The End Of Their Battle...

Night Two Hundred And Fifty Three

Age 1991

An Unknown Location Somewhere In The White Nation...

An Unknown Building...

"We seem to be missing some members..." Fox noted letting out a small sigh as he rested his arm on the table.

"Actually we seem to have gained some new members as well." Mr. Snow stated looking around.

Inside of a hidden base the Organization could be seen. Or at least what was able to be called the Organization. The original group held twelve Members. the Jester, Ben, Mr. Hyde, Cloak, Bright, Fox, Snow, Ash, One, or Vil, Viper, or wife of Ken, Turron, and lastly Mino the man in the sunglasses. They also had The Mystery who wasn't technically a member, but worked as their leader.

However... Bright was dead, Ash was injured, and Cloak had been captured. Mystery was also to busy with spying on the Enforcers to be here. That left the new team.

Jester, One, Ben, Hyde, Fox, Snow, Viper, Mino, Turron, Kitsune, Irene, and Cloud. The leader of their group, her son, the husband of Mr. Hyde, the scientist behind the Seraphin and cloning project, a man in a fox mask, the husband of Cloak, the wife of Ken, a dude in sunglasses, an edgy boy with a scarf, and whatever Kitsune, Irene, and Cloud were.

"We lost three members and so we gain three members." Fox mused.

"And two of em are cuties." Mino chuckled. "I'm totally okay with replacing Bright and Ash with those two girls. Shame about Cloak being caught though isn't it."

"We will get her back in due time." Jester, or Hero Law, said tapping her fingers on the table. "For now. I would like to introduce you to our three new members. Kitsune. Irene. And Cloud. Starting from this day on they will be replacing our lost members. At least until we can get Cloak back, and fix Ash's wounds."

"Well then... I think it's time for the big question." Fox said eyeing Kitsune up. "What exactly... Is it that you three want?"

"Oh? Well." Kitsune gave a smile. "We just want to kill a certain someone. Your boss... She is after God. Well. It just so happens this man we want dead so bad. He is associated with God. So by helping you out we can get closer to this man. And when we do. We can show him exactly what is betrayal meant to us."

"I see." Fox nodded seemingly fine with that answer. "And you said your name was... Kitsune Nine?"

"Thats right. Oh but don't worry. I'm not the Kitsune you want to kill Fox."


"Well then." Jester said giving a small smile. "I think it's time we can start planning." She stated. "With Master Storm gone and all the people marked now is the time for us to get ready."

"What exactly is our plan?" Mr. Hyde asked.

"We're going to capture someone." Jester stated drumming her fingers on the table. "Her name is... Ken."


Gladiolus City...

The Arena...

Hero's right arm glowed and reverted back to normal. Ava stabbed down as hard as she could!


"I give up. You win."

"What." Ava's knife stopped inches from Hero's chest.

Hero smiled and cocked his head to the side. "I said I give up. You win. Great fight."

"Hero..." Ken felt a small frown fall onto her face. "What... Were you playing at."

"Hero lost." Kitsune said with wide eyes. "Oh damn. Main character powers don't do s##t when the plot says so huh?"

"I can't believe he actually lost..." Irene muttered.

Shelly had a blank look on her face as she replayed everything in her head. "Don't tell me Hero... Was 'that' your plan all along? If so... You're taking a gamble aren't you. Well I guess a risk free goal isn't like you is it. Still... There had to be a better way... What were you thinking."

"Big Brother had to be holding back right." Light demanded. "He would never lose in an actual match. He's way stronger than that."

"Father... What was that dark power?"

Up in the stands Jackson bit his lip. "Looks like thats another Squad Member of ours down." He sighed.

"We still got Ken." Dawson sighed. "She's stronger than Hero."

"Maybe she was stronger than Hero but after that power he pulled out of nowhere... He might have caught up to her." Jackson joked.

"So. Happy. Your fake son lost." Aka sighed.

Katrina had a heavy frown on her face. "I... Am... Hero will... Hero Must learn from this. That power is... Very flawed. Very weak. Very... Dark. I wanted him to lose so he could see that. See that this power isn't the answer. He's better off learning his Level Two, then improving that power. Also... Unlike others who get discouraged by a loss, Hero will take this to heart. It's only a matter of time before he surpasses Ava..."

