End Of The Second Round Part 2

Night Two Hundred And Fifty Seven

Age 1991

Oleander City...

The Hospital...

"Ahh! It's no use!" Hero said jumping up onto the bed. "This meditation crap isn't doing anything! You're a terrible teacher-"


Athena smacked Hero over the back of the head as she let out an annoyed sigh. "Don't go jumping around like that idiot. You'll reopen your wounds."

Hero pouted as he laid on his back staring up at the roof. "Can we just do more of that body training stuff."

"I'm cooling down from doing that." Athena said shaking her head.

Hero allowed a sigh to escape his lips as he folded his arms. "Well... I just don't see what me sitting down and clearing my mind is going to do."

Athena's eye twitched for a moment. "It's meant to help you focus. Calm your emotions down and think. That's what you need to do more than anything. We'll take it up a notch once I'm sure you can clear your mind."

"What do you mean take it up a notch?"

"I wasn't going to tell you because I didn't want you trying but..." Athena sighed. "Once I think you can manage your thoughts better we were going to move on to control."


"That's right. That arm of yours Mr. Law... It's quiet strong. Able to produce powerful gusts of wind, flame, and energy. I've seen you try and manage that power. You really don't. You simply fire it all off in large bursts. The only time you've tried to control it was for that sword attack which wasn't even your power... This mental training is about that. Clearing your head and forming more of that power but then taking a step further. Not just creating it but controlling it. Bending winds, flames, and energy, to your will. The issue is the fact that it would require a tremendous amount of work. Your mind has to be able to manage every last detail down to the smallest molecule. A single stray thought would ruin all of that..."

"So... Thats why you're having me do this dumb training. To clear my mind so that when we move onto controlling I can mange it better..."

"That's right." Athena nodded. "It's true that currently your arms power is at 100% meaning it can't get stronger. It won't gain any new forms nor will it upgrade anymore. Not until you break past 100% and reach level 2. As such its good to work on what you have already. You're training your body up so it can fight harder. So why not also improve on what you already have."

"I think I get what you're saying. If I can manage to learn how to control this cool energy flame wind stuff I could find a new attack right!"



"I mean... I suppose you could but... I wouldn't..."

"How come? Controlling flame, wind, and energy, and mixing them all together... I could make for one seriously powerful attack."

"It's simple." Athena said bonking him on the head. "I already told you that the next step is to go from creating to controlling. That would allow you to better easily use your arms powers that already exist such as those flames, those winds, and that energy. It would improve on attacks you already have and would also let you manage to God Striking Aura slightly better though I still wouldn't use it. It's true that you could use the control we'll be teaching you to make a new attack you didn't have but... I wouldn't do that. I told you how hard it is to control them hence the need for you learning to control your mind better. Now imagine trying to control flames, energy, and wind, all at once, while also creating them, for this new attack. You'd run into so many issues not even counting the control. Namely Compression, Speed, and Power..."

"What do you mean Compression, speed, and power?"

"The amount of wind, flame, and energy, you'd be creating and controlling would be a lot. And trying to mix them would be like mixing water with oil. You'd need perfect control and to be able to compress the wind, flame, and energy down, all into a precise point. Otherwise it would simply explode. A single wrong move with trying to fuse them all together would cause a massive blast that would wipe out your right arm. But even if you manage that you now have two more issues. The first is the power. This attack would be strong sure, it would have so much wind, which would fuel the flames, and so much energy, which would ignite the wind to make more flames, it would be like an exploding star of pure mass all escaping. The issue would come in the form of not allowing yourself to be hit by your own attack. Then even if you solved that you'd have the final issue which would be speed. Creating this attack would be slow. It'd be hard to manage generating that much energy all on your own and then also controlling it. It would take to long to muster up all of that and then also control it at the same time. On top of that the amount of flame, energy, and wind, you'd be compressing down is a lot still. Just because it's compressed its weight wouldn't change. It would be like a boulder as thin and as small a stick. It'd be hard to move."

"So in short... It'd be hard to fuse together and make small enough to use, it'd do to much damage and would have backlashes on me, and it would take to long to ready the attack, and then be to heavy to charge at my enemy with it? Is that the issue?" He asked.

"For the most part yes."

"I see." Hero hummed. "So if I could find a way around all of that then you're saying I could make a cool new badass tri-elemental burst attack?"

"...I... Suppose- I forbid you from attempting to do that."

"Aww come on!"

"No. There is literally no way for you to negate all of that." Athena hissed out shaking her head. "Even if you can figure out a way to create that much power, and then also control, and then also compress it, which in and of itself should be impossible in a short amount of time, you'd never be able to make it to your enemy to throw it at them, nor will you be able to survive the explosion of the attack. I forbid you from attempting it. You would get yourself killed for sure. I will tell your Captain on you. Don't think I won't."

