The Whore That Is The World Part 2

Night Two Hundred And Forty Seven

Age 1991

The Wasteland...

In the middle of a battlefield Katrina could be seen on the ground as Aka stood with her hands on her hips a large smirk on her lips as she placed her hands on her hips.

"No." Aka giggled creating another needle as she gained a darker look in her eye. "The horror really comes when I infect a persons brain."

"B... Brain?" Katrina asked.

"That's right." Aka nodded. "When I infect a persons brain do you want to know what I can do?"

"Not really..."

"Why don't you take a guess?"

Katrina let out a sigh. "Lets you take control of them?"

"No. Not entirely. You see the body can fend off a large attack like that with the help of Mantra. So instead I have to make a new plan. You see I create a tiny almost barely noticeable needle. I implant that into the persons brain and I can add a few... Lets call them commands. Nothing crazy but minor things. Such as the inability for your body to hurt a type of gender, a nervous tick such as letting people get to close to you, or the need to do something."

"That... Sounds a lot like..." Katrina said slowly.

"Oh? Have someone in mind I could have used my needle on? Do tell."

"You infected my precious recruits..." Katrina said slowly standing up.

"Nope." Aka said letting out another giggle. "Thats what makes it all even better. I didn't need to. Man I'll tell you. He might be pretty but he's not that good. He was a total novice and didn't like me bringing my whip or chains. Though I think he liked it. After all it was so good for him he can't even let girls touch him anymore."


"What?" Aka asked cocking her head to the side. A large blood whip began to form in her hands. "What are you going to do about it? After all you can't even use two of your limbs-" A blue energy exploded off of Katrina making Aka's eyes go wide. Katrina stood up moving her arm and leg around just fine. "W... What? But they were... You shouldn't be able to use them."

"Idiot." Katrina sighed. "You're the Empress of an entire Nation. Did you think I didn't understand your ability? I'll admit it some stuff caught me off guard but at the end of the day your power is just a form of blood control isn't it. And guess what. To control something is to move it. And to move something requires kinetic energy. Guess what my kinetic based power can do."

"S... So what." Aka hissed out. "I'll just take over all your limbs at once. You need at least one to use your power after all." She held her hands out as hundreds of needles and threads all made from blood began to seep out like a river of blood forming and twisting out.

Katrina let out a sigh. Then. "You know. I've only ever used this power on Hero Law, the First Squad Captain. She was strong enough the handle it. I wonder if you will be to." She said holding her arm out as a large blue aura began to form out. The aura changed to a dark grey as it seeped out. "Beyond the realms of logic. Level Two." Katrina announced a set of grey energy horns forming out of her head as her iris became grey and all her blue energy changed to grey as well.

"You went level two? Well so what! Like I give a damn. I'm still stronger than you."

Katrina sighed. "I promised that old man and Sif I wouldn't use this power. Plus it makes fights so much more lame. Oh well. Not like it would work on strong people like Alpha anyways. Absolute. Stop."

There was a burst of grey light that exploded out of Katrina. And for a moment. It all stopped. Everything. Time itself became frozen. The power of her level two. No longer could she control kinetic energy. That was to mild. This was power that went beyond that. The ability to stop time itself.

"I should kill you." Katrina said staring coldly at Aka's frozen form. "But... It wouldn't be fair to the life that you hold within you. Besides. I'm not an idiot. As it stands. No matter how disgusting I find your actions. I can admit that they will help not just the Red Nation but the world itself. That said. I'll never forgive you." She stated reaching out and flicking Aka on the forehead as a blue energy hummed out. Katrina turned away letting out a yawn as her eyes began to close. "Time begins to move once more."

The color came back as Katrina returned to normal. In an instant Aka was blasted back as if a powerful force slammed into her head. She was sent flying across the snow and crashed back staring up at the black sky as her vision began to go black.

'What just... Happened-' She managed to think before everything went black.

Sometime Later...

"Are you up yet?" A voice sighed out. Aka stared up at the black sky her eyes slowly opening. "Good. You are." The Empress slowly set up finding Katrina standing over her. "Part of me was kind of hoping I put more effort into that attack and killed you." The Captain sighed. "But I'm just to soft for that."

"What was-"

"That was me showing you." Katrina said in a blunt tone. "Showing you my power. Now listen here. I don't give a damn if you run my life into the ground, or if you run the Enforcers into the ground. I'll admit it. You can save the Red Nation. Only you could. But if you ever. And I mean ever even attempt to look any of my Recruits in the eyes. Or harm them ever again in any way. Or if for a single moment I learn you're being cruel to that child within you. Then thats it. I don't give a damn if your death would fuck the whole world up, I swear I'll kill you before you can even process I've ripped that pretty little head of yours off. I was trying to play nice but I have a line and you crossed it a dozen times over by now. So get the hell up. Put on that fake smile. And make the Enforcers do their God damn job and stop playing games like that old man because I can promise you. You'll never play the game anywhere near as good as him."

