The Whore That Is The World Part 1

Night Two Hundred And Forty Six

Age 1975

"Yes, yes!" Evans announced loudly waving his arms around. I knew it would work! I knew it would work!"

Within a large plain black room a small glass tube could be seen. Within the tube small puffs of white liquid began to thrash around and form together as something began to rise up and form...

The white Liquid began to slowly form up and take shape...

A shape that looked a lot like a girl...

"So." Evans said placing his hand on the glass. Ava slowly looked up at him tilting her head to the side. "What comes next." He asked.


"Huh?" His eye slowly titled up where a thin white tendril could be seen which began to slowly press against the glass creating several cracks...


Age 1991

Gladiolus City...

The Arena...

"Yeah. You want to do that 1 to 10 thingy?"

"Oh um... Sure? 1. 2. 3."

Up above the many Captains were all watching the fight a frown on many of their faces after seeing that. "That doesn't make sense." Sif said frowning.

"What doesn't?" Nick asked.

"That power." She stated. "That power wasn't Hero's. That energy I mean. That strike was nearly on the level of a Captain in their Level 2 Form. Not quiet but likely as close as a person can get without actually going level 2. Yet Hero simply doesn't have that amount of energy in his body. That strike was... It was something else..."

"Like what?" Nick asked.

"I'm not sure... But it was like as he struck someone or something fed him the energy to allow him to pull off that strike." Sif nodded.

"You mean... Something else gave him the power to preform that attack? Is that possible?"

"I'm not sure..." Sif said frowning. "I'd need to see it again up close to gauge what happened...Still. It was strong. So strong I doubt anything could get back up after that-"

"And 9-"

"You're so fucking dead!" The voice of Ava screamed as white tendrils exploded out of the ground and the girl began to climb back out...

"Uh oh!" Hero said with wide eyes.

Ava pulled herself out of the rubble she had found herself in. Her body had seemingly changed now. A white glowing energy seemed to cling to her body now. It was like a strange solid white light rather than goop. It covered her chest and legs as well as arm looking almost like white lightning. Behind her a large circle of the energy could be seen formed behind her. Six wings made of lightning seeped out of her back going down forming six angelic like wings all made of lightning.

"Whoa! That energy is kind of like my first arm isn't it?" Hero asked.

'Focus here she comes!' Row hissed out as Ava let out a scream and fired forward flying through the air.

"Wait!" Leo jumped in front of Hero, and Ava holding his arms out. This actually somehow managed to stop the blood thirsty girl as Ava slowly came to a stop and floated in the air glaring at him. "The arena has been totaled." Leo announced. "There for this match is-"

"Going to keep going as is." A voice said. Everyone turned finding Empress Aka as well as Katrina standing on top of the torn apart arena. It was Aka who had spoken. The woman had a small grin on her face. "I want to see how this plays out."

"Well I tried. Sorry Hero you're on your own." Leo said.

"Right..." Hero sighed as the lion man moved away. He stared back at Ava who began breathing heavily glaring at him with rage field eyes. "Man... I thought I had my cool power up and you just went and busted out an op transformation... I should have seen it coming. You Seraphins all have blood thirsty forms. It's basically your version of a level 2. Though Ken's as well as the other ones I've seen all look animal like. Yours is... More Godlike."

Ava gave a sneer before her lips twisted into a smirk. "If you're really in a panic you can always try to go level 2 to even up the score. Or maybe you'd like to Mantra bond?" She asked her smirk growing at his surprised look.

"You know about Mantra bonding?" Hero asked.

"Of course I do. I know all there is about it. Mantra is a special energy that makes up life itself. It resides within the very fabric of the multiverse, and is God, as well as us. Its in the smallest Cell, in every human and forms our Equation. More than that though there are many forms a person can use it in. Its color is everything you know."

"Of course I know." Hero sighed rolling his eyes. "Green is the color of the rival bond." He said holding his right arm out. It glowed with a green energy forming into his clawed hand before shifting into his gun, which then shifted back into his saber the green blade igniting. "My arm has green energy as its powered by that type of Mantra. All Equations are powered by Mantras. Most are white energies but a few can be colored like mine. Green is the color of the Rival Bond. My guess as for why I have it in my right arm is likely because the Rival Energy is created by Row who resides within me thus allowing my right arm to harness it."