Aka didn't say anything petting her stomach. "Man... I really lucked out didn't I."

Hero collapsed down to his knees breathing heavily. He was pretty banged up and burned. So was Ava but her body was beginning to heal. Olf, who had woken up, slowly set up with wide eyes before clearing his throat. "H... Hero Law of Squad Six has forfeited. The winner is-"

"BULLSHIT!" Ava slammed her hand into Hero's throat wrapped it around it as she smashed Hero down into the ground as hard as she could shattering the floor and hitting him down so hard a mini earthquake went off knocking Leo and Olf down from the shaking. She glared at the teen with wide eyes but Hero just managed a small smile even as her hand began to squeeze down on his throat. "What the hell are you planning." She growled out. "No way in hell you'd ever simply give up. I refuse to accept that. This is all part of your plan to stop my precious Otoko isn't it! I won't accept such a win if it endangers him!" She spat out.

"Well." Hero said giving a weary smile. "I already gave up so you win. Believe it or not I kind of can't fight anymore. All my power and energy was used up breaking out of the dream and in that last attack. Thanks! You've shown me a lot. That battle taught me how I can improve my base form, and my God Strike Aura as well. Also. I think I'm one step closer to reaching level two so-"

"Die." Ava raised her hand up forming a white sword which she stabbed down. Blood flowed out as Ava's right arm flew off high into the air crashing down. Her eyes went wide and she turned finding flame like strings wrapped around the limb. Brave stood off to the side. Ava still couldn't move though as several tentacles from Lucy's suit case were wrapped around her. Finally the roaring chain saw of Emma was at the Seraphins throat. All three girls had in one way or another stopped her.

'That was a close one.' Row mused.

"Wow they are... Fast." Ken noted.

"Stupid f##king Harem power." Kitsune muttered.

"That's enough sister." Davi said walking over as well. He placed a hand on Ava's shoulder. "You've won. Drop it. Unless you want me to get involved."

Ava glared at him for a moment before turning away and letting go of Hero. The boy collapsed back into the snow unmoving as Davi and Ava turned and walked off.

"W... Winner... Winner is... Is... A... Ava Vil... Of Squad... Five." Olf said with shaking legs.

"Hero are you okay?" Emma asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." Hero said in a blank tone. "Just chilling."

"Are you sure?" Lucy asked cocking her head to the side.


Brave crossed her arms. "So uh... Why are you laying back in the snow?"

"Oh that? I can't move. My spine shattered when she grabbed my neck."

"...What!" All three girls yelled.


Sometime Later...

The Enforcers Hospital...

Oleander City...

"How is he..." Katrina asked. Her face was on a camera screen as her and all the other Enforcers were still in Gladiolus City...

"Not... Good..." Athena, the greatest medical Enforcer, and Captain of the Support Squad, said letting out a heavy sigh. Her and Hero were no longer in Gladiolus City. It had been a big panic when Hero said that so casually. She had instantly jumped down to inspect him and sure enough. His spine had been sliced clean in half. He had to be rushed to Oleander City for instant medical care and she had came with him to keep him from dying. "His condition isn't that good." She admitted to Katrina.

The Captain of Squad Six let out a heavy sigh. "Well... What exactly... Are the issues..."

"Well for one... His spine was shattered. Most of his flesh received burns from acid. All the bones in his legs, and arms, were cracked, same with his skull. All his ribs have broken and punctured organs. Some of his organs are... Also made out of metal but they seem to be working fine. My guess is he repaired the damaged organs with copies using his power. It's actually quiet refined how he did it. That said that's nothing in compression to the rest of the damage he sustained."

"It gets worse?"

"Oh yeah... Big time to sadly..." Athena let out another sigh. "Whatever that form was... You need to ban him from ever using it again... All the nerves in his right arm were fried out. Some were just burned away. My guess is its because he used that striking power with the sword and the energy back lash was to much. The rest of his body is in a similar position. That form... Well after studying his body I think I figured out what it does..."

"It boosts his power right?"

