" All three of the Squad Recruits yelled.

"I'm okay right?" Davi asked.

Hero gave a blank look than let go of Davi's leg dropping the boy off the side of the wall as he pulled himself up. "Captain Katrina I can explain."

"...Okay? Go on."


"Give me your reason. And if it's a good reason I won't beat your ass into the ground. If it's not a good reason I'm going to beat your ass into the ground. You'll likely be snapped in half and it will hurt by a lot. So. Give me your good reason right now."

"Oh shit that worked? I didn't have anything planned for this. I was expecting you to just yell at me..."

"Damn it Hero." Kitsune sighed. "I should have known you'd fail me."

"Piss off Fox. I've gone through a lot you asshole."

Irene slowly stumbled to her feet staring down at her hands. "S... So we're unfused." Irene said her eyes wide. Her skin was pale and she seemed to be shaking as thoughts and memories of everything that happened when she was bonded with Kitsune went through her mind. "I..." She turned around slamming her hand across Hero's face sending him stumbling back as he tripped over his feet landing on his behind his eyes wide as he slowly reached up to his red face which had the large handprint across it. "You... Hero..." She said her eyes wide tears streaming down it.

"I... Irene-"

"You... You idiot. You actually tried to get me to give you my blessing for that woman hurting you... This is why I hate you so much Hero!" She yelled spinning around and running off.

Hero stayed sitting there his legs slowly crossing as he rubbed his bruised and slapped face. "I did it again huh." He said a small smile crossing onto his lips. "Man I really screwed up this time huh."

"You kind of had that coming." Kitsune said flatly. "Also... Oh God. I know what Irene thinks about you now... Hot damn she thinks about you without a shirt on a lot..."

Katrina let out a sigh folding her arms. "Well. I was going to punish you Hero but from what I've heard, and what I just saw, I'd say you've had enough for one day. As for you Kitsune."

"Uh oh."

Karina cracked her knuckles as she stared down at the shaking Noble who began to back away slowly. "No need to be so scared greedy little fox."

"Uh Captain." Kitsune said with a bit of fear in his voice. Katrina gave a wide grin for a moment as small bits of aura slowly rolled off of her. "...This... This is going to hurt isn't it..."

"God I hope so." Katrina said her eyes glowing. "I've told you all how many times now to sit down and stay put-"

"Katrina!" Jackson yelled suddenly appearing in a flash as lightning appeared around him and he grabbed Katrina. The woman turned to stare just in time as large blades of ice fired towards them, as all the blood and gore that was the crazy monster Irene began to put itself back together. Jackson managed to use his insane speed to push himself and Katrina out of the way causing the massive ice blades to stab over them all missing them.

"She's still standing!" Kitsune said with wide eyes.

Irene's body pulled itself back together shocking Katrina, and Jackson, as she looked almost exactly like their version of Irene but her eyes were a pale yellow and her hair was brighter. Her naked body was quickly wrapped back up in layers of snow and ice as she pressed her hands together forming her ice sword which she spun around pointing up at Jackson and Katrina the wide grin on her face growing so much larger than a face should be able to stretch, her teeth getting longer and jagged as she inched forward by a small bit eyeing the two high leveled Enforcers up.

"So both Katrina, and Jackson, are in this world."

"I... Irene?" Jackson asked in shock.

"Oh that's right our Captain, and Vice Captain, don't know about the whole multiverse and other people things." Kitsune said with wide eyes.

"Hero explain." Katrina sighed.

"Long story short... Fuck load of other worlds in other universes. She's an Irene from a world who was blown to bits and eaten. There's also a Ken, and a Kitsune, and a Hero. I'd also guess there was a Light." Hero shrugged.

"That... I'm gonna pretend like that makes sense..." Katrina sighed.

"It does."

"No. No it doesn't."

Irene's smile somehow grew even larger. "I wonder... The Katrina in my world was pregnant by the end of Age 1991." Irene said making Jackson and Katrina's eyes go wide. "If I slice you open will I find a baby in it."

"A child... In me." Katrina said slowly reaching up to her stomach.

Irene fired forward at fast speeds towards the shocked woman as she stabbed out with her large ice spear towards the woman. Jackson's eyes went wide as he jumped in front of the woman holding his arms out ready to take the strike-

A clawed hand grabbed the ice spear causing it to stop in its track.

"Nice save Hero!" Kitsune said with wide eyes. "You moved fast-" Kitsune stopped when he saw Hero was still on the ground and hadn't moved. "Oh. You cloned yourself."

"I hate how dumb you are." Hero sighed. "Although cloning would be a pretty dope skill. I've also been working on this skill I saw Light do-"

Katrina, Jackson, and Irene, all stared up at Hero Law, who stood in front of Irene, her arm changed into her clawed form, her body covered in the bandages. She was holding Irene's arm back stopping it from being pushed forward any further.

