I Win

Night Two Hundred And Forty One

Age 1991

Gladiolus City...

The Arena...

"W... Where the hell did you get Nano bots?"

"I had a certain girl make them for me and help me preform the surgery." Lucy smirked. She clicked her case open as a light began to seep out and something let out a roar and began to pull itself out of the case. "We found the biggest strongest Bestia Macht we could. We pumped his body full of Nanos and took out the nerves that could feel pain. Then we drugged him up on various steroids' and other drugs and melded a metallic material to his flesh that Hero provided with his arm. It's not as good as his current arm since he's gone through several upgrades but this arm was still strong. We took the metal from that and he kept recreating it since he can heal that limb. This allowed us to meld the metal to this beasts flesh and power it up even more!" She announced in a happy tone.

Hundreds of tendrils reached out as the Bestia Macht emerged finally allowing everyone to see it...

And what a sight it was.

From the waist down it had what looked like the body of a powerful lion. Instead of fur it was covered in shards of stained grey metal that made it looked more machine like. It's tail was long nearly six feet in length and had a large crescent blade at the tip. The lion body was massive reaching nearly eight feet in length. At the neck instead of a head was a body. What looked like a humanoid body. It was also covered in the white metal. It had a set of eight arms each holding a sword, spear, mace, axe, shield, Morningstar, a whip, and a bigger sword. It's head was that of a Squid, and much like the rest of it, the head was coated in the iron substance. Hundreds of tendrils spilled out however, each one was wrapped in what looked like barbed wire.

Down In the Squad Six Box...

"Hero what the hell did you do!" Irene asked staring at the massive monster with wide eyes. She turned glaring at Hero.

"I helped create a super deadly unstoppable super weapon monster and powered it with my metal from my old right arm so what?" Hero shrugged.

"You're hopeless." Irene sighed.

"I have a brother!" Daughter asked with wider eyes.

"Nah." Hero shook his head as he patted Daughters head. "This one is more like the red headed step child I don't talk about. Lucy is technically the parent Hella and I just helped to make it more badass."

"Oh sure." Ken sighed. "Lucy you'll drop everything on a dime and help her make a freakish abomination, but for me you'll force me to pay the bill."

"Man that thing is badass." Kitsune said with wide eyes.

"Respect." Hero stated fist bumping his fox rival.

"That things got to be pretty strong right." Light frowned.

"Yeah but." Shelly folded her arms a small smirk on her lips. "Emma can beat it."

"We'll see." Hero shrugged. "As it stands Hella, Lucy, and I, all three poured everything we had into creating this thing. It's pretty strong."

"Strong enough to beat a level two?" Kitsune asked raising an eyebrow.

"I think we're about to find out." Ken said.

Up with the Enforcers all the Captains were eying the monster up. Last time a Bestia Macht was in the arena it didn't go all that well.

"Did you know she could do that?" Nick asked turning to look at Sif.

"I did not." The small Captain said letting out a sigh as she folded her arms. "Even so though..." She gave a small smirk. "I'm glad."

Up above in the arena on the mini planet...

The beast looked as if it was in much, much, pain, letting out loud howls and roars as its eight arms slammed down ripping everything around it, and its tendrils and tails whipped around slicing the very ground apart and shaking the planet.

"What the actual hell." Emma asked with wide eyes.

"Introducing Hero Junior." Lucy smiled.

"Hero Junior?" Emma asked frowning.

"Hella named it..."

"And she named it Hero Junior?"

"Hero Otoko Junior technically."

"Ahh. I see. So it's not named after the better Hero."

"That's what I said also." Lucy nodded. "Oh yeah dodge."

"Dodge what-" Emma jumped to the right with blinding speeds as a massive burst of green energy blasted out of the creatures mouth splitting the top of the arena in half as it blasted up so high it cut through the clouds in mere seconds! Emmas eyes were wide as she stared at the beast. "That was Hero's Rage Canon-"

The Bestia Macht let out a loud roaring cry, likely in so much pain, as it charged at her stabbing out with its massive sword only for Emma to back flip away just in the nick of time the massive sword flying over her head and missing her. As she landed back on her feet she jumped up landing on the sword and ran up it. Her weapons glowed and hummed buzzing with a powerful burst of aura as she slammed them down into the beast only for them to bounce off of the metal unable to make a dent in it.

