Dragons Saber

Night Two Hundred And Forty Three

Age 1991

"My, my..." Lillian Aka, also known as the Red Empress said as she looked around. "They really did have quiet the battle didn't they." She noted.

All around her was burnt grass and rivers of ice cold water. No snow as it had all been melted. Several craters and burn marks could also be seen. It looked as if hundreds of bombs had gone off all at once.

This was the very same battle place a bet between a Hero and a Fox was made. One in which they went all out and pushed each other to the limit.

"I wonder if they had fun. Hey do you think they had fun Katrina?" Aka asked turning around and cocking her head to the side.

Behind her Captain Katrina, the Sixth Squad Captain stood. Katrina scowled and stomped her foot. "I don't care about that. I want to know why you came here."

"Why I came here. That should have been obviously shouldn't it?" Aka asked cocking her head to the side. "I came here so you wouldn't do anything rash and interrupt the tournament. After all you're planning on attacking me aren't you?"

"And so what if I am?"

"You know that's illegal don't you?" Aka asked smirking. "Punishable by death. Besides. What do you hope to achieve? Killing me wont do anything to change this Nation. In fact you'd make it worse. Killing me would only allow the other Nations to grow and consume us. And a war is the last thing we want. There really is honestly no reason for us to fight."

"And that's where you're wrong." Katrina sighed stepping forward and cracking her knuckles as a blue aura began to form around her.

"Oh? I'm wrong? Me?"

"That's right. It's true that fighting you wont change anything, nor will it stop anything that's to come. I'm not a fool as to believe that I could check make you in politics of any sorts. I'm not smart enough for that... Saying that though. I still get something out of this. The amount of joy I'll get to feel when I beat your ass into the ground!" She yelled firing forward.


Gladiolus City...

The Arena...

"She's kind of creepy isn't she..." Olf muttered staring at Ava who stood on the planet already.

"Yeah she is..." Leo nodded.

"I can hear you." Ava said giving a cute smile and cocking her head to the side making Olf and Leo jump back.

Before anyone could say anything else there was a small gust of flame making everyone turn. They all stared with blank expressions as Kitsune Nine, of Squad Six, used his tails like a helicopter flying above the planet his arms wrapped around the waist of a deadpanned Hero Law.

"Oh my God I ship them so much!" Several girls shouted out.

Kitsune let go of Hero who began to fall towards the planet.

"Good luck Father!" Daughter yelled standing on the wall.

"Alright!" Hero announced spinning his body around as he fell towards the ground. "It's time for a real match to- OH SHIT I'M COMING IN TO FAST-"


Hero was instantly pulled in by the enhanced gravity of the planet and slammed into the surface so hard the entire planet began to shake. Everyone remain staring as Hero pulled his body out and began to slowly dust himself off seemingly fine and pretending like that epic fail didn't happen.

"This... This is my hero..." Leo sighed.

"Huh? Your hero?" Hero asked cocking his head to the side.

"Wait... Are you seriously saying you don't remember me?" Leo asked.

"No... Should I?"

"Yes! I appeared in Chapter Eight the Black Coats son! I'm Leo Mon. You saved me from a bunch of Bestia Macht in my city remember!"

Hero stared at the boy for a moment before his eyes went wide. "Wait you're that kid!" He said falling back. "That was you? Yeah I remember now! Wait why the hell are you an Anima and since when did you have an Equation! You were just a normal kid weren't you? And you were way younger to! What happened?"

"It's..." Leo let out a sigh rolling his eyes. "It's a long story." He said.

"You two know each other?" Olf asked cocking his head to the side as his wolf tail began to wag. "Gossip. Do tell."

"Ahem." Ava gave a sweet smile. "I believe I'm waiting to finish my match?" She asked.

"Oh right." Hero nodded. He ran his right hand through his snow white hair as he stared at her. "Leo. I got a lot to ask you and I expect an answer when we're both free. Until then I'm going to fight this crazy bitch. Alright. Come at me whenever you-" Blood sprayed out as a large white tendril shaped like a needle blasted out of Ava's shoulder slicing Hero's cheek as Hero cocked his head to the side his eyes wide. He jumped back his right arm glowing as it changed into his claws form. "Shit! That was fast. If I hadn't moved my head that would have taken out my right eye!"

'Hero. Are you going to be able to fight her.' Row asked.

"I don't know." Hero sighed. "I can look at her just fine but I don't think I'd be able to allow myself to come in contact with her. Truth is even looking at women has began to make me sick. Only Daughter and the Jester haven't set me off. Every other one though repulses me now. If I try to strike at one I find myself freezing up and unable to land a hit." He sighed. "We'll find out though." He crouched down and fired towards the woman as he slammed his arm forward his clawed hand opening up as a burst of heat and sound came out and he smashed it towards Ava. It stopped inches away from her though as Hero came to a dead stop his face paling. He jumped back and crouched back down staring at Ava. Then he jumped at her again and swung out with a powerful slap but once again his right arm stopped just before it could hit her. He pulled it back and leapt away again.

