Crimes Of All Part Three

Night Two Hundred And Sixty Nine

Age 1992

Oleander City...

The Trial...

"Do you swear to tell the truth of Man, and only that which is the truth?" The man who was running the trial asked.

"I do swear that on my own life and my pride I will follow the rules that have been set out for me." Mary stated nodding her head.

Currently she was in front of the judges standing on a small wooden slope over looking most of them.

"Very well then." The man nodded his head as he began to flip through a book of notes that he had. "You are Mary Law. The forth person to ever hold the title of Master of the Enforcers correct?"

"That is correct." Mary said nodding her head. "The first Master was Orion Vil. After him was Hero Law the first human to ever wield an Equation, and the holder of the Heart. After he perished in battle against the Prince Bestia Macht, the title was then passed down to Master Storm who has had it for over one thousand Ages. I am now the Fourth holder of the title."

"I see. I brought you up here to speak for them for several reasons. The first being you are well acquainted with Hero Law, and Row Storm. Also you were one of the people who worked on Project Rebirth and Seraphin. Lastly you were present when Lady Aka made the choice of allowing the Bestia Macht that goes by Daughter live. Is any of this information false?"

"No sir." Mary shook her head. "I am a very close team member of Master Storm having been a Captain to Squad One. I also consider Hero Law as my child and am very fond of Daughter Law. However I do not know much about Ken Red other then she is friends with Hero. As such I do not think my information on her should be valid."

"Noted. Now you say you were a Captain of Squad One. Lets start there. Is it true that you used to be someone else?"

"That is correct. I used to be both Mary Law, and Okami Otoko. However Okami was killed in the line of duty and a portion of his powers and souls were infused into Mary Law's body. As such I consider myself to be a new being all together that has the memories and thoughts of both. I only took the name Mary as it was easier to explain. I have all of Okami's powers though I am far weaker then he used to be hence why I was demoted to Vice Captain of Squad Two."

"How exactly did Okami Otoko come to die then?"


"You have to answer Ms. Law."

"...Okami Otoko met his death at the hands of the Beast of Hunger..." Mary muttered out a scowl on her face now.

"Ahh yes. The Beast Of Hunger. The very same creature that Daughter used to be apart of, and the same one Hero Law created. In a way you could say they had something to do with his death-"

"I don't see it that way at all..."

"It isn't about how you see it though is it." The man mused a small smirk on his lips as he turned his page. "The end result was it killed off a very powerful and respected Enforcer. Their actions can't be over looked... Now... Were you aware of Hero Law killing North Glacious?"

"No. Not until the trial..."

"I see. North Glacious has been proven to be a traitor due to evidence that has since been released. As such Hero Law can not be charged with the murder of that. In fact I would reward him. That being said. He will be charged with the murder of Okami Otoko. Thank you for that information Ms. Law. Now then. Let us move on to questions of Master Storm. Tell me. How did you end up as a Second Generation creation?"

"I do not know. I would have to guess that Row Storm turned Okami into one without my- Or rather his knowledge. Then some way it ended up in my- Or rather Mary's hands."

"But this is all just guess work of yours correct?"

"Yes sir."

"I see. And you were there in the arena correct. So you personally would have seen the girl known as Ken Red turn into a Bestia Macht, as well as Row Storm seemingly having a mental break down and being captured?"

"Yes Sir. I also saw the fact that, that girl, Ken Red, didn't harm anyone to seriously."

"The hospital reports and Athena would beg to differ... That said it is noted. That will be all I need from you Master Law. Next please." Mary gave a small bow and stepped down. A new person stepped forward. This one being Athena the Captain of Squad Twelve. Much like Mary she took the stand a small frown on her face already. "I'll be questioning you next Miss Athena. My first question is the damage the Bestia Macht caused during the attack. Were there any serious issues?"

"None were life threatening. Some forced people to be in a bed for a few days, or a week at most." Athena sighed. "The most serious case being Shelly Kaen, who had to have several new organs created after her impalement."

"I see. In that case... Lets move on to your second patient. During the games you were asked to head back to Oleander City with Hero Law and keep him in intense care. Will you tell me why?"

Athena folded her arms and tapped her foot in annoyance. "Normally no. patient confidentiality and all that... But I'm guessing you couldn't care less about that rule. I'll only let you know what is needed... In short Hero had to be rushed to Oleanders state of the art hospital. In his fight with Ava nearly every bone in his body was broken, and every bone was cracked or shattered. All muscles had been torn or pulled. Many of his blood vessels popped, and his body had over heated leaving severe internal burns. Many cells died off, and several nerves became fried. Lastly he had many cuts and bruises. Those being the most mild damage."

"I see. Ava Vil was who he fought correct?"


"And she to is a Seraphin. If she is able to do that to someone then that goes to show that someone like Ken Red is just as dangerous would it not?"

"I suppose in a sense but you should know more." Athena sighed leaning forward on the stand and propping her arms up. "The cuts and bruises were caused by Ava. Everything is. That was all self harm."

"W... What?"

