Kinetic And Blood

Night Two Hundred And Forty Four

Age 1991

The Wasteland...

"My, my..." Lillian Aka, also known as the Red Empress said as she looked around. "They really did have quiet the battle didn't they." She noted.

All around her was burnt grass and rivers of ice cold water. No snow as it had all been melted. Several craters and burn marks could also be seen. It looked as if hundreds of bombs had gone off all at once.

This was the very same battle place a bet between a Hero and a Fox was made. One in which they went all out and pushed each other to the limit.

"I wonder if they had fun. Hey do you think they had fun Katrina?" Aka asked turning around and cocking her head to the side.

Behind her Captain Katrina, the Sixth Squad Captain stood. Katrina scowled and stomped her foot. "I don't care about that. I want to know why you came here."

"Why I came here. That should have been obviously shouldn't it?" Aka asked cocking her head to the side. "I came here so you wouldn't do anything rash and interrupt the tournament. After all you're planning on attacking me aren't you?"

"And so what if I am?"

"You know that's illegal don't you?" Aka asked smirking. "Punishable by death. Besides. What do you hope to achieve? Killing me wont do anything to change this Nation. In fact you'd make it worse. Killing me would only allow the other Nations to grow and consume us. And a war is the last thing we want. There really is honestly no reason for us to fight."

"And that's where you're wrong." Katrina sighed stepping forward and cracking her knuckles as a blue aura began to form around her.

"Oh? I'm wrong? Me?"

"That's right. It's true that fighting you wont change anything, nor will it stop anything that's to come. I'm not a fool as to believe that I could check make you in politics of any sorts. I'm not smart enough for that... Saying that though. I still get something out of this. The amount of joy I'll get to feel when I beat your ass into the ground!" She yelled firing forward.

"My, my, you're quiet feisty." Lillian Aka said licking her lips as she spun on her heels the kinetic charged fist of Katrina flying out towards her. The Empress dodged the strike with ease and grabbed Katrina's arm. She pulled back raising Katrina up and smashing the woman into the ground. She raised her foot up and slammed her boot into Katrina's stomach and grinded it into the woman's gut. "Now, now. Don't be a naughty girl."

Katrina let out a small growl as her blue energy exploded off of her body throwing Aka up. The Sixth Captain jumped back to her feet and pulled her arm back as the energy compressed around it and she threw out a powerful punch towards the Empress. Aka held her hands out as a red barrier of blood surrounded her blocking the strike but it wasn't enough Katrina's arm easily breaking through and slamming into Aka's gut making the womans eyes go wide as she gasped out-

"Just kidding." Aka giggled her shocked look fading into a smirk as she wrapped her arms around Katrina's arms as the blood formed out like large threads of red blood and needles jamming into the womans arm and digging into it. Katrina hissed out slamming her arm out and throwing Aka off of her.

"Oww..." Katrina hissed rubbing her arm which was covered in gashes and needle wounds.

Aka flew back catching herself through on her feet as she stood back up and gave a half smirk swaying her hips and folding her arms. "You pack a punch you know." Aka stated. "A direct hit and I'd be in a lot of trouble."

"Of course I do." Katrina sighed rolling her eyes. "My Equation is a powerful Caster Type that resides within my body like all my Caster Types. This Equation allows me to generate powerful bursts of kinetic energy. I can channel it over my body like a powerful kinetic blue barrier that can block powerful strikes. I can also channel it through my legs to move quicker, or my arms, to unleash powerful punches that can deal massive damage. Defense, speed, strength, all of that comes together to form my superpower. And that's just my level one state. I can push my power even further ahead by jumping into my level two state. I've never tried it but I could likely do what Light does and enter a stronger state. Not a Level Three as only the four Sacred Beasts, and Master Storm, can use Level Three."

"Not even I can use Level Three." Aka sighed flipping her hair. "Level Two is a powerful state that heavily drains the users stamina and energy straining the body. Some people can enter a stronger state of Level Two that pushes its power to its full power. And out of those few people only the four beasts, and the master can push past that power and reach level three."

"I think there is no more reason to go into that conversation." Katrina said cracking her neck and knuckles as she got her body ready for more combat.

"Well." Aka let out a hum her eyes gazing Katrina up and down. "I'll say this. In terms of power you're stronger than me. That much is true. However power isn't everything. I understand your outburst. And I've been having a good few days. I wont tell anyone what you did since you admitted there is no point to this fighting."

"You're right. I've already said it. I'm not going to change anything nor will me beating you down will do anything. That said it's going to feel good." She smirked.

Aka let out a small laugh. "Well then. I'll say this one last time then. Give up now. And what happens next can be avoided."


"Very well." Aka gave another smile as she held her hand out. "Since you were a good girl and explained your Equations Cursed Life Power I'll do the same."

"I already know yours. You can control your blood."

