End Of The Second Round Part 5

Night Two Hundred And Sixty

"Enforcers... Warriors said to be chosen by God himself... They exist for a single purpose... To slay the beasts that hunt mankind... The creatures with frozen souls... The Bestia Macht... They really are a pain, always messing up my plans..."

Age 1991

Gladiolus City...

The Arena...

"Bastard..." Davi hissed out jumping back as the waves of lava rolled off of Max's body. "Tricking me and then entering into that form. What a dirty trick. Fine. I'll just counter you by entering into the form myself-"

A large lava hand flew out of Max's aura slamming down into Davi and smashing him into the ground as the lava exploded in a burst of energy making the Seraphin scream out in pain as it burned through him.

Max stepped out of his aura shocking everyone when they saw him. His form had changed due to him mastering the level two state. It seemed to be far stronger than it had been when he first busted it out on Hero. Now he was cloaked in flames. They formed robes around him burning a bright orange and keeping him dressed. His feet and hands were covered in a layer of rock and he now wore a crown of stone that was attached to his head. His eyes glowed and radiated power and coming out of the back of his cloak looking almost like tails was three long flame and lava like arms. Bits of stone were fused around them and his flaming cloak giving him the appearance of a salamanders head on the front of his cloak.

Davi spun himself around throwing the burning hand off of him as his flesh and muscles grew back and he allowed a loud growl to escape him. "Oh you must think you're so cool right! We'll you're not! You're nothing-"

Max appeared behind Davi moving faster then the eye could follow as he slashed out with his right arm. There was a burst of light as Davi's eyes went wide and his entire right arm was blown clean off. Davi howled in pain and spun around throwing out a punch as hard as he could his blue energy exploding around his fist. His arm hit its mark slamming into Max's head. It actually broke past the flesh and skull as he buried his arm all the way through Max's head causing it to burst out of the other side shocking everyone. Seconds later though the form began to bubble up and melt lava seeping out as Max appeared on the other side of the ring not even harmed.

"What?" Davi said with wide eyes staring at what he had stabbed his arm through. It was a mass of rock and lava. "He made a copy decoy of himself to bait my attack-" The decoys stomach began to inflate as Davi's eyes went wide. "Shit! He rigged it to explode-"


The entire arena shook as the massive blast went off shaking everything around it and throwing Leo and Olf back.

Seconds later Davi jumped out of the dust cloud most of his flesh and muscles burned off leaving him as a burned and blackened skeleton. He roared out in pain and raged throwing a powerful punch out but Max caught the fist with ease squeezing down on it. With out saying a word Max brought his other arm up and flicked Davi's skull sending the skeleton man flying back and causing him to tumble across the ground with a loud smack as he slid across it.

Steam erupted from the skeleton as all its flesh, organs, muscles, and blood began to regrow making Davi howl out in pain from how painful it must have been all his body parts regrowing and forcefully forcing itself to come back together. He growled out shaking and breathing heavily as the process finished. He was only now wearing a pair of black pants showing off his honed and battle ready body. Davi growled out slamming his hand into the ground and he looked up finding Max slowly walking towards him.

"B... Bullshit." He growled out getting back to his feet. "I'm the best. I'm stronger than Ava. I'm stronger than Otoko. I'm stronger than even my dad. I'm the greatest there is. I refuse to accept some no named street rat son of a whore can beat me into the ground just because he transformed. He's the rival of the inferior Hero. He shouldn't be this strong even with his transformation. I'm supposed to be the best by default. I was born to become the strongest Seraphin and until that bastard from another world showed up only I was able to master the form and these powers. The world chose me! I was the one who it lent its power to. Not my brother. Not my sister. And not you!" He held his left hand out as it glowed with a bright blue color and a saber of energy formed around his arm. "Blade of Susanoo! You're just another challenge that I have to face on my way to the top. Just like that damn hero bastard!"

Davi blasted forward as hard as he could slicing out with his arm and stabbing down. Max more than easily avoided the strikes dodging them and weaving his body around them. As Max did his lava hands rose up throwing out punches far faster than Davi could react. The blows rained out slamming into Davi and making him hiss out in pain as they burned away at his flesh and made him howl out.

