End Of The Second Round Part 3

Night Two Hundred And Fifty Eight

Age 1981

Bouqs City...

'Never again...'

A young and beat up looking six year old boy could be seen wobbling down the streets of a crowded dirty city that was covered in waves of steam as all the pipes and cars left waves of pollution.

It was so bad that everyone had to wear a gas mask. Well... They 'had' to wear one. That didn't mean they all were... The young boy walked without one each intake of air daring to be his last as his eyes blurred and his knees trembled his movement getting slower and more messed up as sweat poured down him covering his body and causing his clothing to stick to him.

'Never again... I swore...'

The child collapsed to their knees falling onto the street.

No one bothered to help them. Most people only took a faint notice of the boy moving out of the way and going around him. Some didn't even do that stepping on the boy and pushing him further into the ground his frail bones no doubt snapping from all that weight.

'I swore... That I would never die. Not like this. Not as some pathetic runt... I made a promise. I was a genius. I knew it. Better than everyone...'

"H... Help..." The child tried to say his eyes blurry.

Nobody came to his rescue.

'I swore that I would rise to the top... No matter what. I wouldn't die until I reached that rank... The rank of...'

Next to the boy a small newspaper blowed down. His dull eyes took it in finding an article talking about a woman named Lillian Aka who just became the new Red Empress for the Red Nation. The boys fingers out stretched as he took the paper in his hands.

'I would reach the rank of Emperor. I Max, the Genius of the world, will be the greatest Emperor, and the first non Noble. It's my destiny. Because I'm a Genius.'


Age 1991

Gladiolus City...

The Arena...

Davi launched forward a grin forming onto his face as blue energy crackled out of him and he threw out a punch. Max stepped forward throwing his right arm out the lava seeping out as the two fists connected sending out a wave of lava and a wave of crackling blue energy a massive mass of shock wave energy shaking the entire planet down to its core and causing it to melt as Leo and Olf jumped off of the planet right as it completely and utterly exploded from the force of the two fists meeting the entire planet shattering into a hail of rubble which rained down.

And with that the real battle was finally beginning.

The entire ground of the stadium was covered in a thick layer of broken down rocks as the planet broke apart.

From the dust Davi came crashing down flipping through the air and landing on the ground with a loud crash a large smirk crossing onto his face. He raised his palm up as a silver orb began to form into it. The small orb looked almost like the moon. "Tsukuyomi. Tracking rays of the Divine Moon." He announced throwing the orb high into the air launching it into the dust cloud. The orb moved like a ball of glass rays of light hitting it and causing beams of silver light to flash out which ripped everything around them apart slicing into them.

Olf would have been diced up if not for Leo jumping in front of the Anima Man, using his Equip type shield to create the aura of a lion around them which blocked the beams.

From the dust cloud Max fell out spinning his body around and avoiding all the beams of light. A large wave of lava gushed out of his legs forming together into a solid stone which quickly formed together and hardened into a rock that he was able to jump off of sending himself higher into the air and over the moon orb. He brought his hands together breathing in and then spat out. "Volcanic Eruption 2.5." He announced as several large masses of flaming rocks spewed out of his mouth and slammed through the orb shattering it.

Davi gave a wider smirk raising his other arm up. "You're not to bad." The blue aura seeped off of him like flames. "How about this. Amaterasu." He announced as the energy seemed to form into blue flames which wrapped around his right arm. "Strike Of The Sun Goddess." He roared out throwing out a mighty punch to the air born Max.

Max brought his own arm back which ignited with lava and stone alike as he dropped down at high speeds. "Planetary Annihilation Strike." He screamed reaching Davi as he threw out a mighty punch.

The two fists slammed into one another creating a massive burst of lava and blue flames which rocked the entire stadium throwing several people back.

"W... Wow." Brave said with wide eyes. "That Max kid isn't half bad. I see why you like him Thorn."

Thorn cocked her head to the side. "Why is he holding back?" She asked.

"He's holding back!" Brave asked with wider eyes. "Seriously?"

"That's right." Hella nodded a frown forming onto her face. "Believe it or not Brave. Neither of them are anywhere near their full power. Max still has access to his level two form should he need it. In that state he is greatly enhanced and pushed beyond the limits. Davi likewise has his Seraphin transformation. On top of that Davi is one of the very select few of Seraphins who have somehow managed to rain in their beast like side meaning he gets all that power and his mind. Both of them have much, much, more that they can pull of. These clashes aren't even the tip of ice burg."

"I'm a bit jealous." Fate hummed.

"You're telling me." Curro growled. "You mean all this time Davi was holding back on me... Come on. Where the hell is the fun in that."

Meanwhile up in the Captains box a lot of them were staring at the Fifth Captain, and first Vice Captain in shock.

"Geez." Dawson said letting out a heavy sigh. "Why the hell did Master Storm, and the Empress allow those two to fight in these games. At their level they should already be Silver Badged Enforcers at least. It's unfair to have them fight anyone else in these games."

"I don't think any recruit comes close to their level." Nick nodded. "That's for sure."

"Maybe not now..." Jackson hummed. "But remember... These fights are designed to push people to their limits so they can break past it and grow stronger. Besides. It would be pretty boring if we didn't get to see some cool fights like this. You have to admit that."

"I suppose." Dawson sighed.

"I see your point." Nick nodded using his one arm to prop himself up. "So. Who do you think will win?"

