End Of The Second Round Part 4

Night Two Hundred And Fifty Nine

Age 1991

A Few Weeks Before The Games...

"Son..." A familiar voice said in a mocking tone.

"Yes father..." Davi breathed out in his own mocking tone. He rested on a stone wall over looking an unknown city. He looked up and raised an eyebrow when he saw the two people. "You're not normally down here with us 'scum' as you like to put it. And who's your friend?"

Standing behind him was a man with flesh made out of what looked like a liquid metal like substance, a large hole going through him and showing what was behind him, the hole being placed over his heart. Many people know this man as God, a few know him as Orion, Davi knew him as father. Next to his father was a total stranger. A boy with pale skin who was dressed in a black suit. He had messy black hair with silver highlights in it and a pair of bright silver eyes. Davi could tell just from looking at the man. He was a Seraphin.

"This here is Hero Otoko." God stated waving his hand out over Hero Otoko. "I guess you could call him a friend, or a teammate of mine."

"Quiet the high praise coming from you." Davi said sarcastically.

"Indeed." God said flatly. "Now. Why don't you show Hero around. I'm sure he'd like to get to know this city a little bit better."

Hero held his arm out offering it in a handshake. "Thank you in advanced. I'm sure you've already figured it out, but I am not of this world. As such I have no idea how this planet works or where everything is, so you're doing me a huge favor and I'll owe you one for sure."

Davi let out a sigh standing up. "Whatever." He turned and began to walk away leaving Hero and God behind. He stopped for a moment an annoyed look on his face. "Are you coming or not." He growled out.

Hero looked over to God who nodded his head. With that Hero began to follow...

Sometime Later...

"Wow. This City sure is big." Hero laughed.

"Hmm." Davi didn't say anything as he began to walk down an alleyway Hero not paying attention and following him. "Yeah... It sure is. Hey... You said you owed me one right?"

"Huh? Oh yeah." Hero said sheepishly scratching the back of his head. "I owe you big time. I'm starting to get to know this city. I've planted all the information on everywhere we've been in my mind. On the day of the attack I'll be able to finish everyone off before they'll even have time to realized their dead and feel the pain. Thank you. Because of you I can make my next sin painless for those around me."

"So... You're a friend of my dads..."

"Yeah. I was a bit shocked that he had a kid you know. He has a lot of you guys turns out."

"Right. I'd like to cash in that favor."


"Don't move." Davi growled a black rod stabbing out of his hand as he turned around and slammed his arm forward impaling his spike through Hero's heart and running the boy through blood pouring out of Hero's mouth and dripping down his chin. "You and my father are both fools you know that." Davi sighed. "Anyone that thinks they can change the past is just an idiot. I'd rather focus on the future. As far as I'm concerned someone helping my dad with his naive goal is even dumber than him. So do me my favor and f##king die-"

Hero reached up and easily ripped the arm in him out ripping it off of Davi and making Davi stumbled back. Hero stared at Davi for a moment before giving a smile. "You're... A good person."


Age 1991

Gladiolus City...

The Arena...

"Aww. So sad. You're hurt. Meanwhile I couldn't feel better thanks to my healing factor. Now... What do you say we drop the act of holding back and go all out?" Davi asked cocking his head to the side.

Max breathed heavily as he bowed his head for a moment. Then... "Kitsune Nine..." He said quietly.

"What?" Davi asked blinking.

Max looked up the lava pouring out of him and swirling around as he managed a smirk and folded his arms cocking his head to the side and looking down on Davi, an act that boiled the blood of the Seraphin. "Kitsune Nine. Draco Flamel." He stated. "Shino Li. Abigale Case. Rose Blume. Norm Pink. Irene Glacious. Schutz Xeon. Rilla. Thorn. Shuncong Paints. Hella Goryo. Ghazel. Wave Long. Versa More. Ken Red. Kale Springs. Alice Wonder. Light No Last Name. Grimval Dark. Emma Vibes. Miles Seed. Lucy Case. Inu Fur. Mimi Bun. Zard. My teammate Shiki Gold. Stalk No Last Name. Fate Williams. Flew No Last Name. Clue Bon. Yuzawa Sin. Sera Aka. Ava Vil. Tsun Cloth. Shelly Kaen. Kidd Gatling. Dan Taker. Mizu Blue. Yeshua Vil. Moe Gozaen. Spacer No Last Name. Luke Stars. Cal Sion. Good Valentine. Dale Blower. Wolf Top. Jack Strongs. Robert Plot. Brave Larison. Harvey Bell. Gaia Mutter. Luna Lover. Bridget Shop. Reine Antoinette. Rider. Mori Brown. Will Sharp. Tomoe Gozen. Curro Dwight. Arthur Pendragon. And of course mother f##king Hero Law himself." Max finished.

"Uh? What?"

