Introducing Hero Junior

Night Two Hundred And Forty

Age 1991

Day Of The Enforcers Exam...

Training Room...

Emma, Lucy, and Sera, all three hit the ground each one of them breathing heavily as sweat poured down them.

Each one of them was bruised, battered, scraped, cut, sliced, bleeding, and even somehow a little burnt and covered in ice. In front of them Sif, the Captain of Squad Seven stood, not even harmed despite the beat down they had all been trying to give her.

In the back Nick Ale the Squad Seven Vice Captain stood a small fading grin on his face. "Perhaps this was a bad idea lady Sif... Going all out on them all at once."

"Non-Sense." Sif said shaking her head and letting out a cute yawn as she stretched her arms up high above her head. "I haven't gone all out. I'm still in my weak form."

"Not really the issue here Captain..."

"Besides." She stared ahead at the three of them. "If they can't keep going. Then they have no right to be Enforcers in my Squad. The Squad which held the bravest, kindest man. The one who would have saved the world if he had the chance and didn't throw his life away. The one who has earned my respect and love. Jin Nine. The greatest Enforcer."

"W... We can keep going." Emma said wobbling to her feet her chain saw roaring to life.

"T... The Human body really is amazing." Lucy gasped speaking in her normally blank way. "It is able to push past its limits again and again if it has to."

"W... Well... L... Looks like it's settled then." Sera sighed standing up as well as her blood flowed out forming several notched whips around her. "A... As the younger Sister of the Empress it is naturally my duty to be better than them. And if they can keep going than so can I."

"You... You do know you're the weakest one here yes?" Lucy asked.

"Lucy don't be rude and break her cool moment." Emma sighed.


"I hate you both." Sera hissed.

Over with Sif she found a small smirk crossing onto her face. "So. That way wasn't good enough?"

"Huh?" The three teens turned to look at her as she stepped forward.

"In that case. Nick. Pay attention. This is me going all out." Sif stated holding her hand out as it began to glow. "Level. Three."


Present Day...

Gladiolus City...

The Arena...

Squad Six Box...

"So what's happening?"

Ken, Shelly, Light, Irene, and Daughter, all turned when they heard the voice.

"Father!" Daughter yelled jumping out of the box and wrapping her arms around Hero Law who stood outside of the box now a small smirk on his lips. Next to him was Kitsune Nine.

"Hey. We're back." Hero nodded. "Would have been back earlier but... I had to talk to Jackson about some personal matters."

Kitsune gave a sly grin as he leaned on the wall peering out at Sera. "Well Sera... You'll be very happy to know that we settled that matter on the wall so Emma, and Lucy, wont be bothered. I was able to-"

"He's lying." Davi said walking past them and climbing into his box with his sister. "None of us beat them had to be saved by the Captains, fuck you guys, that's for Hero dropping me."


Sera let out a sigh. "Well. As long as nothing else comes along to break up their fight." She said.

"I have a feeling it wont." Hero said.

"S... So this means you'll stay here with me?" Daughter asked hope in her tone. The drone on her head buzzed and she held her stuffed animal closer.

"Y... Yeah."

Shelly let out a sigh of her own. "So are we done with the whole running off thing?"

"I hope not." Ken announced. "I want my turn to go beat up some guy!"

"I... I have to admit I was hoping for one or two more." Light admitted. "I kind of wanted to test out my new gun. It's all awkward and clunky. I just... It feels weird."

"S... Sorry." Ken said letting out a small hiss. "That's my fault for break it."

Irene folded her arms ignoring the group as she stared up at the planet where a panicking Olf could be seen hiding behind Leo as the two girls seemed to have a conversation. "Looks like they're getting back to the fight." Irene said making the group all turn to look as well.

"Oh good." Hero nodded. "That means Lucy is going to use our secret weapon now."

"Secret weapon?" Kitsune asked turning to look back at his friend.

"Yeah." Hero nodded. "We built it after the first rounds. Hella helped to. We knew that Lucy would end up fighting Emma next, and Lucy wasn't strong enough to deal with a level two. I doubt even I could beat Emma the state of power she is in now. So. We helped her create something."


"Cause it's funny."

Up in the arena...


"So come at me with everything you have! That's what friends do!"

"I never expected you to be the one raising her voice. I guess we're rubbing off on you and getting you to open up." Emma chuckled.

"This is all the strength I got from my friends and my teacher."

Emma stumbled back to her feet giving a half smile. "Right... Well. Remember. You asked for this."

"I did. And when I beat you it will make me feel even better."

"Well. Let's see. Level... Two." Emma's weapon lit up brighter than the artificial lights for a moment humming with a loud buzzing power that sent out waves. She held her weapon out grabbing it with both hands and pulling on it as the white outline of the weapon split into two chainsaw styled swords and lit up with a white flame like energy. The lights formed the weapons seemingly out of nothing as they gained their forms. The handle of swords, one in each hand, with the long blade of a chainsaw which was roaring to life, white flames seeping out of them, as the duel weapons vibrated and send out arcing waves of energy from the sheer amount of powers that both weapons held.

Lucy had a stunned look on her face. It was amazing seeing it the first time, but seeing them this up close was something else.

"Don't look so shocked." Emma said breaking Lucy out of her trance. "As I just said earlier. You're the one that asked for this. So don't go and try and back out now."

