
Night Two Hundred And Seventy

Age 1992

Oleander City...

The Trial...

"So... What exactly will happen to Lady Ken?" Vow asked.

"Lady... Ken... Never mind." Snow sighed shaking her head. "I don't think I want to know. As for whats about to happen... Who's to say? Its all been up to that man. He went over all his notes and asked his questions. I wish these were like the old days in the books. They say trials humans used were different. These ones are unfair... He asks all questions, and gets all answers, then he alone is able to decide on the choice of action that happens to them. He can give them anywhere from being left off, or getting the death penalty. Honestly it's all up to him."

"That... Doesn't sound fair." Vow frowned.

"Well thats life for you." Leo shrugged. "I guess Nobles like you wouldn't have to worry about it to much since you guys get away with everything. Speaking of which. Whats up with calling that Ken chick a lady?"

"Oh that?" Vow let out a hum. "Well... Last Age I was... I was in another state of mind. I was an idiot and did a lot of dumb things... It nearly caused me and my friends to be killed by Bestia Macht. But before we could Ken... She saved me."



"I think they're all weird." Snow sighed resting her head on the table. "My sister told me a bit about them all. Hero Law, Kitsune Nine, Light No Last Name, Ken Red, and Shelly Kaen. Honestly they're all a little much. Still... I'm glad that I was placed in the same Squad as my sis. And... And Hero has been a good boss I guess. Better him then that Ken girl or Kitsune boy."

Ahead of them on the table Kitsune and Irene were quietly talking. "I don't know why we even had to have this..." Kitsune said quietly a bored look on his face. "A new episode of Scarlet Strings came out and I'd like to watch it."

"Scarlet Strings?" Irene asked raising an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah its this t.v show where this girl named-"

"Yeah I don't care, sorry I asked." Irene said flatly turning away. "Anyways... I know what you mean... They already decided on what would happen before this trial. It was all rigged. As for why we had it... Likely to scare Daughter and Ken into behaving."

"Not Hero?"

"I don't think he cares." She said staring at Hero's back.

Before anyone else could say anything else the door to the back room opened as the judge came out. "I've made up my mind on what will happen. I've gone over everything and now know what must be done."

"Yay." Hero said dryly causing some people to shoot him some dirty looks but he didn't seem to really mind it.

The judge allowed a dry sigh to escape his lips as his eyes glanced over each and every one of the four members who were on trial. "First I'll start with Daughter Law. You have been found innocent and all charges will be dropped as long as the following conditions are met. You will remain loyal to the Red Nation, you will one day serve the Enforcers when you come of Age, you will put your life on the line for the World, and you will serve as a great weapon that we may hone. Should these conditions not be met you shall be put to death. Ken Red. You have been found innocent and all charges will be dropped, as long as you remain within the Enforcers, as a member of Squad Six, further more you are banned from using any of your Seraphin forms without consent from your Squad Captain. You are sentenced to execution should these conditions not be met. Hero Law. You are found not guilty."

"...Uh? Is that all?" Hero asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes thats all."

"Wait? I don't get a whole 'these conditions must be met or I die' thing?"

"You do not."

"Oh what am I not special enough?"

"Hero... Are you taking offense at the fact you won't be executed if you step out of line..." Ken asked flatly.

"A little yeah?"

The man sighed pinching his nose. "And lastly but not least. Row Storm. Former Master of the Enforcers. You are here by found Guilty of all charges. However. Due to your many years of service and bringing forth great fortune to our Nation I have elected to go easy on you. You will not be sentenced to death. Instead I sentence you to life In prison. You shall be sent to Nightshade the Prison Nation where you will live out the rest of your days forced to know that in the end you just weren't clever enough."

Master Storm let out a small hum. "I see. I am not to shocked if I am being honest. I figured that was my fate the moment the trial began."

Over at the Squad Six Table they all rested as the trial seemed to finally come to an end. Each of the members of the group all had their own thoughts on the matter. The first group was the one of the three new recruits, those being Vow, Snow, and Leo.