'So... You think that just because I had a use for you... What? You could come up here and boss me around? I have half a mind to just get my uses with you over with, than slaughter you and everyone of your friends. Oh? You're sorry? Oh... You're not. Not yet. But don't worry. You will be. Stop crying. My whip hardly hurts that much. We haven't even started yet. Stop talking. We've already seen your words are useless. Just shut up and let me finish. Almost...~'

He couldn't help the shudder that went through him...

"What's this folks!" Olf announced loudly. "It would seem Hero Law is unable to land any blows on Ava Vil!"

'Strange.' Row muttered. 'I can understand not wanting to let a woman get close to you after what that vile bitch did to you but this is odd. It's as if your brain quiet literally can not allow itself to act on its own free will. This goes beyond trauma. You should still be able to fight but... Something is stopping you...'

"Yeah it's called trauma. It doesn't just vanish..."

"Oh my? Talking to yourself?" Aka asked cocking her head to the side. A white liquid began to pour out of her. The liquid bent and twisted forming many bladed whip like weapons which began to slice out at the ground around her as she stepped forward giving a small cheerful smile. "You really are a creep aren't you?"

"That's rich coming from you-" Hero jumped back throwing his right arm out and using his clawed arm to block several of the rapid whip strikes that all came at him at high speeds. "Alright Row... Let's do that eye thing."

'Right.' Hero's right eye lit up as a glowing rune formed over it and his left eye closed shut his vision fading as Row took over his eyesight. 'Now remember you'll have to be quick to the- Dodge left-'

Hero felt the tendril slam into his body as he was thrown back sliding across the floor. He spun around landing back on his feet but couldn't help but hiss out in pain and grab at his leg with his non transformed limb. The lower part of his ankle as well as his flesh had been burnt through showing some of the muscles and bone. Hero cleared his breathing. "On second thought Row... I think I'm just gonna ignore you." He said turning the rune off.

'Hey what gives!'

"You aren't experienced in fighting and you're to slow. Plus my reaction time isn't good enough for someone of this speed." Hero said opening his eyes. "I can see her just fine to dodge. It's just attacking that's the issue."

'Yeah... Why is that? I'm telling you it's super weird. It's like a program-'

Hero jumped to the left rolling across the ground as the whip came down and sliced through the planet. "Man she's fast! Even with my own eyes I can barely keep up!" He hissed out. The whip came down again, and Hero was forced into a constant state of dodging the strikes over and over again making sure to not let himself get touched any more. Despite that though he still took some damage as every strike of the whip would send out small drop sized white liquid that would splash on him eating through his shirt like a bullet and brushing against his flesh. He still managed to avoid most strikes though which was an impressive feat.

'You'll never win if you stay on the defense. You need to attack! Let me take over for when you attack-'


'No? Do you have any better ideas?'

"As a matter of fact I do." Hero smirked then to everyones shock he charged at Ava head on closing his eyes tightly as he let out a loud battle cry and slammed his arm forward throwing out a punch. "If Light can fight without sight then why am I complaining! After all as his Big Brother it's up to me to be better at anything he can do!" Hero yelled out smashing his fist into Ava's face and finally hitting her catching the girl off guard who didn't see it coming. Ava was thrown back crashing across the floor and spun before landing back on her feet steam rolling off of her as her body twisted and flowed like a liquid fixing itself up. "I hit her!"

'Yeah? You did? It really is sight based? Like a part of your brain refuses to let you harm a woman that you're looking at but you can do it if you're not looking at one? How odd?'

'Alright!" Light announced happily as him and Daughter cheer. "Big Brother hit her."

"Go Father!" Daughter said in a cheerful tone.

"I'm actually shocked." Kitsune stated with wide eyes.

"You and me both." Ken nodded.

"Hero might be able to actually pull this off." Shelly smirked. "Ava might be able to heal but Hero's stubborn enough to fight her till her body gives out and he'll do it blind if he has to."

"Light. I didn't know you were teaching Hero how to fight blind." Irene asked. "Is this what Hero meant when he said he borrowed something from you?"

"I haven't taught Big Brother anything." Light said shaking his head. "But it makes sense Big Brother can do it. After all I can do it. I bet you big brother can do it even better than me. At least ten times better- No! One hundred times better. At least."

"You hit me?" Ava said slowly rubbing her face. "Wow. I'll admit. That caught me off guard." She said letting out a giggle.

"There's more where that came from." Hero yelled jumping at her and throwing out a barrage of punches that would have put even the likes of Ken down for the count. Or at least they would have if they hit... Hero was five feet to the right of Ava punching at the air over and over again. "And take this!" He announced kicking the air. "And some of this!" He slammed his arm down into the ground. "And don't forget this one!" He yelled slapping his arm out and slashing his claws through the air sending out a wave of fire that flew high into the air not hitting anything. "How do you like that!"