"Fine." Hero sighed falling back onto his bed. "I won't attempt to create a new badass over the top attack then... Unless I feel like it."

"What was that!"

"Nothing. Man... If only I could use my Dream Crest again."

"Your Dream Crest?" Athena asked.

"Yeah." Hero set up and placed his hand over his heart. "It's right above my heart. It's what allowed me to heal." He stated.

Athena thought back to the fight. At one point Hero had unzipped his jacket showing off his rocking body as well as that 'D' shaped scar over his heart. The scar had lit up with a bright green glow and in a flash of light his body had healed over all the damage he had taken as if by magic. It was so fast and quick. It went beyond even her healing. Such power would normally require more energy then Master Storm had. So she figured it must have been a trick but... Hero was healed. At least until he jacked his body up again.

"Come to think of it... I recall you healing in that fight... I'm assuming that was from this Dream crest?"

"That's right." Hero nodded. "I can use it to heal myself or other people. Pretty cool right."

"You can't use it anymore though?"

"No. At least I don't think so." Hero sighed. "If I use it one more time he- Well... Something bad will happen. Still... It would sure be useful. It's basically a free heal. And the others that have it can do a lot with it to. Hella is able to make Dolls, Row, can bend and twist the world around him brining forth the void, Yume could make weapons and items, and Kitsune was able to use her fragments to make clothing and manage her powers. Mine was seemingly able to rewrite over a part of reality in order to heal myself."

"I see... That is a pretty strong power. I can see how it has a limit on it... But wait... Hella... She's that girl on that crystal ball isn't she?"

"Yeah? Why?"

"She used hers to create a gun at one point did she not?"

"Oh yeah? She did? Now that I think about it Yume makes weapons, and Row also creates Dolls. So maybe Hella's Dream power, and Yume's are something else? Like maybe the Dream Crest can just make Dolls, and items, and all users have that, and Hella, and Yume actually had another power?"

"Possibly? Honestly I know nothing about that. But if we assume that every user of a Crest gets a power, and yours was healing, and Creation, of items, and Dolls, is a shared power then would you have been able to?"

"I guess I could have. I never thought to try it? Row used his to make a Doll of Yume, and unlike Hella he could create full blown emotions. I suppose its possible Hella's is just weaker which is why her Dolls don't have emotions? Perhaps I could have created things and Dolls. That would have been cool." He joked.

"Hmm... I see." Athena nodded her head getting a look in her eyes for a moment. "Then I have one more question."


"Is the use of your Crest one more time the bad thing, or the use of your power?"


Gladiolus City...

The Arena...

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the last match of the Games second round." Olf the announcer announced loudly holding his microphone up. "This one ought to be a good one I think. It's an old classic that's for sure. Davi Vil, the one who had one of the bests fight showings of these Games so far, and a proud member of Squad Five which has lost only a single member, will be testing his metal out on Max No Last name of Squad One!"

"Max!" Brave asked with wide eyes. "He was that sexy hunk of a lava boy that was with Hero wasn't he?" She questioned.

"Sexy... Hunk... Of a lava boy..." Thorn asked cocking her head to the side. "Yes. That sums him up."

"Wow. Thorn does have a crush." Fate noted.

"Max is fighting Dvai?" Curro asked raising an eyebrow as he stood up from the spot he had been skulking in. "Finally. Another good match. I wanted to fight Max myself but... Watching him fight Davi will be the next best thing..."

There was a flash of blue light as Davi took off into the air spinning his body around and slamming into the mini planet, that was their battle arena, so hard it shook and began to crack. He folded his arms and gave a smirk as he waited for his enemy to enter... A rush of lava rose up forming into a solid mass of stone stairs which rose up from the ground and attached itself to the arena. Max slowly walked up them walking to the arena and stepping onto the planet his feet touching down on the grass. He looked up meeting the eyes of Davi.

"I'd say you're the best fight I'm gonna get in this arena." Davi sighed. "I could tell your the second strongest person here."

"Second?" Max asked. "Sorry I think you began to talk about yourself in the middle of you complimenting how great I am."

"Arrogant huh?"

"What was so arrogant about that statement? I was simply stating a fact."

"To be a fact it has to be correct."

"Oh? Saying I was wrong? How arrogant of you."

"Man..." Leo said off to the side standing next to Olf who was currently setting his will up. "They are both really cool."

Davi launched forward a grin forming onto his face as blue energy crackled out of him and he threw out a punch. Max stepped forward throwing his right arm out the lava seeping out as the two fists connected sending out a wave of lava and a wave of crackling blue energy a massive mass of shock wave energy shaking the entire planet down to its core and causing it to melt as Leo and Olf jumped off of the planet right as it completely and utterly exploded from the force of the two fists meeting the entire planet shattering into a hail of rubble which rained down.

And with that the real battle was finally beginning.