"That's right." Ava nodded. "Mantra is a rare power people with Equations can learn to use. It can greatly power up the body as well the users power. Its basically a cheat. That said each one has its own ways of unlocking and weaknesses. Green is the rival bond and can only be preformed by two people who wish to push each other beyond the limits. It allows them to fight alongside each other boosting them both up but makes them both take the damage. Silver is the Comrade Bond. It was made by Okami Otoko and is a weaker version of the Rival Bond. Rival Bond can usually only be used by two people at once however sometimes you have rare cases in which three can preform it like you, Max, and Kitsune did, though that is beyond risky and one slip up could kill you all-"

"We came that close to death without knowing!"

"-Comrade Bond was a much easier, though weaker version to do. It allows several people to all bond. However only the person who starts the boost gets the power up. The others feed them their power powering them up. Okami Otoko would use this to draw on power from his team to boost himself beyond his limits. Purple is called the Fusion Bond. This one is rare and is almost like the Lover Bonds. It's also the second strongest Bond so far. Fusion Bond allows two people to merge into a new form though it has plenty of risks as well and can take days, weeks, months, or even sometimes years for the fusion to undo. World Bond is the third strongest. Its a plain white aura. This one is hard to pull off. Almost as hard as the Fusion Bond. Which is why I'm shocked that damn fox friend of yours can do both of these. Worlds Bond is a plain white aura. The user draws on power from the entire world. In terms of power it is slightly weaker then a Rivals Bond however risks no harm making it better. Finally is the strongest. The Lovers Bond. This aura is pink and is like the Rivals bond but on par with the Fusion Bond. It greatly boosts two users to their limit and then shatters it. There are a few lesser ones such as the blue energy my brother Davi uses. Its a form only he can use called Weather Bond which is an even weaker version of Worlds Bond that allows him to boost himself up. Its the weakest power up even offering stats lower than the Comrade Bond, but he's the only one I know that can use it."

"I see." Hero said nodding his head. "I had no idea there was so many of them. Pink, Green, Blue, Purple, White, and Silver... Though. You should know you were off about one of them."


Hero gave a smirk as he held his sword arm out. Then he fired forward at high speeds jumping high into the air. He spun his body around and held his arm out as he closed his eyes and sliced out with his sword. "You forgot to include Gold!" He announced slicing his bladed arm out. "The true World color!" Hero's weapon sliced out and...

Did nothing.

As in the sword didn't do that flash of gold nor did it get longer. there was no fancy light show that happened as he sliced his arm out. He opened his eyes mid fall figuring out a little to late his attack didn't do anything.

"Oh shit-"

Ava raised her arms together slamming them together as a burst of white lightning, charged wind seemed to blast out of her arms forming a silver tornado that slammed into Hero who barely had time to raise his arm up shifting it into his claws arm. His entire metal arm was twisted around and snapped as the wind tore through it and he was thrown back slamming across the ground and smashing into the walls of the colosseum.

Before Hero could even get up Ava held her arm back the white energy forming around it as she fired at him at high speeds once more throwing out a powerful punch. Hero once again held his clawed hand out, though it wasn't even a match her entire fist literally bursting through his hand and shattering it as his fingers and scraps of metal flew off. Hero was smashed into the back of the wall and let out a gasp of pain. He didn't have time to react though as Ava's foot slammed into his side and it would seem her body was still acid powered as the flesh and clothing on him quickly began to melt as the kick launched him to the other side of the arena.

Before he could hit the wall though Ava appeared flashed over to the other side and slammed her foot out again sending him to the other side once more. Then she appeared again kicking him to the left this time. Then to the right. Then straight. Then back. Then right. Over and over Hero wasn't able to touch the ground as he was kicked over and over going back and forth faster and faster as Ava picked up speed and slammed into him faster causing more damage each time she did. She was so fast Hero didn't even have a hope to react.

