Flower Bestia Macht

Night Two Hundred And Seventy Two

A living organism that feeds on organic matter, typically having specialized sense organs and nervous system and able to respond rapidly to stimuli. "Wild animals adapt badly to a caged life."

Relating to or characteristic of people or human beings. "The human body sure can do a lot and yet so little at the same time..."

The seed-bearing part of a plant, consisting of reproductive organs, stamens and carpels that are typically surrounded by a brightly colored corolla, petals and a green calyx, sepals. "Flowers are calmer than man, and tamer than a beast."

The process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth. "Life... Will always find a way. Be it man made, or natural. All things can hold the desire and want to live."

Age 1992

The City Of Chrysanthemum...

"W... What the hell kind of Bestia Macht is this guy?" Hero asked eyeing the new figure up as it landed on the ground dropping out of the portal Jester had created.

"Oh. He's a special kind of one." Jester stated. She rested on the roof of a building now her legs crossed and her arms folded. "It took me quiet a while to make it. And I did it all without the help of that damn science man Mr. Hyde."

Hero stared as it finished dropping out of the portal and he eyed it up. It wasn't what he had been expecting. He didn't think he'd had been able to expect this.

This thing looked oddly enough like an egg.


An egg, egg. Not a crazy egg or anything.

Just a large black egg.

It was large. About ten feet tall and very round. It was a pitch black and there was nothing on it. It was just a smooth egg.

"Is... This it?" Hero asked frowning.

"Give him a few moments." Jester smirked taking her mask off. "He needs some seconds to hatch. He was just finished today after all. I wanted to test out the limits of evolution you know. Equations are part of it. They evolve things. That man in the Enforcers. Son of Mr. Hyde. He made those Anima using Equation energy. Equations are made up of pure Manta, which is the Equation of Life and hold the secrets to Evolution. A Bestia Macht is made up of Dark Matter. So I got a thought. What would happen if I took the workings of a Bestia Macht and replaced all that Dark Matter with the Equation of Life. What would happen if I created a Bestia Macht out of Mantra instead of Dark Matter. What would it make?"

"Are you insane? I'm not a science nerd but I know enough, to get that, thats a very dumb and stupid idea-"


Hero and Jester went silent their eyes darting down to the egg as a loud cracking sound could be heard. Slowly a crack began to appear. Then a second one. And then a third one. And then a forth. A fifth... A sixth... More cracks began to seep across it and from the cracks a white light shined out. One that seemed to belong to that of the light an Equation would have.

And with one last loud crack the egg shattered opening all the way and unleashing the Bestia Macht...

Bestia Macht as far as Hero knew were always animal like creatures. Some would look like larger versions of animals. Some looked like weird fused animals. Some looked like over lapping creatures.

The main point being all Bestia Macht looked like Animals.

The only exception to this being the human turned Bestia Macht which looked like mutated monster like humans.

The Bestia Macht before Hero though was neither of these things...

This thing was...

A Flower?

The creatures body seemed to be more human like to an extent. It was a pale white creature who had a torso as well as a head. Its body was pitch white with no mouth, eyes, ears, nose, or anything. It didn't have arms nor did it have legs. Instead a set of pale white liquidy roots stabbed out of its torso fusing it to the ground. From its back was its deadly weapon. A single massive vine like whip. The whip itself seemed to reach out to be twenty meters long and was wide and thick covered in many thorns that were all razor sharp and long. It would rip apart anything that touched it.

"T... That is a little absurd. A flower Bestia Macht? It doesn't even have legs? Or arms." Hero snickered. "Whats it going to do-"

The Vine slashed through and in a single swiped took down every building other then the One Jester stood on, leaving the entire city as an empty space of nothing but rubble and a single building.

Hero's eyes were wide as he looked around at all the open space they now had. Even the walls had been torn down with that strike.

"Don't worry." Jester called out. "Nobody was here. This city was rendered useless and its people moved away. The plan had been to rebuild it so they could use it again but now... Well." Her smirked grew as she grabbed her mask which she had taken off and slipped it back onto her face. "Hide. Play with your new brother."

And with that odd command, that was all it took for the battle to begin.

Hero's arm shifted back into his large white clawed form as he ripped his sword out of the ground with his left arm and jumped to the side right in the nick of time as the vine slammed down in the spot he had been. The force of the attack was so powerful a gust of wind exploded out throwing Hero back as he tumbled through the rocks. He used his hand to slowly his fall and pushed off the ground with his legs as his hand caught on fire with green flames and a golden aura appeared around his body.

"God Striking Aura." He announced loudly.

Hero moved like a blur now that the aura was on seemingly jumping from spot to fast instantly, though Jester could still follow his movements. He appeared all around Hide, the Bestia Macht, as his speed was so great with his aura he was creating an after image effect all around him. In a single moment he stopped slashing out with his sword and sending out a wave of wind which flew at Hide who's tendril vine wrapped around him blocking the attack and keeping him safe the wind blade not even harming the limb.

Hero came to a stop as the aura vanished around him. "Well that didn't work." He hummed.

Jester frowned as she stared down at him. "That aura... Its quiet something. He flooded his body with pure life energy and that golden aura was seeping out of him from how much it was. Its not Manta. Rather something else in and of itself. So much energy. In that mode he boosted his speed, and strength to beyond their limits. I also suspect his senses get boosted as well allowing him to see and hear in that mode since otherwise his speed would be to great. It sounds good on paper but it seems far to risky. That much energy would eat away at your body. You'd become exhausted quickly and it produces heat which would burn you. To many uses and you'd burn up to ash. I'd put its power slightly lower than a Level Two. Honestly it really is quiet useless. It takes to much energy, harms the user, and is still weaker than a level two. You'd be better off just leveling up then working on improving such a useless power." She mused mostly to herself.

