End Of Volume Four

Night Two Hundred And Sixty Four

Age 1992

Oleander City...

The Hospital...

"Fascinating." Newt said with wide eyes.

In a room Four people could be seen. The first was Athena, the Captain of Squad Twelve. The second was Newt the Captain of Squad Nine. The Third was Empresses Aka the Empresses of the Red Nation. And the fourth... She was the bunny girl who was now in a hospital gown her hair tied into a pony tail as she was being looked over by Newt.

"What is it?" Aka asked pinching her nose. "Seriously... I can't believe there was an attack on Hero's life yet again and it resulted in a bunny girl... What the hell is wrong that kid and his luck? I can't tell if its absurdly good, or God awful."

"Trust me... It was even weirder seeing it happen in person..." Athena sighed. "But... I'd also like to know what got you so interested Newt."

"This girl is..." Newt looked the rabbit girl up and down as she stared at him. Then he reached up and poked her in the boob only to be punched by Aka and Athena. "She's... Something else." He chuckled as if he hadn't been bashed down.

"What do you mean?" Aka questioned refolding her arms.

"I mean... Truthfully... I can't tell what the hell she is... I can't tell if she's a human, an anima, a seraphin, a rebirth, or even an Equation. She gives off signs of all of them. Even Equation energy runs through her. Not even Hero's right arm is able to channel energy like this. It's going through her very being. Every cell of hers is like a mini Equation. In short... She is a Cursed Power. Something brand new. And I have no idea what makes her special."

"You don't?" Aka asked.

"No." Newt folded his arms and shrugged. "I tried to recreate the formula used on her and give it to all sorts of animals from rabbits to snakes to you name it... All... All died. Instantly."

Athena frowned at that letting out a small hum. "I was there when that Clone listed off all the items. I told you them."

"I believe you." Newt sighed. "I just think that kid was wrong... For one... You can't turn an Equation to a liquid so... He must have used something else he thought was an Equation. Secondly... The animal itself might have already been something else... I have no idea where he found this rabbit he worked on. And then there are the nano bots... It's a cocktail of issues that all somehow played out perfectly... I still have no idea who she is what makes her so weird. We don't even have a name." He sighed sadly.

"...H... Hero." Everyone jumped when they heard the soft innocent voice of the girl who was ducking down. "Usagi... Usagi Hero is my name."

"It talks!" All three adults said in an alarmed tone.

"I guess I shouldn't be to shocked mean she's mostly human right..." Athena sighed. "Besides... I'm still more concerned about the state Hero's body ended up in..."

"What?" Aka asked. "What happened to him?"

"Idiot didn't listen to me for one... He's completely fried parts of his body beyond repair. His entire right arm has lost all function when not transformed and his right leg can barely even be called a leg anymore. I doubt he'll ever recover from the use of that form..." Athena sighed her mind flashing back to the power Hero had used to take down Four.

"What... What are you trying to say..." Aka asked frowning.

"In short. He screwed his body up beyond a fixable point."



In The Hospitals Main Lobby...

"Wow..." Hero said raising his left foot up and stomping it down a few times. "I'm shocked it actually worked so well? Maybe he was onto something. I don't feel any pain either... But that could be from Athena's healing now that I think about it."

"Bark, bark!" Hero the dog, or Dero, announced loudly, letting out several barks.

Hero stood in the main lobby of the hospital now. He was back in his normal clothes. A pair of simple black pants, a white buttoned up shirt, and a brown jacket. He held a cane in his left hand and walked with a limb in his left leg which he stomped down a few times as if the limb was acting weirdly. His right arm was in a cast having been damaged massively from his last attack. Most of his body was still bandaged though he wasn't a walking mummy anymore.

"I'm just glad that crazy woman finally agreed to let me go." Hero sighed.

It had been two days since the attack. Two days since he murdered his look alike and that weird girl came into existence. He was seventeen now. And it was finally a new age. In a few days new recruits would be joining the Enforcers.

"Man it sucks." Hero sighed stepping out of the hospitals doors and out into the snow. "Now I'm gonna have people looking up to me and crap. God its gonna be so bad! Now I have to behave and set good examples. Damn."

Hero was grumbling to himself and not paying attention. As such he didn't notice the light changed as he stepped out into traffic. He turned just in time to see a motorcycle come to a sliding stop in front of him. The bike, and the biker nearly fell over but they managed to catch themselves at the last second.

"Are you insane?" The girl on the bike yelled with wide eyes.

Hero stared at her for a moment. "Me?"

"Yes you!"

"Oh yeah 100% I murdered my brother two days ago, and also talk to a guy in my head."

"I... What?"

"Can you take me to the train station."

"W... What!?"

"Come on... I'm injured. And I have cane. Think of me like elderly person, thats super jacked and has a rad ass body."

The girl stared at him blankly. "Just... Get on the bike God damnit... I'd feel safer knowing you're not a danger to anyone else..."

A few moments later and Hero was now riding on the back of the cycle of the woman. She was young. Only fourteen or fifteen tops. She had blonde hair tied back into a pony tail as well as icy blue eyes. She almost looked like...

"Hey." Hero called out. "Whats your name?"

"Me? Snow... Snow Glacious."

"Glacious... So you're Irene's little sister..." Hero muttered.

"You say something?"

"Uh... No. So what brings you here?"

"I came to try out for the Enforcers this year." Snow announced. "Just like my brother I finally received my letter. The test still isn't for a few weeks but I'd thought I'd come earlier and look around a bit. A lot of crazy stuff happened this year from what I hear."