"Well yes." Aka nodded her smirk growing. "That much is true at least. I'm one of the Twenty Sacred Nobles. As you know there are five here in the Red nation. The Storms, the Nines, the Pendragons, and the Lancelots, as well as my family the Akas. All of us Nobles for whatever reason are born with our Equations. On top of that we all have themes. All the Nines, Lancelots, and Pendragons, are all Equip Types with powers that all seem to tie in. The Nines always have flame based weapons that deal with foxes for example. Like Jin Nine, and his young Brother Kitsune. The Storms are always caster types with Lightning based moves. And us Aka. We're all Transformation types who turn our hearts into a weapon that can control our blood."

"I already know this."

"Yes but. I had to explain that to mention the next part of my power. You see despite sharing themes people from these clans all have new powers still. Master Storm typically creates birds out of lightning, while his Grandson Jackson Storm creates Swords and other weapons out of Lightning. My Sister Aka is like that creating swords and bladed weapons out of Blood. My Grandfather typically makes Guns and bullets out of blood as well as limbs such as legs, arms, and tendrils. I on the other hand. I create needles and threads that can all shrink down as small as a nerve and cell."


"There is something I'm really good at." Aka said slowly squeezing her hand down. Katrinas arm fired up slamming into her face as she punched herself her eyes going wide.

"W... What?" Katrina said with wide eyes. She grabbed her arm with her other hand as it began to thrash around wildly trying to attack her.

Aka let out a laugh filled with insanity as she jumped at Katrina throwing her arm out and sending a large thin needle blade out. Katrina kicked out with her leg but the needle easily sunk into it piercing past her flesh. Aka let go of the needle which began to wrap around Katrinas leg sinking into her flesh as she pulled her arm back and slammed a punch into Katrinas face sending Katrina flying back.

Katrina jumped back up to her feet still holding onto her arm with her other hand but she quickly fell landing flat on her face as her leg, the one that had been stabbed, began to thrash around causing her to land flat on her face in the water covered ground.

"What the hell is going on." Katrina hissed staring at her arm and leg. She couldn't feel either of the limbs nor move them around. It was as if they gained a mind of their own.

Aka let out another giggle. "I tried to warn you." Aka smirked. "In terms of power you're far stronger than me. I'll admit it. But it really doesn't matter when it comes to my power. My needle can pierce your flesh. I did it once when I grabbed your arm when you threw the punch out." She said holding her arm out. Katrinas arm also moved and thrashed around. "I have total control of the nerves in your arms." She said the arm reaching up and slamming into Katrinas stomach knocking her to the ground once more. The hand began to glide across Katrinas flesh pinching and even ggroping her at points making her face go red. "The same is with your left leg as well. My blood thread has invaded your body. I've taken those parts over. And that's not the scary part."

"That's not?" Katrina hissed out ignoring her hand as it tugged on her hair and tried to annoy her more than harm her.

"No." Aka giggled creating another needle as she gained a darker look in her eye. "The horror really comes when I infect a persons brain."


Gladiolus City...

The Arena...

"Will you be alright?" Ava asked cocking her head to the side. "I doubt you can recover from that normally. The wound isn't that big but it burnt through your stomach muscles and gut."

"I'll be fine." Hero sighed. He placed his right arm over his stomach. "I think... I should be able to do this... It worked last time anyways..." He closed his eyes as his right arm glowed. He removed his arm and Ava's eyes went wide. Over his stomach was a simple silver patch. Some of the flesh began to mold over it. "I can't heal. Not like Ken. But I can replace. I covered it up with metal. A liquid type that should work just as good as skin." Hero sighed as the silver color faded away into a fleshy color. "Though I'd like to avoid using that ability as much as possible. On scratches it's not bad as I can make thread sized iron strands to sow the wounds shut but on holes like that I'm sort of just patching iron over them which isn't very healthy. A stunt like that shaved off a few weeks of my life span that's for sure. Better than having a hole though. I don't want my guts to spill out."

"Oh? You know. You're acting rather calm." Ava noted eyeing him up.

"Am I?"

"Yes. You are."

Hero gave smirk. "Oh. I guess that's because I haven't played my two trump cards yet."

"Trump cards."

"Yeah they're a secret weapon-"

"I know what the term means! I was referring to what they are."

Hero gave a smirk as he held his right arm out. "Well. You're in luck. I'm borrow this move from Light."

"Wait? You mean the blind fighting wasn't what you borrowed from him?"

Hero's right arm shifted into its cannon form all of a sudden as he held it out. The cannon began to get smaller compressing down around his arm. It was still large but now he could bend it like an arm. As for the head of the cannon it began to change the metal morphing on it as it formed into what looked like the head of a dragon. Its mouth opened up as a green energy began to seep out of the dragon arms mouth as a large green blade of pure energy blasted out. The blade easily reached six feet in length and was a thin blade of green energy making everyones eyes go wide.

"This is a blade made out of all my energy from the rage cannon. Though instead of firing it out as a single burst shot I've compressed it all down into a thin energy that vibrates at high speeds allowing it to be solid light that can cut through nearly anything."

"Wait... You mean-"

"That's right! It's a God damn energy sword!"