"I don't disagree with you." Hero shrugged his smile coming back. "Honestly I'd love to get a level two form and not have to use it. That said... Part of me is still being held back. A part of me I haven't come to terms with yet. And until I deal with that this form is it. I've improved my arm to its limits. It can't get stronger. So instead I've created new attacks and improved what I already know. I'll show you just how far I can go." Hero announced closing his eyes as his Crest lit up. "With this!"

The image in front of Hero distorted and twisted and seconds later a second Hero appeared!


"T... Two of them?" Jester asked with wide eyes.

The two Hero's high fived each other both smirking. "I figured out a bit of this Crest thingy. I used this cloning thing for the first time on Four. He failed to see through the trick. Like Hella, or Row, I can make dolls. Though so far I can only make one doll at a time, and that doll is always myself."

"And!" Second Hero announced proudly. "I'm super weak!"

"Other me you shouldn't brag about that..."


"But yeah he's super weak!" Hero announced raising his cane sword. "He has only about 10% of my max power. Meaning if I'm a 100 he's a 10. Honestly. This clone is even weaker then the me when I first joined the Enforcers."

"Then... Why make him at all?" Jester asked. "He's to weak to even damage people at your level. And he'd be slow..."

"Because. I can do this." Hero grabbed the clone and jumped into the air. "Explosive attack!" He announced throwing the clone at Jester catching her off guard. The clone slammed into her wrapping its arms around her as it lit up and exploded in a hail of green energy using all the power it had to self destruct. "I can have it cause the energy within it to blow up. I basically made a bomb. Sadly I can only make about three of them a day so far as it takes a lot of power."

Jester flew back rolling across the ground steam rising off of her body which was burned, green flames still falling off of her as she took her mask off showing she wasn't happy. "Hide. Kill."

The tendril slammed down but before it could hit Hero a second clone appeared shoving him out of the way and leaving Hero with just one more use of that ability. The tendril slammed down into the clone crushing it in one attack. Hero flipped over landing back on his feet.

He closed his eyes as the golden aura reappeared around him. "Time to take it up a notch." He announced. "God Striking Aura Mark Two." The aura exploded into a black color and for a moment the image of a squid appeared around him making Jesters eyes widen. Hero crouched down and blasted forward moving even faster towards the creature as he once again became a fast moving blur. This aura was even stronger. And thats not all he could do in this mode as he slashed his right arm up the darkness itself bending and twisting firing out like arrows at the Bestia Macht.

Hide did his best to block the strikes his tendril seeping out at fast speeds and whipping around somehow blocking most of the dark spike arrows that were launched at it. Its eyes glared at Hero who was moving through the air almost flying as he kicked off of it at high speeds creating large bursts in the air. The Bestia Macht let out a loud roaring sound that was muffled as it didn't have a mouth its tendril slamming down once more. The tendril missed Hero who was still in the air and instead slammed down into the ground.

"Heres my chance..." Hero spun his body as soon as the tendril touched the ground. His black aura grew even larger as the aura of a squid appeared around him and eight shadowy tentacles seeped out wrapping around the one building Jester was on making her eyes go wide when she saw it. The tentacles used the building to sling shot Hero high into the air then fired down and slammed him into the ground. As Hero dropped he held his sword right his transformed clawed hand and used its power to smash the blade into the Bestia Machts tendril and impale it to the floor making it howl in pain. "Here we go." Hero announced running forward and up the tendril.

Jester frowned staring at Hero. "He got stronger but... Not by much... No... Actually I think he's weaker then when he didn't have that aura? Is he holding back or..."

The Bestia Machts limb was stuck meaning it had no way to block or protect itself from an attack leaving it wide open!

Hero jumped into the air spinning around and raised his right leg up as the pants leg burned away showing his right leg which was now covered in black flames as the veins pumped out more aura. "Eventful!" He dropped down towards the beast kicking down and creating a wave of shadowy darkness. "Im..." The flames grew even brighter. "Pact!"

The Bestia Machts tendril ripped out of the ground and threw the sword in the air and towards Hero right before he could reach it!

The sword spun and sliced Hero in half from the middle as his eyes went wide.

As his upperhalf fell it managed a smirk as he glowed and exploded in a hail of black flames!

"It was a clone!" Jester said with wide eyes. "Thats why I thought he was weaker! When he was swinging around he created a clone and had it use that black aura move! Because the clone is weaker than him it was still weaker with its aura! Damn! Then! Where the hell is the real one-"

"Up Here!" Jester and the Bestia Macht looked up finding Hero was high in the air. He fell his arm morphing into its gun form as he slammed it down and it began to glow with a pitch black light. "This is it. My strongest attack!"

"Kill him before he fires it!" Jester yelled in a panic.

The Bestia Macht stabbed up towards the falling brat its tendril stabbing towards him! It would reach him before he could fire for sure-

Its tendril hit empty air as Hero vanished.

"W... What?" Jester asked with wide eyes. "I... I don't sense him anywhere. Where the hell did he go? He's gone-" Hero reappeared out of thin air landing on the shoulders of the beast his eyes wide and his face a grin as he slammed the gun into its head. "H... He teleported?"

And with that Hero fired a beam of energy exploding out of his gun and slamming into the beast point blank range...