Crimes Of All Part One

Night Two Hundred And Sixty Seven

Age 1992

Oleander City...

The Trial...

"How's your arm." Ken asked staring ahead and not meeting Hero's eyes.

"Still dead."

"Can you still fight?" She asked.

"Yes. When my right arm transforms it turns into metal and no longer has nerves and can still move. As such I can move my right arm while its transformed. On top of that my power has spread down to my leg as a by product of my-"

"Thats good." Ken said flatly. "I was worried I'd lose my sparing partner."

"The two of you are quiet calm." Former Master of the Enforcers, Row Storm, mused as he let out a small chuckle. "After all we're on a trial that could result in the death of all four of us. Me, Ken Red, Hero Law, and Daughter Law. Our lives are held in the hands of four people."

"Thats right." Hero nodded. "But its fine. I'm used to having my life be held in the hands of other people. Its happened so often I suspect I've grown numb to it."

"Is the sins of a weapon out weighed by its usefulness I wonder." Master Storm hummed. "Would you wield a weapon that has slaughtered billions if that weapon is useful to you?" The old man asked.

"I wouldn't." Hero sighed. "I would rather craft my own. A weapon that can be used as a tool of justice. One that can save not just this world but all of them. A sword of justice."

"Well then sword. let us hope the judges think differently from you. You're a mere tool right now. A tool that committed sin. Its up to them to decide rather they can find value in such a sinful object. Will they be able to turn it into a tool of justice or will they throw away that which has committed evil. I wonder just how much a second chance is worth."

"We'll see what happens I guess." Ken hummed tapping her fingers on the table. "Either way. I just want to fight."

"W... We'll be okay right?" Daughter asked grabbing Hero's leg.

Hero gave one last smile. "I hope so."

The old men cleared their throats getting the attention of everyone.

"The trial of Hero Law, Daughter Law, Ken Red, and Row Storm, will now begin. Each of you are being charged under high treason for your own reasons. Row Storm you are charged with the crime of betraying your Empresses and Nation. Ken Red, you are charged with crimes against humanity, as a threat to the human race for becoming a Bestia Macht. Daughter Law, you are charged with Crimes against God and under suspicion of being a created being. Hero Law. You are charged with crimes of Murder of North Glacious, High Treason, for attempting to sleep with the Empresses of the Nation, Betrayal to your Country for turning against fellow Enforcers and protecting a Bestia Macht, withholding evidence and information, Crimes of God for being a Clone, and for creating artificial Life, as well as being a threat to the planet itself by endangering the human race. Let the trials begin."

"Quiet the list..." Ken muttered.

"I tried to do my best." Hero smirked.

"I think we're in trouble..." Daughter sighed flinching down.

"Lets see what will happen." Master Storm said a small smile on his lips.

Many of the people stared at the four trial members. This would decide what was to happen to them. Rather they would be left alive, sent to prison, or let to die.

The Human Red, or H.R member, who had spoken cleared his throat as he began to slowly walk from one side to the other getting many looks. "Our Lady, Lady Empresses Lillian Aka, current Empresses of the Red Nation, and now a Proud member of Squad Six, has left me in charge. I have been given sole judgment in this matter. For the sake of fairness she will not be here since two members are of her Squad, and one is a friend of her Grandfathers. She is currently in Rose city under going her wedding as she speaks. We will go over each of these crimes and I will hear back from all of you and then pass my judgment as such. Mr. Storm, Ms. Red, Ms. Law, and Mr. Law. If you four give me your blessing we may begin."

"We give you our blessing." The four said all nodding.

"Good. Then let us start at the top." He announced stopping in front of Master Storm. Row Storm you are charged with the crime of betraying your Empresses and Nation. How do you plead?"

"Not Guilty. Not once did I betray my Nation or my Empresses. I simply out played you all."

The man frowned at this as Master Storm gave a small smile. "Let us look at the facts... There are several eye witnesses who saw and heard you, claim that you wouldn't let any Captains, or Vice Captains, fight a dangerous Bestia Macht that could have harmed several civilians and your Empresses. As Master it is your job to protect your Nation from Bestia Macht as was the sworn duty of you."

"There was no need for anyone to have gotten evolved." Master Storm shrugged. "In the end no one was harmed."

"Hmm... Well then. Let us move on to a second issue."

"A Second One?"

"Crimes of God is the statement of disobeying the Laws of Man and playing God. It typically does not allow a person to run experiments that can create new life, or be seen as Dangerous."

"I assume you are brining up Project Rebirth, Project Seraphin, and Project God Slayer?" Master Storm asked raising an eyebrow. "While it is true that Crimes of God do state a person is forbidden from running such experiments, a person is to not be charged with these crimes if the following things are met, God himself gives your blessing, or the Emperor, or Empresses, of your Nation, funds the project. It is true I created all three Projects and had Mr. Hyde run them, however Empress Aka's father, the former Emperor, funded them himself when he was alive. As such I can not be charged with these crimes. Its the same reason why the current project, project Anima is allowed. Empress Aka is funding it."