"Yeah... You can say that again."

"So do you got a name."

"Yeah. Row Four."

"Odd name."

"Odd parents."

"Fair enough. Well this is the station." She said the bike slowly pulling out of the road and onto a curb that led to the train station.

"Thank you." Hero said stepping off the bike and giving a half wave to her with his can hand as he watched her drive off. He turned and let out a sigh as he began to limb to the stairs climbing them slowly. A loose patch of snow managed to make him slip as he began to fall towards the ground a blank look crossing onto his face as he fell back. "Man. It is just not my day-"

"I got you gramps!" An annoying voice announced as a hand stopped Hero from falling back. "Hey wait a second what the hell? You have a cane and grey hair but your a stunning seventeen year old boy? What gives."

"Hmm." Holding Hero up now was a young raven haired teen with light purple eyes. He was quiet handsome. "Oh you're a Noble aren't you." Hero sighed.

"How did you know?"

"I can just tell at this point."

"Well I am a Noble. The great Noble, Vow Howzart! I was saved by a fair maiden nearly one year ago and have devoted myself to serving others." He announced loudly. "I shall repay the debate I owe to you my darling Ken! As thanks for saving me from that Bestia Macht and showing me the errors in being a bully. No more! I am now someone who will do things for others!"

"Hmm." Hero ignored the man letting out a sigh as he got onto the train and quickly got a seat...

He didn't know how much time passed. In fact he was sure he fell asleep at one point. What he did know though was the train finally stopped at Rafflesia City... Hero slowly stood up giving a smile as he stepped out. "Finally... I'm bad-"


"Big Brother!"


Hero was tackled to the ground by Light, and Daughter causing him to fall back onto the ground. He looked up with a blank look finding Ken, Shelly, Kitsune, Katrina, Dawson, Santa, and Hannah, all were standing at the train station waiting for his return.

"We went to see you in the hospital in Oleander City but Athena turned us away." Ken sighed shaking her head. "Said you needed to recover after a intense battle. Also how dare you have a cool fight without me!"

"Sorry about that Ken. There's always next time though. Oh... And trust me when I say there will be a next time." Hero chuckled seemingly finding the situation to be funny for some weird reason.

"You doing okay?" Kitsune asked cocking his head to the side. "Your arm... And you have a cane? I heard about some stuff but not a lot... Athena just said it involved... Explosions and... Bunny Girls? Hero did you go to a strip club while you were recovering? If so... I agree with Ken. Invite me next time."

"Get you mind out of the gutter." Hero said flatly. "As for this badass metal, retractile cane..." He muttered out running his fingers along it. "The cane is stylish sue me." Hero shrugged. "Came free with the hospital. I don't know."

Shelly let out a sigh and folded her arms. "Do we even want to know what sort of trouble you somehow got into when you away?"

"...No? I don't think so?" Hero shrugged. "You'd likely just get mad and yell at me some more honestly. And I've had enough for that. I doubt you want to know anyways."

"Well I do." Irene said sternly. "Firsts things first though you need to get out of this cold. You'll catch your death staying out here like this you fool. In that condition you need to rest."

"Yes mom..."

"Not funny." Irene sighed.

"Father needs to be healed." Daughter nodded.

"Yes Daughter..."

"Tell me where it hurts big brother. I'll kiss it better." Light announced only to be bonked over the head by Hero's metal cane.

"It's good to have you back Hero." Was Dawsons reply.


"You've gotten taller." Hannah noted looking him up and down.

"Call back."

"Hahahahaha!" Santa laughed for some reason.

"I still say it should be hohoho..."

"Hero." Jackson gave him a stern look. "We should discuss more about... That thing we talked about when we were up on the wall... I have some things I'd still like to go over with you. Don't think you're off the hook yet."

"Right." Hero chuckled. "Figures."

"In the meantime..." Katrina stepped forward slowly holding a bronze badge out to Hero. "Congratulations. You are now a Bronze Ranked Enforcer..."


An Unknown Location Somewhere In The White Nation...

An Unknown Building...

Below The Ground...

Hero Law also known as the Jester, also known as the leader of the terrorist organization known as the Organization, stood inside of a small underground cave...

In front of the silver haired woman was a strange sight indeed. What looked like a large black egg... It hummed and glowed with energy.

"My plan went off without a hitch it seems... All that energy we got... It finally will be able to get its use here..." She smirked. "Just grow. World Eater. When its all said in done. A new Prince will exist."

"What exactly is your plan." The voice of the Mystery asked, his tone bouncing around the walls.

"Its simple really. My plan is, and has, always been to kill God. Much like your end goal. Though... Unlike you my plan didn't fail." She chuckled.

Quiet footsteps could be heard as the Mystery emerged standing next to her. "Trust me when I say... My plan didn't fail."

"It didn't? Your pawn died. Silly little Four."

"He was never going to win. I knew that. Not when a Captain was next to the brat at all times. Four never even stood a chance. Poor bastard."

"So then... Why did you send him?"

"That should be obvious. I sent him to do his job. Ironically in his attempt to kill Hero Law and devour him, Four found himself devoured... Well... Some of him. Really just the leg. I'll ask Hero how his new limb is treating him next time we meet." He stated turning around.

"I get it. You sent him to die."

"Don't play the moral high ground with me."

"That was one of my kids you know." Hero said in a dangerous tone. "What makes you think I'll let you get away with it..."

"Well. I do wonder. Just who is playing this game now?"