"Yes." Snow fist bumped. "They're pretty much free to go right? As long as they follow the rules then Ken and Daughter don't have to worry about being killed off, and Mr. Hero isn't even being charged with anything."

"But why would Mr. Hero not be charged with anything?" Vow asked.

"Who cares?"

"I do. I mean... Its weird. He had the most crimes he was accused of and many seemed to be serious. Far more then Kens at least." Vow frowned.

"I can't believe I'm about to say this." Leo hummed. "But... Vow sort of has a point."


"It doesn't make any sense... Why would he just let them all go. Throughout the entire trial he was cracking down on them pretty hard and accusing them of many things. I can't see him just letting them go randomly out of the blue like that... There has to be more to it then that right..." He asked.

"I... I guess..." Snow frowned. "But then... What was the end game?"

The second group were the Bronze rank badged members, that being Shelly, Irene, Light, and Kitsune. "So... In the end Hero, Ken, and Daughter, all got off with everything scot free..." Shelly said frowning. "Yeah this was rigged from the start. No way any of them would get away with even half of that."

"Well. Rigged or not I'm just glad they aren't going to be killed." Kitsune announced.

"Think for a moment would you." Irene sighed as she smacked him over the head and then folded her arms. "There would have to be a reason they would simply be allowed to go. Other wise they'd be put to death. This means they have some use."

"So? If they have some use it means they won't just be killed right." Kitsune asked frowning.

"Thats true. But... It does mean the Empresses is still just using them, and likely even us. And... Who's to say she'll keep us around when she's done." Irene said scowling. "Either way you look at it, its not good."

"What do you think Light?" Kitsune asked. There was no response making him turn to the blind boy. "Light?"

"Huh what?" Light asked jumping and turning to Kitsune. "Oh? Is the trial over?" He asked with wide eyes.

Kitsune stared at Light for a moment raising an eyebrow. "Whats up with you?" Kitsune questioned a frown forming onto his face as he eyed the blind boy up. "I mean. I would have thought you'd have jumped for joy when you found out Hero, Ken, and Daughter, were being let off with no charges at all. But you've been sitting there totally spaced out."

"S... Sorry." Light admitted shrugging. "I just... Feel... Weird."

"Weird how." Kitsune asked suddenly alarmed. "You're the best sensing person we got on our team. Do you sense anything weird?"

"M... Maybe. But I don't know how to explain it. I have no idea if something good is about to happen or bad. And anytime I try to focus on it I find myself lost in thought my mind suddenly wandering away from me. Its... Weird."

"That doesn't sound good..." Shelly frowned.

Further up on the table Katrina rested staring at Ken, and Hero. "So. In the end they were able to be left off huh."

"Thank God." Hannah sighed. "I thought I was gonna have to pull a prison break out and phase Hero and myself out of jail."

"Hmm... Seems a little odd doesn't it." Dawson muttered. "I wish Jackson were here... He could give us a better input on the situation."

"In the end does it matter?" Santa asked cocking his head to the side. "They got off scot free right?"


The man folded his arms. "That will be all for today." He said. "We can pick up-"

"Oh Good. You're finally done. Honestly I was getting really bored watching all this political stuff play out." A voice said echoing through out the room.

Hero's eyes went wide when he heard it. "But thats-"

Before he could even finish what he was about to say she dropped down. She must have been high above as seconds later she came down landing on the table with ease crouched down standing in front of Ken, Daughter, Storm, and Hero, her back to them as she faced the judge. Hero Law, also known as the Jester, also known as the leader of the Organization, was here.

"What the hell?" Ken asked with wide eyes.

"Hello." Jester said in a pretty blank tone turning around. "I need to borrow somethings."

Hero jumped up to his feet slicing out with his cane but in a flash of black light, him, Snow, Vow, and Leo, as well as the Jester, vanished, leaving everyone else standing there with wide eyes.

"W... What the hell just happened?" Ken asked.