Night Two Hundred And Forty Five

Age 1975

"Please don't!" A young girl cried out as the tube she was in began to slowly fill with a strange white liquid.

"It's okay..." A man said making the girl look up and stare out the glass of where she was. A man with dirty brown hair and a lab coat could be seen. His tag read 'Evans Sam' on it. "After all. A human who touches this substance produced from the Bestia Macht would find themselves broken down to less than nothing in seconds. But... You aren't a human. Are you Ava."

"P... Please!" The small girl cried out as she began to scream in pain as the white acid like goop began to slowly pour over her...


Age 1991

Gladiolus City...

The Arena...

"Will you be alright?" Ava asked cocking her head to the side. "I doubt you can recover from that normally. The wound isn't that big but it burnt through your stomach muscles and gut."

"I'll be fine." Hero sighed. He placed his right arm over his stomach. "I think... I should be able to do this... It worked last time anyways..." He closed his eyes as his right arm glowed. He removed his arm and Ava's eyes went wide. Over his stomach was a simple silver patch. Some of the flesh began to mold over it. "I can't heal. Not like Ken. But I can replace. I covered it up with metal. A liquid type that should work just as good as skin." Hero sighed as the silver color faded away into a fleshy color. "Though I'd like to avoid using that ability as much as possible. On scratches it's not bad as I can make thread sized iron strands to sow the wounds shut but on holes like that I'm sort of just patching iron over them which isn't very healthy. A stunt like that shaved off a few weeks of my life span that's for sure. Better than having a hole though. I don't want my guts to spill out."

"Oh? You know. You're acting rather calm." Ava noted eyeing him up.

"Am I?"

"Yes. You are."

Hero gave smirk. "Oh. I guess that's because I haven't played my two trump cards yet."

"Trump cards."

"Yeah they're a secret weapon-"

"I know what the term means! I was referring to what they are."

Hero gave a smirk as he held his right arm out. "Well. You're in luck. I'm borrow this move from Light."

"Wait? You mean the blind fighting wasn't what you borrowed from him?"

Hero's right arm shifted into its cannon form all of a sudden as he held it out. The cannon began to get smaller compressing down around his arm. It was still large but now he could bend it like an arm. As for the head of the cannon it began to change the metal morphing on it as it formed into what looked like the head of a dragon. Its mouth opened up as a green energy began to seep out of the dragon arms mouth as a large green blade of pure energy blasted out. The blade easily reached six feet in length and was a thin blade of green energy making everyones eyes go wide.

"This is a blade made out of all my energy from the rage cannon. Though instead of firing it out as a single burst shot I've compressed it all down into a thin energy that vibrates at high speeds allowing it to be solid light that can cut through nearly anything."

"Wait... You mean-"

"That's right! It's a God damn energy sword!"

"But that's Lights move!" Kitsune said with wide eyes.

"Damn it Hero stop stealing attacks from people and make your own stuff up." Ken sighed.

"To be fair... He did state it was a rip off before he used it." Irene said shrugging. "That has to account for something right?"

"Yeah. It accounts for the fact Hero is a total hack." Shelly frowned. "First he steals heat based attacks from Kitsune and I. Then he steals Vibrations from Emma. He steals his brawling style from Ken. Then he goes off and steals cannon based attacks from Light, as well as shifting weapons from Irene. Even his cool dragon stuff is a rip off of the Dragon Clan he always talks about. For a guy who brags about being the Hero of Justice, he really lacks any trade mark moves doesn't he..."

"Father looks so cool with a laser sword!"

"Yes Big Brother! Use me in any way you see fit and take my moves like the dirty fighter I am!"

Shelly gave a blank look at Light and Daughter. "They don't seem to mind..." She sighed.

Up in the arena Olf was doing his typical stuff and hiding behind Leo. Leo on the other hand... He was staring at the back of Hero Law his eyes staring at the new sword.

'People die. Old age... Disease... Freak Accidents... Murder... Suicide... It's a sad fact. We will all die someday... However after Age 0 began once the great collapse was over and the Bestia Macht first appeared a new type of death became the most feared... A death that would give no peace. A death that would bring forth suffering. An endless damnation. Death by Bestia Macht...'