Davi forced himself forward the hands digging into his body body and burning it away but he ignored the pain forcing his body forward. He raised his arm back and stabbed it out as hard as he could sending out his bladed hand towards Max's gut. "Die!" He screamed out. Max reached up catching the blade in his hands ignoring it, or simply not affected, by the power of the sword as he gripped it in his hand shocking Davi. There was a loud cracking sound as Max squeezed down and shattered the blade along with Davi's entire hand. "H... How the hell did he... That doesn't even make any sense-"


Max smashed his hand up into Davi's gut making the Seraphins eyes go wide as he gasped out spitting up vomit and blood as Max's arm broke past his stomach and came out of his back. Davi gasped out and breathed in heavily a look of rage coming onto his face. He brought his own arm back and smashed it into Max's stomach. A loud snapped echoed out as his entire arm shattered and broke away as it slammed into Max much like when a car drove at full speed at a brick wall his entire arm snapped and broke twisting away. Max stared down at him blankly and raised his other hand up and then back handed Davi.

The force of the attack was so strong Davi was thrown by the attack being sliced clean in half as he was still run through by Max's arm. Davi's legs fell back but his upper half didn't even have a chance to hit the ground as Max raised his palm up and a blast of flames erupted out of it incinerating Davi's upper half and burning it down to less than ash in seconds as he was broken down to nothing.

Davi's legs hit the ground and the torso began to smoke and steam as a upperhalf began to form out of it shocking everyone.

"H... He can regrow his entire upper body?" Ken said with wide eyes. "I always thought that if my brain is destroyed I died?"

"I wouldn't test it if I were you." Shelly said shaking her head. "Davi might be the only one who can do that. He's mastered his Seraphin powers and are leagues above you."

"So... Thats what a level two can do going all out..." Kitsune said with wide eyes. "No wonder Hero wanted it."

"Not just that." Light said shaking his head. "Max's power and form... I'd say he's at about a 185% right now. He might be able to go into that false level 3 state that I can sometimes go into. The 2.5 form. A highly unstable form that drains so much power its only slightly better than the level 2. And level 3 should be much, much stronger than a 2.5..."

"How can you tell if its a level 2.5 or a level 3?" Irene asked.

"A few ways..." Light sighed. "Level 2.5 is all power. Your speed, and durability wont change, but you'll gain a ton of new power. Your power skyrockets in that form. Level 3 though. Your power is insane in level 3. Level 3 is stronger the stronger you are... Its hard to explain. Level 3 boosts everything about you and its power drain actually gets worse the stronger you are as the form is always your absolute limit. I could never reach level 3. Most people can't. One way you can always tell if a person is in level 3 though is for whatever reason they gain an almost mask like thing around their eyes. I still don't know why. Level 2.5 doesn't have that. In order to reach 2.5 you just have to keep pushing your level 2s power further. Level 3 though is done the same way as 2. You have to break past 200% and reach 201% but its only been done a few times in history. The highest number being Master Storm who reach 259% I guess if a person broke past 300% they'd reach a level 4 state but I honestly can't even begin to imagine what that would be like."

"It makes me wonder how Emma gained level 2..." Shelly muttered. "It couldn't have been a natural way right... That light... No way she could have gone past 100% that light must have done it. But what was it... And who made it... And how did Hero, Ava, and I, all remember it... Whats the connection between us... Not even Davi, or Ken, noticed."

"You say something?" Ken asked.

Shelly was silent for a moment but shook her head finally. "No. Let's get back to the fight."

Davi's upper half regrew as he stood up slowly letting out loud gasps his eyes filled with fear, rage, anger, shock, and much, much more. Davi clenched his hands into a fist growling but finally let out a sigh. "You know what. I have a solution to this matter." He said smirking. "I was planning on saving this on that damn fool but I'll go ahead and test it out on you." He hissed out his arm glowing as he raised it up and formed another energy saber.

"Another sword?" Max asked raising an eyebrow.

"Oh? So you can speak." Davi grinned a wild and crazed grin. "And hear I thought you accidently bit of your tongue in that form. Or perhaps you went insane from all that power."

"Funny that you'd mock me as being the insane one. You're the one doing the same thing over and over again as if expecting a new result."