"Those are all the names of the people I would rather be fighting right now." Max said turning his back on Davi as he gave a smirk. "I give up."

"What." Davi hissed out flashes of Hero Otoko going through his mind as he stared at Max's back.

Max was turned away from him as everyone began to whisper.

In Box Two Brave stood up with wide eyes. "What the hell Thorn! Your boy crush totally just bailed on this super cool fight right when it was starting to look interesting! Why would he just give up?"

Thorn had a blank look on her face as she cocked her head to the side and raised her arms up in an almost shrug like way. "Maybe he fells as if the fight is beneath him and he doesn't want to fight anymore." She suggested speaking in her normal blank way her eyes never once leaving Max.

"Thats a lame ass answer! Aww man what a tease of a fight!" Brave yelled stomping her foot.

Hella let out a low hum as she rubbed her chin. "If I had to come up with an actual reason as to why he would quit..." She stated a frown covering her face. "I would say it is because a small part of him at least sees that he really stood no chance when fighting Davi. After all. Davi is stronger than him in his base form. When they transform Davi's form is around Max's in terms of power, so if base Davi is stronger than base Max, than Transformed Davi would be stronger than transformed Max. Throw in the fact that Davi is able to heal and regrow, seemingly has a bottomless pit of power and stamina, can do way more thanks to his cells and Equations, and still has several tricks up his sleeve... It was hard to ever once call this a battle."

"I get it." Fate nodded her head. "You're saying Max can tell he stood no chance so he is giving up before he can be seen getting beat down in front of everyone else right?" She questioned.

"For the most part yes." Hella agreed.

"What a cowardly tactic." Curro sighed. "He should instead take the loss like a man and use it as a way to grow. Not put on a small show getting everyone all riled up and than just quit at the half way point."

"Yeah!" Brave announced.

Up in the Enforcer stands Katrina, and Aka were watching the battle. "Is that another one of Hero's friends?" Aka asked raising an eyebrow. "I never would have expected one of his friends to simply throw in the towel like that..."

"No..." Katrina said shaking her head. "Max isn't a friend of Hero's. In fact I'm sure Hero dislikes Max. That said... I do agree with you. It is odd that Max just gave up out of the blue. That's never been his style before. He's always been one to get back up. Why would he simply give up now?"

"Perhaps he just got bored."

Down in Box Six. "M... Max gave up?" Ken asked with wide eyes. "Really? Thats how this fight ends? The two strongest people enter the ring and one just say he gives up. How lame can you be."

"I'm in shock." Kitsune frowned.

"Why would he do that?" Irene questioned.

"Well Big Brothers not here so whats even the point of these games?" Light shrugged.

"So thats... Fathers friend?" Daughter asked cocking her head to the side.

Shelly had a small frown on her face as she stared at Max. Flashes of memories began to go through her head. She knew Max longer than any of them, even Hero, as she had fought along side him, and Shiki. She had been his teammate before she was sacked to Squad Six. She knew exactly what he could do and just how strong he really was. Shelly felt a small smirk cross onto her face as she shook her head. "No... That's not right." She said.

"What?" Everyone asked staring at her.

"Max didn't give up." Shelly smirked. "This battle is just getting started."

"Max!" A loud voice grunted out. Shiki stood on the wall to box one his lower half transformed and his hands clenched into a fist so tight his nails dug into his palm and caused droplets of blood to flow down his hands. Finally though he gave a smirk and nodded his head. "Win."

Olf frowned as he stared at Max's back. "Max No Last Name has given up. The winner is-"

"Or at least..." Max said cutting the man off. "I'd like to give up." He finished making Davi frown.

"You think you're so funny huh." Davi hissed out.

"Honestly this fight is a drag. You're not any of the people I had been looking forward to fighting." Max said facing Davi once again. "That said... I will admit you ticked me off. It really pisses me off watching you belittle some of the people I've grown to care for. Hero Law is my rival, so you stating with a bold face how naive and foolish his dream is, might as well be a personal attack on me, who has claimed him as his number one enemy. And I will never stand for anyone who can mock me with such a bold face. I am a Genius, someone of untold power, I am the one who will become the first Red Emperor without having an announce of Noble blood." He announced making Empresses Aka frown as this.

"Thats your dream." Davi chuckled. "Don't worry. I can't mock your dream with a bold face because after hearing that I just can't take you seriously. So what if I mocked you, what the hell are you going to do about it."

Max managed a grin for a moment. "You know." He said reaching up and unzipping his jacket. "That damn idiot always ticks me off the way he says he'll do something only to break his word when it inconvinces him. Promises are something meant to be held as honest and true. It really pisses me off when he goes back on his word. That said... As his rival I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I took a page out of his book and broke my word once in a while."


Max took his jacket off throwing it into the air and allowing the wind to sweep it away. He punched his palm into his open fist giving a smirk as an aura of lava began to cover him. "Level... Two."