Volume Five (Prologue)

Age ???

'Where... Am I...' Hero asked his eyes slowly opening as he began to look around.

He found himself floating in the air... He felt off... Or odd... Like he was in a dream within a dream, that was then imagining a memory. His body felt light and yet he could barley muster the energy to actually move it. Only the acting of hearing, breathing, and seeing, came to him. He simply floated there. Unknowing.

'Who... Am I...' Hero wondered.

"Enforcers... Warriors said to be chosen by God himself... They exist for a single purpose... To slay the beasts that hunt mankind... The creatures with frozen souls... The Bestia Macht... They really are a pain, always messing up my plans..." A female voice said. The image began to change and Hero now found himself floating next to a tall well endowed pink haired woman who had a small smile on her face. She turned to look at him giving him a sweet smile. "You're a pain to deal with Mr. Law. Did you know that... Such a pain..."

'W... What? Law... Is that... Me...'

"Then again... All humans are... Once upon a time there used to be a world... A pretty world with blue seas, a bright sky, and a yellow ball of flames that heated the planet giving it life. We called this pretty planet... Earth."

'What?' The image began to change once more shifting into something new. This made Hero's eyes go wide when he saw it. 'I... I think... I think that... I think that I know these two men... They are... No... Who am I... Where am I... What... Am I...'

Two men stood at the edge of what looked like a massive metal ship. Both of them were covered by a dark shadow keeping their appearance hidden.

"Well..." One of them said calmly. A golden aura seemed to shine around his body taking the shape of a giant transparent dragon. "Let's finish this..."

"Sure... About time I suppose..." The second man said. Blue electricity began to crackle off of his own body lighting the area up in a bathing blue light. "Let's settle this for good. Old Friend."

"This planet that the humans used to live on once was so beautiful... Far better than Ava the current place the humans reside... Thats what you lot renamed Earth After all. When you went and wiped yourselves out." Mother said calmly.

'Wiped... Our selves out...'

"Oh yes... Sorry to tell you dear but it wasn't some Squid, or demon, or devil, that wiped out the humans. In the end. The humans killed the humans. The humans froze the world. Orion is the last of his kind. A race of people that killed themselves. It would drive anyone mad. Drive anyone with a desire to save the day and bring back their lost kind. Rewrite it all. He discovered the ice and dark kept it away. So he used his power to block out the sky. But you want to be God don't you Row. You want to kill him."

'Row... Law... Is that who I am?'

The image showed the two men once more...

"It's time the Enforcers make their first, and their last stand!" The man with the lightning yelled as it began to roll off of his body.

"You really are a fool Storm!" The man with the Golden Dragon yelled as the beast pulled back its arms and began to glow. "I'll blast you apart!"

"I may be a fool but at least I'm not a traitor Orion!"

"Enough talk!"

"You're right." The lightning began to form changing into a large crow made of electricity. "It's time to end this..."

"Row Storm!"

"Orion Vil!"

'Are... They going to fight...'

And in a massive clash the battle that determined how the story would play out began anew... Good versus Evil, Right versus Wrong, Enforcer, versus the Order... The dance that would go until the end of time.

Row slammed his arm forward smashing it into Orion's face and sending the man flying back. The two flashed around each other at high speeds clashing together in bursts of golden light and lightning. It was a destructive display of power as their energies crashed out one forming into hundreds of lightning like birds, the other forming into a massive golden winged beast that some would call a dragon.

Row jumped back spinning through the air as the lightning formed into a massive thunder bird that he road on charging head on towards Orion. As for Orion himself a pair of thick golden wings formed out of his back as he flew towards Orion flames rolling off of him.

"I'll kill you Row Storm!"

"I'll save you Orion Vil!"

The two clashed once more, and they once again put their all into the attack shaking everything around them as they did so...

It was...

By all accounts a battle.

But it was also more than that as well.

So much more than that.

A friendship was about to end.

This was the fight that created everything.

Man Versus God...

God Versus the Devil.

The fight that created God...

The fight that ended Man...

Far, far away...

A woman with pink hair watched the battle. Mother... The woman who would recreate man after they vanished. She allowed a sigh to escape her lips as she watched the two men battle from miles away the planet itself shaking as the sky split apart and the ground shook.

"Well." She stated cocking her head to the side. "I do suppose that boys will be boys wont they..."

'Was... Was I meant to be born... Would the world be better off if I were dead?'

"Hmm. I do wonder. Row. Or is it Hero. Ha. You two are both almost one and the same at this point. It becomes hard to tell. I wonder. Can you even figure out which is which anymore?"