"Oh trust me." The blade grew out to be a massive size shocking everyone from how big it was. "This isn't the same attack." Davi yelled slicing it down in a strike so strong the space around it began to rip as large cracks appeared in the air all around them and an ocean of red liquid poured in. "Void Breaker!" He yelled hitting down so hard he brought the entire void itself into the real world channeling it all into his blade which he slammed down to Max. "You're facing the power of an entire realm! What hope do you have!"

Max closed his eyes and held his right arm out as the lava began to bubble up around in it swirling around and forming into a ball of rock, lava, and flame. " I devour everything in my path leaving nothing behind, everything that that's blocking me will get devoured by my flames, my lava, my heat, and my soul till there's nothing but ashes, those who fight shall face terror of a true King..." The entire ball of light glowed so brightly it became a mini sun as Max brought his arm back. He stepped forward throwing the attack out as it soared through the air. "DAWN DEVOURER!"

The ball slammed into the sword bursting open with a massive solar flare so bright it could be seen on the moon making a metal man tilt his head as the light broke through the pitch black clouds.

Davi's entire sword shattered as the attack slammed into him and exploded in a massive blast shaking everything.

Seconds later Davi's body began to fall towards the ground his eyes rolled into the back of his head as he dropped...

Max turned away letting out a sigh as his form dropped leaving him back in his Enforcers jacket. "Well. That was a little easier than I thought..."

Davi's body neared the ground dropping faster and faster...

'You're... A good person.'

Davi's finger twitched...

'He means that Hero Otoko is far, far above, the understand one of you could have. He's above even the Captains. I don't think there is anything in this world that could beat him. His power is simply higher than anything any living creature could hope to reach. Not in a million years will any of you be able to wrap your heads around just how far he can go. A power that rivals even the likes of God, my father, one fitting of the man who can call himself the Devil, and one fitting for that form of his that he has taken. That power is the thing that will save this world I am sure of it. Hero Otoko is greatest and coolest warriors around and will never lose a battle no matter what is thrown at him and thanks to his Seraphin blood line he will grow, and grow, and grow, until he surpasses all limits, and all life itself, and steps past Godhood and even that Squid stepping into newer and higher realms.'

'Kitsune Nine. Draco Flamel. Shino Li. Abigale Case. Rose Blume. Norm Pink. Irene Glacious. Schutz Xeon. Rilla. Thorn. Shuncong Paints. Hella Goryo. Ghazel. Wave Long. Versa More. Ken Red. Kale Springs. Alice Wonder. Light No Last Name. Grimval Dark. Emma Vibes. Miles Seed. Lucy Case. Inu Fur. Mimi Bun. Zard. My teammate Shiki Gold. Stalk No Last Name. Fate Williams. Flew No Last Name. Clue Bon. Yuzawa Sin. Sera Aka. Ava Vil. Tsun Cloth. Shelly Kaen. Kidd Gatling. Dan Taker. Mizu Blue. Yeshua Vil. Moe Gozaen. Spacer No Last Name. Luke Stars. Cal Sion. Good Valentine. Dale Blower. Wolf Top. Jack Strongs. Robert Plot. Brave Larison. Harvey Bell. Gaia Mutter. Luna Lover. Bridget Shop. Reine Antoinette. Rider. Mori Brown. Will Sharp. Tomoe Gozen. Curro Dwight. Arthur Pendragon. And of course mother f##king Hero Law himself. Those are all the names of the people I would rather be fighting right now.'

"What ever you do... Don't lose because the one that's going to beat you is me! So just wait. We'll have our fight. No need to rush things. Until then... I'll keep being myself. Hero Law.'

Hero Law...




Hero Otoko!

Davi's eyes burst open as he slammed into a ground a wave of blue energy bursting out of him as he began to transform making Max stop and whip around.

Davi's entire body glowed blue as he stepped forward and changed. He got a little taller and his muscles filled out, much like what would happen to Ken when she changed. His hair became a pure silver color and his eyes changed to yellow. His teeth grew sharper and long and a set of wolf ears grew out of his head as well as a wolf tail forming out of his rear. His hair got longer reaching down to his back and his legs and arms were covered in silver fur large black claws ripping their way out of his toes and feet.

Davi stepped forward staring at a shocked Max. "You're a good person." He said catching Max off guard.


Davi burst forward flashing in front of Max as he pressed two fingers to Max's forehead. "Sadly. It's the Good ones that go first."