"W... What?"

"Oh for the love of God... Did I hit you to hard dumbass? I'm saying get your shit together, do your fucking job, and leave my recruits alone, or I'm going to kill you? What is that to hard to understand? Now we're gonna head back to the arena. You're going to finish up whatever you need to do. And you're going to settle everything. Understand?"

"I..." Aka stood up slowly wobbling slightly. "I refuse."



Gladiolus City...

The Arena...

At this point Aka, as well as Katrina were back in their seats watching the match.

"I can't believe you're letting this fight happen." Aka sighed. "You whined like a bitch for me to end these games and yet first thing you do when we get back here is demand I make Hero keep fighting Ava."

"Of course I did." Katrina said letting out a sighed. "I guess you didn't notice."

"Notice what." Aka asked frowning.

"He's not flinching."

Over with Jackson and the others they were all staring at Aka and Katrina. "Do... Do they seem friendly to you?" Jackson asked.

"Yeah..." Dawson frowned. "I swore Katrina was gonna kill Aka and yet they both arrive back only a little bruised and now are talking to each other? I swear I'll never understand women."

"Oh my. Whats this." Nick asked. "Do I smell a new yuri paring-"

"Dude knock it off." Jackson sighed slamming his knuckle into the back on Nicks face. "Thats my girlfriend. If I had to guess what happened... I'd say she used her Equations level 2. She burnt her power out. Aka doesn't know this but Katrina likely can't even use her powers right now."

"Really?" Nick asked.

"Yeah." Jackson nodded. "Katrina has likely the second or third strongest level 2 out there but she can only use it for mere seconds and then can't even muster up the power to fight back. I'm guessing Katrina gave Aka a scare... Though Aka doesn't seem to be to scared... What exactly did they talk about-"

"Hey is your recruit alright?" Alexander the eighth Squad Captain asked making the three men turn to look down into the arena where Hero was.

Many of the recruits were all staring at Hero in shock as he didn't seem to be all that hurt even after those attacks.

"Whoa..." Brave said with wide eyes. "Nice. He's stronger than I thought." She said nodding her head. "I think I'm falling for him. This must be his harem power!"

"This doesn't make sense." Hellas frowned. "Hero isn't this strong. And powering up through the use of enhancements shouldn't have made him so strong he could just become immune to her attacks... Did... Did Row get out? No. The fight would already be over. Row would have killed Ava for even looking like an angel. Her as well as the entire Red Nation would have been blown away in one blast if that freak of nature got out. So this is Hero then. But then how did he do it?"

"Oh?" Fate said tilting her head to the side. "You mean you don't know."

"Know what? Wait." Hellas eyes went wide as she reached down and pulled out a weird set of glasses. "Oh my God... Thats his plan..."

"Well." Ava said giving a smirk as she crouched down. "I suppose its not like it will matter. After all your power is nothing compared to what I can do!" She screamed out firing forward and throwing a punc-

Hero caught the punch in his untransformed hand making Ava as well as everyone else freeze in shock. Hero gave a grin as he leaned forward. "Oh yeah?" He said in a voice that sounded a little different.

"Wait. No! Thats how you got back up just fine. It's not that you evolved through the attacks. You're not Hero Law! You're-"

"Let's see just how far I can push this power. Level Two!"

"What!" Everyone said in shock.

Everyone in the arena stared with wide eyes-

"Nah I'm just fucking with ya." Hero said sheepishly making half of them fall back. "I can't use level 2 still."

"Wait so you're not Row-"


Hero smashed his clawed fist into Avas face throwing her back and making her eyes go wide as she stumbled back. Hero's eyes also went wide as for a moment a vison went through his head. For a moment he saw a brown haired man in a lab coat. "What?" Hero fell back landing on his rear as his arm returned back to normal.

'Some plan...' Row sighed. 'All that for one punch? And you're the one who's down.'

Ava was still standing her eyes wide still due to the fact Hero actually managed to punch her.

"S... Shocked?" Hero asked. He let out a loud gasp spitting up a glob of blood. "I kind of did some lying and relied on luck. It's true that I've been able to evolve at high speeds in combat but I never evolved to the point of being able to take punches or be immune to acid like that." He chuckled. "I did get some protection but not enough to brush it off. Truth is that barrage attack you did majorly shattered most of my bones and organs. I've actually never been this hurt before. As for the lack of burn marks. I managed to use my secret power as well as my metal ability to cover my burn marks up before anyone could see them though it took a lot of power."

