The Wedding

Night Two Hundred And Sixty Six

Age 1992

An Unknown Location Somewhere In The White Nation...

An Unknown Building...

Below The Ground...

Hero Law also known as the Jester, also known as the leader of the terrorist organization known as the Organization, stood inside of a small underground cave...

In front of the silver haired woman was a strange sight indeed. What looked like a large black egg... It hummed and glowed with energy.

"My plan went off without a hitch it seems... All that energy we got... It finally will be able to get its use here..." She smirked. "Just grow. World Eater. When its all said in done. A new Prince will exist."

"What exactly is your plan." The voice of the Mystery asked, his tone bouncing around the walls.

"Its simple really. My plan is, and has, always been to kill God. Much like your end goal. Though... Unlike you my plan didn't fail." She chuckled.

Quiet footsteps could be heard as the Mystery emerged standing next to her. "Trust me when I say... My plan didn't fail."

"It didn't? Your pawn died. Silly little Four."

"He was never going to win. I knew that. Not when a Captain was next to the brat at all times. Four never even stood a chance. Poor bastard."

"So then... Why did you send him?"

"That should be obvious. I sent him to do his job. Ironically in his attempt to kill Hero Law and devour him, Four found himself devoured... Well... Some of him. Really just the leg. I'll ask Hero how his new limb is treating him next time we meet." He stated turning around.

"I get it. You sent him to die."

"Don't play the moral high ground with me."

"That was one of my kids you know." Hero said in a dangerous tone. "What makes you think I'll let you get away with it..."

"Well. I do wonder. Just who is playing this game now?"

Hero stood as she watched the strange man leave a scowl forming onto her face. "I hate that man with a passion..." She growled. She turned to the strange black egg and slowly reached out touching it as it seemed to hum and pulse. "Now then... You want to help mommy don't you? You want to help me punish my son for being a bad boy. Row's been acting up. And you're going to help me teach him a lesson. Aren't you Son."

Large cracks began to seep out of the egg as the head of a shark began to break through...


Rose City...

Rose City was the largest city in the Red Nation built with a massive glass bubble around it that also made it one of the safest places on Earth.

In fact if not for the incident last Age with a rouge Enforcer named North Glacious, Rose city would have remained untouched.

Currently down below several Nobles many of which were from the Nines, Storms, and Akas, could all be seen sitting in many chairs. Flowers rained down as the artificial light casted down in a warm glow.

Three people stood up front. The first was an elder priest. The second was Lillian Aka the current Empresses of the Red Nation, as well as the Captain of Squad Six. Next to her was the former Vice Captain of Squad Six Jackson Storm, who had been kicked from his position to a Gold Badge ranked member. She wore a elegant wedding dress now, while Jackson, was in a suit. Both of them had blank looks as they stared at each other a dead look in Jacksons eyes.

The Priest cleared his throat as he began to speak. "We are gathered here today for a grand ceremony. Both Rion Storm, current head of the Storm family, and the now deceased Qrow Aka, signed the marriage statement that would allow their children to be married off on Age 1992. It is a shame Qrow can not be here to see it but I know that he is smiling where ever he ended up."

'In the end we were unable to call it off...' Jackson thought staring dead eyed at Aka. 'Maybe if my Grampa had been free but...'

"This marriage will allow the Aka's to gain the backing of the Storm family." The priest announced. "Not only that but it will keep the bloodline pure insuring that their child will inherit their DNA and lead us to peace. As like all families marrying into the Empire, Jackson Storm will be taking the family name of Aka. In return his eldest brother will be promoted to the head of the Family and allowed to join Lady Aka's HR department a high rank indeed. He will also have claim to the throne should the child be considered unfit to serve."

Many of the Nobles all nodded their heads.

'Can we just get this over with...' Jackson sighed internally.

"Can we hurry it up." Lady Aka said as if reading his mind. She honestly didn't really seem to care. She had what she wanted. Jackson was just another stepping stone. One to be used to mold the future Emperor.

"Of course." The priest nodded. He cleared his throat once more. "By the power I possess as a member of the Red Church, I declare the family union between these two Great Noble Families to be sealed. You may kiss the Groom."

Aka leaned in slowly wrapping her arms around Jackson.

'Sorry Katrina...' Was the last thoughts that went through his mind before his lips touched her.

And just like that Jackson Storm was no more.

Jackson Aka was now the husband of Lillian Aka.

Sometime Later...

"May I have this dance?" Tobi Storm, the new head of the Storm family asked giving a bow to the Empresses of the Nation.

"Of course. Only because my husband doesn't seem to be here though." She smiled taking his hand.

"...Of course..."

The party raged on all around them loud bursts echoing out. Many of the lesser Nobles seemed to be going wild now.

Jackson though. He stood on the balcony of the stone building that everyone had been moved to, over looking the lands below.

"You'll catch your cold out their..." A voice scolded.

Jackson turned raising an eyebrow. An elderly man stood behind him now. One with pale skin and greying hair. He was still tall and his hair was still a deep silver small strands of grey all around it flickered in and out.

Rion Storm. The current head of the Strom house. At least until his eldest son would take over.

"Hi dad..." Jackson sighed.

"Why are you out here... Shouldn't you be inside with your new wife. Your brother Tobi seems to be spending more time with her than you."

"Well then maybe Tobi should have married her then."

"You know that isn't possible. The contract was with you and once its signed its final. Nothing can break it. Plus Tobi is the eldest. It is his job and goal to lead the Strom family. He will likely be marrying the child your new wife is carrying when it comes of age."

"Gross. God I hate Nobility..."

Rion stared at his son for a moment before taking a seat next to him on the stone slab over looking the land. "I'm going to make a guess that you aren't happy."