"That's obvious ain't it." A new voice said making the three Enforcers all turn. Their eyes all went wide when they saw who was walking towards them. "Naturally a member of my old Squad will win."

"E... Eins!" They all said in shock.

Standing on the platform to the stairs was Eins, former member of Squad One. "Yo."

"What the hell!" Jackson asked in shock.

"Miss me?" Eins asked giving a grin.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Dawson asked in shock.

"It's sort of a long story." Eins chuckled as he stood next to them and placed his arms on the railing over looking the arena. "It started with a phone call."


"After I quit the Enforcers when my friend North died I... I went around the Red Nation traveling. But then out of the blue I get a call from the Empress of all people." Eins laughed giving a sheepish shrug. "She called me and said some weird things. She'll be having a baby in nine month and wanted my Light Based powers to help deliver it apparently cause I can suppress energy and this child is supposedly gonna have a crap ton of it. Then again it is your kid Jackson so I can see why she wanted me on board. That wasn't all she wanted from me though. She also wanted me become the new Vice Captain for Squad Two. I guess Mary is getting a new position or something and The Empress asked me to take over for that spot."

"S... Seriously?" Jackson asked.

"Yeah. I was in shock to. Shock. Get it. Cause you're lightning?"

"You... Haven't changed."

Eins laughed scratching the back of his head. "Sorry. Anyways. At first I totally turned her down. I wasn't interested in Enforcer work. But... Well. I saw a match that made me change my mind. One of someone who despite giving up, didn't really give up. I won't go into to much detail but it got me thinking about some stuff. Finally I decided. I made up my mind. I swallowed my pride and called back the freaking Empress of the entire Nation, as I now had her number in my phone, bragging rights, and asked her if I could still have the position. She said yes. So. Here I am. Pretty cool right."

"Well... You got your timing thats for sure." Nick joked.

"It's... Good to have you back." Dawson said nodding his head. "I'm glad you're an Enforcer again Eins-"


A jet of lava blasted up as Max launched himself into the air. He spun around and dropped down slamming his leg into the ground and sending out a massive tidal wave of lava which washed down the arenas path heading towards Davi. Davi countered this by raising his arm up the blue energy seeping out and forming into hundreds of animals which all launched out slamming into the lava wave and smashing right through it.

"Is that all you have?" Davi asked as the smoke cloud rose up from the attack. "Cause it's pretty lame if so-"

Max blasted through the smoke cloud slamming himself into Davi and causing the two to crash down into the ground rolling across it. Max wrapped his legs around Davi landing on top of the boy and raised both his arms up as the lava gushed out and wrapped around both his arms forming into a hard stone like state. With his weapons ready he began to bash Davi in the face over and over again punching the boys face in and not holding back due to the fact Davi was a Seraphin and could heal. Max really went all out grinding his fist down and smashing them in over and over and over again, blood spilling out as well as teeth raining down. He smashed his fist down so hard Davi's entire lower jaw was ripped off from the punch and his eyes blasted out of his head as his nose was indented into his skull. If he was a normal human he would have died for sure. But he didn't.

Davi was a Seraphin.

And as a Seraphin he took much worse.

Davi slammed his body forward smashing his shattered and mangled, dented head into Max knocking the boy back. Steam gushed out of his face as it began to mend itself back together but he didn't have time to waste. His blue energy formed out and turned into a massive arm which back handed Max sending the boy sliding across the battle field. Max spun around catching his foot only to be blasted with a ball of blue flame in the gut sending him crashing down to his knees as his eyes went wide and he spat up a wave of blood wobbling slightly as he did so. As he looked up he saw Davi's face was now fully healed as the Seraphin gave a smirk.

"Aww. So sad. You're hurt. Meanwhile I couldn't feel better thanks to my healing factor. Now... What do you say we drop the act of holding back and go all out?" Davi asked cocking his head to the side.

Max breathed heavily as he bowed his head for a moment. Then... "Kitsune Nine..." He said quietly.

"What?" Davi asked blinking.

Max looked up the lava pouring out of him and swirling around as he managed a smirk and folded his arms cocking his head to the side and looking down on Davi, an act that boiled the blood of the Seraphin. "Kitsune Nine. Draco Flamel." He stated. "Shino Li. Abigale Case. Rose Blume. Norm Pink. Irene Glacious. Schutz Xeon. Rilla. Thorn. Shuncong Paints. Hella Goryo. Ghazel. Wave Long. Versa More. Ken Red. Kale Springs. Alice Wonder. Light No Last Name. Grimval Dark. Emma Vibes. Miles Seed. Lucy Case. Inu Fur. Mimi Bun. Zard. My teammate Shiki Gold. Stalk No Last Name. Fate Williams. Flew No Last Name. Clue Bon. Yuzawa Sin. Sera Aka. Ava Vil. Tsun Cloth. Shelly Kaen. Kidd Gatling. Dan Taker. Mizu Blue. Yeshua Vil. Moe Gozaen. Spacer No Last Name. Luke Stars. Cal Sion. Good Valentine. Dale Blower. Wolf Top. Jack Strongs. Robert Plot. Brave Larison. Harvey Bell. Gaia Mutter. Luna Lover. Bridget Shop. Reine Antoinette. Rider. Mori Brown. Will Sharp. Tomoe Gozen. Curro Dwight. Arthur Pendragon. And of course mother f##king Hero Law himself." Max finished.

"Uh? What?"

"Those are all the names of the people I would rather be fighting right now." Max said turning his back on Davi as he gave a smirk. "I give up."