"So you did all of that just so you could make me lower my guard so you could hit me as hard as you could." Ava asked.

"Well. I was kind of hoping my bullshit main character powers would kick in and I really would level up to level 2." Hero chuckled slowly standing back up and wobbling as the inside of his body was beyond damaged at this point.

"I... Is he being serious?" Brave asked.

Hella nodded. "These glasses are basically X-Ray. I can see the inside of his body. Nearly every bone is at least cracked. Most organs are crushed and torn. He's in as bad a shape Sera was. He just covered his body with a fake shell of skin to make it look like its not as bad as it seems."

"So then." Ava said flatly her white aura getting larger and forming razor sharp claws. "What now? You just proved you're in no condition to fight back."

"Well then I guess I give up!" Hero laughed making everyone fall back. "Or... At least thats what I would have said under any normal day." He smirked as he stared down at his right hand. "I don't really know what happened but... I saw something... Something I'm guessing is the cause for your anger and despair. And until I see all of it I'm not going to quit fighting you!" Hero announced his arm shifting back. "Not when I have my secret weapon!"

"The GKS. I'm well aware of that now. It wont hit me twice."

"Not that." Hero shook his head.

'You can't mean...' Row began.

Hero gave a smirk and nodded. "Alright Row... I'm going to try and enter into stage two of the plan." Hero said nodding his head.

'Are you sure thats wise...' Row asked a small bit of worry in the boys tone as it echoed around Hero's head. 'For one we just seemed to gain the ability to hit her back likely because our body is in so much shock it can't process her gender. And Two... That Saber is draining out power fast. Rage Canon is a one and done move. It uses up more energy than our body can provide hence why its a one shot move. That said it is by far our strongest attack. Even greater than Dragon King Abyss or Black Hydra. This Saber is the power of all of that guns energy compressed down.'

"Yeah I know." Hero said giving a sly smirk. "I sort of ripped it off of Otoko. He inflates his arms and then compresses them down into those massive forms allowing him to deal out damage. This is pretty much the same but with a laser."

'Yes but unlike Otoko we don't have the power to keep this up. We're the fuel source. Otoko is a Seraphin someone who can recreate the very atoms that make up their bodies to heal and repair damage. We can't. It's true that we have a lot of power but we're still a human you know. I shudder to think how many days off our life you shaved off doing this. It might not be that many but these kind of things stack up you know. And this isn't even the 'full' one that you have plan.'

"It's okay though. The Best Hero of Justices make sacrifices. That's what you wanted right. You created me to save the world. But I was flawed having emotions. Those emotions made me want to live and love. If I was really the perfect hero you wanted then I'd give myself up and allow you to come back. But I don't, and I won't. Because I'm not a perfect Hero. I'm just Hero. Someone who's going to do his best to be himself and save this world my own way. It's true that these power ups can lead to regret later on but right now they can help me save my friends and myself. After my talk with God I know who I want to be. I was so worried about being a single one. To I pick to live my life as Hero Law, the boy with many friends who fails to be a hero and save the world but gets to live a happy life. Or do I pick the life of Hero Law, the man who gave himself up to save everyone and utterly dies a pointless death. The answer was always obvious. Both. I've always been greedy. I'll be Hero Law, the hero of justice, a being with a heart of glass who is flawed but can actually smile and have fun, the being who's going to do his best to save the world and fulfil his dreams, no matter how selfish he is. I'd be a fool to think there wouldn't be a price. If the price is a few years off my life then I'll pay it. I'd pay it ten fold."

Row let out a sigh. 'The issue was me getting my body back and it being broken not you being you...'

"Oh. My bad."

"My, my. Talking to yourself? I'm beginning to get left out." Ava said slowly crouching down. Hero gave her a smirk as he raised his left hand up and held a finger up. A single finger. "What?" Ava asked frowning.

"One second."


"One second. It's how longer I can use this power for."


Hero slammed his clawed arm into the ground as hard as he could catching everyone off guard. Then he took a deep intake of breath.

"Oh." Sif nodded. "I get it now. So that's where he got the power from. The one you borrowed that energy from was-"

"Hey!" Hero screamed as loud as he could his voice echoing out all around him. "Listen up you damn dirt ball! Give me some energy!"


In a small stone cave a young girl smiled as a faint gold aura began to seep off of her.

"Oh? Hero... You want some more of my power?"