"What gave it away." Jackson sighed.

"Hmm... You know. I wasn't either."


His father gave him a small smile. "I wasn't very happy either when I married Nilly Nine. The youngest sister in the Nine family. Honestly there was no love between us... But my father. Your Grampa Row. He signed the contract and Nillys older brother signed as well. I was married off to her despite the fact I never knew her... And well. Neither of us liked each other. In fact we down right hated each other. Still do honestly. One of these days she's liable to poison me."

"And... The fact that you and mom hate each other is supposed to make me feel better how?"

"Let me get to the point." His father said smacking him over the head. "What I was trying to say was that for the longest time your mother and I hated each other. But... Well... One day your brother was born. Tobi. And... He was so small. He could barely fit in my hands. I was scared to hold him. Your grandfather was to. Never seen the man so pale I thought he had finally hit the bucket and died. And a few seconds later you were born. Twins. It always shocked me. And both of you were so strong. I remember... For the first time in a while I was really happy. Even though we hated each other we somehow made two boys... Two kids who... Did so much. It was... Nice..."

"I... Don't think I'm following."

"I heard about her son. She's already holding your child right? She announced loud on T.V she had it in her already. Some people think some young man... Law or something like that, got her pregnant but I know that's not the case. She's carrying your child right?"

"Y... Yeah." Jackson quickly lied.

"Well then. My point was... Don't love her. She's a total bitch, and women are f##king hell to deal with, and will likely kill you for sure. That said you got to knock her up and in a few months you'll be holding your child. So who gives a s##t about her. Just stick in it for your child."

"R... Right." Jackson watched as his father slowly stood up and began to walk away. "One issue with that though..." He said quietly to himself. "Thats not my baby..."

In the ball room Empresses Aka, and Tobi Storm, waltzed back and forth. "You know..." Tobi smirked. "I heard a few rumors. You took over for Squad Six did you not."


"I also heard that Hero Law boy is being held on a trial. How does that make you feel?"

"You suspect the Empresses of an Entire Nation to care for the sharpness of a single sword? I have many more. If he has grown dull then I'll throw him away. Its as simple as that."

"Oh my... You won't even attempt to reshape your blades? You really are cruel."

"Do you suspect a man can kill a God?"


"I think the World can be viewed on equal terms with a God. And if thats the case then whats needed to kill God will be whats needed to kill the world. I have faith that no man can kill God. So if Man can't then perhaps a Devil can. If becoming a Devil can save this world then its a devil I will become. I will wipe it away. Erase it all. And from the Ashes I will reform it. A better world. One without hate. One without the Bestia Macht. One without Equations. I will create a world in which peace can at last be seen. A man could solve no such issues. A God refuse. So the Devil will have to step up then. About that sword... I was telling the truth. If he is to grow dull I will simply throw him away. That said. You're a fool if you think he will. I don't care not because of my title and his rank but simply because there is no need to. A sword has no need for someone to worry about it."

"I see. So thats how you feel then." Tobi snorted at that. "Then I wonder..."


"I wonder... Just what is it about those rumors that hold false information. After all. I heard the spawn you carry isn't my darling nephew or niece but rather the child of that abomination of a sword. I guess you're the type of woman who really 'loves' swords aren't you."



Oleander City...

The Trial...

"How's your arm." Ken asked staring ahead and not meeting Hero's eyes.

"Still dead."

"Can you still fight?" She asked.

"Yes. When my right arm transforms it turns into metal and no longer has nerves and can still move. As such I can move my right arm while its transformed. On top of that my power has spread down to my leg as a by product of my-"

"Thats good." Ken said flatly. "I was worried I'd lose my sparing partner."

"The two of you are quiet calm." Former Master of the Enforcers, Row Storm, mused as he let out a small chuckle. "After all we're on a trial that could result in the death of all four of us. Me, Ken Red, Hero Law, and Daughter Law. Our lives are held in the hands of four people."

"Thats right." Hero nodded. "But its fine. I'm used to having my life be held in the hands of other people. Its happened so often I suspect I've grown numb to it."

"Is the sins of a weapon out weighed by its usefulness I wonder." Master Storm hummed. "Would you wield a weapon that has slaughtered billions if that weapon is useful to you?" The old man asked.

"I wouldn't." Hero sighed. "I would rather craft my own. A weapon that can be used as a tool of justice. One that can save not just this world but all of them. A sword of justice."

"Well then sword. let us hope the judges think differently from you. You're a mere tool right now. A tool that committed sin. Its up to them to decide rather they can find value in such a sinful object. Will they be able to turn it into a tool of justice or will they throw away that which has committed evil. I wonder just how much a second chance is worth."

"We'll see what happens I guess." Ken hummed tapping her fingers on the table. "Either way. I just want to fight."

"W... We'll be okay right?" Daughter asked grabbing Hero's leg.

Hero gave one last smile. "I hope so."

The old men cleared their throats getting the attention of everyone.

"The trial of Hero Law, Daughter Law, Ken Red, and Row Storm, will now begin. Each of you are being charged under high treason for your own reasons. Row Storm you are charged with the crime of betraying your Empresses and Nation. Ken Red, you are charged with crimes against humanity, as a threat to the human race for becoming a Bestia Macht. Daughter Law, you are charged with Crimes against God and under suspicion of being a created being. Hero Law. You are charged with crimes of Murder of North Glacious, High Treason, for attempting to sleep with the Empresses of the Nation, Betrayal to your Country for turning against fellow Enforcers and protecting a Bestia Macht, withholding evidence and information, Crimes of God for being a Clone, and for creating artificial Life, as well as being a threat to the planet itself by endangering the human race. Let the trials begin."