Crimes Of All Part Two

Night Two Hundred And Sixty Eight

Age 1992

Oleander City...

The Trial...

Everyone stared at Master Storm as he finished speaking. They were mostly in shock by what he said and what he had admitted to. It was... So much.

So much that was wrong.

So much evil...

"Well. I've heard enough." The man turned to look at Ken. "I think I'll start with you next..."

"M... Me?" Ken asked frowning.

"Ken Red, you are charged with crimes against humanity, as a threat to the human race for becoming a Bestia Macht." He announced. "How do you plead?"

"N... Not Guilty?" Ken shrugged.

"Then. Let us look at the facts." He said stepping back. "During the last Age you were seen turning into a powerful Bestia Macht were you not?"

"I was but-"

"You transformed into the creature that we as humanity have come to hate. You are a Seraphin correct?"

"I am but-"

"Project Seraphin was created to be the bridge that would lead to the next project. The one that allowed beings to be copies of God himself. You are a monster in human form. A Weapon."

Over with Kitsune, Irene, Light, and Shelly, the four frowned. Shelly seemed really mad.

"T... They aren't even letting her get a chance to talk." Shelly hissed squeezing down on the table.

"Of course not..." Irene sighed. "That would allow her to find a way out."

"Is it rigged then?" Light asked.

"Come on Ken... Find a way out of this... You and Hero have to." Kitsune said biting his lip.

Ken sighed. "At least give me a second to speak. Yes. I am a Seraphin. That is true. I never asked to become this though. I was forced. As was any Seraphin. We were once humans. We still feel. We still hate. We still love. All humans can kill. So it only makes sense that a Seraphin something that used to be a human could kill as well. I only turned into that monster thanks to the help of an asshole who forced me to change. Its true I am unable to control my transformation like Davi or Viper. However with the help of Shelly I have been able to come back."

"Shelly? As in Shelly Kaen?"

"Thats right." Ken nodded.

"I see. You say she has been able to help you come back? Can you explain this?"

Ken's face became a little red as she looked away. "It's a little hard to explain and kind of embarrassing but... Any time I'm in that state I feel asleep. Like my mind has gone numb. I can't think straight or even hear. All I want to do his cause harm. But somehow her voice breaks through. Every time. And I feel like I'm waking up. My eyes will open and I'll be up. She's always turned me back. Even when I'm a monster."

Shelly looked away. "I... Idiot... Speaking like that is just... Hmm..."

"I see. I've heard enough." He said turning away. His eyes glanced over to Daughter. "Daughter Law, you are charged with Crimes against God and under suspicion of being a created being. How do you plead?"

"N... Not Guilty?" She said unsure shrinking down from the mans look.

"Who created you?"

"F... Father created Daughter."

"I see. And Hero Law is Father?"


"Okay. And who is your mother?"

"I... I don't have one."

"As in she's dead?"

"N... No. I never had a mom. Father Created me."

"So... He created you with his own means. There for you are a created being are you not?"

"I... I am?" Daughter shrunk down more and looked like she would cry.

"You can ease up on her. A lot of girls seem to have motherly instincts when it comes to Daughter and I don't think you'd want to make an enemy of them." Hero sighed resting his head in his left hand. The man looked around finding several of the girls in the room were glaring at him now making him clear his throat.

He let out a sigh and spoke in a less harsh way now. "I see. Is it true that you are a Bestia Macht? You created and are a piece of the Beast of Hunger, a Duke Class Bestia Macht? That piece broke off and formed you did it not?"

"I... It did?"

"I see... And what of the issue the Empresses asked."

"S... She wanted Daughter to stay near Father."

"She wanted you near Hero Law?"

"Y... Yes. Father can make Daughter suppress her power somehow."

Hero let out a sigh and tapped his fingers on the table. "It was something that woman brought up. She wanted me to stay near Daughter so we could use Daughter as a weapon. I can suppress her power with my Equation. In exchange for that Daughter and I were to be left off on that charge. On top of that we would be required to help slay the Beast of Hunger I helped create. As such Daughter honestly has no right to be here. She's free."

"Thats right then. So tell me if this story is correct. Jin Nine. A former Captain is why you exist right now. You are a created human being and a Bestia Macht. Your father Hero Law broke the law by creating you. He did this of his own free will and made you. You then became a powerful Bestia Macht who has been causing harm to others for years now. However Jin Nine former Seventh Squad Captain gave his life fighting you and broke off a portion of you. That portion became you. The being known as Daughter did it not."

"Y... Yes?" Daughter nodded. "J... Jin saved me. Told me to... To live."

"Y... You spoke with Jin?" Kitsune announced standing up and getting everyone to look at him. "You spoke with my big brother?"


"Kitsune Nine please sit down. No further questions." The man said as he turned to the last one now. "Hero Law. You are charged with crimes of Murder of North Glacious, High Treason, for attempting to sleep with the Empresses of the Nation, Betrayal to your Country for turning against fellow Enforcers and protecting a Bestia Macht, withholding evidence and information, Crimes of God for being a Clone, and for creating artificial Life, as well as being a threat to the planet itself by endangering the human race. How do you plead?" He asked.

