End Of The Second Round Part 1

Night Two Hundred And Fifty Six

Age 1991

Gladiolus City...

The Arena...

Box Five...

"Damn it, damn it, damn it. When the hell are these stupid games going to be over with..." Ava hissed out punching the wall next to her.

"Please." Yeshua Vil, the one who Daughter had been body hacking, said giving a small smile as he bowed his head. "There really is no need to put on a scene sister."

"I don't even want to hear it from you." Ava hissed out. "You went and lost in the first round and some creepy squid, shark, girl crawled out of you and started calling that damn man daddy. You can shut the hell up for all I care, because I don't want to hear any of your mumbo jumbo."

"That's enough Ava." Davi said grabbing his sister by the back of the neck. "No more of that. Behave yourself."

"I am."

"No. You're not." He sighed. "You're acting totally different. At the start of these games you put on that mask and just remained blank and unmoving even as you harmed people. But it would seem that boys words... Hero Law have reached you. I'm disappointed in him though. After all he lost to someone like you. I guess he simply wasn't anywhere near as good as I thought he would have been." He sighed letting go of Ava's neck.

"That damn boy..." Ava hissed out biting her lip and causing some of her white blood to spill out and drip down her face splashing onto the grass below. "He really went and ticked me the hell off you know. Spouting all that nonsense."

"And yet it seems his words reached you." Davi chuckled.

"Shut the hell up!"

"Having some issues." A smug and sly voice commented. The two siblings turned finding Ken Red leaning over the wall since, Hero was no longer here.

"What the hell do you want." Ava barked out.

"Nothing much." Ken admitted. "I'm just studying."

"Studying?" Davi asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah." Ken nodded her sly grin growing. "After Hero's match with you I got to see what a Seraphin could really do. It got me excited."

"Hmm. Well you're wrong." Davi chuckled. "My sister already told your brother but she's really not a Seraphin. We Seraphin are made up of 1-20% of dark matter. Dark Matter being a source of energy the Bestia Macht are made of and a counter to Mantra. It can be used to do a lot. Even counter Equations hence why Bestia Macht are so feared. Seraphins are being injected with an Equation and this Dark Matter forced to fuse and live on in a human form. Both the Mantra from the Equation, and the dark Matter from the Bestia Macht cells clash and create something new. Our bodies are again typically 1% to 20% Dark Matter, 1% to 20% Mantra, and lastly 60% of something else. My sister on the other hand. She's 90% all the way up to 99% of Dark Matter and only 1% normal living Matter. Where as we are Seraphins its more like she is an actual Bestia Macht with only a single strand of humanity within her. Something else that is far above us. In short. Watching a Seraphin fight so you can learn more about your own body and what you can do isn't a bad idea but you'd have better luck watching me fight then Ava."

"Really?" Ken asked throwing her arms behind her head. "But Ava is so much cooler than you."

Davi stumbled at that his eye twitching. "Oh really?"

"Yeah. Same with that Hero Otoko boy. I'd rather copy him and Ava then you."

"I already explained why copying Ava doesn't work but you should really not copy Otoko. He's not even the same Seraphin type as us being from another world and something else entirely."

"Oh you know about that to?" Ken asked.

"That I do." Davi nodded. "That guy is... Well he ticks me off almost as much as Law. I hate him more than anything. More than anything I hate his form though... He showed it to me... I was the one that helped him gain it you see... We Seraphins can transform into that animal like form that you go into. They always have some animal like traits like how you become a Cat girl. Or like how that Viper girl becomes a snake. It greatly powers us up but also raises our blood lust and hunger up and brings out beast like desires."

"That power... Can it be controlled?" Ken asked cocking her head to the side.

"Of course it can." Davi said rolling his eyes. "I'll admit it is hard though. I think only I and that Otoko have been able to control it."

"I see... Wait but then what about Viper?"

"She doesn't bother with controlling it. She's like a gun. She simply points herself at an enemy and transforms. Then after she's killed them she reverts back. She just gives in to the lust and battle hunger going on a killing spree until it ends. In short she's so mad she doesn't need to control the form like other Seraphins do."

"That makes some sense I guess. Wow. You and Otoko aren't half bad if you can control it." Ken noted cocking her head back as she seemed to go deep in thought. "I wonder how I'll surpass you both then?"

"Ken why are you talking to the enemy?" Shelly asked suddenly taking note of who Ken had been talking to. Ken jumped at the voice and let out a chuckle.

"Oh boy... I've been busted..." She joked.

Kitsune took note of who Ken was talking to and cocked his head to the side as he stared at Davi. "So... If you've met Hero Otoko what are his weaknesses?"

"Oh that's easy."

"It is?" Light asked.

"Yeah. He has none."

"...What?" Irene asked blinking a few times. She shook her head. "That doesn't make any sense. Everyone has some sort of weakness right? What do you mean he has none?"