'I never got it... It never dawned on me... How dangerous they were. I read about them... They were so weird and interesting to study... And all my family... They all seemed so weird... And I never got why so many people would get killed dealing with them... They all seemed so stupid.. Mom... That man... Why does everyone risk their lives... I think I'm starting to get it... That's why. Destroy them all Hero! Save my city. Don't let anyone else die!'

'Yeah... I'll do that.'

'My name is Mr. Newton Hyde and I have a project I think you would love Mr. Leo. How would you like to have the power to match Gods? The power to surpass them even? Well sorry but that kind of power isn't possible to get. That said. I can give you the power to keep up with a certain snow haired boy.'

"You don't seem to change much do you." Leo said letting out a small chuckle as he stared at Hero. "You're still the same as then. You're still someone who's trying to save the world."

Hero didn't hear any of this. He was to busy staring at Ava who now had a worry look on her face staring at his arm and biting her lip. She could feel the kind of power that was coming off of it. "What the hell did you do-"

"Jealous right."

"What?" Ava asked taken aback.

"You're jealous of my cool ass right arm! That rage canon was my strongest move but man was it useless. A one and done strike. But this. This is the power of my right arms strongest attack compressed down into this beam. I hate to admit it but that damn balloon bastard had the right idea with compression. All this power linked down into this form. This arm is the real deal I'll tell you that."

"So what." Ava said her frown only growing. "I don't think you get what I really am. I'm not just some Seraphin that you can beat with pure brute force. It's true Seraphins are beasts that have the power of a Bestia Macht placed in them. But do you know how they're really made? I'll tell you. I'll tell you why I hate you so much yet love him. You see like all things it came to God, that damn fool up on the moon. The useless bastard. I am his child you see. Ava Vil. Same as my brother. God doesn't respect the humans. He hates us. His old people the first humans are all gone leaving us as the new species the mixed DNA of what could be salvaged mixed with the DNA of an Angel known as Mother. He hates us more than anything else. He wants his humans back. To him we're just cattle. Sure he'll create new warriors for the human race every now and then by gifting some of the women his seed. Thats where we come in. Powerful weapons my brother and I. We're Gods gift to humans so they wont stop worshipping him. However I was without any powers. Same as my brother. So..."

"So they turned you into a Seraphin?"

"The first Seraphin. Equations are powerful cursed superpowers that are made up of Mantra and energy of life itself. Bestia Macht are beings made of Dark Matter. Dark souls that devour us and break our wills. No after life when we die. However at the end of the day both Mantra and this Dark Matter are powers. So. They tried to weaponize it. Only I was able to take it all in becoming the first Seraphin. And it is my blood they use to make others. My cells. The S-Cells are able to infect people and be used to turn people into Bestia Macht or Seraphins. My body is made of 99% of Dark Matter. As such I kill everything I touch." For a moment there was a small bit of sadness in her voice as she reached down picking up a flower. "Most Seraphins are only 10% dark matter. However I'm the source. I'm the one who created them all. Through my blood they infected my brother turning him into a Seraphin. The same with that lesbian you hang around with. My blood infected her as well. They use my cells. Many die. But every now and then you get a rare few like that girl or my brother who can hold it. Though so far no cases have ever been able to replicate me. No one knows why I was able to remake my body out of Dark Matter and take on my form. No one knows how I can live like this. Not even myself."

"I see." Hero nodded his frown growing. "From the sounds of it you're not even really a Seraphin... Seraphins have the power of the Bestia Macht and the Bestia Macht are made of Dark Matter. You're more like an actual Bestia Macht being made almost entirely out of dark matter. Your life kills things that get to close to you." Hero noted.

"That's right. Only other Seraphins can get closer. But... Even then. Most hate me. Scorn me. Curse me. After all my life turned them into monsters. Seraphins are destined to go mad. But not me. You were right when you said I'm not a Seraphin. I'd say I'm closer to my father. A God. But its all okay... Because he... He came to me. And he touched me. Otoko didn't die. A Seraphin who didn't curse me..." She gave a large grin. "He's a Devil so its only natural I should embrace my fathers title. I'm the God of Seraphins. The insane God who created the Seraphins!"