Hero gave a smirk resting his left arm on the table. "That should be obvious. I plead Guilty of course." He said shocking everyone. "Everything I true. I did all of that."

"H... Hero?" Ken asked with wide eyes.

Over witht eh Squad Two table Brave frowned. "Uh... Hella. I'm not the smartest knife in the crayon box but is he supposed to admit that he's guilty?"

"He is not." Hella sighed pinching her nose. "He just screwed up."

"I don't think so." Fate mused. "I think this is the hand he wishes to play with."

"Hero..." Thorn cocked her head to the side. "He's quiet childish."

Mary, the current Master of the Enforcers, bit her lip as she watched the trial. "What is he thinking..."

"Your sons pretty ballsy new Master." Zane snickered.

"My..." Angel said raising an eyebrow. "I was shocked when I learned what Master Storm did to me. And it all had to do with him."

"Hero was... The child of my Hero..." Alpha said frowning as flashes of the female Hero Law went through his mind.

"What a fool." Ward sighed.

The man frowned staring at Hero. "I was told you would be a problem. But... For you to actually agree with sleeping with the Empresses is..." He gritted his teeth and shook his head. "Let us start from the top. Did you Murder North Glacious."

"Yes." Hero announced making Snow and Irene both look away.

"T... Teach really killed a guy?" Vow asked frowning. "And Snow... It was your brother?"

"Y... Yeah." Snow nodded. "I... I knew already. My sister told me."

"Hero..." Leo frowned as he watched the back of Hero Law. "Whats your end game?"


"Because if I didn't Ken would have."

"I see... So you wanted to spare Ken the burden and did it yourself?"

"Not entirely. Some part of me just hated him. So I rammed my right arm through his chest as hard as I could. I took his life in between my hands and stared him dead in the eyes as I squeezed it and ended him."

"I heard that North was actually a traitor to the Enforcers. Upon his death the Enforcers came out with a lie that he died in battle and was a tragic hero. However I have since been informed he betrayed his Country."

"He was turning people into Bestia Machts." Hero sighed. "And he was a member of the Organization."

"I see. Okay then. That helps. And you knew about this?"

"Yes. I didn't say anything though."

"Did anyone else from your Squad know?"

"Nope. Just me and Ken. We told the rest of the Squad he was a hero and all that jazz and a Bestia Macht killed him." Hero lied waving it off.

"Alright then... Onto the second point... The rumor of you attempting to seduce the Empresses... Is it true?"

"Of course not."

"I see. So you-"

"She seduced me."


"She called me back to her room herself. And we-"



The man seemed to compose himself for a moment letting out a small sigh. "Tell me... Is the child that is within the ladies womb yours?"

"Of course not. After all. She said it herself. The child is Jackson Storms. Unless you're calling the Empresses a liar?"

The man scowled for a moment. "Is it true you stopped several Enforcers from slaying a Bestia Macht and threatened them."

"Thats right. The Bestia Macht was Ken. I told them all the truth. That I would kill each and every one of them if they harmed her."

"Hmm... On to the last points then. Are you a clone?"

"That I am. But before you start getting onto that I'm one of the funded ones meaning my creation was legal."

"I find that hard to believe."


"You see... We were informed of three Clones. Reaper. Vil. and Row. None of the official clones bare the name Hero Law. As such you can not be an official one."

"Thats a dirty trick... I assume you know my body is Row's."

"I'm afraid I don't and as there are no ways for you to prove it I'm afraid you'll have to be marked as one of the ones who were made without our input. There for that is a crime." He announced.

"Yeah whatever..."

"Now... Onto your other crime of God. You created Daughter did you not?"

"I did."

"I see. And that was done without the Emperor or Empresses funding making it a crime."

"It is." Hero said giving a shrug. "I was a kid when I made her. That said I'll take full reasonability for the creation of her. If thats a crime then so be it. It's as simple as that."

"Lastly... The issue of you being a threat to the entire planet."

"I beg your pardon?"

"One week ago you were placed in the hospital were you not."

"I was..."

"And during that time it was attacked... Also during that time the sky itself was blasted apart. Was that you?"

"...It was..."

"I see. So you have the power to blast a hole through the black sky."

"Not anymore."


"I built up a lot of power. Enough to do that. And I forced it all into a single black spike. It was small and thin but held the power of a hundred exploding nukes. However the power was so great it forced my right arm to revert back to its human state. As such I had to stab out with the spike in my right arm. The human limb simply can't handle a portion of that. As such all nerves in it were fried beyond repair. My arm simply stopped working. You can see the results to. I doubt I could use that again without causing serious damage. Currently some repairs are being done on me to heal or fix portions of this damage but I still permanently harmed myself. The same is true with my aura form the GSA, or God Striking Aura."

"Hmm... I see then. I think its time I move onto the next part."

"Next part?"

"I'll be asking others what they think. Lets see what your piers think." He announced.