The Whore That Is The World Part 7

Night Two Hundred And Fifty Two

Age 1991

Gladiolus City...

The Battle Field...

Hero slammed his clawed arm out as hard as he could the golden aura around him exploding into a bright black aura sweeping out like a water fall of darkness. His fist slammed into Ava's a massive shock wave blasting out of the two. Seconds later Hero's aura faded from black back to gold. A few moments even more and that gold became a dull white which then shut off completely.

Ava sliced her left arm as the white sludge spilled out of her flesh wrapping around it and forming a large and thin buster blade which crackled thanks to the aura spilling out around her. She stabbed out with it as hard as she could putting her all into the attack. Hero barley had time to raise his right arm up and block the attack. He still hissed out in pain as the thin blade sliced into his metal like arm like a hot knife through butter.

Neither of them bothered to say a word.

They simply didn't see a point in words anymore.

Hero and Ava were both dead set on their mindsets. At this point who was right and who was wrong was rendered irrelevant. All that mattered now was winning this match. Neither of them could force their beliefs upon the other, nor would their words be enough to change the others mind. Words were out of the Equation rendered useless the moment Hero broke out of the dream like void they had found themselves in. It was all up to their action now. Their action would be that bridge of words that could possibly connect to one another allowing them to see each other. Their actions would be the thing that would meet in the middle for both parties. Their actions would be the things that would truly decide what was right and what was wrong.

Or at least...

Both teens were hoping that it would.

"Take this!" Hero yelled slicing his right arm up as his God Striking Aura flared back up to a pitch black state. The shadows underneath him began to bend and twist rising up and slicing out like a wave of blades as Hero sliced his arm out as hard as he could cutting out with the shadows like waves of blades and swords forged from liquids. Ava was sliced down the front of her chest causing her to hiss out in pain as the large gashes left massive cuts in her. Seconds later the wound began to heal though far slower than she had been. It would seem this battle was beginning to make her reach the limit of her dark matter body.

"D... Damn you, you prick!" She yelled out slamming her right arm out which bubbled up and grew to a massive size forming an almost club like state which she swung out with. The force of it smashed into Hero's side making him hiss out in pain as the dark matter began to eat away at his flesh and clothes. The force of the strike sent him flying across the snow and he tumbled over the ice managing to stab his arm into the snow and slow his fall down as he came to a sliding stop still on his knees.

Hero raised his right arm up the black aura coming back as he slammed his fist into the ground as hard as he could sending out a shock wave that caused Ava to wobble a bit her eyes going wide. It was like a massive earthquake was going off. She nearly tripped but managed to catch herself. "This should be a good spot." Hero smirked his right arm stabbed into the ground. "Earth Dragon Combo Attack." Ava stared down at the ground underneath her which was covered in cracks all of which began to light up with a massive golden glow. Then seconds later it exploded up in a hail of bright golden flames faster then Ava could react. The force of the strike was enough to send her flying high into the air.

"W... What the hell was that attack..." Ava wondered as she slowly fell towards the ground the golden flames clinging to her body still. "He didn't do that did he? No... It wasn't him. That was the actual Earth... It was like he pointed me out to it and the Earth attacked me... Like using a Laser Pointer to direct a cat to attack the leg of your friend he forced the Planet to send its pure Mantra at me... No. Force isn't the right word. He couldn't force it to attack me even if he wanted to." She spun her body around as she landed back in the snow and began to pat her body down the golden flames slowly going out. "I have a question."

"What? We're talking again?" Hero asked pulling his right arm out of the ground.

"This isn't about that silly wrong morals that you hold nor your foolishly impossible naive dream." Ava said shaking her head.

"And yet you insult me some more. And yet my heart beats faster for you." Hero sighed. "The heart is weird."

"Where exactly did you discover this power." Ava asked.


"You're trying to make a short cut to power by using this right? Where exactly did you discover it."

"Don't get me wrong. I have plans to reach level two one day. The level two form is stronger thats for sure. This isn't a short cut like some may think. It was just the next step in my dream."

"Your... Dream?"

"That's right." Hero gave a small smile as his right arm reverted back to normal and he held his left arm and his right arm out. "I was asked a question... In the left hand there is Hero Otoko. In the right hand there is the rest of the world. Which do you save?"

"That is obvious is it not?" Ava sighed. "I would save the rest of the world. Only because I know Hero would never be caught in a foolish trap that could result in his death. He would be able to save himself. Unlike you Law."

"Ouch." Hero chuckled. "My answer was... I would save both." He smirked. "And if I couldn't I would find a way. I told that great Bestia Macht beast my answer. If I wasn't strong enough then I would just borrow the power until I was. Either from the people I was trying to rescue. Either from my friends. Or even from the world itself."

Ava scowled for a moment. "But how the hell can you connect to the world in a way only God has been able to?"

"That's easy. I asked it nicely."

"I... What?"

Hero got on the ground and wrapped his arms around the dirt as if he was hugging the Earth. "I gave lots of hugs and told it. 'Hey I'm a Hero of Justice who's going to be a future Superhero and save you and lots of others Earths too, cause I'm kinda of a badass. Can you lend me some of your power so it'll be easier for me to save all these worlds?' And then I gained God Striking Aura."

Ava stared at Hero for a few moments. "I f##king hate you." She held her hand out pointing a finger at him as a beam of white sludge blasted out and slammed Hero back. As he was flung back she crouched down and placed her palm on the ground a smirk crossing onto her face. "If it's that easy then. Give me some of your power world. So I can crush this damn bug and help save you. Unlike him we'll actually do the job. So what do you say. Lend me some of that power!"

