The Trial

Night Two Hundred And Sixty Five

Age 1992

Oleander City...

The Hospital...

"How could you screw up your one job so badly!" Katrina yelled out smacking Hero over the head.

"Haha... Please take it easy." Hero laughed holding his left arm up and using the metal cane to block several of the strikes.

Currently they were in a large hospital room. Katrina, as well as Newt, and Athena stood in it. In front of them was Hero Law, Snow Glacious, Vow, and Leo. Snow, Vow, and Leo, being the newest Squad Six Recruits. This year only they were accepted.

Katrina sighed folding her arms. "Honestly Hero..." She said her eye twitching. "I gave you one job... It was so long since we had new recruits that when you, Ken, Kitsune, Light, and Irene joined, I had to make Dawson, and Hannah watch you guys, since we didn't have anyone else. Now though... Now we have plenty of members. I put you in charge of our three new Recruits so you could watch over them but no... You go and cause more trouble."

"V... Vice Captain Katrina... T... To be fair." Snow said letting out a small chuckle. "Mr. Law wasn't the one who took us to go fight the Seraphin. Leo said he smelled it and ran off. Vow and I followed him."

"Thats right!" Vow announced. "Teacher saved us when we were in danger-"

"I don't care about that." Katrina said making Vow, Snow, and Leo, flinch when she glared at them. "I'll deal with you three later. The fact is Hero should have watched you all. He was careless and allowed you all to slip out anyways."

"It's quite tricky isn't it." Newt commented a small smirk on his lips. "The Organization in such a short amount of time have made their move. Perhaps because Master Storm is gone, or perhaps something else... Either way more of those things have began to pop up. Mini Seraphins. More and more people are being turned into those monsters losing a sense of self over time and craving blood. They aren't quiet as strong as true Seraphins like Davi, or Ken, and these ones can't transform. On top of that they only posses black wings as their powers. That said they still have things like regeneration and power. It would have been better if you hadn't killed the target Hero."

"S... Sorry about that." Hero chuckled using the cane to block more of Katrinas strikes. "I didn't have much time to react and I wasn't thinking so I fired." Hero looked mostly the same as he always did though his right arm was in a sling. He could still no longer move it. It was also hard to move his right leg, and sometimes his new left leg would act up.

"If anyone should take the blame it is me..." Leo sighed. "I'll accept any punishment that my actions caused."

"Honestly Hero." Athena folded her arms and stared at his limb. "I agreed to work with Squad Six as a favor to Katrina. The least you could do is work with us. We'll never fix the nerve damage your body sustained if you keep running off. Your body took quiet the beating and recent actions only made it worse. This isn't something that will heal over time. Newt and I are having to team up to recreate entire nerve strands and cells for you. It'd put me far more at ease if you at least tried to stay safe."

"I'll keep that in mind." Hero chuckled sheepishly.

Katrina let out a sigh as she finally stopped her onslaught of slaps to Hero. She pulled back and reached into her pocket pulling out a small watch which she used to check the time. "Either way... Its good you're back now... The Trial will be beginning soon. We should set out now if we wish to make it there in time."

"Right." The members of Squad Six nodded.


Sometime Later and a Quick drive to the Official Enforcer building in Oleander, found the Squad Six members, as well as the Ninth Squad Captain, and Twelfth Squad Captain, stepping out of their car and walking into the building.

They all took the elevator up and found a new room.

This one was a large open stone room filled with many Artificial robots, and several armed guards.

There were several rows of seats. One was at the very front and faced the crowd of people. Almost like the stands where a judge would be. In the many seats were the Humanity Red members. H.R, the people who served directly under the Empresses and were all ranked higher than the Enforcers. They were just a bunch of old men and not that strong.

In front of them was a large metal table where two people rested. Ken Red, a member of Squad Six, and Former Master of the Enforcers, Row Storm. Both were seated in their chairs with one next to them where Hero Law would be sitting.

Behind them were the many rows of chairs where everyone else would be sitting. They were all lined based off of Enforcer Squads. The first row had Hope, and Despair, the Captain of Squad One, as well as the two girls Vice Captain, Tomoe. Next to her were Bronze, Silver, and Gold, the three highest ranking members in Squad One, next to them was Max, and Shiki, the two newest Bronze ranked members, and next to them was a single new Squad One member, a young girl with light brown hair and brown eyes.

The next row was Squad Two which had Kong Blight the Squad Two Captain, and his new Vice Captain Eins Licht. Brave, Fate, Thorn, Curro, and Hella, could also be seen sitting next to them. Next to them was the third Squad which had Captain Soap, and his Vice Captain Lave. Squad Four was next with Ela, and her Vice Captain Feng. Squad Five was up next and Davi, and Ava, could both be seen as well as their Captain, and Vice Captain Neil, and Miyamoto. Squad Six was next and it had everyone but their Captain, and Jackson. There was a seat for their new Vice Captain Katrina. Dawson, Hannah, Dog Hero, Santa, Shelly Kitsune, Light, and Irene, were all seated. There was also a seat for Leo, Snow, and Vow.

Squad Seven was next this one having Sif as the Captain, and Nick Ale, as the Vice Captain. After them was Alexander Gates and Nicholas the Squad Eight Captain, and Vice. Squad Nine was up next but Newt was with Hero and the group that just came in so he wasn't seated yet. Squad Ten was after them, as was Squad Eleven. And lastly was Squad Twelve but once again Athena was with the group that had just came in meaning she wasn't seated yet.