"I don't agree with that one bit..." A sad voice said as everything began to crack.

Age 1992

The Village Of Lillies...

"Thats a very sad thing to dream about."

Hero set up suddenly looking around with wide eyes. 'I'm somewhere else?' He asked.

"Yeah. You're with me now..." A young girl rested at the edge of a snowy village. She had long black hair and one purple eye, and one ruby red eye. She was in a dress despite the fact that she rested on a snow covered hill that over looked a snow covered village. "Sorry for pulling you to me. You just looked like you were having a bad dream. I thought I could try to offer you a good one at least."

'Who... Are you-'

"Maudite." A voice yelled out making the girl jump a little.

She let out a nervous chuckle staring at Hero. "Sorry about this. Looks like I have to go... Hey uh... Why don't you wake up now?" She asked standing up as her back glowed and a pair of thick black crow like wings grew out. "I have work to do." And with a single flap of her wings Hero did just that...

He woke up...


Oleander City...

'I'm your reporter Zank, and this is my partner Linda!' A cheerful voice announced from the t.v.

In a small hospital room that was dark due to the lights being off a snow haired boy with bright ruby red eyes could be seen slipping into his Enforcer Jacket and zipping his gear up, his right arm in a cast that left it hanging next to his chest all wrapped up. He grabbed a silver cane and began to walk towards the window.

'We're reporting in from Oleander City where, get this, there have been disappearances.' The T.V announced. 'Last time something like this was happening several new species of Bestia Macht began to appear, and it was later revealed, thanks to a whistle blower in the Enforcers, that the Bestia Macht were actually people. Do you think we'll see a spike in new Bestia Macht once more? Will the Enforcers be able to function properly now that their leader is seemingly gone. While on that subject what of the trial of Hero Law, Ken Red, and Row Storm, that is to be held soon. This reporter is hoping for some justice for the people-'

There was a quiet click as the t.v turned off. And with that the figure opened the window...

Outside of 'his' room...

"So..." Athena asked slowly as her and Newt Hyde slowly walked down the hallway of the Enforcers official building. "You think we'll be able to find the issue with his arm any time soon?"

"I doubt it." Hyde chuckled.

Both the Twelfth Squad Captain, as well as the Ninth, were seemingly teamed up in a new project. The science Squad, and the Medical Squad, were both working their hardest towards their goal.

Newt folded his arms as they neared his arms. "Honestly... I don't know what we can do really." He sighed. "His body ended up in a pretty bad state. He was already injured and yet forced himself to go further past those limits of his. His right side in particular, the side that held that 'new' attack of his suffered the most. The nerves in his right leg were fried leaving it in a broken state barely able to stand. But the nerves in his arms. Those weren't just fried. They were simply destroyed to less than nothing. His right arm might as well not even be attached to him anymore when you think about it."

"There's got to be something we can do..." Athena sighed.

"There is. But its gonna take us a hell of a lot of time." Hyde shrugged. "The issue then becomes on rather he'll sit still long enough for us to fix the damage." He said as they stopped in front of the doors to a 'special' patients room.

"I'm sure I can convince him to sit still-" Athena pushed the doors open finding the room empty and the window wide open. "...WHERE THE HELL IS HE!"


"Taxi!" A loud voice called out on the side of a curb. A young fourteen year old boy with messy blonde hair and light red eyes could be seen as well as cat like ears and a tail. Leo. The Anima who had been in charge of keeping Olf safe. Leo was now dressed in what looked like Enforcer robes and waving his hand as a Taxi pulled to a stop next to him. "Thanks." He said opening the door and stepping in.

"Where ya heading?" The driver asked. He was a youngish man. Only twenty or thirty years old.

"Downtown. Just drive. I'll tell you when to stop." Leo said closing the door.

"You got it sir." The man nodded the car roaring to life.

As it pulled out neither of the two noticed a bike slowly pull out onto the road and begin to follow them slowly from a distance, two people riding on it...

"So." The man said driving down the icy road. "You a Enforcer? Robes and all that."

"Thats right." Leo nodded staring out the window. "New Recruit of Squad Six." Leo stated. "I was assigned to it by my creator Newt Hyde. I'm an Anima. A animal like being. Animas are designed to be new weapons for the Enforcers to fight human targets as they can't fight Bestia Machts due to not having Equations. However I am special in the fact that I do have an Equation. As such unlike my siblings I was placed onto a Squad in which I would be able to battle all sorts of warriors and grow. We just finished the Tryout exam last week."