"Thats right." Athena smirked. "So if you're trying to claim that because Hero got messed up in his fight all Seraphins are dangerous then you should know that most of his damage was caused by his own hands. The GSA, or the God Striking Aura, as he loves to call it, a powerful form that greatly pushes the body to its limit and over heats. That caused his nerves and cells to die, his bones to shatter, his muscles to give out, and his body to fully break down. It was so much damage that when he used the attack version he fried all nerves in his right arm to the point that I, as well as Doctor Newt Hyde are currently trying to rebuild his nerves. Hero can't use his right arm anymore and its all thanks to himself not that Ava girl."

"...No further questions." The man sighed letting out a small growl. "Get off the stand. I have one last person to talk to. Next!" Athena gave a small bow and stepped down as one last girl stepped up. Shelly Kaen. She had an annoyed look on her face and her arms were already folded her foot tapping.

"Oh no." Hero said flatly. "Shelly's representing us... Everyone but Ken, is screwed."

"Yes." Ken fist pumped the air a smirk growing onto her face.

"Let's get this over with already." Shelly sighed her foot tapping faster.

"...Very well. First question. You were not always a member of Squad Six were you?"

"No. I used to be a member of Squad One but was demoted."

"And why Squad Six?"

"Because Fate is nothing if not a cruel mistress."

"You don't know then? Very well. While in Squad One were you ever suspicious of North Glacious? And if so when?"

"Yes I was suspicious of him. I became suspicious when out of the blue he turned to me and said 'hey Shelly! I'm a member of the Organization and we want to make a peaceful world by turning people into f##king Monsters, and I want you to help me out, because I'm insane!' and then he knocked me out when I refused him."

"I'm assuming that wasn't what he actually said?"

"...No. He did tell me he was a member of the Organization and that he had been the one turning people into Bestia Macht. I freaked out and told him I had to report that. It wasn't a smart move on my part but I was in shock. He seemed surprised and then knocked me out. I came to underground. The catacombs was where we were. He dragged be down there... As well as a bunch of kids and he... One by one he..." Shelly went silent and shook her head and looked as if she was on the verge of tears for a moment but put herself back together. "Afterwards he was going to infect me. But Ken showed up and fought him off. She transformed into her Seraphin state and I was able to get her back to normal. During that time though we were both stabbed. Before he could kill us though Hero showed up and... Well it ended in the death of North."

"I see. So North was a traitor as I said and Hero can not be charged with murder for that. However... North died in a brutal way wouldn't you say? A fist through the chest. Surely there were more humane ways to-"

"No. The bastard had a too good death if you ask me. After what he did to those kids... If theres a hell I know he's there." Shelly hissed out small puffs of flames coming off of her. "As far as I'm concerned a punch through the heart was to painless. I'd have made him suffer."

"...I see... Okay then... Moving on. You said during the fight Ken Red transformed?"

"Yes. Ken underwent her form to keep up with North. She was even beating him. However I hate her in that state. So I did everything to change her back."

"Ken Red turned into a full on Bestia Macht and you were able to change her back to normal with your words then as well were you not?"

"I was." Shelly nodded.


"I... Don't know."

"You don't know?"

"What do you want from me?" Shelly shrugged. "Call it whatever you want. Maybe I speak a better way, maybe I try harder, maybe its the power of love, or I'm simply just special. At the end of the day I don't know why I can get her to calm down."

"Hmm... And what of Daughter Law?"

"Uh... What about her?"

"How do you feel about her."

"Well... Honestly I like her..." Shelly said tapping her fingers together. "I never really had a little sister and I guess in a way I sort of view her like that... I sometimes get annoyed at Hero to... He's very young. More like her older brother than actual dad but she insist on calling him father. He treats her more like a sister though. At first he was distant with her and it really rubbed me the wrong way. I had half a mind to scream and yell at him. But I didn't. Now he seems to be dong a somewhat acceptable job so I'm find with it."

"Has Daughter Law ever shown any signs of hostility."

"As far as I know she's never even fought so no..." Shelly sighed.

"Very well then." The man turned around. "I think that I have heard enough. I will consult my notes and go over the new information and then make my choice. I will return." He said as he began to walk to a door that led to a back room.

Hero tapped his fingers on the table. "I don't feel safe." He hummed.

"Me either..." Daughter shook as she held onto Hero's arm.

"We shall see." Master Storm chuckled.

"I wish we could just get a trial by combat and get it over with." Ken sighed. "Wonder what he has to go over..."

Meanwhile in the back room...

The man came to a stop and pulled out his phone. "Its me." He said as soon as it dialed a number and someone picked up. "I did as you told me to. I went over everything that I could to make a case on all of them. Now if any of them step out of line we will have this to get them back under control."

"Very good." The Empresses of the Red Nation said, her voice coming out of the phone. "In that case. Follow the next steps. Those three kids are all useful to me as playing cards. I want them back in my Squad. The old fool can rot however. He's to much of a wild card. They will know to behave themselves after this."

"As you command my lady." The man clicked off the phone and gave a small smile. "Stacking the hand before the game can begin. Truly a sinful way to win."