Lucy went back to her blank look but the smallest hints of a smile could be seen on her lips. "Tell me something..." Lucy said holding her case up. "Do you know about the many tests that exist?"

"Tests?" Emma asked frowning.

"Yes. There are a lot. They were funded by the Red Nation to create a super solider of Godlike power, but all failed, either because the budget was to much to make them, or the creation went out of control and gained its own sense of self."


"Do you know how my powers work?" Lucy asked cutting the girl off.

"Not... Really?" Emma shrugged. "I mean... You pull monsters out of that suit case right?"

"Hmm." Lucy held her case up once again showing it off. "An Equip type. Like my sister I inherited an Equation. Other than my sister the rest of my family are humans. However my mother and father were marine biologists who specialized in studying aquatic Bestia Macht of the ecephalopods in the superorder Decapodiformes family."

"...The what?"

Lucy let out a sigh. "My mother and father studied Squid style Bestia Macht that lived in the ocean. Bestia Macht are like animas though all seem to come program with a taste for human blood and a desire to kill anything that isn't a Bestia Macht. They also seem to usually be mixes of these things. Well as luck would happen my ability allows me to summon Bestia Macht of the ecephalopods in the superorder Decapodiformes family. As you've likely noticed each of these Bestia Macht all look like mixes of animals and all have Squid heads. These Bestia Macht however see me as a Queen. You see they have system. Barons listen to Viscounts, which listen to Earls, which listen to Marquesses, which listen to Dukes, which listens to the Prince. It makes you wonder if there is anything out there that is higher than a Prince? Some that the Prince listens to? So far there is only one Prince Bestia Macht and that was locked up long ago. As for Dukes they exist but only about five. The most famous of which being the Beast of Hunger. Marquesses down are the typical Bestia Macht. Currently I can summon an Earl at max."

"I... Don't see what this has to do with anything?" Emma frowned.

"I'm getting to it. You see. My Suit case doesn't actually just summon Bestia Macht. No. My suit case is a gateway to its own pocket world. A frozen world filled with Barons, Viscounts, and Earls. They all see me as the Queen. For whatever reason they are all mutated to the point where none can level up higher than an Earl. I'm guessing if I gained Level Two it would cause many to mutate to Marquess and maybe even a Duke, and at level three, I would likely be able to form a Prince level. The main thing I'm getting at though is all the creatures live here until I call them out. As such most are just mindless beasts that will follow my orders out of instincts. However... As you've seen with the ones with bombs. Or the one with chainsaws for fingers. I have taken some out and trained them. Unlike normal Bestia Macht they don't heal. As such I had to make up for it with other means. Cybernetic enhances. For a while now I've been taken Bestia Macht out and giving them boosts in power to make up for the fact they're all stuck at Earl level."

"So thats why some are built to counter me... You've been searching out Bestia Macht in that world and adding onto them." Emma nodded.

"That's right." Lucy actually gave a small smile now. "And I have a special case for you... One I built with help. I found the biggest strongest Earl I could and we got to work on him. He likely would have evolved into Marquess level if he could but his body was refusing to let him. As such he built up all that dark matter that make up the Bestia Macht. So much energy and yet unable to release any of it. I brought up some of the tests the Nation ran for a reason. You see project Rebirth was a process that involved bringing a dead Enforcer back to life in a stronger body. It was shut down since most went insane and the few that did work were still crazy. One thing it did though involved pumping the body full of nanos giving it a self healing. Nowhere near as good as a Seraphin or a Bestia Macht but it was better than nothing."

"W... Where the hell did you get Nano bots?"

"I had a certain girl make them for me and help me preform the surgery." Lucy smirked. She clicked her case open as a light began to seep out and something let out a roar and began to pull itself out of the case. "We found the biggest strongest Bestia Macht we could. We pumped his body full of Nanos and took out the nerves that could feel pain. Then we drugged him up on various steroids' and other drugs and melded a metallic material to his flesh that Hero provided with his arm. It's not as good as his current arm since he's gone through several upgrades but this arm was still strong. We took the metal from that and he kept recreating it since he can heal that limb. This allowed us to meld the metal to this beasts flesh and power it up even more!" She announced in a happy tone.

Hundreds of tendrils reached out as the Bestia Macht emerged finally allowing everyone to see it...

And what a sight it was.

From the waist down it had what looked like the body of a powerful lion. Instead of fur it was covered in shards of stained grey metal that made it looked more machine like. It's tail was long nearly six feet in length and had a large crescent blade at the tip. The lion body was massive reaching nearly eight feet in length. At the neck instead of a head was a body. What looked like a humanoid body. It was also covered in the white metal. It had a set of eight arms each holding a sword, spear, mace, axe, shield, Morningstar, a whip, and a bigger sword. It's head was that of a Squid, and much like the rest of it, the head was coated in the iron substance. Hundreds of tendrils spilled out however, each one was wrapped in what looked like barbed wire.

The beast looked as if it was in much, much, pain, letting out loud howls and roars as its eight arms slammed down ripping everything around it, and its tendrils and tails whipped around slicing the very ground apart and shaking the planet.

"What the actual hell." Emma asked with wide eyes.

"Introducing Hero Junior." Lucy smiled.