"I see... I've heard of you Anima folk. Saw some of you on T.V..." The man mused as the car began to pull down a dark tunnel.

"I'm sure you have." Leo nodded. He eyed the walls of the tunnel up. It was empty. Just them. He slowly leaned forward. "We Anima have several purposes being in the Enforcers you know."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah." Leo nodded. "For example. I can smell the scent of blood on people able to guess how many times they've killed. My ears can also pick up the beat of winged bugs that, that person could be carrying. I guess you could say. I specialize in finding Seraphins-"

The car roof exploded as Leo jumped out of it spinning around a wave of iron like feathers blasting out in all directions. The driver of the car rolled out of his destroyed car a set of large heavy metal wings stabbing out of his back now. "Damn it. I missed." The man growled.

Leo landed on the ground in a graceful manner giving a smirk. He held his hand out and a small round shield formed around his arm. "Listen up Seraphin. Your name is Sam Roch. You're wanted for the suspicion of kidnapping, and murder. Come quietly and we wont have to get messy."

"You were able to smell that I was infected with the Lesser Virus huh." The man, who's name was Sam, hissed out his eyes filling with rage. His wings grew larger as the feathers grew sharper. "Shit. That damn Mr. Hyde lied to me... Guess I better kill you and leave town."

"Hang on... You said Lesser Virus-" More feathers blasted out but Leo slammed his arm out his shield growing in size and blocking the attacks. "What do you mean by Lesser Virus-"

"COMING THROUGH!" A loud voice announced as a motorcycle came crashing down. The bike spun through the air flying towards Sam who's wings sliced out splitting it in half. Two people crashed onto the ground. One was a girl who broke her fall into a roll. She had blonde hair tied back into a pony tail and icy blue eyes. She was the one who had yelled a large smirk on her face. "Ace Squad Six Enforcer Member Snow Glacious on the scene." She announced slamming her hands together and forming hundreds of Razor Sharp snow flakes which spun through the air slamming through many of the feathers.

"Snow? Vow?" Leo asked with wide eyes.

"You didn't think we'd let you get all the action did you Leo?" Snow smirked. "After all us three were the newest members of Squad Six, and assigned to be led by Teach."

The second figure who had crashed down was a fairly handsome young man with raven black hair and royal purple eyes. Vow Howzart. Also a member of Squad Six. Vow shook his head as he stood up. "Leave this to me." Vow announced his left leg glowing and changing into a bone like limb with a spinning saw blade stabbing out of it. "I'll take this guy down for sure." He jumped forward slamming his leg out with a powerful sweeping blade kick.

Sam's wings formed a barrier blocking the strike but it was still strong enough to easily push him back. Sam spun around sending out a wave of feathers towards Vow who slammed his leg up blocking them all but as soon as he did so he was slammed into the ground by Sam who flew at him at high speeds unleashing a powerful punch. Sam didn't have time to follow up with a second attack though as hundreds of ice blades stabbed out many piercing his skin and making him howl out in pain as he was slammed back. He crashed onto the ground and looked up finding Snow forming a ice blade which she jammed into him. He growled as his flesh began to mend and he slapped her away. A powerful force slammed into the back of his head as Leo smashed his shield down.

"Idiots. Attacks don't work on Seraphins." Leo said rolling his eyes. "You have to take out their brain." He ducked under Sam's strike. "But... Luckily for you two. I'm here." He smashed his shield into Sam's chest as the shield glowed and a massive blast of energy stabbed through Sam splitting him in half and throwing his upper half down the tunnel!

"R... Right." Snow sighed. "I forgot." She looked up finding Leo standing in front of her a smirk on his face as he held a hand out to her. "...T... Thanks." Snow sighed taking it.

"No issue there. We're Teammates-"

"Snow! Leo! Look out!" Vow yelled out the two turning in time to see Sam had fully healed and blasted towards them at high speeds. Neither of them had time to move. "I'll save you!" Vow announced jumping in front of both of them and holding his arms out. "My body will be a badass shield-"

Sam slammed his hand forward a black spike stabbing out which reached out towards Vow ready to stab through him! Before it could even reach him though there was a flash of light as a massive green beam of energy smashed into Sam and in a single instant he was reduced down to ash completely shocking Leo, Vow, and Snow, who all fell back.

"That was a little to close for comfort wasn't it?" The trio turned when they heard the voice. Standing at the entrance of the tunnel was the now seventeen year old Hero Law. "Hey guys. Getting into trouble without me?"