"Yes... And no." Athena stated. "It seemed to do four major things when he used it in the aura state. The first was... It seemed to push his brain to allow the body to go all out. You see the human body even honed ones have certain limits. The amount of damage we can deal out is more than we can take. As such our bodies hold back by allowing us to only use the amount we can take. This why when we throw a punch our muscles don't snap the bones in our arms. That form took that weakness off however. Every strike was at 100% as if he was pumped full of adrenaline but constantly. So he's fighting at his body's limit. The second thing it does affects the brain and nerves. Because his body is going at its full limits the process in which his brain moves and functions was greatly enhanced as well. Thing of it as almost like him processing things much faster. Normally in that form he'd be moving far to fast for the brain to keep up and yet the senses were also enhanced to make up for that. This greatly strained the brain and the nervous system within his body which had to process and move much faster hence the burns on his nerves. The third and fourth however... Those are the most dangerous aspects of this power. You see not only is his body forced to fight at its limit an act that already strains it and can easily break it, but that power forces him past the limit multiplying it. Think of it like... Hero normally fights at 55% max power. That form jumps him up to 100% and then multiplies that by 10... I don't think I need to tell you how thats bad... Somehow it gets worse with the fourth and last thing though. His cells. Were on fire."

"What do you mean his cells were on fire?"

"I mean. His cells were on fire. That Gold aura... The reason we were so confused about it. That was actual flames. That power seemed to bring with it a tremendous amount of heat that passes through him on a cellular level. The cells that made Hero Law up quiet literally burst into flames. That black aura. That was ash. The Golden aura seems to be something that deals massive damage to him but he can still sort of take it. That black aura though. That power literally is killing him. He must have shaved off ten, maybe even twenty years off his life just showing it off. As his Captain you need to inform him how dangerous that power is."

Katrina seemed to let out a sigh for a moment. "I see... Okay. I understand. I'll let him know next time I see him. Thank you for telling me."

"I'll do my best to heal him." Athena sighed. "We have the best medical care and if anyone can fix injuries like that it's me..." She stated confidently. "That said... It's going to be a while. I have to recreate many cells, or organs, as well as entire strands of nerves as they were simply burned to nothing when he pushed his body. I doubt he'll be up and fighting again for a while. Though I am proud to say that we got his spine back together and his right arm can be moved, though not good. He still can't walk around that well, and even a battle with a kitten would leave him dead. It's best if he just rests now. I'll keep him informed on the matches though."

"Thanks again." Katrina nodded. "He's... A good kid."

"Right..." The monitor shut off as Athena let out a sigh. She walked over to the door pushing it open. "Alright Mr. Law. I just talked to your Captain. You're to have bed rest for- What the hell!"

Inside of the room, a heavily bandaged up Hero, was currently upside down, on the floor, using his left arm to do one armed push ups, his legs hanging in the air and his right arm behind his back. He had his teeth gritted as a white aura was spilling out around him. The aura seemed to flicker to a deep shade of pink for a moment before reverting back to white as he went up and down.

"One hundred... And... Ninety seven." He grunted out before pushing down then back up. "One hundred and ninety eight-"

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!" Athena shirked running over to him.

"That... Battle..." Hero said through gritted teeth as sweat poured down him. "S... Show me. I saw what my God Strike Aura could do. And I'm still not close to mastering Level 2. It made me realized what I need to do right now to improve. My right arm is at 100% now. It's at its max limit. Until I can break past it and reach level 2 I won't be getting any stronger. My right arm wont hit harder or swing faster or gain any new forms. I'm at my top limit and it's still not enough damn it. If I can't reach level 2 then I'll have to get stronger in other ways. I'll work on God Striking Aura. I need to find a lesser version of it. One that doesn't break my body down when I use it. But. Thats still not enough. Then it hit me."

"What did!?"

"I've only trained my body to peak human levels then simply focused on my right arm to get it up to this point. So. I'll focus on the rest of my body. I'll train my legs and left arm up until they're at least half as fast and hit half has hard as my transformed right arm. Then I'll train every cell in my body until it's able to handle the GSA. I'll force myself to not break down and shatter my limits!"

Athena frowned. "You are... One naive yet determined little fool aren't you. Well. I don't give a damn what you do for training when its training time. But right now." She gently pressed her finger to Hero's stomach applying a small amount of pressure which was enough to push him back. "It's resting time. So get back in bed and rest!"