Davi's smirk only grew but before he could speak Ava cut in. "He means that Hero Otoko is far, far above, the understand one of you could have. He's above even the Captains. I don't think there is anything in this world that could beat him. His power is simply higher than anything any living creature could hope to reach. Not in a million years will any of you be able to wrap your heads around just how far he can go. A power that rivals even the likes of God, my father, one fitting of the man who can call himself the Devil, and one fitting for that form of his that he has taken. That power is the thing that will save this world I am sure of it. Hero Otoko is greatest and coolest warriors around and will never lose a battle no matter what is thrown at him and thanks to his Seraphin blood line he will grow, and grow, and grow, until he surpasses all limits, and all life itself, and steps past Godhood and even that Squid stepping into newer and higher realms." She took several deep breaths as everyone all stared at her with deadpanned looks.

"I... I wouldn't take it that far..." Davi hummed. "But for the most part compared to all of you, and even myself, and my sister, Hero Otoko is simply out of our leagues."

"Wow... I had no idea Otoko was that strong." Ken hummed. "I wonder what I'll do to beat him then?"

"I don't think Hero Otoko is quiet as good as you all claim." Irene sighed. "If he was really this powerful threat that could never lose then I doubt any of us would be here. He would have already won and it'd be over. In short... I don't think he's that strong."

"You naive girl."

"If... If he's really that strong..." Daughter frowned hugging Shelly's leg as she did so. "If he's really that strong then Father will get him on his side no matter what in order to win. So really you should be on our side if you care about him so much because it's only a matter of time before Father gets him on our side."

"I hate to say it." Kitsune chuckled. "But there could be some truth in that. Hero's a stubborn bastard. If he wants Hero Otoko on his side... I think he'll manage it somehow. Some way... I hope."

"You're all fools." Davi said turning away.

"Utter fools." Ava finished.

"Maybe." Kitsune sighed. "But I'm going to keep putting my trust in Hero Law for now. I imagine thats what you two are doing right? I guess in the end. We'll see who wins out."


Over in Box Two...

"A lot of matches sure have happened..." Brave noted looking around. "I'm pretty sure we're getting near the end of this round."

"I'd say there is one more match if I did the numbers right." Hella hummed.

"Seriously?" Brave asked with wide eyes. "Only one more match. Oh. I bet it is that Davi guy right? The one who was talking all that smack. Man. When am I gonna be fighting him." She sighed.

"You should take this a little more seriously Brave." Fate scolded hugging her doll closer to her chest.

"Where's the fun in that."

"I'm still mad I lost..." Curro complained. He rested in a corner skulking about the fact he didn't get as far as he wanted to.

"The next match." Thorn asked slowly cocking her head to the side. "If Davi is in it will he win."

"Likely. Why?" Hella asked. "Oh... I get it. You're scared for the one he's fighting aren't you." Hella chuckled. "Did a certain boy catch your eye Thorn?"

"Hmm? Wait. Who's going to be fighting Davi?" Brave asked perking up.

"Oh you don't know?" Hella smirked. "The one who will be fighting is the only one hear who I think has a chance of taking that boy down. It's-"

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the last match of the Games second round." Olf the announcer announced loudly holding his microphone up. "This one ought to be a good one I think. It's an old classic that's for sure. Davi Vil, the one who had one of the bests fight showings of these Games so far, and a proud member of Squad Five which has lost only a single member, will be testing his metal out on Max No Last name of Squad One!"

"Max!" Brave asked with wide eyes. "He was that sexy hunk of a lava boy that was with Hero wasn't he?" She questioned.

"Sexy... Hunk... Of a lava boy..." Thorn asked cocking her head to the side. "Yes. That sums him up."

"Wow. Thorn does have a crush." Fate noted.

"Max is fighting Dvai?" Curro asked raising an eyebrow as he stood up from the spot he had been skulking in. "Finally. Another good match. I wanted to fight Max myself but... Watching him fight Davi will be the next best thing..."

There was a flash of blue light as Davi took off into the air spinning his body around and slamming into the mini planet, that was their battle arena, so hard it shook and began to crack. He folded his arms and gave a smirk as he waited for his enemy to enter... A rush of lava rose up forming into a solid mass of stone stairs which rose up from the ground and attached itself to the arena. Max slowly walked up them walking to the arena and stepping onto the planet his feet touching down on the grass. He looked up meeting the eyes of Davi.

"I'd say you're the best fight I'm gonna get in this arena." Davi sighed. "I could tell your the second strongest person here."

"Second?" Max asked. "Sorry I think you began to talk about yourself in the middle of you complimenting how great I am."

"Arrogant huh?"

"What was so arrogant about that statement? I was simply stating a fact."

"To be a fact it has to be correct."

"Oh? Saying I was wrong? How arrogant of you."

"Man..." Leo said off to the side standing next to Olf who was currently setting his will up. "They are both really cool."

Davi launched forward a grin forming onto his face as blue energy crackled out of him and he threw out a punch. Max stepped forward throwing his right arm out the lava seeping out as the two fists connected sending out a wave of lava and a wave of crackling blue energy a massive mass of shock wave energy shaking the entire planet down to its core and causing it to melt as Leo and Olf jumped off of the planet right as it completely and utterly exploded from the force of the two fists meeting the entire planet shattering into a hail of rubble which rained down.

And with that the real battle was finally beginning.