"W... What the hell are you doing." Irene hissed.

Hero slapped her hand across Irene's face sending the woman down to the floor. Then she spun on the hills of her feet smashing her arm into Jackson, Katrina, and Kitsune, throwing them all off the top of the wall and sending them down to the snowy fields below where they all crashed into Davi who was just getting back up. Finally her arm reverted back to normal as she let out a small sigh. Irene let out a hiss jumping back to her feet as she threw out a powerful punch but Hero simply caught. Then she slowly turned to look at her male counterpart who was stuck on the ground his eyes wide.

"Hi Row."

"...It's Hero."

"No it's not."

"Yes it is."

"No it's not-"

"What the hell." Irene hissed ripping her arm out of Hero's grasp. "Why the hell did you stop me. I was going to kill them."

"Because you fool." Hero sighed shaking her head. "I need that man alive and he'd gladly throw his life away. Plus Kitsune wants the other Kitsune alive, and I won't let you harm my child. You can kill the other Hero Otoko, but this one is off limits. Should anyone kill him it will be me. If I knew you were going to run over here and pull these stunts I wouldn't have let you out of my sight. Do you understand me."

Irene hissed folding her arms. "W... Whatever." She hissed turning her nose up at the older woman.

"Good. Let's go." Hero said turning around and holding her arm out as a black portal began to open.

"I won't let you get away!" Hero yelled jumping towards her his right arm reverting to his shield arm as he threw out a punch throwing his all into the attack.

The female Hero gave a wide grin catching the strike with her own clawed hand and shutting his attack down. Then to Hero's shock, her arm reverted back to normal and she pulled him into her, her arms wrapped around his body. Hero went slack and didn't move, as she held him in a loving hug.

"I've noticed that issue you've had with women." Hero whispered running her fingers through his snow white hair. Her blood red eyes seemed to glow as she gave an actual honest smile. "However with Daughter you're not affected by this. And now with me you managed to throw out an attack. You see me at least partially the same way you see Daughter. You're not threatened by her because she's your kid. And now you're not affected by me because I'm your mother. I win. My child..." She said letting out a chuckle.

"N... No that's not-"

"I can't wait to meet my Grand Daughter."

"Like I'll ever let you near Daughter-"

"Not that one." She said making Hero go silent. She pushed him away and stepped through the black portal.

As soon as she was gone Jackson crackled down next to Hero ready for a fight but she was gone already. He was silent as he stared at the spot where she had been which was now empty. "She's gone." He said frowning.

"Y... Yeah." Hero sighed. "Her Clown Crest seems to allow her to teleport away somehow..."

"...Hero." Jackson turned to look at Hero and raised his arm up as a sword of lightning appeared in his hands which was placed at Hero's throat. "...We need to talk."

Down At The Arena...

Both girls stared at one another. Lucy had her suitcase which was her Equip type able to pull out powerful eldritch monsters from another world, a place called the realm of Nothing, and Emma had her chainsaw, her Equip type which could send out rippling waves of vibration that she could use to rip her enemies to shreds.

Both girls were quiet dangerous.

Both girls wanted to win.

Only one could though...

Both girls knew this...


"Don't." Lucy said bluntly. "Trying to reach out to me in a fight like this is to put it simply not advised. We are both trying to win these games and to do that each of us will need to give 100% and win this match no matter what. We both have to step up. Trying to connect to me is a dumb move that could lead to you going soft and losing the fight. Therefore it is best if you were to come at me head on and throw your all into every attack that you can in order to try and best me before I can come up with a means of attack that would allow me to over power you and grant the win to myself. At least this is the plan that someone smart would use." She said speaking in her normally blank and emotionless way that Emma had grown used to.

Emma couldn't help the giggle that escaped her lips which made Lucy cock her head to the side when staring at the girl with the chainsaw.

"I do not recall telling a joke?"

"S... Sorry." Emma nodded. "It's just... I was scared. Scared you really did hate me. Scared you wanted me dead. Scared that I lost one of my friends. But that speech just now. It shows me that you don't even care about fighting me at your best. Otherwise you'd have let me try and connect with you. If you really wanted to beat me you'd allow me to make myself weaker but you didn't. You still care. No person who actually cared to win would speak about their plans like that to the one they're trying to beat. And that... That makes me happy." She smiled.


"Know that I am right?"

Lucy was silent as she stared at Emma. "I'm going to do my best to beat you." She finished.

Emma nodded her head. "I understand. Come at me with everything Lucy!"

And the arena was filled with the roars of a chainsaw and the clicks of a suitcase...

The battle was finally about to begin.