"It's hard-" One of the tendrils sliced out towards her but Emma held her chainsaws out in a criss cross 'X' shape just in time as the tendril slammed into her and she was sent flying back sliding back onto her feet. "Damn. Hero's arm is tough. I'm gonna have to think on my feet if I want to break past this things armor-"

"Don't think it's all you have to worry about!" Lucy yelled jumping through the smoke and slamming her suit case over Emma's head sending the girl stumbling back. Lucy pulled out what looked like a long knife and made a stab towards the girl but Emma twirled around dodging it!

"Maybe I was over thinking it." Emma yelled out. "After all if I take you out then I still win." She announced jumping at Lucy and slicing her weapons down. Lucy raised her suit case up using it to block the battle nuns strike, but the sheer force of the attack, and the vibrations that soared through her body ripping her insides up was enough to make Lucy gasp out. Emma raised her weapons up again but was suddenly slammed into from the side by the Bestia Macht. The force of the attack threw Emma back who spun around stabbing her weapons into the ground and stopping her fall. She looked back up just in time to see the Bestia Macht raise its arm back and throw the spear. "Oh come on..." Emma sighed.

The massive spear hurled through the air at a fast speed but Emma stomped her legs together the white flames soaring off of her weapons as well as the vibrations. She sliced them both out as hard as she could throwing her all into the attack and slamming them into the spear head so hard she split it in half breaking out on the other side as the two halves flew off the arena. Luckily they didn't hit anyone as Max of all people sent out a burst of lava melting them before they could touch anyone.

"I split it pretty easily..." Emma noted staring down at her weapons. For a moment a smirk came onto her face. She slammed them into an X shape as vibrations blasted off of them and the ground around her began to get cut up the stone being pulled out and forming together into what looked like a stone version of the giant spear she just split in half. "Ha! Pure Shaping." She announced.

"Pure... Shaping?" Lucy asked frowning as she stared at the large stone spear that was floating above Emma be suspended in the air now.

"That's right." Emma announced. "You know what they say right? Bigger is always better. My chainsaws can't break past that things armor. So what do I do? Well I was able to split through that weapon easily enough. I've been going at this all wrong. My power doesn't involve the blades. It's the Vibrations. By Vibrating at a high enough power I can forcefully separate the molecules of something than reshape it. This spear is made out of the stone. I didn't cut the rocks. I undid them and resembled them together. That's the power of my level two!"

"D... Damn it." Lucy bit her lip for a moment. "Even so. I doubt you'll be able to break past his armor with mere stone! You'd need way more power."

"We'll see!" Emma yelled slamming her weapons together and sending the stone spear flying out. The Bestia Macht roared in anger and charged. Lucy proved to be right as the stone spear shattered across its chest not doing any real damage. That didn't seem to phase Emma though who had a smirk on her lips. Emma stepped back avoiding the many blows showing great skill as she did it. "I'll give it to you Lucy." Emma stated. "Your beast is strong and fast but it's got no real skill."

"Perhaps when one is in a fight it is better to focus on what is happening in front of them and around them rather than try and make small talk with the one that they are engaging in."

"What?" Emma asked dodging another strike.

"It means while you were talking I was getting ready to throw this knife at you."

"Knife-" Blood hit the grass as a knife suddenly found its way in Emma's leg making her gasp in pain and slip as the beast slammed its sword down onto her as hard as it could! Emma raised her weapons up trying to block the strike as her eyes were wide. "L... Lucy what the hell." Emma yelled out.

"I tried to give you a heads up." Lucy stated in her normally blank expressionless way.

The Bestia Macht slammed its sword down into Emma but the blade suddenly vanished seemingly breaking down to dust. The dust formed around Emma's body who then used her good leg to jump up high above the beast. She slammed her weapons down as the dust formed back into the great sword and smashed into the head of the beast only for the sword to shatter and break away upon making contact with the Bestia Machts armor.

"What! Even its own weapons can't break its armor!"

"Good." Lucy said a small grin forming onto her face. "So its armor holds up. Hero really is amazing."