"God... So thats what you call yourself huh." Hero said. He gave a small half smile. "Hey. That's a pretty sad existence don't you think."

Ava's eyes seemed to go wide for a moment before her face twisted into a growl. "You are..." She fired towards him slashing out with her arms. "You don't even know what you're talking about! You think that power will save you! That saber wont do shit and I'll fucking prove it to you!"

"Ava... You're right. This saber wont win. But thats fine. It was never my new power. Merely the trigger of the smoking gun! I'm going to use this trigger and some way! I'll save you and pull you from this despair!"

Hero fired towards her closing his eyes as he sliced out. It didn't matter he was blind. It didn't matter he wasn't trained like Light. It didn't matter Ava dodged.

None of it mattered.

Because in one strike Hero...

He sliced his arm out as the entire blade flashed a bright gold and suddenly expanded the beam becoming golden instead of green and slicing and whipping out more like a chaotic stream of water rather than a sword.

"Shit!" Ava said as she watched the thing whip towards her beyond the speed of light. "You son of a bitch! You tricked me! That thing isn't a sword it's a whip!" She screamed jumping through the loops. "No matter I'll-" She was split in half in a single motion by seemingly an invisible force. As was the entire arena they stood on being sliced down! Leo grabbed Olf throwing them both out and thankfully not getting torn to shreds by the sheer slicing whip attack. It was all over in a flash. It wasn't even possible to tell which direction the blade had gone in. Nor how long it had been when he struck out with it.

That said the entire top half of the stadium was split clean in half in a perfect circle falling off the stadium and heading towards the floor below crashing down into the ice.

"Holy-" Ken began.

"Shit!" Kitsune finished.

"Wow." Shelly said with wide eyes. "I take it back. Hero does have his own move. Damn."

Hero landed on the stone floor of the stadium below several of the Captains staring at him in stunned silence. His sword had reverted back to the green blade and simply hung at his side. "Yo Dog man. You think you can start counting?" Hero asked opening his eyes.


"Dog man-"

Olf fell flat on his face foam coming out of his mouth as his eyes rolled into the back of his head. "Yeah... I think he's out cold..." Leo said stunned. There was a loud crash as the mini planet crashed down next to them shattering into rubble and coming apart as Hero had struck so hard not even gravity had been able to stay connected the planet giving out.

"I had no idea GKS had that much power." Hero said staring down at his hand as it glowed and reverted back into his fleshy arm.

"GKS?" Leo asked.

"God Killing Strike." Hero noted. "A powerful, but risky move. All the power of my rage canon compressed into a powerful burst strike and flung at speeds that go beyond logic itself in all directions. The science of it is kind of hard to explain. I sort of uses these things called tachyons and the blade moves so fast it actually travels back in time, and forward in time, by up to 1 second and simply breaks everything around me, 1 second in the past, 1 second in the future, and all in the present. So if 1 second ago you were in a spot I strike at you'd still get hit. Likewise if 1 second later you end up in a spot I'm going to strike at you'd get hit. And naturally if you're in the spot where I'm attacking you get hit."


"Yeah. You want to do that 1 to 10 thingy?"

"Oh um... Sure? 1. 2. 3."

Up above the many Captains were all watching the fight a frown on many of their faces after seeing that. "That doesn't make sense." Sif said frowning.

"What doesn't?" Nick asked.

"That power." She stated. "That power wasn't Hero's. That energy I mean. That strike was nearly on the level of a Captain in their Level 2 Form. Not quiet but likely as close as a person can get without actually going level 2. Yet Hero simply doesn't have that amount of energy in his body. That strike was... It was something else..."

"Like what?" Nick asked.

"I'm not sure... But it was like as he struck someone or something fed him the energy to allow him to pull off that strike." Sif nodded.

"You mean... Something else gave him the power to preform that attack? Is that possible?"

"I'm not sure..." Sif said frowning. "I'd need to see it again up close to gauge what happened...Still. It was strong. So strong I doubt anything could get back up after that-"

"And 9-"

"You're so fucking dead!" The voice of Ava screamed as white tendrils exploded out of the ground and the girl began to climb back out...