Ava could feel something beginning to reach out to her. Not some physical or mental but spiritual in nature. She felt it brush past her flesh and mind and grip her very soul and in the blink of an eye she suddenly found herself in a large stone cave. And... At the back of it she saw what looked like a young sixteen year old girl who had long pitch black hair, as dark as they sky that was polluted and eyes as cold and white as snow that gazed back at Ava. The girl was in a dress made up of dead looking trees. She actually sort of looked like an older version of Daughter but with snow white eyes instead of the dark blood red ones Daughter had.

"What the hell." Ava asked with wide eyes. "Wait you're not the Earth?" She said with wide eyes.

"No... I'm not." The girl said giving a sweet smile as the darkness behind her began to shift forming hundreds of shadow like tendrils. Like a Squid... "And your request for my power has been rejected." She said in that same sweet tone. "Die."

"What-" Ava found herself back in the real world her eyes going wide as blood flowed down her chin and her entire chest exploded. The force of the attack sent her flying across the snow her blood flowing out as she gasped. She set up as steam rolled off of her and the wound began to heal her eyes wide with fear. "I... If I hadn't been a Seraphin. I would have died..." She gulped as her heart began to regrow and her flesh mended from the mini blast that just happened. "That wasn't the Earth... Or was it... Whatever that 'thing' was its not the Earth any more. Maybe at one point it was a kind sweet girl. But now we're in a world with soulless monsters, a black sky, and hellish snow. Any world would be driven mad. But that brings up the question... Why the hell is it giving Hero Law of all people its power-"

"Sneak attack bitch!"

"What!" Ava looked up just in time to see Hero slammed his metal arm into her face as hard as he could blowing the sound barrier around him apart as the force of the attack flung her back. Hero wrapped his hand around her head as he slammed her into the ground and began to run across the snow and ice at a fast speed his God Striking Aura flaring up to its black form as large as it could as he full sprint dragged her across the field. "Get your damn hands off of me!" Ava yelled slamming her leg out and kicking Hero in the chin sending his head up. She got back to her feet and slammed her hand down into his face as hard as she could smashing him into the ground. Then she pounced on him and began to violently beat his face in with her hands punching him over and over again as hard as she could.

Hero gritted his teeth and slammed his arm into her stomach as it shifted into his drill form and Ava's eyes went wide as he sliced her clean in half with his drill literally ripping his way through her body as he emerged on the other side. White snake like tendrils spilled out of her waist and upper half forcing the two halves back in black as she healed all the damage. She stood back up and threw out a powerful punch as hard as she could to Hero but his hand changed back to its clawed form and he managed to catch it gripping down on it tightly and crushing her hand. So instead she slammed herself forward headbutting him as hard as she could and sending him tumbling back.

As Hero fell back he held his right arm out as it shifted to its rage cannon for the third time that day and he gritted his teeth. Ava's eyes went wide for a moment. Thanks to him healing himself earlier with the Dream Crest he gained a second shot. The God Striking Aura flared up to a dark black seeping out as Hero fired a stream of black energy out which blew Ava's upper half clean off breaking it down to sheer ash in a single burst shot. Hero fell back hitting the ground breathing heavily as Ava's legs also fell back. A few moments later Ava's upper half regrew and her and Hero remained laid down in the snow.

"I really hate you." Ava sighed. She slowly stood back up as Hero did the same. "I'm ending this." The white sludge and bright white light that came off of her body began to form out all around her right arm leaving her exposed if not for a few scraps of clothing that managed to survive that covered her privates. Her fist clenched down as white flames began to seep out like a mini tornado. "This is my everything."

"Guess I'll do the same then." Hero announced holding his right arm out as his black aura flared to its max. "I have to thank you to." He smiled. "At first I couldn't get past the Gold aura. And I could only use it for three seconds. Now I can do the black aura for three seconds and the gold aura for seven. Plus you helped me get over some trauma I had. I don't think I'm ready to let any girls get close to me or touch me but if its you thats alright."

"I'm going to kill you."

"I'm going to save you."

Ava brought her right arm back as all her energy began to seep out and she threw out a massive powerful punch putting her all into the attack. "God Breaker!"

Hero did the same unleashing his strongest attack yet. Using all the borrowed power he could muster. "Full Hunt!" He announced as the black aura around him exploded into the image of a massive black squid!

The two attack slammed into each other in a massive blast. The massive white glowing light and the pitch black energy squid met each other head on. The two powerful attacks began to push one another back but the white light seemed to be winning as the entire Squid slammed into the arena and was forced back into the stadium shocking everyone as they watched the bright white angelic light that did battle with the squid of darkness the two clashing in a massive burst of heat, ice, lightning, sound, dark matter, matter, mantra, mental energy, everything was forced out from their clash.

"What the hell." Kitsune said with wide eyes.

"Come on Father! Win." Daughter yelled. The two energies began to die out getting smaller and smaller as the white began to devour the black. "Yes!" Daughter announced. "I knew father would beat that squid power-" In a flash the white light vanished showing Ava as the black light vanished showing Hero Law. "Wait! Father was the Squid?"

The two of their fists were still connected and each was banged up. Ava's arm had all the flesh on it melted off and her arm was twisted in such a way the bone was hanging out. Hero's arm was covered in dents, cracks, and twisted all up looking like it would fall off at any moment.

Ava let out a growl raising her left arm up and forming a dagger of white sludge but it began to melt as she was running out of power. She stepped forward stabbing with it!

Hero's right arm glowed and reverted back to normal. Ava stabbed down as hard as she could!


"I give up. You win."

"What." Ava's knife stopped inches from Hero's chest.

Hero smiled and cocked his head to the side. "I said I give up. You win. Great fight."