The Beast slammed into her throwing her back across the grass covered field once more. Emma let out a small gasp slowly standing back up to her feet wobbling a bit as she did so. She reached down grabbing the large bladed knife that found its way into her leg and pulled it out letting out a loud hiss as it drew more blood from her leg wound. "Ow that hurts..." She sighed. "But that's okay..."

"It's okay?" Lucy asked frowning.

"That's right. Because I know how to win now." Emma announced shocking Lucy.

Down below the others were all watching. Each had their own thoughts.

"Man." Ken sighed. "I really wanna fight the cool hero monster. It looks so cool."

"Emma." Shelly frowned. "Please be careful. You've taken on a lot of damage..."

"That's true but so has Lucy." Kitsune noted. "Lucy was fighting alongside her beast earlier but Emma's last vibration attack must have shredded Lucy's insides up. I doubt Lucy can move. She has to rely on that beast to keep her safe."

"Yeah but." Light frowned. "That 'beast' is pretty tough. It hasn't even been harmed."

"It's a bit unfair." Irene nodded.

"Alls fair in love and war!" Hero announced.

"You're just saying that because you helped make it." Irene sighed.

"Go Lucy!" Hero, and Daughter both yelled out.

"Go Emma!" Ken and Shelly announced.

Emma took a deep breath steeling her nerves. She then bowed her head and charged the Bestia Macht as fast as she could, which really wasn't all that fast due to the hurt leg. The Beast roared out and began to wildly flail its many attacks out at her in all directions. Emma was slower now, having to move on only a single leg to dodge strikes but she was still seemingly fast enough to dodge the many armed strikes from the massive monster that all came at her with an almost grace even as she balanced on a single leg. Lucy seemed to be out of knives, a rookie mistake, as she wasn't throwing anymore instead watching the dance that was playing out before her.

"Earlier you stated you had a way to beat my monster?" Lucy asked.

"I did and I will. Just watch!" Emma announced.

"I will." Lucy stated in a flat tone.

Emma jumped at the beast as it let out a powerful roar. Its barbed wire sliced out at her but she cut up severing them all sending them all crashing around her as the tendrils weren't covered in armor. The Bestia Macht stabbed out with its six other weapons. The first came down with the mace crashing down as hard as it could. Emma however took the attack which slammed into her making her grit her teeth tanking it. The mace shattered into a bunch of dust and began to swarm around her as she undid it. The Bestia Macht then sliced its axe down but Emma jumped up slicing her weapons out and once again undid the axe before it could reach her making them all turn to dust and form around her as the dust seemed to swarm around her. It slammed its shield into her throwing her down as she slammed into the ground. She rolled back to her feet throwing one of her weapons and slamming it into the shield and shattering it. Her weapon bounced back into her hands, but she was suddenly picked up off her feet as a whip and morningstar slammed into her legs and raised her up. She slammed her weapons into them both shattering them into dust. This left the beast with only its massive great sword. It's biggest sword. It slammed its massive bigger sword down but Emma dodged it. She was all beat up and battered from tanking all the attacks but she didn't try and turn this one into dust. Instead she jumped and landed on the sword running up around it.

The dust from all the weapons began to swirl around her and formed together shaping and crackling as it started to change into a brand new massive sword far bigger than the Bestia Machts great sword. She formed the massive great sword above her head as it gleamed from the light the combined molecules from all the beasts weapon having broken them all down and reformed into this one massive weapon.

"Y... You think that will work?" Lucy asked a small bit of fear in her voice. "It's armor is strong enough to block it."

"Oh I know." Emma announced. She twirled around in the air and threw her arm forward. "It's not meant for him it's meant for you! If this hits you you're dead and I doubt you can dodge in your state. It's your call on what happens!" She yelled out throwing her arm forward as hard as she could and sending the massive weapon towards Lucy. It caught on flames with white fire and began to spin forming a white tornado around it as it launched towards the girl.

Lucy's eyes were wide as the weapon flew towards her.

"I give." She managed to get out as the sword shattered before it could hit her breaking into dust and flowing past her.

Emma landed into the ground letting out a sigh before a small smirk crossed onto her face. "And looks like I win the waifu wars."