"F... Father..." Daughter said with wide eyes.

"D... Damn it. This is bad..." Kitsune hissed.

"I... I don't understand." Nick said with wide eyes as he watched Hero be sent back and forth at even faster speeds. "What the hell happened?"

"A few things." Sif said letting out a sigh. "For one... Ava isn't holding back. As much as I hate to admit it she wasn't even trying when she fought Sera. Ava's base power is likely far higher than Hero's. Add to the fact that she has two power ups..."


"It's as she just explained... That aura around her forming the armor and wings. Those are Planet Bond Mantra. Ava, who is already stronger than Hero, stopped holding back, then transformed, than, combined her transformation with the power of a Planet Bond. Forget a level 2. At the rate she's going she's nearing level 2.5s. Maybe even 2.6 or even 2.7... A mere level 1 doesn't even stand a chance. A few more years and this girl might be able to reach a form as strong as a level 3, a form that less than 10 people in the world can use..."

"S... Seriously... Talk about unfair."

"It's likely poor Hero was counting on that trump card of his. It would seem I had been correct though. That power he showed. It wasn't his. His arm is transformed into that sword form and it is strong. Strong enough to be around a level 2. But that power didn't belong to him. His sword was simply the trigger to a gun. Upon striking all that energy flooded his systems and he unleashed it in a single burst attack... I shudder to think what gave him the power to do that. Alas... It seems whatever it was either could only do it once or didn't feel like loaning him anymore power as when he tried it again he was quickly beat into the ground."

"You're serious... So he's screwed over because he thought he could have used that GKS move again!"

"Pretty much... Though... I'll admit. The aura of that power... It was almost like my... Well it's not important." Sif said shaking her head.


Ava went to kick Hero only for her leg to fly past him as he was simply flying to fast from how hard she had been hitting him. He slammed into the ground so hard the entire stadium shook and burst as people were thrown back.

"My, my." Ava smirked as she peered into the crater. "You're still alive."

"Light." The voice of Hero called out from the hole.

"Y... Yes Big Brother?" Light asked.

"I need your pants. And jacket."

"R... Right."

"Seriously!" Ken yelled her face going red as she covered her eyes because Light began to strip down to his boxers. He threw his clothes down the hole and seconds later Hero emerged dressed in Lights Enforcer jacket and pants.

"Thank God." Hero sighed stretching a little. "My clothes got all melted-"

"More importantly how did you not get melted!" Kitsune yelled.

Hero was pretty banged up. But... The fact that he was alive was amazing. More so though was the fact he didn't seem to be to harmed. He was covered in bruises, blood, and cuts. There were dark shades of purple all across his flesh from the many kicks and some rocks stabbed into his flesh from how hard he slammed into the ground. That said... He didn't seem to be that melted.

"I suppose I should have seen this coming." Ava sighed. "You took some damage but you quickly adapted right. I heard about your skill with that. Equation users are able to make leaps in power through battle and harsh training. You were once thrown in a hell hole box of a prison and adapted to the heat. During that kick barrage your body was able to adapt to the blows allowing you to lean into them and eventually even the acid began to have less and less affect. Put simply you grew to strong for that. Exploiting boosts like that in quick bursts like that can lead to major health issues later down the line you know."

"Not like it was my choice." Hero sighed. "That kind of stuff happens in a need of response. All Enforcers have shown the ability to adapt like that. Though typically not that quickly." He said picking up a metal rod and slowly biting into it as he ate it. He held his arm out as it glowed and fixed itself reverting to his normal human form.

"Well." Ava said giving a smirk as she crouched down. "I suppose its not like it will matter. After all your power is nothing compared to what I can do!" She screamed out firing forward and throwing a punc-

Hero caught the punch in his untransformed hand making Ava as well as everyone else freeze in shock. Hero gave a grin as he leaned forward. "Oh yeah?" He said in a voice that sounded a little different.

"Wait. No! Thats how you got back up just fine. It's not that you evolved through the attacks. You're not Hero Law! You're-"

"Let's see just how far I can push this power. Level Two!"