"Okay. Perhaps I spoke to soon... Big Brother just got lucky with that first hit..."

'I don't think you're hitting anything.' Row sighed.

Ava appeared behind Hero slamming her arms out as a burst of white liquid gushed out forming into a massive fist which slammed a powerful punch forward. Hero's right arm shifted into his shield form as he raised the limb up just in time blocking the powerful punch his ears twitching as he listened to her movement. He threw out another punch but missed going over her head as he didn't factor in the fact he was fighting a loli and that she would be shorter than most people. She kicked up hitting him in the stomach and throwing him high into the air.

Hero crashed back down with a loud bang letting out a loud groan as he did so. He slowly opened his eyes allowing himself to see the battlefield once more. "Man." He sighed. "This whole fighting blind thing his harder than I thought. Light makes it look so easy. Besides that..." He slowly reached up with his left hand at his stomach. His Enforcer jacket as well as his shirt had a hole in them and the flesh around his stomach had been horribly burnt and actually broken down showing off his ribs and several of his organs. A few of his bones seemed to be made out of metal as did some of his organs. Several people threw up when they saw the sight of his body. "I can't take many more hits."

"H... How can he fight like that." Sera said shocked.

"Hero..." Lucy bit her lip.

Emma just shuddered.

Max squeezed his hands into a ball. "I hate to admit it but I doubt I'd be standing after attacks like that. Hero might not be as strong as me but the damage he can take is... Geez..."

Up in the Enforcer Stands Sif let out a low whistle. "Man. It's a shame we didn't get him on our Squad isn't it." She asked Nick.

"Y... Yeah." Nick nodded. "Kid doesn't even seem all that bothered by the fact there's a freaking hole in his stomach and his organs can be seen."

"I'd imagine not." Jackson sighed. "Hero trained with Master Aka after all. And trust me... Anyone that trains with Aka is used to seeing their guts outside of their body. Gramps dropped me off with that bastard once and... Well lets just say I got to learn a lot about my anatomy."

"Father!" Daughter yelled with wide eyes.

"I... It'll be okay." Ken gulped.

"It will?" Shelly asked.

"He can just... Oh wait. Hero can't heal." Ken said blinking a few times.

"Hero." Irene winced seeing the wounds.

Kitsune let out a sigh as he folded his arms. "I knew he should have tried to Harem approach. Even without his handicap Ava is something else... His right arm can handle those acid attacks but the rest of him can't. Every touch is enough to deal serious damage even if her strikes are minor. It's unfair."

"Will you be alright?" Ava asked cocking her head to the side. "I doubt you can recover from that normally. The wound isn't that big but it burnt through your stomach muscles and gut."

"I'll be fine." Hero sighed. He placed his right arm over his stomach. "I think... I should be able to do this... It worked last time anyways..." He closed his eyes as his right arm glowed. He removed his arm and Ava's eyes went wide. Over his stomach was a simple silver patch. Some of the flesh began to mold over it. "I can't heal. Not like Ken. But I can replace. I covered it up with metal. A liquid type that should work just as good as skin." Hero sighed as the silver color faded away into a fleshy color. "Though I'd like to avoid using that ability as much as possible. On scratches it's not bad as I can make thread sized iron strands to sow the wounds shut but on holes like that I'm sort of just patching iron over them which isn't very healthy. A stunt like that shaved off a few weeks of my life span that's for sure. Better than having a hole though. I don't want my guts to spill out."

"Oh? You know. You're acting rather calm." Ava noted eyeing him up.

"Am I?"

"Yes. You are."

Hero gave smirk. "Oh. I guess that's because I haven't played my two trump cards yet."

"Trump cards."

"Yeah they're a secret weapon-"

"I know what the term means! I was referring to what they are."

Hero gave a smirk as he held his right arm out. "Well. You're in luck. I'm borrow this move from Light."

"Wait? You mean the blind fighting wasn't what you borrowed from him?"

Hero's right arm shifted into its cannon form all of a sudden as he held it out. The cannon began to get smaller compressing down around his arm. It was still large but now he could bend it like an arm. As for the head of the cannon it began to change the metal morphing on it as it formed into what looked like the head of a dragon. Its mouth opened up as a green energy began to seep out of the dragon arms mouth as a large green blade of pure energy blasted out. The blade easily reached six feet in length and was a thin blade of green energy making everyones eyes go wide.

"This is a blade made out of all my energy from the rage cannon. Though instead of firing it out as a single burst shot I've compressed it all down into a thin energy that vibrates at high speeds allowing it to be solid light that can cut through nearly anything."

"Wait... You mean-"

"That's right! It's a God damn energy sword!"