Lastly was the four great Beasts and the Master of the Enforcers, that being Mary Law, the new Master of the Enforcers, and her Four Great Beasts, Ward, Alpha, Angel, and Zane.

Lastly was several other tables filled with many more people that weren't in the Enforcers, many being Nobles, and such.

"Wow sure are a lot of people." Hero murmured. "I wonder why-"

"Hero!" A new voice cried out.

"Uh oh-" Hero was suddenly tackled to the ground by a flying bunny girl who jumped at him wrapping her arms around him. He sighed petting her hair with his left hand as his eye twitched. "Hi Sagi..." Hero sighed.

In his arms and now sitting on him was Usagi Hero, the strange rabbit girl, that Four had made. She rested on him blinking as everyone gave them strange looks.

"Hero lets her touch him?" Snow asked raising an eyebrow. "Any time I try to he gets annoyed and flinches away. Whys she special?"

"Please get off me Sister." Hero sighed.

"Sister!" Snow, Leo, and Vow, all asked.

"A... Auntie Usagi you aren't suppose to tackle Father!" Daughter announced suddenly appearing next to Hero.

"D... Daughter!" Snow questioned. "Mr. Law is so young I just figured he..."

"You got the wrong idea." Hero groaned sitting up and throwing Usagi off of him.

"You'll come to get used to Hero's strange regards..." Katrina sighed. She grabbed Usagi by the arm. "Now come with me young ma'am." She said dragging the rabbit girl off to go sit next to the other Squad Six members. Snow, Vow, and Leo, followed after her.

"You should go take a seat up front." Athena sighed patting Hero on the back as he grabbed his cane. "It will be starting soon." Her and Newt quickly moved off to their own seat leaving Hero and Daughter standing in the entrance.

"Well." Hero asked giving a smile. "Ready to start?"

"Y... Yes..." Daughter took his right arm, the one in the sling and held onto him as he began to walk using his cane.

Every step they took they got many strange looks. Most from the Enforcer Recruits, or civilians.

"Hero Law..."

"Yeah. Thats him. He's the one who announced to the world that he murdered North Glacious."

"He did. I was one of the Recruits last year. He said he'd kill any of us if we tried to do our job and kill a Bestia Macht and then announced he killed North in cold blood. He's a sociopath. Plus that girl thats on his arm. He choked her out and tried to kill her."

"Is it true he defended a Bestia Macht?"

"I heard he has ties to God?"

"Well I heard that little girl is a Bestia Macht."

"Either way you look at it someone like him shouldn't have the right to call themselves a Hero... His crimes should give him the death penalty for sure. Or at least a life sentence to Nightshade."

"That won't happen. Not if the rumors are true. Haven't you all heard... Word is he's the Empresses Paramour. He slept with her and its his child she's carrying."

"Then what of the wedding."

"Obviously its fake... He'll get off scot free for his crimes. Sick freak."

Hero never once said a word staring ahead. He only smiled down at Daughter as the words began to make her flinch and cower.

Finally they reached their spot with Hero and Daughter taking a seat next to Ken and Master Storm.

"How's your arm." Ken asked staring ahead and not meeting Hero's eyes.

"Still dead."

"Can you still fight?" She asked.

"Yes. When my right arm transforms it turns into metal and no longer has nerves and can still move. As such I can move my right arm while its transformed. On top of that my power has spread down to my leg as a by product of my-"

"Thats good." Ken said flatly. "I was worried I'd lose my sparing partner."

"The two of you are quiet calm." Former Master of the Enforcers, Row Storm, mused as he let out a small chuckle. "After all we're on a trial that could result in the death of all four of us. Me, Ken Red, Hero Law, and Daughter Law. Our lives are held in the hands of four people."

"Thats right." Hero nodded. "But its fine. I'm used to having my life be held in the hands of other people. Its happened so often I suspect I've grown numb to it."

"Is the sins of a weapon out weighed by its usefulness I wonder." Master Storm hummed. "Would you wield a weapon that has slaughtered billions if that weapon is useful to you?" The old man asked.

"I wouldn't." Hero sighed. "I would rather craft my own. A weapon that can be used as a tool of justice. One that can save not just this world but all of them. A sword of justice."

"Well then sword. let us hope the judges think differently from you. You're a mere tool right now. A tool that committed sin. Its up to them to decide rather they can find value in such a sinful object. Will they be able to turn it into a tool of justice or will they throw away that which has committed evil. I wonder just how much a second chance is worth."

"We'll see what happens I guess." Ken hummed tapping her fingers on the table. "Either way. I just want to fight."

"W... We'll be okay right?" Daughter asked grabbing Hero's leg.

Hero gave one last smile. "I hope so."

The old men cleared their throats getting the attention of everyone.

"The trial of Hero Law, Daughter Law, Ken Red, and Row Storm, will now begin. Each of you are being charged under high treason for your own reasons. Row Storm you are charged with the crime of betraying your Empresses and Nation. Ken Red, you are charged with crimes against humanity, as a threat to the human race for becoming a Bestia Macht. Daughter Law, you are charged with Crimes against God and under suspicion of being a created being. Hero Law. You are charged with crimes of Murder of North Glacious, High Treason, for attempting to sleep with the Empresses of the Nation, Betrayal to your Country for turning against fellow Enforcers and protecting a Bestia Macht, withholding evidence and information, Crimes of God for being a Clone, and for creating artificial Life, as well as being a threat to the planet itself by endangering the human race. Let the trials begin."