"Yes you are correct. Project Seraphin, Rebirth, and God Slayer, were funded and as such can not be used to charge you with. Legally you were allowed to run them. However... Master Storm. Would you please tell me what Project Devour is?"

Master Storm was silent for a moment as everyone stared at him. "Project God Slayer was a project funded by the at the time current Emperor. It was the process in creating several artificial humans. We were allowed to create three. Row, Vil, and Reaper. However. We made several more without informing the Emperor."

"An act that means you violate the laws that allow it to be legal."

"Indeed. We made four more Life Forms. This led to two more projects. Project Devour, and Project Human."

"Please inform us what these two are."

"Project Devour was the process in creating up to three more Clones. One of them was never finished and given the form of a young child. Another one was held back on the strands of DNA that made them insane much like Reaper, and the final one was exposed to the Seraphin virus to see what would happen. All three clones were given a safe code planted in them that would cause them to break apart as they aged. However the Seraphin Clone somehow negated this and was able to evolve past it. Project Devour was designed to finish our weapon. The creation that we dubbed Row, wasn't growing as well as we wanted. As such these Clones were to train in forms that he wasn't yet. They were to be given Equations that Row didn't have. Afterwards he was to devour them and replace his limbs with the ones they had. This was thought to allow him to use other Equations however it never worked out. Instead it would just power him up greatly. However we were never able to really test it out as the lab was destroyed and all clones were killed off."

"I see. And what of Project Human?"

"Project Human was a new one..." Master Storm hummed. "It was the only female creation."

"A girl?"

"That is correct. You see six of the creations were made with the same Strand of a DNA. Reaper was created with the Strand of DNA that was held within Orion Vil. This Strand was injected into Hero Law, the at the time First Squad Captain. Hero carried Reaper in her womb for nine months and gave birth to him. Reaper turned out as a failure though as Hero's DNA, mixed with Orions, didn't mix well. As such we added more Strands in our next testing. This was the creation of Row. We added my own strand, as well as a strand of Mother. The plan was for me to one day undergo Project Rebirth and place my soul and mind in Row's body. Much like before we injected this into Hero Law. She gave us our blessing. This time she was pregnant for two whole years before she finally gave birth to Row. Row nearly died and had to be sent to life support instantly. We saved him though. We had plans to make one more. This one being Vil. However at this time it was deemed Hero Law was unfit to serve. She had grown attached to Row, and Reaper, wanting to treat them as if they were her kid. It is thought that this was because she physically gave birth to them and as such grew a Mothers love. She wanted to steal the kids away and was planning on taking Alpha, one of my Four Beasts away with her. As such we took her off the project for several months. During this time we created an artificial womb and used it to create Vil. Vil was the same exact model as Row, however seemed to have several flaws to him, likely from being born from a fake human. However he was still far more stable than Reaper. As such he was placed on a back up project and would be used in the event Row died."

"I know all of this. I want to know about Project Human."

"I was getting to that... Project Human was our next Project. You see after Vil was created it gave us an idea. We wished to test what would be created better. A child born from the fake womb, or one injected into a woman that would grow. Using the Womb we created three more clones these ones being in Project Devour. They were made as exact copies of Row however their strand was designed to break down so they were just mere food. Project Human was... It was the first creating of pure life."

"Pure Life?"

"That is correct. We didn't use any of my DNA, any of Hero Laws DNA, any of Mothers DNA, nor did we use Orions."

"So she wasn't even related to Orion?"

"That is correct."

"Who did you use then?"

"Hero Law."

"But... You said-"

"Not that Hero Law. I meant the first Hero Law. The Hero Law that was around in Age One. The first ever being to wield the Heart. He is who Piero named his Daughter after of. Piero also took his last name to honor him. I used his DNA, as well as Gabriel's."

"I don't believe I know who Gabriel is?"

"They aren't important to humans... The last thing I did was inject her in a worthy human. In this case it was Angel one of my four great beasts. Angel carried the child for only seven months before it was fully grown and born. During the process the child was born health. No signs or flaws could be seen in it. Much like Hero Law Angel began to grow attached to the child. In order to stop this I used Lady Aka's powers to wipe the memories of it from her then handed the baby off to Evans a trusted friend of mine who later perfected the Seraphin Virus creating Ava. However Evans tragically died and the baby given the code name Maudite died along with him."

"I see... Any reason you ran this project?" The man asked frowning.

"We wished to see how far we could push the creation of life. But more than that Maudite was a back up plan."

"A Back up plan?"

"That is correct. Maudite was injected with a code. One that would force Row's brain to release Dopamine whenever he gazed at her. She was to be used almost as a drug of sorts. The plan was for him to fall in love with her due to his brain releasing dopamine. We would use her to keep him under control. Row was a child with God like powers. As such if he went out of control it would ruin everything. So we'd reward him for behaving by giving him Maudite. Maudite was also given a powerful mind based Equation. If Row was our sword then Maudite was our sheath. Created to keep him down. We made her female as well, so we could test to see what would happen should they conceive a child."

"I see... You're a very sick man aren't you."

"If wishing to keep a walking nuke under control makes me sick then indeed I am."

"Well. I've heard enough." The man turned to look at Ken. "I think I'll start with you next..."